Title Reign of the Year

Title Reign of the Year

  • New Day (Second Reign)

  • John Cena (First Reign)

  • Seth Rollins (WWE World Title)

  • Jay Lethal (ROH World/TV Titles)

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Cena by far had the most interesting/fun reign. All hail to the guy with the idea of the Open Challenges.

Lethal had an incredible run as TV/World Champion. It was a tough decision between the two (Cena/Lethal)
Legitimate question: Outside of the Sami Zayn match, whatever Cesaro match had an actual finish, and a Zack Ryder squash, can anyone remember any US open challenges that didn't end with a DQ interference from Owens or Rusev?
Legitimate question: Outside of the Sami Zayn match, whatever Cesaro match had an actual finish, and a Zack Ryder squash, can anyone remember any US open challenges that didn't end with a DQ interference from Owens or Rusev?

With all of those horseshit qualifiers, I'm going to go ahead and discount this question as being "legitimate."

But to go ahead and answer the question, yes. Yes we do.
Legitimate question: Outside of the Sami Zayn match, whatever Cesaro match had an actual finish, and a Zack Ryder squash, can anyone remember any US open challenges that didn't end with a DQ interference from Owens or Rusev?

I wasn't even going to vote on this one, but this post convinced me to vote for Cena. Even if there weren't plenty of matches that went to the finish (which there were), what does it matter if there were a bunch of DQ endings? He still put on great matches the entire time he had the title and carried a consistent storyline from start to finish of the reign.
Ryder's US Open Challenge match was hardly a squash, it was a solid match that saw Ryder get in a significant amount of offense.

Also, the majority of the US Open Challenge matches had a finish.
I picked Rollins coz I totally spaced out on Cena's US run. Fuck that Cena run was awesome! Sheer delight and great matches with that KO feud coming out of it.

Should win, Rollins was great too.
Legitimate question: Outside of the Sami Zayn match, whatever Cesaro match had an actual finish, and a Zack Ryder squash, can anyone remember any US open challenges that didn't end with a DQ interference from Owens or Rusev?
I'll play.

-Ambrose the night after Mania
-Stardust like the very next week
-Rollins before SummerSlam
-I'll count Big E because Rusev and Owens weren't involved

I dunno. Who cares?
Cena put on consistent matches that not only made the other guy look way better than usual, but the fights were a highlight of many RAW shows that otherwise were trash.
I voted Rollins purely on the fact that nobody really complained when he was champion other than some poor booking. He carried the top belt of the company in a transitional period and was stripped because of injury.
It's between Rollins & New Day for me.

I don't watch ROH & I wasn't watching wrestling at all during Cena's US open challenges so I missed all of that title run.

Between the 2 I have seen I have to go with New Day. They have entertained me regularly their entire reign which while I like Rollins I can't say he did the same.
I tipped my hat to Rollins again. Cena had a brilliant and entertaining title reign as he normally does, but I really had to give it up for Rollins this year. I felt he really carried the world title well. He was the first real heel that I have felt that WWE has had in ages.
Cena elevated what was previously seen as a completely useless midcard title and made it interesting with the Open Challenges that produced some pretty entertaining matches.

I liked Rollins's reign as well and he wasn't really that bad of a champion, but I just preferred Cena's.

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