TNA Charlotte, Round 3, Match 2: #7 Bam Bam Bigelow vs. #10 Jake Roberts

Bigelow vs. Roberts

  • Bam Bam

  • The Snake

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Kissin Babies and Huggin Fat Girlz
The following match takes place in the TNA Region, inside the six sided ring, from Charlotte, NC.

#7. "The Beast from the East" Bam Bam Bigelow


#10. Jake "The Snake" Roberts
What a matchup. Has to go to Bam Bam Bigelow. Jake the Snake has some mind games up his sleeves, but Bigelow was a damn bounty hunter before he wrestled. Snakes and mind games don't work on a crazy person who has flames tattooed on his skull.

And hitting a DDT on that hard head of Bigelow may daze him, but not enough for a pin. I say Bigelow wins, in a hard fought battle.
Jake Roberts was really good at psychology, and made for interesting feuds, but he hardly ever won any matches against established people. Bam Bam did, and for that reason alone, I'm voting for him to move on here.

I think his strength advantage would be enomous, and he's probably more agile than Jake in spite of his size. He's probably not afraid of snakes, so I don't think that will cause him any trouble either, so Bam Bam wins.
Make it 3-0 Bam Bam. As was already said, the DDT is pretty useless here. First of all you have to assume Jake can even apply the hold. That's a big step in itself, but i don't think it'll knock the Beast out. Roberts will give it a good run, but just too much size and power from Bigelow to handle. Very fun match, but Roberts goes down to a headbutt from the top rope.
I think Roberts was the overall superior wrestler, certainly on the mic. Roberts' track record against big guys isn't much to brag about. He scored some psychological victories over Andre but, when it came down to the crunch, Andre's size was too much. He fared even worse with the Undertaker, and lead to Taker going 2-0 at WM. Bam Bam's just too big and too strong for Jake. I think the only remote chance Jake has is in hitting the DDT. However, since Bam Bam was known for his rather thick skull, I don't know if it'll really work. I have to give it to Bam Bam.
That thing I wrote about Jake Roberts in his last match, yeah, that applies here too. He shouldn't have gone through against the Boss Man, yet he did. Bam Bam is actually a better big man than Roberts faced in his last match.
I dont know think i would go with jake, he's not a small man by any accounts so bigelow wouldn't man handle to much. Think the ddt would put him down, because don't remember anyone kicking out of it and jake pulls win after good brawl.
Jake Roberts is one of the most overrated wrestlers in history. He had a cool finisher and a great little way to set up that finisher, and he had a cool gimmick and knew how to cut a decent promo, but he’s not nearly as great as most fans try to make him out to be.

Bam Bam Bigelow, on the other hand, is the greatest SHW of all time, and he would fucking destroy Roberts in a match. What could Roberts ever do to stop this monster? That’s right… absolutely nothing. A DDT isn’t going to put down Bam Bam. And I guarantee Bigelow isn’t scared of some pussy ass snake.

Bam’s a better worker and in a kayfabe and shoot match for that matter, he would totally kick Jake’s ass. Vote for Bam Bam.
Why do so many people go with the stupid he's overrated line. Its make believe!, not real, you know a big show like a dance, i'm dancing here stupid. sorry my best jimmy king impression. Everyone is overrated, if they weren't it would be real. Sure a guy can do more moves than someone but the whole overated vs underated is ******ed when a man in suit controls the outcome.
I think a lot of people are underestimating Jake, but I also will have to vote for Bam Bam in a close contest. For the record, the DDT would not be useless against Bigelow. The Snakes DDT knocked everyone out. He didn't just win with it, he would totally destroy people. It was probably the most devastating finisher of the 80s. Bam Bam is too good for Jake though.
Jake Roberts can play all of the Mind Games he wants but he still wouldn't be able to beat Bam Bam. If he can even hit the DDT it might not even get Bam Bam down, so I am going to vote for Bam Bam because he is bigger and Stronger.

Also this is a TNA ring, and i do believe it is bigger than a 4-sided ring, so that means that Bam Bam has more room to move, so that could also be an advantage for him here.
I like Jake, and think he'd get a few good minutes in here. But, he'll go for the DDT, and as everyone else said, it's useless. Bam Bam will get right up, and take a beating to Jake that'll make him wish he had some coke and beer.
Now that you mentioned coke and beer, will Jake Roberts even be in a position were he is stable and will be able to compete.

I'm not trying to make fun of the man because of his demons that he still hasn't got over, but the fact remains that he might get high or drunk before the match begins and won't even know where the hell he is at. So obviously that works to Bam Bam's advantage who in the other hand will be stable and will be able to compete.
Now that you mentioned coke and beer, will Jake Roberts even be in a position were he is stable and will be able to compete.

I'm not trying to make fun of the man because of his demons that he still hasn't got over, but the fact remains that he might get high or drunk before the match begins and won't even know where the hell he is at. So obviously that works to Bam Bam's advantage who in the other hand will be stable and will be able to compete.

Now savagetaker i usually agree with you as you make great points but didn't bigelow die of substance abuse so how can you say he's stable. he just hid it a lot more than jake.
I'm going with Bigelow. Nothing against the Snake in this match, but he's simply outmatched by Bam Bam. Bam Bam was a mean tough bastard, a big fucking agile beast that ate guys much smaller then him alive. Jake is smarter, Bam Bam is simply better.

Jake's whole aresnal is built around being able to land the DDT, one of the damn finest finishers ever, especially when that man hit it. However, can the DDT really put out a guy that has his entire skull covered in a Flame Tat?
I have been debating this match for 2 days now. I am a fan of both wrestlers. They both are tremendous talents and have both had successful careers. After going back and forth in my own head, I have to take Bam Bam. He is just too quick, too mean, and too strong for Roberts to overcome. Roberts relied on his intelligence and used psychology to win matches. If Bam Bam was your typical super heavyweight, Roberts would pull this out. However, Bam Bam was something very special. He tipped the scale at around 360 lbs. but he wrestled like he was 220 lbs. Bigelow's athleticizm is just too much for Jake.

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