Surprise of the Year

Surprise of the Year

  • Kevin Owens pins John Cena at Elimination Chamber

  • Samoa Joe debuts

  • Dudley Boyz return

  • Vampiro is Pentagon Jr.'s master

  • Kalisto pins Ryback

  • Alberto Del Rio returns

  • New Day is awesome

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I tucked my head and did a roll into a cartwheel and flipped over a tv tray when Owens won. While screaming.

Im not joking.
The Dudleyz' return surprised me so much that for a brief moment I forgot to not care.
I'm not saying it was obvious Owens was going to beat Cena at Elimination Chamber but I didn't think it was a surprise. I thought Owens was the favorite going in. Definitely not the kayfabe favorite so maybe the votes are from a kayfabe point of view.
I'm not saying it was obvious Owens was going to beat Cena at Elimination Chamber but I didn't think it was a surprise. I thought Owens was the favorite going in. Definitely not the kayfabe favorite so maybe the votes are from a kayfabe point of view.

The surprise was that it was a squeaky clean pin.
I came into Lucha Underground late in the game. In fact, I only came into it after the season ended. In fact, it was a thread on these forums advising we watch this match, and man, that swerve at the end, was the level of sophisticated storytelling in wrestling I've been waiting for for years. Vampiro's reveal takes it.

I had wished I watched LU from the get go to watch this angle unfold, but I also enjoyed the Usual Suspects, even knowing the Keyser Soze reveal in advance. Great climax to the story, and well executed, despite my advanced knowledge.
I went with the Dudleyz simply because there was no build to their return. Yeah there had been rumblings and rumors from dirtsheets about a potential return ever since Bully Ray left TNA, but outside of the Royal Rumble appearance, we got nothing. Then on a random episode of Raw we get their return.
I loved the whole Pentagon Jr. storyline and Vamp being revealed as his master was truly a shocking moment, and something that furthered the revitalization of Vamp's career in LU. But I'm too big of a Steen mark to vote against seeing something that alot of people never thought would happen in him making his WWE debut, and knocking off THE man in the process.
Owens clean over Cena or Vampiro reveal.... damn.

One was shocking & exciting, while one was a nice twist to a good story. I think Owens takes it here. Although I must admit the Dudleys return got a big pop & was unexpected. So technically that makes it more of a surprise than the Owens win. That was more of a "please god do the right thing" moment.

Dudleys it is.
Every other option aside from Kevin Owens pinning John Cena is an actual surprise. I know the WWE machine loves feeding people to Cena and we were all worried for Kevin Owens (as was I) but going through developmental as quick as he did & winning the NXT title gave me enough to not worry as much. Having Cena pin Owens, a man they can build into a big star, on his first big match would've been absolutely dumb. Sure, it was clean against Cena but guys like Tensai beat Cena clean. Weirder things have happened.
Every other option aside from Kevin Owens pinning John Cena is an actual surprise. I know the WWE machine loves feeding people to Cena and we were all worried for Kevin Owens (as was I) but going through developmental as quick as he did & winning the NXT title gave me enough to not worry as much. Having Cena pin Owens, a man they can build into a big star, on his first big match would've been absolutely dumb. Sure, it was clean against Cena but guys like Tensai beat Cena clean. Weirder things have happened.

It's amazing how many times I've seen this 100% false statement.
The only thing on this list that really, truly, legitimately shocked me was that New Day developed into such a hot act, when all three were dead in the water with almost no future when they started that stable. See what happens when you let people infuse some of themselves into their characters? I seem to recall that working out pretty well for guys like Rock and Austin.
Alberto Del Rio.

There were no dirt sheets news about it or anything. Everyone thought he was gonna stay in AAA, as at the time he returned, he was the AAA Mega Champion.

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