The Maryse Return!

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
As we all know, back at the Night of Champions ppv, Maryse would defend the Divas Championship against current champ Mickie James. Maryse would go on to drop the title to Mickie, and we haven't seen her since. She had to get surgery for a knee injury she suffered back in the beginning of her title reign, close to January 2009.

Since it's already been almost 3 months since we've seen Maryse... it's only a matter of time before we see her return.

Now, when do you think we will see Maryse's return? How will it impact the Divas Title scene on Raw, if at all? Will she be the one to end Mickie James' title reign and become the first ever 2-time Divas Champion? Elaborate!
i read somewhere that beth phoenix is prob gona be the next to feud with mickie over the title so if maryse comes back during that then i dont really know if she would. i would like to see her team up with the miz because he's a winner now and they could really help elevate the other.
i agree, her and Miz were good before when they had them together so it would work again, and it gives her something to do so we get to see her on camera, cause who wouldnt. just hope she gets to wrestle sometimes cause i liked her in the ring and i liked her music lol. miss her lots hope its soon.
I think she should go back and work with Miz.... Though I don't think that Miz should take her right away. He should make her earn like she was making him do earlier this year. I really do think that these to could do well together, and could help elevate Miz to the next level. Just my thought.
I dont get the love for this chick, she is mediocre at best in the ring. I dont understand why WWE is pushing Marayse/Fox ahead of Beth Phoenix.
well i would say its because we have seen beth vs mickie before and a lot of times and they are building it. Maryse draws a lot of heel heat, more than any other diva, thats one reason there, and shes damn fine and we all wanna see her. as for Fox she is just being fed to mickie til Maryse comes back.
I can’t wait until Maryse returns! She was one of the few divas that I actually liked and it wasn’t only because of her looks. She had something that a lot of the other divas were and still are missing: a character. Yes, she isn’t as good in the ring as someone like Beth Phoenix or Michelle McCool, but wrestling is not all about the actual wrestling.

Maryse played her role perfectly. She was a heel and she made people boo her just because of the way she acted and her mannerisms. She was actually interesting and entertaining. That’s something that can’t be said for most of the other divas on the roster. I hope that once she returns from injury she is in the same role she was in before the injury.

As far as the OP’s question, I really can’t tell when she’ll return or where she’ll return but my guess is that it will be on Raw to finish up her feud with Mickie James. I hope she wins the title after a while of her returning because of the reasons stated earlier in my post.
i dont see the big deal...yea shes hot but who cares...and what kinda heat does she draw, whenever she comes out all i hear is crickets so....Shes average in the ring, and all she does is flip her hair, wheres this so-called "character"....i wish shed at least be a manager for the miz, cuz watchin her wrestle is painful, not as painful as watching rosa mendes though lmao
She's damn good in the ring, at least bounds above half the girls that have the spotlight. It's annoying. She's a absolutely beautiful woman, lmao. That makes her awesome right there. Yeah, put her back in the program with the Miz, make her chasing him now that he's "not a loser" or whatever. Makes sense to me. At least until she finalizes her ring work and makes sure she's not all banged up.
Shes one of the only Diva's worth watching IMO.

She's improved in the ring, and on the mic. If she comes back with the Miz it will be even better. (last i checked they were still dating in real life) She'll jump right back into the Diva's Title Hunt, because now with this big Diva's trade she's one of larger stars on Raw. She'll come back heel, because her character wont work as a face.
i cant wait for her to be back she'll make a great fued with melina but i could see her returning and having something to do with the miz for awhile than she'll chase the diva's title again. Witch i hope she will win
She'll be back to fued with Melina, obviously.

But i think she'd be good as a face in a few months/years. I started to get a Trish vibe off her presence on TV during those prior months to her leaving TV and dropping the Divas title to Mickie. Now getting compared to Trish is one of the biggest compliments a Diva could get. Trish was "the" Austin/Rock of the recent Women's scene, and i get that same feel off of Maryse when watching her do her thing.

Half the reason is because there's an interest in her as a person. I think people wanna see her. Get to know more of her character.

Her character will work as a face, all she has to do is drop the hand gesture where she motions the fans to shut their mouths, continue doing the hair flip and wink to the camera, shake her ass a bit and show some titty. That's it.

Again, similar to Trish. You just drop the snobby'ish heel traits in their promos, and smile a lot and do a bit of a do gooder act.
Well, with the current scene of the diva's division right now been shaken to its very core (as McMahon would say if he gave a shit about the womens trade), Maryse will most likely turn up out of the blue and make her dominance felt to challenge the champion at the time. She will have a lengthy feud for the division as she is going to take the head role in the heels with quite possibly a lengthy run as champion before she got injured.

Other than that, all I can really guess is that she is hyped a couple of weeks before the return with some promos and works her way back up to the title scene. At around this time, some face turns heel alongside Maryse and attacks a top babyface giving a new perspective to the division.

Either way, I will be waiting and watching out for the return.
Maryse will feud with Melina when she gets back, assuming that Melina holds the title until then. She probably will win the title after a while, then feud with Gail Kim or something like that. I imagine what happens really, is that it is completely arbritrary and that if she's back in time for the shows in Britain, she will win there, because we British demand our annual token title change.
I'll just be glad to have Maryse back because she can work the stick. For the love of all things holy, why can't any of the women work well on the mic? I know Vinnie Mac don't care, but if he's gonna give us Diva's Wrestling, then dammit! Make me care about it. When Maryse came over from SmackDown!, I HATED her. Snobby, French(Canadian)...and all wrapped up and delivered in the perfect package. The Diva's division needs her now...

That said, when she comes back, I expect her to go straight to the top of the division to challenge Melina (kinda feels weird typing that...) The only credible challenger to Melina, in my mind, is Gail Kim...and she's not a heel. The rest of the RAW Divas, especially thanks to the loss of Mickie James & Beth Phoenix, need to develop before I would consider them true Champion material. I mean, I about crapped myself when Jillian won (and thanked Jesus when Melina came out and put an end to that).

Basically, what I'm getting at here is that Maryse needs to return to spark some life in a division that, at least on RAW, is this close to flat lining. I mean, how many people turn away and do something else when we know a Diva's match is coming (JicKie Mames excluded, of course)? I'll be glad to see her return, so long as Creative doesn't mess it up...

Note: I'm not holding my breath on Creative not screwing up :)
Maryse needs more in ring work I think. She's got a character that works but I think she could be a lot better than she is. Obviously, Melina vs. Maryse will be the feud they push.
She's average in the ring and doesn't really draw much heat, and she's been injured twice now. She is nice to see in the ring but who knows where she'll fit in until she comes back and makes some sort of impact. We'll see what happens. Hopefully she'll face Melina. That would be a good match.
Ok so not taking anything away from Maryse, but come on now. Jillian Hall is a truely talented wrestler. Her "Gimmick" may suck to some of you, not me, I find it funny and entertaining, but she CAN wrestle. And that is not a question. She should have got that push a looooooooong time ago. In My opinion she is more inring talented than Alicia, Maryse, Eve, The Bellas, just to name a few. And yet, has always been in the shadows and NEVER got a title shot til this one time and won it. I HOPE HOPE HOPE that Jillian gets the title back and has a fued/big push for a while. I love her and know I am not the only one. PS, Mickie James=Soon To be NEW Womens Champion
She's average in the ring and doesn't really draw much heat, and she's been injured twice now. She is nice to see in the ring but who knows where she'll fit in until she comes back and makes some sort of impact. We'll see what happens. Hopefully she'll face Melina. That would be a good match.

Pretty sure its the same injury...she didn't get it completely fixed the first time around, and now she injured it again.

But to her defense....she's only injured because the Bellas can't wrestle for crap and botched a drop kick
Shes one of the only Diva's worth watching IMO.

She's improved in the ring, and on the mic. If she comes back with the Miz it will be even better. (last i checked they were still dating in real life) She'll jump right back into the Diva's Title Hunt, because now with this big Diva's trade she's one of larger stars on Raw. She'll come back heel, because her character wont work as a face.

I could not of put it better myself, she is the best Diva. She's got the look, the skills, and can only get better with time. She also has the drive. She wants to work for the WWE, she wants to be the Diva's/Womens Champion again, she wants to be back on Raw kicking ass. She's awesome.
I definitely can't wait for her to come back. She's the best diva in the company by far, and extremely hot to boot. She's the only diva that I really care about because she's actually an interesting character. Most of them are just charisma-less drones. She's good in the ring considering how long she's been wrestling. I hope she rips Melina a new one and takes the title back. She'll give me a reason to like raw again.
She's super hot and cocky. Just hope when she comes back her knees holds together and we'll get to see a lot more of her! She was nice in the ring and hopefully the fans will react to her more this time around.
To be honest, as hot as she is, I nearly forgot about her. THAT'S how irrelevant the woman's wrestling in the WWE has become. I remember when Lita was injured. She was missed. I actually watched the Diva's wrestle and thought...'I wish Lita was back. She rocked.' Now, we have no one capable of drawing that kind of attention and ratings. Maryse is hot, but she's not missed at all. If she returns, great. But it'll be uneventful by the next week.
Well maybe this thread was made prematurely because she still isn't back however I think she is by far the hottest and most talented diva on the roster.

She's fairly young and has a good gimmick going I want to see if she can work the mic as well as Trish and Lita used to however.

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