The Roast of NoFate

Mr. TM

Throwing a tantrum
Once upon a time there was a man named Fred. Now Fred wasn't a rich man, but he had his eye on his greatest treasure. Samantha, the daughter of a rich aristocratic family was beautiful. She has flowing blond hair, green eyes, and fair as soft as silk. Fred would do anything to even get the chance to speak with her. So one day, he packed up his produce and marched to the city in the hopes of running into her as she made her rounds throughout the town. As he was coming towards a intersection, a wagon was moving towards the same intersection. Fred, filled with dreams was not paying attention, and his small wagon was crushed by the larger four horse team of the stagecoach. emerging from the stagecoach was Samantha, Fred's one true love. She rushed over to him, and mended him back to perfect health. One day they would have a child, and they named that child, after an all night Bond/Terminator marathon, NoFate007.

NoFAte would look out onto the horizon, and like his father, find his prize. That prize was the WrestleZone forums, where he would come, and make posts similar to the story of his life. And for that, we gave him poster of the year.

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