Taz and TNA

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RIP Sgt. Michael Paranzino / RIP CM
With the recent introduction of Taz into TNA as both an on-air character and undoubtedly a soon to be road agent as well, I'm curious as to whether or not Joe will end up helping TNA's cause, or weighing it down with even more veterans. There's reports right now that Taz may be taking a role in the creative aspect of the show within a matter of weeks, and I for one find that prospect to be quite intriguing.

I've always been a huge fan of Taz, and there are few guys as knowledgeable and intelligent as he is. His new role as Joe's manager seems to be, at the surface atleast, a home-run idea. Take the unstoppable monster of ECW from the 90s and have him manage who was once the unstoppable monster of TNA in Joe. Considering how radically Joe's character has changed though, is this too little too late?

I don't have the biggest faith in TNA's creative team, but I could certainly see the Joe-Taz duo becoming a reason to tune in, if booked properly. In my opinion they simply can't have the two of them be the placating babyface group, catering to the TNA smarks. That's not going to impress anyone. They need to be booked as heels, as cut-throat badasses that know they can kick your ass and have no qualms telling you about it. What do you guys think of the potential of this duo?

As for whether or not Taz ends up taking on a creative role in TNA...I'd be extremely interested to see the results of that. Taz is a very knowledgeable, no-nonsense kind of guy who could definitely put a fresh spin on things if given the power I think. Worst comes to worst he'd still be better than Russo.

So, what do you guys think about Taz in TNA, his new role as Joe's manager, and how big of a role in the company he may play?
I think it's great. What is one of Samoa joe's biggest weaknesses? Mic skills and promo cutting. He needed a mouthpiece. He had Kevin Nash, who fucked him over. So who better to act as his advisor,his mentor, than a wrestle with a similar style who also happens to be great on the microphone.

What were two things TAZ was famous for in the ring. Submissions and suplexes. IS Samoa Joe good at either. Yes,he's excellent. TAZ even said it himself, Samoa Joe is one of the best suplexers in wrestling today. The man recently hit Hernandez with a cross throat exploder suplex. Hernandez! The man is fucking huge. And Joe suplexed him. I don't think I've ever seen that happen. It was insane!I wouldn't be surprised if I heard this eventually.

Mike Tenay said:
What a suplex by Samoa Joe!

Don West/future color commentator said:
Those aren't suplexes,they're Joeplexes!

I don't know would I shove my palm into my face,or cry I told you so! It would be quite corny. But something they would say.

They both kind of have the same gimmick. The badass who couldn't give a shit who his opponent is,but knows he would kick his ass. The badass that doesn't really care about winning, but goes out to hurt his rival. But Joe has lost the plot recently. He started focusing on just smacking peoples faces against poles and getting disqualified. It's starting to get annoying. Hopefully this will turn him into a no remorse wrescking machine,who starts to actually wrestle.

Then maybe I can start enjoying him again.

But I see their partnership having a limited lifespan. Hopefully he becomes a commentator. Him and Kevin nash would be an incredible duo. He can start helping wrestlers,namely Joe,Hernandez ad AJ with their promos to help them improve. He really has the chance to leave his mark on Total Nonstop Action.
Truthfully the partnership has done nothing to impress me at this point and believe TNA needs a change, the problem with the Taz Joe partnership is the fact that its being overshadowed because Joe is playing lacky, Instead Joe should be doing what he was being pushed to do and thats dominate.

Hopefully with Taz taking some creative control i think it can help build the duo better and stop making Joe seem like a joke that he is at this point in time, nothing at the moment screams heel and badass, at the moment all i see is angles muscle and scott steiner is filling that role nicely, past his prime cant wrestle and just clobbers people, Joe shouldn't be in that role, so distancing him from the mafia may be the first step, lets only hope Taz does whats right for Joe in this instance.
While I'm glad to see taz again, and I think that he could be a very valuable piece in TNA. I think that Joe is a lost cause. He came in as this unbeatable guy and then once he lost, he really got stale. Then they never changed his character at all. Until he came back with face tattoo. I think it's to much to late for Joe. Why? Because TNA really doesn't know what to do with him. Look he was attacking the MEM now he's a member. With Taz as his manager. I think that Taz can help Joe, but I don't think that much.

Now it will be interesting to see if Taz does begin to work in creative for tna. I think that could only help them as he is extremely knowledgeable about the business. I think he could begin to help them move in the right direction and challenge WWE. I would like them to keep him as an onscreen role, because he's great on the mic. Have Taz as a GM of impact would be pretty sweet.
It was reported that Taz worked as an agent during the last 3 Impact tapings, and he may have a job as an agent besides being Joe's manager.
Taz apparently had a lot to do with old ECW booking/character development. So how you hold value on that era may be an indication on what effect he'd have on TNA in that side.
Joe suplexing Hernandez would be impressive if Hernandez didn't have to jump with the move.

When Taz hit suplexes it looked like Taz really could snap a man over because of he thick quads and solid frame. OImpact it looked silly to me to see a flabby Samoa Joe trading blows with the chiseled, undefeated M.M.Artist Bobby Lashley.

Perhaps Taz can snap and start to "train Joe" and then over the weeks Taz can whip Joe into shape so that he looks believable and not like just some fat guy pretending to be a badass.
well so far I havent really seen Joe or Taz cut promos lately, just see them behind the MEM crossing their arms. Hopefully they will get some spotlight soon
The Taz and Joe combination really hasn't done much for me overall. I get a feeling that TNA ultimately doesn't know what to do with this situation. To begin with, TNA gives Joe the whole new "Nation of Violence" badass attitude and all this and that, but now that Taz is in the picture, Joe seems to be treated like a combination between some low level lackey thug and some overly aggressive, wet behind the ears kid.

Joe's match with Homicide for the X-Division title made Joe look foolish and the X-Division champ look weak. During the match, the picture is painted that Joe could finish Homicide at his will and discretion at any point he wants to. Then, all of a sudden and outta the blue, Joe knocks the piss outta the ref before slapping on the choke hold. And to make him look even more foolish, Joe somehow magically seems to have forgotten that if you hit a ref in a standard wrestling match, you're almost assured to get DQ'd.

Joe losing to Hernandez was a nice surprise, something I readily enjoyed, but it didn't do anything for Joe. The whole Taz and Joe thing just hasn't impressed me at all, it just feels like everything creative has these two doing is half assed.
I'm not completely sold on the whole Joe/Taz connection. Despite the fact that they are in the Mafia, the fans love them so much that they get some of the biggest cheers in the company. They do have the potential to be a great group, but for some reason I just don't think they it will ultimately pan out.

Ever since I started following TNA regularly last year Samoa Joe's character has been going downhill. He did the most heelish thing possible in selling out for the Mafia, yet he is still over with the crowd. Even if the Taz/Joe connection doesn't work, I think Taz will still be very helpful in TNA.

He seems like a great guy to join the creative team from what I've read about him. He would bring some new ideas and a little different style to TNA. He may eventually join the announce table as well. I really like Don West, but I think Taz will be able to play the role of heel announcer even better. The bottomline is Taz will be a positive in TNA one way or another.
Taz always has been one of my favorites ever since his ECW days. He could be on of the factors that helps TNA get new fans and keep the ones that are getting ready to say screw it and stop watching. He could also help the younger stars with his knowledge both in front of and behind the camera. That's depending on TNA not messing it up like they do almost everything else good they have going on.
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