The Weekly Podcast Reports

Hard Hit Prince

Not really working as a
I am a big fan of the wrestling podcast world, usually my College-Home route has me with me iPod and a selected few podcasts for me to enjoy. I try to hear some different variations, going from Jim Cornette Experience at MLW, to the ones on PodcastOne with Steve Austin, Chris Jericho and most recently Jim Ross.

I usually listen to some WON or PWTorch podcasts if the subjects are worth my time and of course Art of Wrestling with Colt Cabana when I start to get into indy wrestling (usually in the summer).

Do you listen to any podcast? If so, which ones?
Try to update this thread everytime you hear one with your feedback on it.

I'll start to give mine towards the SAS 91 with John Cena. Steve and Cena had a great conversation and it's great to see Cena a little bit out of his "company man" role and talk about the business and chit-chat a little bit. I knew some of the stuff, but I was really surprised with Cena's perspective on some things like the mixed reaction, specially the one at Royal Rumble. I was also shocked to know that the guy has 2-4H a week of lessons in Mandarin, because he feels that the WWE could enter into the chinese market and grow a lot in an environment that really wants to be "entertained". It's a good listen...
Any pdcast mentioned here ain't got shit, I repeat, AIN'T GOT SHIT on the awesome WZCW-podcast. :D
Really enjoyed the conversation between Bret Hart and Chris Jericho. Lots of good stuff and yes, Bret thinks to highly of himself I know. Still he covered a lot of stuff and I mostly enjoyed their talks about Bret's ascension more so than him on top. Did you guys know that at Survivor Series 1993, Bruce Hart was the one supposed to get the push and work with Bret - good thing that didn't happen. Bret said that none of his brothers could light a candle to Owen's talents and that's nice I guess. He also really enjoyed working with Goldberg and feels that Eric Bischoff and Hulk Hogan are two idiots.

In the Art of Wrestling with ECIII there was some cool stuff too. Mainly the conversation about The USA Guy gimmick that Ethan was putting out. He said that Cena was really helping him with that and that he had a lot of comedy and weird segments for the character like having an eating hot dog contest in the back with Sandow looking despised at the "americanism" of that. Also I laughed way too much to Colt's delivery on said line:

Ethan: (...)when I blew my knee out.
(Very serious) Colt: Ohh. So who's "my knee out"?
Steve Austin's guest today is William Regal, and it flew by for me. Thankfully it's a two-parter. Austin struck gold when Raw came to L.A.; last week's Dutch Mantell interview and this one with Regal are two of the best episodes of the SAS so far, IMO. Go listen now.
Any one else have the trouble where you click download but it takes you to the player? It drives me insane. Happens half the time with the Austin show and most the time with the Art of Wrestling. No way around this? It's mostly annoying because I have to download in bulk.
right click and save as works. However I use itunes for my podcasts

Thats how I have to do it, by going in to where its playing and then right clicking it. Cheers anyway. I think if I open iTunes, it will download two years worth of Just LaBar's radio show... So I think I'll not do that.

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