The Evil GOP Does It AGAIN


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There's a payment made to the widows and orphans of a fallen soldier. It's made by the government as a kind of compensation. Once in awhile, it's increased because of the cost of living increasing. That time came up again, and, say it with me, a GOP senator blocked it from passing.

They won't let the families of fallen soldiers get paid more now. How can ANYONE find this appropriate for a United States Senator?
I'd rather not rush to judgment on this one -- the Post didn't identify the Republican who held up the bill or his reasons for doing so (though it's likely it was held up due to this year being an election year and all, I won't count on that).
So you're saying the truth is a quality of Democrats and not Republicans? You may have a point.

Oh, and for the record, I'm not a Democrat. KB is, but I'm not.
No, I am saying this site has a Democratic slant. Not an insult or a compliment, just saying what I have noticed.

Then what are you? I hope not a member of the Green Party. I don't care for any American Party as I have yet to see one that doesn't suck. Maybe I'll start my own...I'd invite you but I fear you would hijack it and boot me out. ;)
No, I am saying this site has a Democratic slant. Not an insult or a compliment, just saying what I have noticed.

Then what are you? I hope not a member of the Green Party. I don't care for any American Party as I have yet to see one that doesn't suck. Maybe I'll start my own...I'd invite you but I fear you would hijack it and boot me out. ;)

:) I would certainly consider it.

I don't belong to any political party, it just so happens I disagree with Republicans far more than I agree with them. I like the Democratic idea of embracing diversity, as well as their basic economic premise of growing from the ground up and compassion for those who are facing hard times. I like the general Republican ideas of fiscal conservatism where possible (which used to be a Republican trait), and I think more people do need to work hard and be responsible in their careers (but I'm far more compassionate and tactful than most Republicans have been on this point).

The problem right now is that Republicans have gone completely off the deep end in the last 12 years. They are no longer about fiscal responsibility, they are imperialistic (and outraged when any politician DOESN'T promote a philosophy of US government world domination), they actively seek to practice discrimination, and in the last four years they specifically stated, and followed through on, a plan to do everything they could to limit the effectiveness of the President, even at the cost of the average American during hard economic times, which is just about as unpatriotic as one can get.

I don't criticize Republicans because I'm a Democrat, I criticize Republicans because they have become completely nuts. Most of the threads I post about Republicans are threads illustrating the level of batshit crazy they have become.
:) I would certainly consider it.

I don't belong to any political party, it just so happens I disagree with Republicans far more than I agree with them. I like the Democratic idea of embracing diversity, as well as their basic economic premise of growing from the ground up and compassion for those who are facing hard times. I like the general Republican ideas of fiscal conservatism where possible (which used to be a Republican trait), and I think more people do need to work hard and be responsible in their careers (but I'm far more compassionate and tactful than most Republicans have been on this point).
I do agree with Democrats with the idea of growing from the ground up and helping those in need. I can't stand their immigration stance which borders on wide open borders. Thing is if it wasn't for that I would have no problem being a Democrat across the board. That happens to be the only thing I lean right on and the main reason I detest the Greens, their wide open borders policies and allowing certain groups to speak another language as long as they are within a section of the nation. I don't know if I am a fiscal conservative, as I have no issue with spending money for a good reason. I just can't find myself giving into the Republicans on this. I also don't care for the diversity lottery, nor will I ever treat anybody different based on the color of their skin. We are all Americans and I will treat you the same as the next guy.

The problem right now is that Republicans have gone completely off the deep end in the last 12 years. They are no longer about fiscal responsibility, they are imperialistic (and outraged when any politician DOESN'T promote a philosophy of US government world domination), they actively seek to practice discrimination, and in the last four years they specifically stated, and followed through on, a plan to do everything they could to limit the effectiveness of the President, even at the cost of the average American during hard economic times, which is just about as unpatriotic as one can get.
I would say they went off the deep end earlier than that. I heard things stating that the Republicans wanted to spend our surplus in the 1990's on tax cuts for the rich, while the Dems wanted to expand Medicare. Republiassholes.

I don't criticize Republicans because I'm a Democrat, I criticize Republicans because they have become completely nuts. Most of the threads I post about Republicans are threads illustrating the level of batshit crazy they have become.
I can respect that, I do to. I just like to take shots at all sides every now and then.

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