Survivor 34 - Where Matrix At? The Queen is Back!

I'm begging for some actual challenges for the finale. I get it, we have to make it fair for everyone and simple party game style immunity challenges are all about skill rather than athletic ability. Challenges, especially for immunity, are more Minute to Win It than Survivor these days.

However, it gets really boring when it just these party game style challenges every single week. I really miss the days of the big challenges for the post merge. Just put a damn puzzle at the end to make it fair. That's what they did for years but now they've just removed all the running around, swimming and anything else that takes some average level of fitness.

Stacking cards might be the worst fucking challenge other than that tackle football in a pit thing where everyone got hurt. It's Survivor, go swim and dive down to collect some shit and swim back then do a puzzle. Don't just make them stack fucking cards. Horrible. And that one where the black dude in Samoa nearly died was also bad.

I thought thats why they had reward challenges that made them go against each other but they havent even had them this season
I'm begging for some actual challenges for the finale. I get it, we have to make it fair for everyone and simple party game style immunity challenges are all about skill rather than athletic ability. Challenges, especially for immunity, are more Minute to Win It than Survivor these days.

However, it gets really boring when it just these party game style challenges every single week. I really miss the days of the big challenges for the post merge. Just put a damn puzzle at the end to make it fair. That's what they did for years but now they've just removed all the running around, swimming and anything else that takes some average level of fitness.

Stacking cards might be the worst fucking challenge other than that tackle football in a pit thing where everyone got hurt. It's Survivor, go swim and dive down to collect some shit and swim back then do a puzzle. Don't just make them stack fucking cards. Horrible. And that one where the black dude in Samoa nearly died was also bad.

Fo real. It pisses me off whenever they always try and target the strongest players right before the merge out of fear they'll win all the challenges. Barring players like Joe, Malcolm, Ozzy...most strong physical players don't win any post-merge challenges because they'll all pretty much built for castaways like Tai and the females.

I was honestly surprised to see Brady win an immunity challenge at all.

I like the challenges like the big giant mazes as the final challenge. Things that incorporate every once of skill and don't let someone win who otherwise doesn't deserve (*cough* Cochran *cough*)

So often though the "Physical Threats" they take out pre-merge are usually only good at tribe immunity challenges, and so all that move is doing is weakening your tribe. Those big guys rarely end up being good at both.
I bitch about wanting bigger challenges but I'm such an old school fan that I demand the hands on idol challenge for the finale every season. They did it for the reboot of Australian Survivor and it went around six and a half hours.
Great finale. I think Sarah might be one of my favorite female contestants of all times. I don't like female contestants easily, but I think she's one of my favorites. Being a cop definitely earns bonus points.

Cannot believe Brad took her to the end over Tai just because of personal reasons. Worse than Woo taking Tony.

That whole tribal council with Cirie was crazy. I really enjoyed this season. Had Brad not messed up and taken Tai and won it would've ruined it for me, he's a huge jerk. I liked him better than last time he was on, but once Sierra went home and stopped the nice guy act and just started being his true douche self. Still he played a good game and running the table on immunity challenges deserve some recognition.

But yeah, Sarah might be my favorite female player of all time. She played great, good for her.

Edit: Just wanna say too that I liked the new final tribal council jury questioning part. The whole open format is way better than the old format.
I think Sarah ranks as a terrible winner, she won so you cant say she's a bad player but no way is she the mastermind that Zeke tried to say she was. Her whole i was a cop last time and now I'm gonna be a criminal was laughable and she seemed so see through that I cant believe anyone trusted her. Honestly her shit last week should have killed her, Cirie and Aubrey should have gone and voted her out because not only did she stab them in the back but she wormed her way there. Culpepper wins the game if he doesnt get all macho with confindence and tai isnt an absolute trainwreck.

Thought the edit for the season was really strange. They showed Culpepper to be this great human being only to make him look like a dick for the entire finale
Cirie will 100% play the game again. You don't get voted out like that and not get another chance to play the game.

Thought the edit for the season was really strange. They showed Culpepper to be this great human being only to make him look like a dick for the entire finale

I believe you answered your own question earlier in the same post.

Culpepper wins the game if he doesnt get all macho with confindence and tai isnt an absolute trainwreck.

I think the story of this season, from the editors and show perspective was, that Brad was great all season. He made good decisions and played really well. However, he screwed up at the biggest moment because he was so filled with anger towards Tai. If he votes out Sarah and takes Tai instead it's pretty clear he wins the game but he was so angry with Tai that he failed to recognise the biggest threat to his game was Sarah.

So, the editors wanted to make it clear that Brad's anger towards Tai clouded his thought process in the finale unlike the rest of the show, which is why you saw such a dramatic shift in his personality in the episode. They really wanted to show how angry Brad was and show how big a factor that was in Sarah getting to the end.
But tai screwed brad's game up ages ago. It made no sense for the finale to be the time that he suddenly implodes

Brad never really had any power once Tai screwed his game up until the finale. It was at that point when Brad could unleash all his anger. He had to keep calm but once the finale arrived, the numbers and game shifted to Brad's side so he could be a total prick to Tai and let his emotions run wild.

It makes perfect sense from the production teams perspective. Have Brad make smart decisions all the way to the end and then, with the end in sight, he makes one mistake at the one point he let emotion cloud his decision making. That's what they wanted. It's the perfect swerve moment of Brad doing something which didn't fit with what he had done the entire season, the reason of cause being that it was the one decision fuelled by emotion.
I refuse to believe Brad was anything other than a perfect gentleman before his blow up with Tai because Debbie said otherwise.

I don't understand that to be honest. Debbie hated Brad's guts at one point. Then she met with Cochroach and he told her she has to suck up to people like him. I thought that's what she was doing, but apparently she was doing more than sucking up to him on that island. And Ozzy too.
I don't understand that to be honest. Debbie hated Brad's guts at one point. Then she met with Cochroach and he told her she has to suck up to people like him. I thought that's what she was doing, but apparently she was doing more than sucking up to him on that island. And Ozzy too.

According to Debbie the Brad hate was a trick to convince whoever the fuck that they had issues. I dunno, was ages ago I heard it explained but according to Debbie it was fake. She was always sucking up to Brad and thought he was the greatest thing since sliced bread.

Edit: Doesn't explain the confessionals where she appears mad but nevertheless, she said it was all fake.
If you guys are trying to explain Debbie's logic you're going to lose brain cells.

I thought Sarah played well and I'm glad she won out of the final 6. She played strong all season and her move to take out Sierra and get her to will the legacy advantage to her was brilliant and one of the best moves of the season. Not one of the people I was rooting for going into the season but I'll take it and I look forward to her being back again down the road.

Brad fucked up not once, but twice in the finale. The first being by booting Aubrey over Tai at 6. Aubrey had zero case to the jury where as Tai at least had a little case and Tai is a bigger challenge threat. Granted it didn't cost him but it could have and Aubrey would have been a good goat to bring to the end along with Troy.

Also did anybody else burst out laughing at Troy saying he could beat everybody at 6?

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