The Ruthless Aggression Era

Who made the biggest impact?

  • Brock Lesnar

  • John Cena

  • Batista

  • Randy Orton

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CM Steel

A REAL American
The Ruthless Aggression Era as we know started right after Wrestlemania 18 in 2002. With new WWE superstars being called up from OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling) in Louisville, KY. The night after WM 18 we saw the WWE debut of Brock Lesnar on RAW. While others such as Randy Orton, John Cena, and (Deacon) Batista debut over on Smackdown. These four alone went on over the years to become big stars in the WWE. During an era where the cream of the crop talent were being created over in OVW. With others coming in like Shelton Benjamin, Doug Basham, and Nick Dinesmore who didn't get to that same level as their fellow OVW classmate's from the class of 2002.

The Ruthless Aggression Era lasted from 2002-05 shortly after John Cena and Dave Batista won world title's at Wrestlemania 21 in L.A. And went on to have successful career's in the main event. But between the four it was Brock Lesnar who won the WWE championship during his rookie year in the WWE when he defeated the Rock at Summerslam '02. And Randy Orton winning the WWE world heavyweight championship two years later at Summerslam by defeating Chris Benoit (yeah I said it).

So beside's John Cena who is now the face of the WWE, who was the superstar from the Ruthless Aggression Era who set the tone and foundation to what the WWE is today? Because without an Evolution, a Paul Heyman, or even Hip-Hop as a background these top guys most likey wouldn't be where they are today.

So in your own honest opinion. Which OVW guy was the best wrestler produced by OVW to lead the Ruthless Aggression Era?
The Ruthless Aggression Era as we know started right after Wrestlemania 18 in 2002. With new WWE superstars being called up from OVW (Ohio Valley Wrestling) in Louisville, KY. The night after WM 18 we saw the WWE debut of Brock Lesnar on RAW. While others such as Randy Orton, John Cena, and (Deacon) Batista debut over on Smackdown. These four alone went on over the years to become big stars in the WWE. During an era where the cream of the crop talent were being created over in OVW. With others coming in like Shelton Benjamin, Doug Basham, and Nick Dinesmore who didn't get to that same level as their fellow OVW classmate's from the class of 2002.

The Ruthless Aggression Era lasted from 2002-05 shortly after John Cena and Dave Batista won world title's at Wrestlemania 21 in L.A. And went on to have successful career's in the main event. But between the four it was Brock Lesnar who won the WWE championship during his rookie year in the WWE when he defeated the Rock at Summerslam '02. And Randy Orton winning the WWE world heavyweight championship two years later at Summerslam by defeating Chris Benoit (yeah I said it).

So beside's John Cena who is now the face of the WWE, who was the superstar from the Ruthless Aggression Era who set the tone and foundation to what the WWE is today? Because without an Evolution, a Paul Heyman, or even Hip-Hop as a background these top guys most likey wouldn't be where they are today.

So in your own honest opinion. Which OVW guy was the best wrestler produced by OVW to lead the Ruthless Aggression Era?

Alright - so I'm not going to be mean here, but there's a lot of inaccuracies in your post.

  • The Ruthless Aggression/Brand Extension era was from 2002-2007.
  • You made John Cena an option in your pole, yet asked people to list someone besides John Cena as who had the biggest impact during this era. Which is it?

So to answer your question, John Cena ushered in this era when he called out Kurt Angle and told him he had Ruthless Aggression and then proceeded to have a Match of the Year candidate with Angle on Smackdown. He also led the charge after he ended up defeating Big Show for the US title at Wrestlemania, then ended up with numerous title reigns - including the WWE championship.

Batista got his shots in when he main evented with HHH and Orton got his rub when he became the youngest champion in the WWE's history when he beat Chris Benoit.

But Cena was the leader of this era.
Alright - so I'm not going to be mean here, but there's a lot of inaccuracies in your post.

  • The Ruthless Aggression/Brand Extension era was from 2002-2007.
  • You made John Cena an option in your pole, yet asked people to list someone besides John Cena as who had the biggest impact during this era. Which is it?

So to answer your question, John Cena ushered in this era when he called out Kurt Angle and told him he had Ruthless Aggression and then proceeded to have a Match of the Year candidate with Angle on Smackdown. He also led the charge after he ended up defeating Big Show for the US title at Wrestlemania, then ended up with numerous title reigns - including the WWE championship.

Batista got his shots in when he main evented with HHH and Orton got his rub when he became the youngest champion in the WWE's history when he beat Chris Benoit.

But Cena was the leader of this era.

Cena was the leader AFTER Brock Lesnar left WWE in 2004.

Ruthless Aggression Era's top guys were Brock Lesnar and HHH. Cena became the top guy when Lesnar left and after Batista was drafted to Smackdown.
Cena was the leader AFTER Brock Lesnar left WWE in 2004.

Ruthless Aggression Era's top guy was Brock Lesnar but Cena became the top guy when Lesnar left.

Attendance is part of the grade. Cena was the leader of the Brand Extension era. He's the one who stuck out the schedule, carried the company, and has earned that recognition. Brock was a transitional monster champion, who stopped the gap between The Rock and John Cena. Cena is much more the face of the company than Lesnar ever was or had to be. His championship belt became the championship belt. John Cena has to be viewed as the leader of the Ruthless Aggression Era.
Attendance is part of the grade. Cena was the leader of the Brand Extension era. He's the one who stuck out the schedule, carried the company, and has earned that recognition. Brock was a transitional monster champion, who stopped the gap between The Rock and John Cena. Cena is much more the face of the company than Lesnar ever was or had to be. His championship belt became the championship belt. John Cena has to be viewed as the leader of the Ruthless Aggression Era.

No. Batista was the No.1 top face on RAW till 2005 as RAW is the flagship show, Cena was the No.2 babyface till 2005.

Cena is more the face of the PG era...2008-Present.
No. Batista was the No.1 top face on RAW till 2005 as RAW was the flagship show, Cena was the No.2 babyface till 2005.

Cena is more the face of the PG era...2008-Present.

It was much closer than you make it sound, but regardless, it was a shared burden. Cena has been one of the top draws throughout. I'll give him both eras.
It was much closer than you make it sound, but regardless, it was a shared burden. Cena has been one of the top draws throughout. I'll give him both eras.
I gotta disagree with you here. Brock was number 1 in the company. He main evented, IMO, the second best WM of all time. If Brock never left he would still be the top guy and probably have more title reigns than Cena. Batista was also above Cena. So was HHH. Angle? Cena only became a to guy after the true top guys left. This is not me taking a shot at Cena im just telling the truth. I actually find Cena entertaining but that might be because the rest of the roster is terrible
You're all stupid. The top guy of the Ruthless Aggression era was Triple H, first and foremost. Without him, that era wouldn't have meant shit. Raw was the flagship show, and with him as champion, it stayed the flagship show. There's a reason why Evolution was so successful, and Triple H is that guy. And if not him, then JBL on Smackdown.

And don't give me that "merchandise" bull shit because you didn't work for the WWE, so you don't know the true sells. And even if you did, that doesn't mean shit as far as the worker's entertainment factor. And thus, JBL and HHH are the top two of this era. And if not them then HBK and Benoit. I would also accept Eddie Guerrero, but not Cena NOR Lesnar.
I think Brock was the leader of that era. He was dubbed, "The Next Big Thing." Brock was put in a huge spotlight in his first year, He won the King Of The Ring (defeated Rob Van Damn), Defeated Hulk Hogan, became the youngest WWE Champion when he defeated The Rock in his prime at Summerslam to be the Undisputed Champion, and at his first Wrestlemania he beat Kurt Angle for the WWE Championship.

If Brock did not leave, Brock would still be the top guy. They put Cena and Batista on top cause they need someone to fill in Lesnar's shoes.
You're all stupid. The top guy of the Ruthless Aggression era was Triple H, first and foremost. Without him, that era wouldn't have meant shit. Raw was the flagship show, and with him as champion, it stayed the flagship show. There's a reason why Evolution was so successful, and Triple H is that guy. And if not him, then JBL on Smackdown.

And don't give me that "merchandise" bull shit because you didn't work for the WWE, so you don't know the true sells. And even if you did, that doesn't mean shit as far as the worker's entertainment factor. And thus, JBL and HHH are the top two of this era. And if not them then HBK and Benoit. I would also accept Eddie Guerrero, but not Cena NOR Lesnar.
First off I mentioned HHH. Secondly, how the hell was Benoit a top guy over Lesnar. While Lesnar was there, he was the man on smackdown. HHH or Brock main evented almost every ppv from 2002-2004 an won two out of those 3 royal rumbles. So to say anybody else besides these two is just plain stupid. You can make an argument for Batista but he wasnt relevant until midway through the era.
Cena was the leader AFTER Brock Lesnar left WWE in 2004.

Ruthless Aggression Era's top guys were Brock Lesnar and HHH. Cena became the top guy when Lesnar left and after Batista was drafted to Smackdown.

Agreed. Brock Lesnar was the main man of that era. He won his first world title well before guys like Cena & Orton won mid-card title's. And we all know that Vince McMahon is in LOVE with his big men, from the 1980's to now. So you just know that McMahon invested alot in Lesnar during that period.

When I saw Brock Lesnar on the cover of Smackdown: Here come's the pain video game, I knew that Brock Lesnar was a made man in the WWE. WHOA!
I agree that Brock Lesnar was the face of the Ruthless Aggression Era. He was THE GUY when that era was at it's peak and he dominated. Triple H comes at a close second, but Brock represented the success, intensity, and youth of the future of WWE.
The debate comes right down to John Cena and Brock Lesnar right? Brock Lesnar personally took the strap from The Rock. Check. Took less than a year for him to main event with Angle at Mania 19. Check. Carried the strap for upwards on two years and defended against a rising Cena as well at Backlash. Check. Gave Eddie Guerrero the rub on his way out the door in 2004. Check.

Brock Lesnar was on top of the WWE ladder for those two years he was there. I recently caught an interview where Paul Heyman was talking about the stomach problems Brock had and it drained 40% of his energy. So he was able to do everything from WWE to UFC with 60% of his energy working for him. THAT IS RIDICULOUS. There is no way Lesnar was not the top guy of the Ruthless Aggression Era. Cena took the reigns with Lesnar's exit and Batsita's injuries. Good for him, but the only reason is because Lesnar left. He would still be dominant.
Gotta go with Brock. He started the era as the next big thing. He won the KOTR tournament, took the title from The Rock, beat Taker in HIAC, and later won the Royal Rumble. For the beginning of the era he wins hands down. Cena became more of the leader later on, and I have to give him credit for holding down the fort after Brock left. Had Brock never left I always wonder what would have happened with Cena. It's just hard to argue that Brock didn't start out hands down as the man of the Ruthless Agression Era.
I am gona go with HHH for one thing only. When I think about that era I think of Evolution and that Orton and Batista came from nowhere but evolved through that group while HHH was no1 guy in the group. Cena and Batista camed later and tooked that no1 spot from the guy who had that spot and thats HHH...

As for this question...

So in your own honest opinion. Which OVW guy was the best wrestler produced by OVW to lead the Ruthless Aggression Era?

I am gona go with Cena. He emerged from that era and still leading WWE as no1 guy...

You could even add this as evidence along with Angle saying "Ruthless agression". :)

Alright - so I'm not going to be mean here, but there's a lot of inaccuracies in your post.

  • The Ruthless Aggression/Brand Extension era was from 2002-2007.
  • You made John Cena an option in your pole, yet asked people to list someone besides John Cena as who had the biggest impact during this era. Which is it?

So to answer your question, John Cena ushered in this era when he called out Kurt Angle and told him he had Ruthless Aggression and then proceeded to have a Match of the Year candidate with Angle on Smackdown. He also led the charge after he ended up defeating Big Show for the US title at Wrestlemania, then ended up with numerous title reigns - including the WWE championship.

Batista got his shots in when he main evented with HHH and Orton got his rub when he became the youngest champion in the WWE's history when he beat Chris Benoit.

But Cena was the leader of this era.

I'm pretty sure Cena saying he had "ruthless aggression" was after Vince McMahon's Ruthless Aggression speech earlier in June 2002. That speech ushered in the era. And the entire promo was basically Vince pumping Brock Lesnar's tires. So I have to go with Brock Lesnar.
I agree with the fact that Brock Lesnar had a huge part in the ruthless aggression era, but there are SO many more. For the most part I think Smackdown completely created the ruthless aggression era. Thats just my opinion. At the time their roster was STACKED. Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Eddie G, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, and not to mention all the cruiserweights. I dont think you can put the success on just one individual. On the other hand raw had HHH and HBK, who I think played a HUGE part, along with randy orton, batista, ric flair, rvd, CHRIS JERICHO, Eric Bischoff, and even VKM himself. Not to mention all the talented divas that could actually wrestle back then like Jazz, Victoria, Gail Kim, Ivory, Lita, Trish Stratus, and Molly Holly.. Overall I think they all played a significant role
I agree with the fact that Brock Lesnar had a huge part in the ruthless aggression era, but there are SO many more. For the most part I think Smackdown completely created the ruthless aggression era. Thats just my opinion. At the time their roster was STACKED. Brock Lesnar, Undertaker, Eddie G, Kurt Angle, Chris Benoit, John Cena, Edge, Rey Mysterio, Big Show, and not to mention all the cruiserweights. I dont think you can put the success on just one individual. On the other hand raw had HHH and HBK, who I think played a HUGE part, along with randy orton, batista, ric flair, rvd, CHRIS JERICHO, Eric Bischoff, and even VKM himself. Not to mention all the talented divas that could actually wrestle back then like Jazz, Victoria, Gail Kim, Ivory, Lita, Trish Stratus, and Molly Holly.. Overall I think they all played a significant role

Best response yet. Agreed.
You guys saying HHH are totally missing the point. The question was, Which OVW guy was the best wrestler produced by OVW to lead the Ruthless Aggression Era? HHH was never in OVW, I'm going to have to go with Lesnar

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