The Biggest Problem In Professional Wrestling

I think it's alright for people to express their opinions. It's true arguing really won't change anyone's mind too often but still voicing you're opinion can indeed help the product. If Vince himself subscribed to the Wrestling Observer in the 1980s you can bet that people in the WWE look at Wrestlezone. If a comment has tons of likes it has the ability to make and break stars and storylines just as live crowds do. So I say express your opinion. Have fun with it. Don't waste your time and energy getting too worked up arguing and trying to convince people. Just post if you like to and chances are your opinion will be heard.
I get what's being said about wrestling fans on the internet, but I really do believe we account for a very small portion of the audience. Granted, some chants like "boring" or "we want Ryder" are probably IWC-inspired, but I just don't think we have enough pull to be considered "the biggest" anything in wrestling.

It is tiring, yes, to read the same gripes and complaints about the same stuff and sometimes it gets tiring to WATCH the same stuff, but the casual fan won't log onto WZ-forums and start a thread saying "Wow, who's this Bray Wyatt guy? I can't BELIEVE he did that to Kane!", because he'd get a (well-deserved) spam warning ;) for it.

We like to complain and to bitch and moan, but it's because we're passionate about the wrestling. My local rugby team is doing horribly at the moment and my friends and I rag on their tactics, squad and coaching staff, but in the end we're still watching all their matches and attending most of the home games.

It's human nature to bitch about something you care about. The real danger will crawl in when the fans don't bitch anymore and just stop watching/attending.

And why shouldn't the "IWC" have a right to complain? Constructive criticism is a force of good and without it the product can't evolve with society. And some editions of Raw, Smackdown and Impact ARE so terrible that it can't be saved and no amount of constructive critique can be given. That's on the creative teams, not the IWC.

What's important, though, is to get back on the horse and keep watching and supporting, because it's still wrestling and you still love it and it's not YOU that has to take a freakin' frog splash or superplex.

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