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As has been scripted since at least last year's Royal Rumble, Roman Reigns has won the Royal Rumble.

I knew this was coming a long time and after Mania last year, we all should of known it was Reigns/Lesnar at this years Mania. Lesnar isn't losing unless it's a huge deal and of the young guys, it's been apparent since before last year's Rumble that WWE wanted to make Roman Reigns "look really, really strong."

I just wonder if the reason that Reigns' is the next chosen one is because of how he looks. When they were heading to Mexico, Del Rio was champ, I think they toured UK with Sheamus as champ/headlining, Khali's matches are always the mainevent in India.

WWE is in the business of making money and I think their decision to go so heavy behind Reigns is because of how ethnically ambiguous he appears to be.

He is someone who can be mistaken for arab, pacific islander, hispanic, bi-racial etc. Is this what makes him so valuable to the WWE and a cemented choice for the future of the company?

While the philly crowd may not have liked it, WWE advertised that 170 countries would see this show for the first time and judging from global comments, I think it's safe to assume Reigns is wildly over globally even if the Philly crowd resented him tonight.

As a fan who just wants a good show with the best all-around talent, it's annoying to spotlight the guy who makes the most amount of people worldwide happy, but I'll live with it. Has anyone else noticed this or disagree?
Does he have the look? Absolutely

But I dont think race has anything to do with it, but you never know. The guy has proven he can go in the ring...and with extra help behind the mic he'll be the face of the company, theres no doubt.

The WWE dropped the ball tonight though. They should have kept him off WWE tv until his surprise Rumble appearance. The fans would have ate it up. Smarky crowds like Philly dont like predictable shit, no matter who you are. Everyone knew Reigns was gonna win...but keeping him off television until 2nite would have been a much different story.
This could be Roman Reigns' new gimmick, being billed as a different nationality every week.
If only there were a place where people from different countries could share their view points about Roman Reigns. Some type if interconnected web of sorts. If that existed I'm sure we would see how the rest of the world is celebrating the victory Roberto McReignssan.
They say the Rock appeals to multiple demographics, well, I am Roman Reigns, the man of 1001 different nationalities. *reveals list*

1. Samoan
2. Black
3. Romanian
4. Reigndeer
5. Samoan
The kids the show is aimed at love themselves some Roman Reigns. The jaded man-children that read Meltzer so they think know everything all the time hate themselves some Roman Reigns.

One's parent's will spend all sorts of money on WWE to make their kid(s) happy. The other threatens to stop spending money on WWE every other week because Meltzer said NJPW is awesome.

Who are you catering to?
Khali's matches are always the mainevent in India.

What?! Thank God, this statement is 100% false. Vince might be racist, but he is also a businessman trying to grow here. He wouldn't subject the fans to that kind of torture.

He is someone who can be mistaken for arab, pacific islander, hispanic, bi-racial etc. Is this what makes him so valuable to the WWE and a cemented choice for the future of the company?

Very unlikely. Being from an outside country, me or my friends never cared about whether some guy looks like people of our ethnicity. That his character is that of a serious badass who spears and superman punches bad guys to deliver justice, is a much bigger reason to be attracted to him (no homo) than whether his face resembles that of my neighbour.

Btw, does anyone else find Daniel Bryan's current look really bad? I find it even worse than the gorilla-type-hair-everywhere look he had before he got injured. I get that his character itself is that looks and size don't matter, but purposely making someone look ugly is stretching it a bit in excess.

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