The greatest era in WWE/F history?


The title is self explanatory, but here's a brief rundown of the eras.
The Territorial Era (1964-1983) : Top guys were Sammartino, Superstar Billy Graham, Pedro Morales. Not many will pick this.

The Golden Era(1984-1993): Top guys were Hogan (second best ever IMO), Savage, Andre the Giant, Rowdy Roddy Piper, Sgt. Slaughter, Ric Flair (6th greatest of all time) for a little bit, Ultimate Warrior

The New Generation (94-97): Top guys were Shawn Michaels(BEST EVER), Bret Hart, Undertaker (4th best ever), Diesel, Razor Ramon. VERY UNDERRATED era IMO. Some great matches and rivalries were created, many of the greatest superstars ever were involved in this era.

Attitude Era (97-01): Top guys were Stone Cold (3rd best ever), The Rock (5th best ever), Undertaker, Kane, Y2J, HBK (at the very beginning), HHH, Mankind, Tag Team Wrestling was at peak with E/C, Hardys, Dudleyz, APA, New Age Outlawz, BoD, Rock N Sock etc.

Ruthless Agression Era(Part A: 01-04) (Part B: 04-08): Part A top guys were HHH, HBK, Y2J, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, Randy Orton, Undertaker, Kane, Hulk Hogan and the NWO, The Rock, SCSA, Brock Lesnar, Goldberg, Big Show
Part B top guys were edge, randy orton, JBL, Batista, John Cena, Undertaker, Kane, Y2J, RVD, Booker T, Rey Mysterio, Bobby Lashley, Jeff Hardy, Big Show

PG Era (2009-Present): Top guys were John Cena, Edge, Randy Orton, Batista, Jeff Hardy, HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Kane, Mark Henry, CM Punk, Brock Lesnar, Y2J, Sheamus, Rey Mysterio, Alberto Del Rio, Daniel Bryan, The Miz
My personal favorite was the RUTHLESS AGGRESSION era, because that's what I grew up with so it has a very special place in my heart. HBK was champ again and won first EC match, ECW had a breif comeback, HHH reached his peak, Kurt Angle and the SD 6 put on consistently great matches, the WHC came back, the WWE championship was beautiful until Part 2, Goldberg in WWE, HBK AND HHH IS MY FAVORITE RIVALRY EVER. Midcarders were also pretty good at that time. My 2 favorite matches with HBK vs Y2J at mania and HBK vs HHH Last Man Standing.

WHAT WAS YOUR FAVORITE ERA? I think most of you will say Attitude, and I don't blame you.
I have been a diehard WWE fan since the early 90's. The New Generation (94-97) on your list is what made me a pro-wrestling fan. That will have to be my favorite era because of the love and memories I have of that time. I will go from there to the attitude era and so on. A lot has changed since then. I'm just glad I can be apart of it as a fan.
2009 was not the start of as you refer to as the PG Era, the WWE entered the pg era in mid 07 when numerous controversies had occurred which I won't get into now. But the era where I have watches the most has been the present day era. 2007-2012, I like to call the ruthless aggression/PG Era. 2002-2006 was then ruthless aggression. 2007 was the start of the pg addition.

Overall I would say some of today's stuff is great but I don't really have a fave era. Sorry bud.
IMO, the Attitude Era ended in 2002 after WM X8 but if people are gonna say it ended in 2001 after WM X7 then they should really start calling the period from April 2001 to April 2002, the Invasion Era since we saw the Alliance then the nWo invade the WWE.

To answer the question, Golden & Attitude. If we're talking favourites here not greatest then I'll throw in the Invasion Era aswell. I liked it even though everybody else hated it.
Gotta go with attitude era. It coincided with my time in high school so I was finally ablt to stay up wand watch the shows and was old enough to appreciate what I was watching.

New Generation is a close second as Bret and Shawn are two of the top guys of all itme and they both had their primes during this time. Also guys like Razor, Diesel, Yoko, Lex, Taker, Sid and an up and coming Austin make this time while somewhat corney, still alot of fun. Especially the later stuff when you can see the shirt to the edgier, attitude product.
That era when wrestlers would wrestle with bears. Those bears used to cut some awesome promo's. And they didn't need to shoot. The managers had to though.
Territorial Era... I love Sammartino and Billy Graham, and the whole territory scene is awesome. But since I watched very few things about that I'm going with Ruthless Agression, just look at the midcard and my gawd!

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