Summerslam 2014 Card Discussion


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Iwas thinking we have a WrestleMania XXX card discussion why not a Summerslam one.So based off of the way WWE has booked Wrestlemania and their plans going foward what do you think the Summerslam 2014 card will/should look like.I think the card should look like...
Sting vs Kane-I think Sting will need a tune up match for Taker.If he is indeed signed/signing with WWE and facing Taker at WrestleMania 31 then he should face a similar opponent in the deadman's brother Kane.
John Cena vs Batista vs Daniel Bryan(c)*(WWE hvt. title) Simple WWE want Batista in the Summerslam title match against Bryan or Cena.Why not make it a triple threat.You can continue the Cena doubt story,Bryan push,and Batista deal with it heel turn story's in the title match.Have Bryan win and Cena and Batista can take their time off.
Roman Reigns* vs Triple H The match that almost happened at WrestleMania Reigns vs Triple H I.This could be after Reigns snaps and breaks from The Shield he begins a program with Triple H about being sick of The Authority.
Brock Lesnar vs Randy Orton*Randy is raged the night after WrestleMania after losing the title.Lesnar attacks him taking him out claiming to be sick of his crying like a bitch.Randy returns turning face beating up Lesnar setting this up.
Sheamus vs Bray Wyatt* Wyatt is after his next victim Sheamus.After beating Cena twice,winning MITB.He feuds with Sheamus getting him to turn heel.
The New Shield (Ambrose,Rollins) vs The Uso's* (WWE Tag Titles)Ambrose and Rollins wants to prove they don't need Reigns and challenges The Uso's for the tag titles.
Big Show vs Alexander Russev*Russev get's a huge win.
IC/US title unification match: Cesaro* (US champ) vs Dolph Ziggler vs Alberto Del Rio (IC champ) vs Rey Mysterio vs Cody RhodesUnify the titles at Summerslam and have Cesaro win to continue his push.
Naomi (heel)* vs Cameron (Diva's title) The new champ Naomi wins and continue a heel turn.Which she starts after winning the title at WrestleMania.
Christian vs Goldust* (loser retires)End of one of these legends career's.
Mark Henry vs Big E* I Henry cost Big E his title at Battleground to prove he is still the WSS around here beginning a feud.A rematch can happen at WrestleMania 31 with Henry's career on the line.

Your turn.
I actually like this card a lot and would only make a few slight changes to it.

I would put Cody Rhodes vs. Goldust in a career match. This should be happening at WM30 and I don't understand why it isn't. It'd make for a great opening match and a great storyline. Especially if Goldust played the heel and Dusty got involved.

I'd take Mysterio and Cody out of the IC/US unification match and replace them with Bad News Barrett to make it a fatal 4-way. Maybe Mysterio could go up against Christian (if neither are injured, which is unlikely).

Sheamus should face Lesnar and Orton should face Wyatt. I think those would make better feuds.

I do think the Divas Title match has to involve AJ. She's the only reason it even still has a pulse.

But other than that, good card. I agree with everything else.
How it will look like and how it should look like are completely different in my mind. I'm going to go with how I think it will look like though. Here we go:

1. WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Batista (c)

Batista beats Daniel Bryan for the title at Battleground and John Cena becomes the #1 contender. They build this up as some huge match as if it never happened before.

2. Daniel Bryan vs. Brock Lesnar

Daniel probably loses his rematch for the title via Brock interference. Either the Authority hired him to get rid of DB, or Paul just wants to send a message and declare himself the top contender for the title.

3. Roman Reigns vs. Randy Orton

After Dean and Seth turn on Roman to join up with the Authority, they have a series of matches in the intermediate PPVs. But once Roman overcomes them, the Authority send the Viper for his head.

4. Cesaro vs. The Big Show

Big Show does his yearly turn, and goes after Cesaro, who probably tried swinging him in a match and pissed him off. Cesaro gets to do the full swing here though.

5. Sheamus vs. Bad News Barrett

Sheamus is sick of the bad news.

6. WWE Intercontinental Championship: Rey Mysterio (c) vs. Bray Wyatt

With Rey singing another contract, WWE probably gives him the midcard title to appease him for a while. Bray will be a little directionless after his feud with Cena, so they'll move it onto him here at SummerSlam.

7. WWE Tag Team Championship: Big E and Mark Henry vs. Dolph Ziggler and The Miz (c) vs. Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose vs. Luke Harper and Erick Rowan

Usos will drop the titles before SummerSlam. The rumor is that Dolph and Miz will be forming a team soon, so they might win the titles. I'm guessing Seth and Dean win them here.

8. Ryback vs. Curtis Axel

Curtis turns on Ryback and they have a match on PPV. When tag teams split, they get a PPV match even though they don't go anywhere afterwards (i.e. Titus/Young).

Pre-Show: Cody Rhodes and Goldust vs. The Ascension

The Ascension make their debut facing off the Rhodes Bros on the pre-show.
I'd really like to see Reigns v Triple H. They have thrown it out there in the last few months and it would be awesome. It would give HHH a chance to wrestle and it would help put Reigns over as a face.

Lesnar needs a match and needs a win. I was desperate for a match with Sheamus at Mania so I'd like to see Sheamus v Lesnar at Summerslam. It would be a really entertaining match and Lesnar would get the win.

It is difficult to predict the title picture. I'll cautiously say Batista (c) vs John Cena or Daniel Bryan.

If Sting is about he should wrestle. Triple H would be a good choice but I prefer Triple H v Reigns. Sting vs Orton/Wyatt could work well.
World Championship Brock vs Batista
HHH vs. Orton
Bryan vs. RVD
Cena vs. Cesaro
Shield Triple threat
Ziggler/Miz vs Big E/Mark Henry for tag titles
Cody vs. Goldust for the IC title
Divas title match
Pre show - Mysterio and Los Matador vs Swagger and Rybaxel
Batista did not come back without some assurance. The guy hated WWE PG era (which is still the PG era) and has always had an ego (ask Booker T). I am willing to even believe that Vince and Hunter told him everything he wantd to hear and that he would win the title at WM and the fans were going to go nuts for him. That didn't happen and they don't want to risk another RR situation.

Thus, I believe they will appease him. He will either be champion heading into Summerslam or wins it at Summerslam. Either way, my prediction is he will walk out of the Staples center as (still?) champion.
Good cards here. I'd have

Batista(c) vs Brock lesnar

Sting vs triple h
Sting should fight attitude era stars and few current.
Kane,triple h,hbk,Barrett,Orton,cesaro,wyatt

No1 contender
Bryan vs cena

Orton, Rhodes , axel vs the Wyatt family

Reigns(c) vs Ambrose vs rollins
Still fueding

Ziggler/miz(c) vs the usos vs Henry/big e vs sin cara/rey

Natalya(c) vs tamina

Jack swagger(c) vs rusev
These 2 previewed a Fued at the rumble

Cesaro vs big show
Big swing

M.I.B on line
Barrett(holder) vs sheamus
My own opinion. I think Barrett should hold it all
Year and cash in after main event at mania 31
As much as I'd love to see Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar, I doubt if they'd go for that match. If they don't, they can have Orton vs Rhodes. They can bring up their Legacy history. Rhodes can beat Orton at Summerslam, and Orton can then turn face after the Wyatts turn their attention to him. Heading to Survivor Series Orton forms a team to take on the Wyatts, involving Rhodes and Goldust and other stars. They can slowly build up Rhodes vs Goldust for Wrestlemania XXXI.
If he is facing Brock, then he can be a tweener.

Tbh, I would love to see Team Bryan vs Team Authority at Survivor Series this year. They can just add new members to the Authority and have them feud one by one with Bryan. Keeps things fresh and they can end the feud at Survivor Series (a very important PPV that used to be a must watch but now is one of the worst PPVs of the year unfortunately. This PPV needs to be booked properly).
Team Bryan (Bryan, Reigns, Rollins, RVD and Sheamus maybe?) vs Team Authority (Triple H, Batista, Randy Orton if he doesn't have another feud, Ambrose and ADR maybe?)

Anyway, at Summerslam, Sandow and Bad News Barrett (I really want to see these two as a tag team. It's good for both of them) can have a tag team championship feud with the Usos. The main event matches could be Randy Orton vs Brock Lesnar, Taker, Sting and Kane vs The Wyatts, Cena vs Bryan vs Batista for the world championship. I really don't know what the Shield should be doing, but I just feel they should stay as faces for some more time. Their split should have a big fight feel to it, and they can actually build it up in the next one or two years instead of rushing it into a storyline for the summer.
I'm not going to post my full card, but I would honestly love, if he returns, to see Jericho vs Christian in a loser must retire match. I honestly think this match, with say, a three month build up, could be an incredible match. Make it an unsanctioned match, and advertise it as a retirement match, and it'll be one of the main events of the night, and a great match.

... If Christian can stay healthy.
I'm not going to post my full card, but I would honestly love, if he returns, to see Jericho vs Christian in a loser must retire match. I honestly think this match, with say, a three month build up, could be an incredible match. Make it an unsanctioned match, and advertise it as a retirement match, and it'll be one of the main events of the night, and a great match.

... If Christian can stay healthy.

thats a great would be a way to put Christian in the spotlight once more and give him a big platform for his retirement since its pretty much inevitable it seems. Street fight rules would make it better..def has to be blood haha.

i just hope come Summerslam that Cesaro is in the Main Event like to see him face Lesnar or Batista..and after that if Bryan is champ, id like to see him vs Cesaro around Night of Champions, Hell in a cell etc etc

i also want to see Cena and Cesaro in a good program..that one Raw match was great id like to see them go at it again
My Summerslam Card would look like...

1). Bryan vs Lesnar (WWE HWT)

2). The Wyatts vs. Cena & Sting

If the WWE wanted to get Sting in the ring before Mania it would make sense for it to be at Summerslam and in a tag match. What better way to bring him in than with the company's biggest star against one of the best rising stars. The gimmicks would mesh well, and the hype behind the debut of Sting along with the other 4 guys putting in the bulk of the work could carry Sting if needed.

3). HHH vs Reigns - If the WWE is going that way I'm all for it

4). Ambrose/Rollins vs Orton/Batista (Tag Titles)

I think putting the straps on Orton & Batista following their respective matches with Bryan could be fun. They've shown some great chemistry this p sat week, and if a Corporate Evolution is here to stay then a tag title run culminating with a title match against The Shield could help bolster the entire division (if booked right of course).

5). Paige vs Nattie (Divas Title)

Just a good wrestling match for the Divas division. A decent story could be developed around the new vs. old guard. Mainly it could showcase women's wrestling at a level it hasn't been seen in awhile because of ridiculous gimmick matches. Also give them a bit more time than usual. Not a lot more, but enough to tell a good in ring story.

6). Cesaro vs Sheamus (IC Title)

With the World Titles unified it's time to bring back some prestige to the IC Title. I think a former World Title holder like Sheamus would be perfect to help do so. Add in the hot Cesaro and you'd have a solid physical match that could help bring back the good 'ol days of the IC Title. This could also be on the heels of, or lead to a IC/US Unification.

7). Rusev vs. Big E.

Not a flashy match, but one that could be built pretty well as the face Big E trying to stop the terror of the unstoppable Rusev

8). The Usos vs Ziggler/Miz vs. The Ascension vs. Rybaxel (Tag Team Turmoil For #1 Contender).

At this point Ziggler/Miz can't be buried anymore than they are so the long rumored tag team should be here by August. Then this could be the coming out party for The Ascension on the main card.

I realize it's not the perfect card as there are some missing names. I'd like to think there would be spots on the card for guys like Bo Dallas and Adam Rose who they are getting ready to bring up. Also spots for Kane, Big Show, Christian, Kofi, Swagger, Fandango, and all the other Divas.
Sting should not compete at Summerslam. Any match he's involved in, will end up overshadowing Bryan/Lesnar for the WWE Title. Hopefully they save his first match for next year's Wrestlemania, no matter who it's against.

Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship

The next logical feud for both men after Bryan is finished with The Authority.

Triple H vs. Roman Reigns

I think everyone agrees this needs to happen.

John Cena vs. Batista

These two are gold when they are in the ring together, and it was because of Cena that Batista quit the WWE a few years back, so Dave has a score to settle.

Bray Wyatt vs. Chris Jericho

May be a predictable match but it should be worth it for the build up and the solid promos the two exchange with each other.

Randy Orton vs. Big E Langston

Big rub for Big E.

Alexander Rusev vs. Sheamus

The Celtic Warrior should give The Bulgarian Brute a challenge and a hard-hitting, intense match.

The Shield (c) vs. The Ascension for the WWE Tag Team Championships

Give The Shield another run with the belts, with Ambrose and Rollins holding it this time, and have Triple H bring The Ascension up to the main roster and recruit them to go after Ambrose & Rollins.

Cesaro (c) vs. Rob Van Dam for the WWE Intercontinental Championship

I see Cesaro winning the IC Title by Summerslam, and I believe RVD will be taking time off again after the PPV, so let the original Paul Heyman Guy put over the new Paul Heyman Guy on his way out. Should be a great match and this should be the opening match for Summerslam.

Pre-Show: Paige (c) vs. Natalya for the WWE Divas Championship
WWE World Heavyweight Championship match
Daniel Bryan (c) vs. Randy Orton vs. Batista
WM XXX rematch as Orton and Batista got double DQ'ed in a number one contender's match for who will face Bryan at Summerslam. HHH wants to increase the odds of Bryan not walking out as champ at Summerslam so he puts both Batista and Orton in the match.

John Cena vs. Brock Lesnar
It started as a typical match up on RAW where Cesaro faces Cena. However, Heyman gets involved and Cena is about to put his hands on Heyman and Brock returns and leads to a Extreme Rules rematch between the two at Summerslam.

HHH (w/Stephanie McMahon) vs. Roman Reigns (w/Ambrose and Rollins)
The Evolution vs. The Shield goes to another level as Reigns challenges HHH to a one on one match at Summerslam after Evolution failed to beat The Shield throughout the summer to put an end to the feud.

Randy Orton vs. Batista
Like in 2004, Orton decides he's not down with Evolution and he wants the win the championship again eventually, Batista turns on Orton and leads to a showdown at Summerslam.

Sheamus vs. Bray Wyatt
Sheamus is another target of Bray Wyatt as he tries to torment Sheamus for weeks and make him into a monster like he tried with Cena.

WWE Tag Team Championship match
The Usos vs. Rowan/Harper (w/Bray Wyatt)
The Usos faces their biggest challenge yet as they defeated The Real Americans, NAO, Rybaxel and The Rhodes Bros during their reign as tag champs.

Goldust vs. Cody Rhodes
All good things come to an end as The Rhodes Bros fail to recapture the tag team championship, Cody turns on Goldust after criticizing him for holding him back from greater success as a solo competitor which leads to a match up at Summerslam.

Intercontinental Championship match
Big E (c) vs. Antonio Cesaro
Cesaro tries his luck in winning his first Intercontinental Championship against Big E.
I'm sure I read that the Staples Center has the floor space to do War Games, so for now I'm clinging on to hope that we may get it. I also don't think Bryan vs Brock will happen as I don't see Brock losing until Mania and there's no point in him winning the title as far out as Summerslam.

Main Event - War Games
Evolution vs Daniel Bryan & The Shield

John Cena vs Brock Lesnar

IC title match
Cesaro (c) vs Chris Jericho

Bray Wyatt vs Sheamus

US title match
Aleksander Rusev (c) vs RVD

Divas title - Ladder match
Paige (c) vs Natalya

Tag Team title match
The Usos vs Dolph Ziggler & The Miz

Fandango & Layla vs Wade Barrett & Summer Rae

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