The Nexus : Barrett Or Punk


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As We All Know , The Nexus Hit Are Screens After NXT Season 1 With Tarver , Slater , Sheffield , Gabriel , Otunga ,Young And Barrett Taking On Legends And Top Superstars ... The Whole World Took Notice ... We Finally Found Young New Talent In The Tag/Trio/Stable Game Which Has Lacked In The Past Years ... Then Came The Cena Storyline Which Received Mixed Reviews Then Cm Punk Came Along And Took Over From Barrett After The Nexus Thought Barrett Was Making It Wade Barret And The Nexus ... Which Made Some Members Leave And Some Came ... And Now Were Seeing The Nexus Even Less On T.V ...

For Me Personaly I Thought Punk Taking Over Was Wrong . I Dont Really Like Punk But The Whole Thing Of The Nexus Was Young Talent Not Talent That Needs A Storyline ... The Fresh Talent Dont Seem To Be Getting A Match ... We See Them "Helping Cm Punk On Occasions And Also Tag Team Action ...

What Nexus Did You Like Best ... Barretts Or Punks ?

PS : Do Not Start Saying About Upper Caps I Have Bad Habbit Of Doing It ... |
100% Barrett for sure. When he was in control, The Nexus was in the main event. They were what was talked about. Barrett was in the title picture. With him in control, the group was successful. The whole locker room (heel or face) was against them.

And then when Punk took over, The Nexus went down in the drain.

This went from a great stable, to a bunch of buried jobbers. And it's not Punk's fault. Management buries anyone and everyone. Punk deserved better than to be buried.
Totally Agree WooWooWoo1999 ... Punk Wasnt All To Blame Maybe The Creative Team Has Its Faults .. I Remebering Trending On Twitter Haha ... Now The Are Just Jobbers .
Im torn because i love both of these so much but i have to go with barrett. When barrett was with nexus they were the best thing on raw at the time they attacked anybody and everybody. But once punk took over they stopped using the nexus music for awhile which really annoyed me and they fell from the main event like a plane falling from the sky so barrett was definitely way better for nexus.
Yeah at first I remember getting on several wrestling forums and seeing Punk marks very excited. They were thinking, maybe this guy is finally going to get that WWE Title shot that he deserves. But guess what happened? Creative sent him in the exact opposite direction. I really wonder why Punk's probably gonna leave?
I think cm punk is much better than barrett, however when you involve the nexus, I have to agree. Barrett knew how to lead and promote the group while punk often uses them for his own devices. I have a feeling that when this punk/cena fued goes through, and given that punk takes the title at some point, the new nexus will be taken apart, mason ryan fueds with punk as champ, and otunga and mcutty are forgotten. Vince does love big boys, and who better to replace the unforgotten batista and the old show and 'cane' with than he?
CM Punk, he is an actual leader for starters. In both The Corre - which I enjoyed when they were a faction - and the original Nexus, Barrett never seemed to look the part of a leader, there was always that thought that he could be turned on in an instance.

With CM Punk, his character and his heel persona is built around manipulation, he doesn't seem like someone who Nexus would turn on in the blink of an eye. They've made him more of a leader and authority figure within the New Nexus.

I prefer CM Punk due to the fact, he plays the part and fits the role much better than Wade Barrett.
Barrett as a leader and not punk .
Punk good heel ALONE
Barrett good leaseder in a corprated minrety way
Barrett and Punk are both talented enough to lead the Nexus, but CM Punk got the short end of the stick. For some reason they decided to bury Nexus thoroughly, and seemingly use them and the Corre in pretty similar stoylines, with the stables being used to springboard the muscleheads.

Anyway CM Punk could've been great in this role, I mean, this is like the biggest dropped ball in WWE history, they could've gotten so much more out of Nexus.
Totally Agree WooWooWoo1999 ... Punk Wasnt All To Blame Maybe The Creative Team Has Its Faults .. I Remebering Trending On Twitter Haha ... Now The Are Just Jobbers .

CM Punk did the best with what he was given, as the writers barely gave CM Punk anything at all. This was not CM Punk's fault AT ALL. He was doing good until Randy Orton came to the picture, which was in less than a month, so New Nexus did not fully developed.

CM Punk did not do anything to New Nexus, he could have been great if they made him look more dominant. Instead, the writers higher Bland-y Bore-ton to take each and everyone of them out, sealing their fate as losers.

Even with Wade Barrett, they made Nexus look like losers, but at least the storyline was entertaining a bit. So Wade Barrett's Nexus was better, NOT because Wade Barrett was better than CM Punk, but because the writers had more thought last year.
Well Punk can only do what writers and storylines direct him to do. The Nexus was fading well before Punk's run with them. It's a perfect example of the WWE having a great ideal going through with it but don't know how to handle the ideal in the long run. I'm sorry, answering the question at hand, Barrett was the best leader. He fit in with the group. The only thing the rest of them could be are henchmen to Punk because his persona is just to powerful
CM Punk's version of the Nexus is a messed up storyline that ruined something with potential. The old Nexus with Barrett was doing great as a gang of rookie heels trying to make a name and things were going great during their feud with Cena until he owned Barrett at TLC and then they changed leader to continue the same feud while Barrett went his own way to Smackdown as 'Corre'.
Barrett for sure but in the case of Punk's Nexus they buried Punk so as leader of Nexus ,Nexus will get buried too that the bottom line because Ayatollah said so
Punk is the perfect leader for Nexus. Why in the hell should a stable of rookies be led by another rookie? Thats doesn't make sense. A stable should be headed by a established wrestler not a rookie wich Barrett is by the way. Imagine the Original NWO without Hogan as leader it would have failed 2 weeks after it debuted.

"Survey says, One more for the good guys!!!" - Scott Hall
"Sorry about your damn luck!!!" James Storm
I'll say Punk, because he's better than Barrett in every possible way. But the fact is, WWE blew the Nexus storyline last summer when they had Cena beat the Nexus at SummerSlam. Nexus had to go over in that match to make them look strong, but instead Cena took them out almost single handedly. I know it was a big tag match, but Cena took out the last 2 or 3 on his own. Nexus needed to win, and we also needed to know who the higher power was. Remember that? Barrett would go on & on about a biger plan & higher power, & we never heard anything else about it. It's like they just gave up on the storyline half way through. They could have really made something of the storyline by tying the higher power to the GM or to another established star, but creative completely dropped the ball. Now they're trying to use Punk to make something out of nothing, but it's not working.
It's hard. Both have had their fair share of ups and downs. The original one was just a clusterfuck of storylines that didn't gel(the Higher Power, burying Taker), and the New Nexus really doesn't serve much purpose other than the Corre forming, which I like. I gotta go with the original Nexus. When they first hit the scene, everybody took notice. They were trending on the web. The brought the invincible superhero of the WWE to his knees with John Cena(oh how that was screwed up:banghead:), and beat down basically everyone. The New Nexus is just a group of jobbers, which isn't Punk's fault because he's a singles competitor anyway. I look at it like this: When they first arrived, they were a group of young guns who were looking for respect, gold, and to dominate. Now...they're a group of noone important other than Punk and Mason.
Punk could be a better leader than Barrett if WWE creative would be smart enough to utilize him & Nexus better. However since they used Nexus better under Barrett's leadership, Barrett wins but due to the ridiculous booking of WWE's creative team.
The problem with both has been it has purely been about Barrett or Punk because those two are to put it bluntly so much better than the others when it comes to putting across a character. Guys like Slater and Otunga are just a bit meh and could easily have been anyone else from FCW.

However Barrett's but that's mainly because he had the much better storylines. Punk is brilliant and he's honestly probably in my opinion the best thing going in WWE but since Barrett left the Nexus storylines have been dull and uninspiring.
I was personally excited to see CM Punk take over The Nexus but now that it's happened I like The Nexus better when Wade Barrett was the leader. I think the storyline between Punk and Cena would be a lot better if Nexus wasn't even in the picture
Wade was a much better leader of Nexus. Although he was a rookie like everyone else, he was leading a bunch of guys who were mistreated and underused on NXT. The storyline made since. He was the winner and wanted to take these guys with him.

CM Punk became the leader and turned it into SES 2.0. He talked about faith and believing, blah blah. I don't want to knock CM Punk. I'm not a fan of him as a heel but a lot of people are so to avoid that converstion, I won't go there lol. Stay on topic, he was booked wrong as the leader. They continued to be jobbers while he received all the glory.

Wade led his mates with a purpose, 'all part of a bigger picture' is what he said. Too bad creative dropped the ball and never told us what it was.
Barrett's Nexus was WAY better. I've actually hated Punk's Nexus in comparison. They have not been the same since Barrett left the group. I hope that New Nexus and Corre will merge back into Nexus under Barrett's leadership instead. The original group was better because they caused chaos across both brands and it took a team of 7 top guys to stand up to them at Summerslam. Punk's Nexus has been so pale in comparison.
Dagger Dias said it best word for word....

Barretts nexus dominated both brands...absolutly tore apart Raw and Cena in the very first time on tv. They battled 7 of WWE's top stars headlinning a PPV. I never missed a moment of wwe tv when barretts nexus was ruling...

Now, Im a fan of CM Punk..But his "new nexus" is a pathetic joke. It has taken Punk from Championship contender to jobber. I was SO impressed with Mason Ryan like the first 5 minutes he debuted then blah...Never have been big on Otunga or his partner, them as tag champs REALLY brought Kane and Big Show down a few that it? Those 4 guys is all now isnt it? It was compelling when Punk was doing his initiations...

Frankley when they come on wwe tv now i switch to History channel to see what Pawn Stars are up to....
Barretts Nexus was 100 times better...
There look was better
- The nexus t-shirts Stood out more, I loved the bold N in the yellow square it worked
-the original nexus looke like 6 different superstars,whereas now all the guys are more similar sizes
Barrets nexus was more dominent
-Main event raw every week
-Managed to overcome wwe golden boy John Cena (sort of)
- Totally rocked the wwe universe

Overall Barrets Nexus were better. They had good chemistry and a purpose. They also had roles to fullfill e.g Gabriel 450 splash, whereas Punk's Nexus just throw punches randomly when attacking.
I would prefer Punk to go solo, he deserves to have more solo success..
Barret was the better leader of the nexus, as stated it was ment to be about young talent, although the core isn't bad I would have preferred barret to stay with nexus. I enjoyed the who your ever nexus or against us storyline. Even with the failed cena storyline. Barret is just better with nexus. Cm punk just needed something to do after his last stable
Barret is a very awesome leader...
The role just suits him like better than Punk...
Punk should be a guy with a manager because he doesn't look frightening or an intimidating leader

One thing I would like to see is Barret vs Punk it needed to happen to maintain the nexus relevant, but no, they just screw it...
The only guy in the Nexus now that I want to see get on his own is David Otunga...

With Nexus they had a lot of promos backstage and things like that...
It was good and I like the Corre more as well...

Bottom line Wade Barret is a better leader in my opinion...

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