The Draft


The Anonymous General Manager
So I find myself wondering what the purpose of the draft is. It really isn't much of a draft. I think there are some things they could do to make it better.

1) Allow the GM to be able to pick who gets drafted. The Losing GM should be able to protect a certain number of Superstars. I think it could help create more drama/anticipation. They could even have the GM draft back a Superstar who was already draft to keep them on their show.

2) Do not allow World Titles to switch hands. It creates predictablity, we saw Triple H and Cena on the same show. And now Edge won the World Title, it was basically done to keep Smackdown with a world title.

3) Make it more interactive. Allow fans to select who is drafted. (See #1)

4) Spread the draft over the course of a week. Having some matches on Raw, ECW, Superstars, Smackdown. Having 4 draft matches on Raw & Smackdown, then two draft matches on ECW and Superstars. It would help spark ratings on all shows rather than just Raw.

What are your thoughts?

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