The Next Miz Feud

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Now that the Miz leaves WM as champion who does he feud with next?

Do you think he continues his feud with Cena?
The Rock?
Big Show?

Personally I think the feud between Cena and possibly with the Rock needs to continue? If it didn't I have no clue where this could head. Morrison IMO has very little chance because if he was about to receive a push he would have done more then 1 move in his WM match. The others besides Orton in my opinion are just throw ins. How do you feel?
I don't think he should "feud" with anyone. He is the champ and he should constantly be challenged by the #1 contender. But, there is no ranking system. He could resume his feud with Cena and even add in some action with Morrison. But he is the champ.
The Rock? No way.

Cena/Rock See above.

Morrison? Maybe, but he hasn't looked relevant that much lately.

Ziggler? Wouldn't draw

Orton? Most likely choice, but it's already been done.

Punk? Would be good if Punk was face, but he's too good as a heel.

Bryan? Not ready yet. A feud if Miz wasn't champ would be likely.

Sheamus? No, he's the US champ.

Kofi? He's on Smackdown and not even ready...

Big Show?He's on Smackdown and the only world title he'd win is the WHC, but that's not even likely.

Who do I think it will be? Probably Cena by himself. The GM will make some kind of match for the #1 contendership with Cena in it or they'll award Cena a rematch due to the Rock's interference(even though it was no DQ), unless the Rock is the GM.

So basically, Orton or Cena.
Obviously he will continue feuding with Cena, the Extreme Rules PPV is basically Backlash with weapons which means it will end all feuds from Wrestlemania.

After Extreme Rules if he retains? Maybe Morrison or Orton. The others just aren't ready yet or are heels which wouldn't work.
I personally feel that Cena should have won the match as Raw is filled with heels. I think he would have won if they ddin't have plans for the Rock in the future.

Anyway I think the Miz will start a fued with either John Morrison or Sin Cara. I have not said Cena or the Rock as both of them don't need to fued for the title. Their fued I think will be bigger without a title.

I think if they were going to push SIn Cara straight waya he should interupt a Miz promo. Gets a big pop. Miz insults him until Sin Cara takes him out and Raw GM says Sin Cara will be in a match with The Miz at E. Rules.

But more likely they will go with John Morrison. Good in the ringa nd and gets a huge pop. Give him a strong push and make him relevant while Cena is tied down with The Rock.
Realistically I can see the Cena feud carrying on for possibly the next 2 PPVs. No way can they leave it hanging like that from last night, I think Cena will most likely be awarded a rematch at Extreme Rules.

I personally would like to see John Morrison be the number 1 contender, but the only way they could kick-start that would be if he won a number 1 contenders fatal four way, or battle royale, because he wouldn't just get handed a title shot out of nowhere.

I pray to Moses it's not Orton, they only recently had a match which ended their feud. And Ortons bores me, so the storyline would completely suck ass, Orton in a main event storyline is torture to my eyes.

As for everyone else you listed, virtually impossible. The Rock; will be gone after tonight's RAW, Ziggler; Mae Young gets a better reaction from the crowd, Punk; if they turned Punk face I'd put pins in my eyes, Bryan; not ready, Sheamus; US champ, Kofi; doesn't deserve a title shot, Big Show; too fat.
Now that the Miz leaves WM as champion who does he feud with next?

Do you think he continues his feud with Cena? Cena is top face, so it will probably happen
The Rock? No, but it might happen. Give Rock another title and build up Cena/Rock
Cena/Rock? Nope
Morrison? I'd love to see JoMo get a big push. He's due and has had all his previous pushes squashed
Ziggler? No way. He's mid-card at best
Orton? Involved with Punk
Punk? See above
Bryan? Not quite ready yet
Sheamus? He seems to have been relegated to low/mid-card status, sadly
Kofi? They'd have to bring him back to RAW
Big Show? See above
The Rock? No way. He isn't coming back for consistent periods of time to be put into the title picture.
Cena/Rock See above.
Morrison? This is what I'd like to see personally. But the bookers would really need to pull off a lot of perfect moves both in matches and with his character over the next few months to make Morrison a strong title contender over say, the summer. Given recent booking history, unfortunately it isn't likely.
Ziggler? He gets no response from the crowd.
Orton? This is really the only alternative feasible right now, but they just did this so it would be boring as hell.
Punk? He'd have to turn face, and personally I think he's much better as a heel.
Bryan? Not ready.
Sheamus? He already has a belt. Stick to him actually making that title worth a damn again.
Kofi? See the entry beside "Bryan."
Big Show? Possibly for one PPV, but it would be pretty boring and would need to end quickly. However, if Miz wins cleanly over Show it would make him look a lot stronger so the bookers should consider it.

Really the only possibility right now is Cena. After the way that match ended the feud will most likely continue. While on the one hand this makes sense, on the other hand I don't want it to continue so long because Cena inevitably always comes out on top and will get the title back, which I never want to see again unless drastic changes are made to his character.

The only alternative to Cena is Orton but I already explained why it would suck.
Hmm...who should the miz feud with now?

Rock- Wouldn't mind seeing it since the last two weeks they have had the rock kicking his ass as the show goes off the air BUT if the rock is getting back in the ring....he's taken on Cena

Cena- Just had that so to me that feud is over. With Summerslam approaching soon....Cena can now focus fully on the Rock

CM Punk- I don't see whats so bad about having two heels go against each other for the title But i don't think this Orton/Punk feud is going to end yet

Randy Orton- See above for reasons he won't

Dolph Ziggler- This would be my vote. Correct me if im wrong but did he ever invoke his rematch clause? They need to push him right the hell now because last nights PPV proved WWE needs the youth to develop now.

Morrison- Wouldn't mind seeing him in this position as well. He and Miz have history and both can give good promos. But John morrison has become the jack swagger of the raw brand and might be stuck in mid card hell

HHH- Why hasn't anyone mentioned him? he probably has another run before he is done so why not get it over with now since he probably will pull the HBK move and have a rematch next year. But I think they are going to pick up the HHH/Sheamus feud now

Sheamus- Again see above

Sin Cara- Sleeper pick. I think the wwe sees just how over rey is with the kids and the mexican crowd and sin cara is a bigger, younger better version of mysterio.

Ted dibase Jr- I threw him in because I love this dude. He's good on the mic, he can wrestle, he is everything joe henning isn't. They have him in this stupid slump right now but they did that with christian and Jericho also. Dibase seems to be content right now but I think within the next year he could be a big part of the future.

Also keep in mind that the draft is comin up and I wouldn't be shocked if either Kane, Big Show, Del Rio, Kofi or christian came over and challenged the title too
After the disaster they called WrestleMania I think it should be Miz vs Cena vs Orton vs Puck @ elimination CHamber for the title.

Punk & Orton got screwed in their placement lastnight.

Cena Miz after that ending it cant end.

Cena didnt even try so you need other to pull the weight for Miz.

Plus I can see alot of great build up matches till then between those four.
HHH- Why hasn't anyone mentioned him? he probably has another run before he is done so why not get it over with now since he probably will pull the HBK move and have a rematch next year. But I think they are going to pick up the HHH/Sheamus feud now

Problem here is how they hyped up the match with Taker. Remember, HHH said that there was no challenge left in the locker room for him. It was all Taker. So HHH really is in a walk away and retire position or he sticks around and what do you do with him that makes sense? He totally brushed away the Sheamus thing and after he beat down Sheamus there wasn't even a mention of payback from Sheamus. To revive that now instead of at the point of HHH return is a head scratcher. It doesn't work anymore.
HHH has literally no place in the ring any more. He even said himself his only challenge left was Undertaker, despite putting up a tremendous battle last night, and coming extremely close to winning, he failed.

It wouldn't surprise me if he went full time in WWE creative.
Kofi? They'd have to bring him back to RAW
Big Show? See above

Do they really need to bring them back to Raw? When is Bragging Rights? Could easily be billed into a Bragging Rights event. But still, why does it have to be a feud. Why not just a challenge? Personally, I would like to see titles unified like the Tag Titles, the elimination of the Smackdown show, and the combining of the rosters. A new Pro-Wrestling ranking for each title, and a revival in the format of old.
HHH has literally no place in the ring any more. He even said himself his only challenge left was Undertaker, despite putting up a tremendous battle last night, and coming extremely close to winning, he failed.

It wouldn't surprise me if he went full time in WWE creative.

I disagree. It would be easy for Triple H to feud with Sheamus now, but not for the US Title. All they have to do is have Sheamus interrupt a Triple H "Thank You Crowd" speech and the next you thing you know we have a full blown Feud. Or maybe even have CM Punk interrupt Triple H and let the 2 of them go at it. Guess it just depends on how much Triple H wants to be in the ring right now.
Do they really need to bring them back to Raw? When is Bragging Rights? Could easily be billed into a Bragging Rights event. But still, why does it have to be a feud. Why not just a challenge? Personally, I would like to see titles unified like the Tag Titles, the elimination of the Smackdown show, and the combining of the rosters. A new Pro-Wrestling ranking for each title, and a revival in the format of old.

So you would eliminate an entire show and possibly future endeavor 20-30 people on the roster by combining the roster into one show. In a business standpoint it would be suicide. I am not going to mention the Title unification thing again it has been beat to death in the last month.

To the original question, it will probably be Cena unless they quietly kept the resigning of Batista, there is no one else for him at the moment unless they swap Miz and Edge right away, but who knows.
I think the Orton feud was kinda unfinished. Orton never lost clean against Miz and he never really got to give him the payback for the beating by Miz just two weeks before Royal Rumble. Now that I think and hope he has finished his business with Punk, I wanna see Orton back in the title picture and this time hope he actually wins it. Miz has had the title for a good 5 months now (or something like that), time for a change or at least a clean retain (the closest he got was against Morrison and Lawler, both of which still had a fair share of Riley cheap shots and distractions).
So you would eliminate an entire show and possibly future endeavor 20-30 people on the roster by combining the roster into one show. In a business standpoint it would be suicide. I am not going to mention the Title unification thing again it has been beat to death in the last month.

Yes. It worked back in the old WWF days. There would be more variety of matches and make the whole show more interesting. Really look at what there is now on both of those shows. The same thing re-hashed week after week after week. And people wonder why Wrestlemania lacked in substance. Seriously, go back and watch tapes of the 1970's through early 90's and compare to today. It was a lot better back then. There was only 1 show.
Interesting question, where does the Miz go from here?

The Rock? No. Rock should not be thrown into the title picture. The Rock is still The Great One, but now that WrestleMania is finished, there's no reason to put the Rock in the title picture.

Cena/Rock? See above.

Morrison? This would be the ideal feud to lead into Extreme Rules. Morrison's Parkour style fits the PPV theme perfectly, and the spots that he and Miz could perform can definitely steal the show and elevate Morrison. Morrison also seems to step up his mic work and promo skills when he's involved with The Miz. These two definitely have chemistry together, and this feud can definitely be entertaining. Morrison's #1 Contendership was ruined by giving him his title shot right away instead of at the Royal Rumble, and I'd love to see how Morrison could handle main eventing a PPV.

Ziggler? No. While Ziggler's a former World Heavyweight Champion, I see absolutely no interest from the crowd in DZ unless Vickie Guerrero is there to scream and wail at ringside. The crowd just doesn't care, even with DZ being shoved down our throats. Is Ziggler a good wrestler, talented, and fun to watch in the ring? Of course! Just look at the Ziggler/Bryan match from last year's Bragging Rights and you'll see an overlooked gem that could easily have won Match of the Year (had it not been for Taker/HBK II).

Orton? I hope not. Orton and Miz are about as entertaining to watch feud as Lawler and Miz...not very entertaining at all.

Punk? No no no! While Punk is a great wrestler and entertainer, I do not believe that Miz/Punk have the skills to pull off a heel vs. heel story. This type of matchup is very rarely used for good reason. And turning Punk or Miz face would be a HUGE disaster.

Bryan? Although the Miz did wonders for Daniel Bryan while the two feuded over the United States Championship last year, I don't see Daniel Bryan as being ready for the main event at a PPV quite yet. If Bryan and Sheamus were disrespected enough last night by having their title match not only thrown out, but changed to a Battle Royal, while The Corre remained on the card for a squash, I don't see management giving Bryan a shot at a main event.

Sheamus? See above with Punk and Bryan.

Kofi? While Kofi could shine in a match at Extreme Rules due to his style (see Morrison), I just don't see Kofi as a legitimate contender yet. Mainly because creative ruined his shot when they buried him during the Orton/Kofi feud. That feud had potential! That feud showed a new, serious, and badass side of Kofi that got buried...if he could return to that fiery persona, he'd have a great shot.

Big Show? Interesting idea. Former Tag Team partners in ShowMiz, they never really got a decent break-up feud once Big Show left for SmackDown. Big Show knocked out The Miz with a punch, big deal. They could write a decent feud for the two of them, and it'd be interesting to see Miz really tested against a giant, and elevate his devious heel persona. But I'm not quite sold on the idea.

Quite simply, I would say to give John Morrison the next shot. There's so much history between the two, they have great chemistry, feed off each other, and can work in the ring together well. Take the chance and let them shine!
if his feud ends soon, then i want to say john morrison. they have history with each other, have potential for great title matches, it could be the new edge and chris jericho feud of last year. it is highly unlikely though because he will probably stay in the feud with dolph ziggler and go back to mid card action.
Okay so I was thinking about how the rumors are that Cena is going to face Del Rio at SummerSlam, so I got intrigued by a possible Miz/Mysterio program. I think it can work well since the two haven't feuded yet. Miz can come out and say Mysterio is a waste of space in the WWE and needs to take a backseat to him. I think since they body type of both men is similar and they are both solid in the ring they can put on some entertaining matches.

Agree/Disagree? Would you want to see this program?
I believe that a Rey vs Miz feud will be enjoyable however they need to build up to why The Miz would begin hating on Rey in the first place. Something along the lines of Rey stealing the spotlight from The Miz would work perfectly
I would prefer a Big Show vs. Miz feud, ok The Big Show is a lesser draw than Mysterio but how cool would it be for The Miz to beat a 7 FT Giant?
As much as I'd like to see that, I think the Miz needs someone to toss him around a bit. I wouldn't mind Miz versus Big Show or Kane, or even Jericho.

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