Team Mexico Alternates Voting


Going on 10 years with WrestleZone
Current Team
El Santo
Eddie Guerrero
Rey Mysterio
El Canek
Mil Mascaras


2nd Half Events
Tag Team Tournament
King of the Mountain
Ultimate X
Elevation X
Battle Royal

You may vote to sub out one or two of the current participants for either alternate. You may also vote to keep the team as it is currently constructed. Voting will be open for 3 days. You may vote for more than one choice, but obviously you should not vote for more than one option, since you are only voting to sub out or in a max of two people!
I'm going to keep this simple. Hernandez offers you nohing that Canek doesn't, except a lack of experience on the global stage. Psicosis is essentially poor man's Rey Mysterio, so I say keep the team as it is. Or I said that, until I remembered the trend of hating on the Mexicans, whilst simultaneously having a cry wank that nobody cares about Japanese wrestling will be everyone's modus operandi in the second round.

I was troubled, I'll be honest with you, until I remembered that Santo and Mascaras were once a formidable team. You know what that means? It means Mysterio in the Ultimate X, Canek in the Elevation X, Guerrero in KOTM, and I don't have to sell my soul.
I don't see how you can sub anybody out here. This admittedly I'm not up on the current scene, so I don't know much about Hernandez, but he doesn't seem that great, whilst Psicosis isn't an upgrade over anyone. Seems like a pretty strong team for Mexico. The only guy who should probably be here, but isn't, is Blue Demon. For that reason, I say the team stays as is.

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