The Weekly Show With Jon Stewart! - MNR LD 2/3/15

Johnny Scumm

InZayn In The Membrane
That's right, it's Monday(Tuesday Morning), it's 1am (If you're British) and it's time for THE WEEKLY SHOW Monday Night Raw!

Guest Starring Jon Stewart tonight, with the potential returns of Mark Henry & AJ Lee, who knows what could happen?

This is lacklustre 'cos I'm fucking tired. Maybe I'll be up to watch it.​
So Brock has to show up tonight, right? Cause if he doesn't, then I am sure the Mania Main Event will definitely be huge flop as there is so little hype at this point for it... At this point, Reigns is a much better placed to be "the Ass of the Company" than its Face... :banghead:
Hey there jerks. I had a bad day, and I got damn near a full keg of icy cold Southern Tier Double IPA. I'm likely to be extra crabby tonight.
People can talk shit about celebrities in wrestling, but Rollins feuding with Stewart makes him seem like a legit star.

On a side note, it's nice to see a heel with actual heat. Heels that try to be "cool" suck ass.
This is a Jersey crowd, they're usually extra smarky. How come no chants about Seth's penis (or lack thereof).
Regardless Rollins and Reigns have potential clearly to go to the top and I'm a fan of both

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