The Unified Title match from TLC

Poop Master Flex

Mid-Card Championship Winner
Why are there people out there still bitching this match wasn't at WM30? WM30 will most certainly have matches that everyone will want to see (whether its Cena/Taker or Lesnar/Taker. I'm sure one of these matches will happen) so why not use the unified title match to hike TLC PPV buyrates? Sounds like good business to me.

I still question how much higher TLC buyrates will be from normal (I'm sure last RAW helped them out at least) but the logic of why WWE had the title match last night makes perfect sense.
Us old school fans like and appreciate a story. Todays wrestling is all about hot shotting these angles for a quick pay day. I didnt like it in the attitude era and I dont like it now.

Wrestling is scripted...I get it. However, I still appreciate and value the history of the championship titles and the people who held them. With something as important as the 2 champions facing either and unifying the championship into 1....then I think the "writers" should have done a better job of telling the story and picking a better show for it to culminate at. I would have preferred Wrestlemania as its their biggest show, but thats not the most important factor for me. As long as they gave it time, at least 6 months..,I would have been ok with it.

Just my $.02
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I understand the old school opinion as much as anyone so I get the whole "story could have been so much more" stance as it could have been much bigger. At the same time there are bigger matches out there then a unification match so why not put it on a show where it could get undivided attention?

I would have liked it to be later too but I think WM30 wasn't needed for this match at all, if they did it in May or something I would have preferred that but no need for it at Wrestlemania.
As long as they gave it time, at least 6 months..,I would have been ok with it.
Life is random. Some things drag out for ages. Others happen in the blink of an eye. Variety is key. Your stringent "at least six months" standard is foolish.
Us old school fans like and appreciate a story. Todays wrestling is all about hot shotting these angles for a quick pay day. I didnt like it in the attitude era and I dont like it now.

Wrestling is scripted...I get it. However, I still appreciate and value the history of the championship titles and the people who held them. With something as important as the 2 champions facing either and unifying the championship into 1....then I think the "writers" should have done a better job of telling the story and picking a better show for it to culminate at. I would have preferred Wrestlemania as its their biggest show, but thats not the most important factor for me. As long as they gave it time, at least 6 months..,I would have been ok with it.

Just my $.02

The length of a story does not dictate the quality of the story. I don't care if I wait six months or three weeks, as long as at the end there is satisfaction.
The problem with their arguments are that the title unification match is the end goal when it could just as easily be the start of the angle that leads us into WrestleMania.
If there had been a longer build for the match with people like Punk, Bryan and a returning heel Sheamus (believe people, believe!) being kept away from the titles from now until Mania, and the match from last night was what people got at Mania, they'd be pissed.

As it is, it was a fine enough match, the potential Cena heel-turn red herring that was planted last Monday was delicious and Jericho won his 2 belts at fucking Vengeance.
Plus the match would never happen at WM as there's a little thing call the Royal Rumble that would intercept that idea. Unless the winner cashes in at the February PPV again, shit people would be pissed about that too.
I'm glad it happened last night, that match would have made a horrible Wrestlemania main event.
Edit- Not taking anything away from the match itself but Orton/Cena is something that's been done too many times. It doesn't have the long standing rivalry like something say Rock/Austin had.
Bear "The Hitman" Hug;4702899 said:
But I thought you didn't really care for Sheamus, Blade? ;)

My eyes have recently been opened to his impressive move set, unique look and gorgeous shade of hair colour. His heel character needs to resurface when he comes back so that he can stop smiling happily and start grinning maniacally. The devil is in the details, so sayeth BLADE
Fucking Secret Santa.

I don't have a problem with it. It's so long overdue. It's just that it comes off as a very obvious asspull for the sake of a small buyrate bump.
Life is random. Some things drag out for ages. Others happen in the blink of an eye. Variety is key. Your stringent "at least six months" standard is foolish.

especially in a day and age were there is ten hours of WWE programming on tv weekly.

You cover 6 months of Old school build time in the course of a few weeks now. It is what it is, and there isnt really any going back.
I kinda wish that TLC had an unclear ending so the titles could be held up until the Rumble. But Cena will probably get Orton at Mania.
Life is random. Some things drag out for ages. Others happen in the blink of an eye. Variety is key. Your stringent "at least six months" standard is foolish.

Re-make Braveheart into a 30 minute movie and then come back and tell me it was just as good.

Great stories need time to develop...unless you think something like a world title unification match doesnt need a great story? In that case you'd be foolish.

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