What about Taz?

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With the newest injury to Samoa Joe and creative's "plans" to bring in Taz as Joe's mentor. Where does this leave Taz? Will they save his debut for later (when Joe returns) and use him in the same role? Or will they now have to come up with a different strategy/storyline for his debut?

Personally, I feel that Joe's character has gotten stale. TNA is booking him all wrong and I was really looking forward to the debut of Taz as it might have been able to rejuvinate the dying Samoan.

So my question to you is this.......in this current situation, what would you do? Would you have Taz wait to debut and continue with plans for a Taz/Joe Trainer/Student type storyline? Or would you do things differently. If so, how?

For me, I think that the best thing to do in this situation is wait to bring in Taz. Personally, I like the idea of Taz being behind Joe's character. And since we're being honest, let's face it; Taz debuting with the company tomorrow night isn't going to affect the company in the long run. He's no Kurt Angle. Its a very intriguing storyline (Taz/Joe) and it's not like they're losing out on money by waiting to debut him.

What do you guys (yes and even the girls) think about this?
I have to agree with U! I don't think that bringing in Taz right now should be a priority. Wait until Joe comes back and then bring in Taz in the original storyline idea. I mean, what CAN U do with Taz anyways? I don't think he can even wrestle at this point. His body couldn't take it with all the injuries he's had in the past. Just wait.
As you can no doubt tell from my avatar, I am a huge fan of Taz, always have been. As for whether he can wrestle or not anymore, well look no further than TNA's current champion for an example of TNA's willingness to put guys in the ring who we all thought could no longer "go" so to speak.
Taz is no different and I'm sure the idea of getting back in th ring is a big portion of what lured Taz to quit his cushy commentator gig and go slum it in TNA to begin with.

Taz , I have little doubt, would still be in the ring if Vince would have a place for him, even in ECW. So while i'm sure that Taz was designed to be Joe's mentor, I wouldn't be surprised if it only led to the human suplex machine getting back into the ring. I'm not sure I want to see it, given Taz's age and physical state from years of sitting in the booth. But then again, I don't really wanna see Foley, sting, steiner, Douglas, the Dudleys, Nash,and Raven. But
None of this stops TNA from parading them out there for my viewing displeasure, Taz will be no different.

I , like may others, think TNA should start focusing on they're strengths, that being the young talent in that locker room as opposed to just giving us a low grade version of the old WCW thunder tapings every thursday.
TNA can do better, whether it ever will or not, remains to be seen.
I say screw the original storyline. In wrestling terminology, its time to "abort". With Joe's newly discovered triceps injury, he could be out for a while, and by the time he returns this story probably should have been dead and gone anyway. I personally LOVE Taz as a color commentator and could add a little excitement to an extremely crappy announce team in Mike Tenay and Don West, which I believe would benefit TNA in the long run, as opposed him being another Dr. Stevie-like character.
It's been a long time since a wrestling show had a three man booth. WCW was the last to do it with Mike Tenay, Tony Sciavone and Bobby Heenan.

Why not bring Tazz in to counter Don West ?? I know Tazz would make a better heel announcer, but TNA already flipped Don West (and he's kind of growing on me) so why not utilize Tazz as a face announcer ??

I'm actually glad Joe did get hurt, not because I hate the guy, but because I hate where they were headed with his storyline. This is a way for them to drop the angle and find a different approach when Joe returns.
What they should do is take advantage of Joe's injury and use it to shift gears and do something similar to what Paul Heyman did with Taz when Taz came back from his neck injury in ECW. Change Joe's character.. have him come back similar to how Taz came back in ECW.. gone is the stupid failure of a gimmick in this serial killer with a knife Joe, and instead push him as a shoot fighter who merely comes in and dominates. Taz would not only be his manager, but he could sit at the booth and do color commentary specifically to put over Joe like his own sports analyst. They could still use the Nation of Violence, but twist it in a way that actually best reflects Joe and benefits him.. not some knife wielding goon who uses cowardly heel tactics, but a guy who shows violence in the ring by punishing his opponents and making quick work of them.
i know i will get hated on cuz of this but i cannot freaking stand samoa joe i think he sucks and taz should not even waste his time on the guy.
i know i will get hated on cuz of this but i cannot freaking stand samoa joe i think he sucks and taz should not even waste his time on the guy.

your actually not the only one who feels that way...... me personally however think the exact oposite. TNA built Joe as the next Taz so why not? its a perfect fit.
i dont know if even bringing taz to tna is a good idea, he hasnt wrestled in years and the last time he did it was like a 5 second stint, plus i dont think he is in the right shape to step back in the ring, unless they plan on having to fat joes around and the whole trainer teacher thing sucks u see it all the time its old. it got old back when shane douglas was doing that with the naturals. so i say scrap the whole thing, and scrap joe to begin with.
Correct me if im rong but im sure a heard a rumor along the lines of Taz didnt even want to wrestler jerry lawler in ONS 06 (i think ?) as he felt that he couldnt wrestle, so thats why the 5 second stint thing took place. Im sure thats correct.

Anyway, i cant see Taz stepping into the ring at all if that was true, wat to do with him now ? Joes injury could keep him out a long time, why not just add Taz to the announce team in the mean time. Although remeber he cant actuall debut till the end of July am pretty sure so who noes Joe could be back by then.
They could still use the Nation of Violence, but twist it in a way that actually best reflects Joe and benefits him.. not some knife wielding goon who uses cowardly heel tactics, but a guy who shows violence in the ring by punishing his opponents and making quick work of them.

I agree with this 100%. We all know he isn't going to stab someone so the knife gimmick is stupid. Just have Joe destroy people.
I had read, I believe in the news portion of Wrestlezone, that Taz isn't interested in wrestling anymore, that his body just can't do it anymore. If this is true I think they could use him as a manager/trainer and I believe they can do it right and make it interesting.
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