The Greatest Game of all time #9


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
So here is is...Game 9 and last weeks #10s
FlameLeeUk; Shining force 2
Derf; Diddy Kong Racing
KB; Super Dodgeball
Jack attack; Vagrant Story
M.V.P; Xenosaga
Iscariot; Parasite Eve II
Darkshot77; Star Wars Battlefront 2

Here's a reminder of the rules...

-You do one game per thread *so no people with 5 #10's*
-One game per franchise *So no Zelda 1 and Zelda 2, however I would allow a Mario bros. game and a Mario Kart game*
-You must have completed the game *That's so we don't have someone who's enjoyed a game so far, but the ending is not worth a top 10 place*
-Give reasons why you put it there.
-I will keep track of game votes in the following spoiler part;

FlameLeeUK ; Sonic 2
DarkShot77; Kirby SuperStar
MVP;Tales of symphonia
KB; Donkey Kong 64
Derf; FFX
Iscariot; GTA 3

#9 Sonic the Hedgehog 2

Format; Sega Mega Drive/Genesis (NOT the Master System version)

Genre; Platformer

Release date; 24th November 1992


Something about emeralds, Robotnik and Tails...

Why number 9?

As much as I dislike Soinic as a franchise, the first few games were not that bad, and I personallly think Sonic 2 is the best. Here we has the brilliance of Sonic 1, with added abilities such as spinning and the introduction of Tails and Super Sonic it was a sheer brilliant game.

It's one of the first games I can remember being hyped and this game really stepped a gear up in the Nintendo v Sega war, shame Sega did a WCW!

#9: Kirby Super Star


I wish to own all of Dreamland

I will first have to apologize, from this point foreward I will have the entire count ddown preplanned. Going on to the game.

My favorite Kirby game to date. Every game contained in was fun. The greatest Kirby villan by the name of Marx. His battle was tough and if you managed to beat that there was the boss area to tend with. The addtion of the helper made a two player mode avalible to friends. all the differant Kirby suits made for so many differant powers and abilities. This games turned out to inspre all the oves for both kirby and Metaknight for the Smash Bros game. One of the most fun games on the Super Nintendo.
#9 Tales of Symphonia


I am a big fan of the tales series while my personal favorite is probably Vesperia i felt Symphonia had the better story and character development. Right off the bat my favorite thing about any Tales game is the gameplay. The battle system in the tales series can keep me killing random monsters for hours non stop. Now the reason i gave symphonia a spot is because i thought out of all the tales game this one had the best characters and character growth. I felt that i actually got to know the characters well during the time i spent playing. And i did not find myself hating any of the characters i felt they were all important in a way and had good background. The story is amazing and in depth. The only reason i bought a gamecube was for this game alone.
I'm going to go with Donkey Kong 64. This game was the first N64 game to require the expansion pack for the simple purpose of it was massive. In essence it was 5 games in one, as you had to go through the worlds with all 5 monkeys to get everything required, and as you went each time, things were different. The plot is basic DK comedy, but there's nothing about this game that isn't just fun. The DK rap is classic, the bosses are tough, the weapons are great, and this whole game is just flat out fun.
First off, I'd like to also say i pre-though out my list, and now regret it, as DK64 is one of my favorites games ever, and I forgot to add it to the list. But moving on, my number 9 game is... (and I'm prepared for any red rep I may recieve lol)...


First off, I will admit that i love all FF games, bu for me, this one tops the list (In all fairness, I never actually completed 7, so it's not eligable.) But Final Fantasy X was the first FF game I ever beat, I love the story, the charecters, everything. I've beaten it three times now, and everytime it feels like a different game, dispite doing the same things over again. So many things to do on the side, like most FF games, but this one just had a story that captured me, and obviously others if it spawned a sequel.

I love all Final Fantasy games, but Final Fantasy X is my favorie of them all.

And my #8 game is one of my favorite N64 games ever, and possibly one of the most unreplacable adventure games ever (so you can give it up Microsoft... hint hint...)
#9 : Grand Theft Auto 3 (PlayStation 2)


Hailed as one of the greatest innovations in computer game history, GTA3 changled the landscape of gaming and gave the PS2 an easy victory in the console wars. It practically invented Free-Roaming games, and has become the standard bearer of Sony. The gameplay was good, the graphics for its time were great, it played well and boy was it fun. Noting compared to the fun of getting your first rifle and gunning down the prostitute you just slept with, just to get your fifty dollars back. It had a HUGE lifespan in that almost no-one got bored of playing GTA.


I personally think that GTA3: Vice City beat this game, and that San Andreas beat that. GTA4 whilst good loses its humour and takes itself too serious, which is why I prefer Saints Row 2 over all of them right now. However, pound for pound I have to admit the greatest out of all the Free roaming titles is, and will probably always be, Grand Theft Auto 3.


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