Thor: Ragnarok Reviews


The Phenom of WZ
Well early reviews are coming out for Thor: Ragnarok and, as for just about every MCU film, they're extremely positive. Saying that this one is the best solo Thor movie yet and that the action in it is out of this world. They're also saying that this is the funniest MCU movie ever. Some have even said that this film could be considered a comedy if it wasn't apart of the MCU. Idk how I feel about that. I like for my comic book movies to have a somewhat serious tone to them. I mean some comedy moments are expected and actually needed, but this movie is supposed to be about the end of Asgard and other things. Shouldn't it be kinda serious?

Let me know what you guys think.
I've sent the trailer that many times I'll just be glad to get it out of the way.

I'll graciously accept 1/10th the entertainment I got from What We Do In The Shadows and Hunt For The Wilderpeople.
I like the serious tone approach when it's well done, and that has really only been accomplished by Nolan (more than once, anyway). I'll take Marvel's tone as long as it's fun. This movie looks fun.
Well it looks to be really "fun!!" And "hit all the right comedy notes!" So of course all the lames are in love with it. Probably a lot like all the other non Avenger (or Iron Man ) properties...totally missable
I've sent the trailer that many times I'll just be glad to get it out of the way.

I'll graciously accept 1/10th the entertainment I got from What We Do In The Shadows and Hunt For The Wilderpeople.

You're missing Boy from that list. If that's because you haven't seen it, I recommend finding a way to check it out.

Well it looks to be really "fun!!" And "hit all the right comedy notes!" So of course all the lames are in love with it. Probably a lot like all the other non Avenger (or Iron Man ) properties...totally missable

I feel like the first half of this could easily describe Guardians 2, which as I recall you loved.

I'm excited for this one. Marvel seems to do well when they attach quirky directors to their movies, and Taika Waititi will definitely bring a fresh take to the superhero genre.
That was a fucking blast. The visuals were fantastic, action was good, comedy was great. I think it topped GoTG 2 (not sure about 1.....though I could be coerced).

Do not read this if you haven't seen it:
Hulk fucking suplexes Fenrir while Led Zeppelin plays in the background. I never knew I needed that in my life, but there it was.
Thor: Ragnarok is far and away the best of the Thor movies. Gone are the days of Thor being Shakespearean. He's finally come into his own as one of the more interesting characters in the MCU. The entire movie was just a blast. Fun all the way through and the comedy in the movie was great as well. Not only was it great but the comedy actually fit. IMO Hulk stole the show. It's not a spoiler to say that the Hulk can actually talk now and his back and forth with Thor was wonderful. Hela was great as well. Definitely one of the better villains in the MCU. Also, this was the best Jeff Goldblum that Jeff Goldblum has ever Jeff Goldblumed. He was wonderful as the Grandmaster. Not to mention the action. It's a given that the action was great though. It's a MCU movie. All in all I'd say that this is easily one of the MCUs better stand alone films. Right up there with Iron Man, GotG, Winter Soldier, and Civil War. I'd give it a 9/10.

What did you guys think of the movie?
It's Guardians of the Galaxy, Thor edition. But that's not necessarily a bad thing.

I don't mind them taking that approach for this movie specifically, but what I don't want to see is this approach applied to everything in the MCU. And that's what I fear is going to happen.

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