TNA Considering Taking Impact Off the Road; Return to the Asylum?

Mighty NorCal


According to a new report posted over at, TNA has been giving serious consideration to pulling the road Impact Wrestling tapings and returning to the old format of taping the show from one location.

As of now, Las Vegas and Impact's previous home of Orlando are the two cities being considered for Impact's new home base, and the report notes that the move to pull the tapings from the road is expected to take place by early next year at the latest. The move would be a cost cutting measure.

Im not so sure Vegas sounds like a great idea. All manner of trouble and distraction could result.

Otherwise, given the way things have gone for them, this is probably coming a little later than it needed to. It was a failure not long after it started.

For the best interest of the product though, they should do it inbetween, sort of like the old territory system....Film from like three or four locations, close to one another, on a rotating basis. That way, you dont get the ImpactZone effect, but your still having less expenses...With of course the occasional international tours (which should probably be three times a year, given the turnout they always get)

If they do go back to having a permanent home, please let it be a little bit larger than the Impact Zone. Show SOME growth and progress.
Little by little, it is really being shown just how low in funds TNA is getting. Safe enough to say, they don't have much of a long run before they either go bankrupt or sell out to the WWE. Shame really, cause now WWE would have total monopoly over television and what can be considered anything mainstream for wrestling.

TNA going off the road and into a permanent setting hurts them tonz because the amount of exposure they can get to a variety of people has dwindled. Less and less people will now be familiar with TNA's product and that's a damage from exposure which they lack tremendously.

Wherever they sit it in, it's safe to say there's a foreshadow of doom. Orlando may show some true dedicated fans, but that will be the same people being there over and over. A company looking for profit cannot grow if just in one location. Only the same people will fork over cash. Vegas tho, may work as it always has a variety of people but as stated it could mean danger as many fans would not be fans and instead would just cause hell fire amongts the crowd.

So really, there's not much at all positive left for TNA. Sucks.
The report at literally read " is reporting that rumors have been circulating". No one has issue with this? This is what passes for reporting/journalism these days? Reporting that rumors have been circulating? How fucking badly does a site have to beg for hits if this is the type of "story" that is published by them?

I'm not even saying that this story isn't true. It very well could be, but no one finds the absurd nature of this "report" to be the least bit suspicious? Come on, people.

As to the rumor/report/whatever itself, whatever it takes to keep the company alive should be the only real concern here. Yeah, it blows that things go back to taped format where people rob themselves of the natural element of the shows by reading spoiler reports that rarely, if ever, provide rich context to the results they spoil, but if it's a choice between this and losing the company, or major talents, it's not much a choice at all, now is it?
Well this is the beginning of the end for TNA! Its a shame really,when a company of that caliber has to even consider pulling events from the road,and taping in one location,all i can say its the end. We all knew deep in our hearts this was gonna happen but it is still sad to see.

They never had a chance to compete with the E! Its only a matter of time before they go bankrupt or WWE buys em out completely. They cant settle in one location,not good for business at all. If you have the same people show up over and over again,even those hardcore people will stop showing up. I for see this being the last year TNA is in existence i cant see them lasting much longer..
The report at literally read " is reporting that rumors have been circulating". No one has issue with this? This is what passes for reporting/journalism these days? Reporting that rumors have been circulating? How fucking badly does a site have to beg for hits if this is the type of "story" that is published by them?

I'm not even saying that this story isn't true. It very well could be, but no one finds the absurd nature of this "report" to be the least bit suspicious? Come on, people.

As to the rumor/report/whatever itself, whatever it takes to keep the company alive should be the only real concern here. Yeah, it blows that things go back to taped format where people rob themselves of the natural element of the shows by reading spoiler reports that rarely, if ever, provide rich context to the results they spoil, but if it's a choice between this and losing the company, or major talents, it's not much a choice at all, now is it?

Denial is very sad.

Anyway, you know this was bound to happen. Learn from WCW and ECW, you CANNOT compete with WWE in anyway. Do not try to match them or outdo them.

I don't think TNA would work in Las Vegas. If TNA can't stay on the road, how could they rent or purchase a place in Vegas? I'm pretty sure Vegas is more expensive than Orlando.

Dixie should save her father the embarrassment of a failed company and turn it over to someone who can run it.
Denial is very sad.

Anyway, you know this was bound to happen. Learn from WCW and ECW, you CANNOT compete with WWE in anyway. Do not try to match them or outdo them.

I don't think TNA would work in Las Vegas. If TNA can't stay on the road, how could they rent or purchase a place in Vegas? I'm pretty sure Vegas is more expensive than Orlando.

Dixie should save her father the embarrassment of a failed company and turn it over to someone who can run it.

Not nearly as sad as the fact fans exist who actually want the company to sink. The more variety there is in this world, the better. Sadder yet that theories like yours are becoming more and more common place. I wonder what the world would look like if no one decided to challenge Apple, or Microsoft, or Time Warner Cable. I mean, after all, people should just learn from someone who tried and failed, right, and just say fuck it?

I have no idea if Vegas would work though, and I don't think you or anyone else here knows either. We know Orlando did, and they had a rabid fanbase there. The issue was simply that the IZ was a much smaller venue you could often hear a pin drop in when something wasn't going right. It also just made the promotion look small because of it. Finding the right venue could fix that, but it won't fix the spoiler issue, unfortunately.
Not nearly as sad as the fact fans exist who actually want the company to sink. The more variety there is in this world, the better. Sadder yet that theories like yours are becoming more and more common place. I wonder what the world would look like if no one decided to challenge Apple, or Microsoft, or Time Warner Cable. I mean, after all, people should just learn from someone who tried and failed, right, and just say fuck it?

I have no idea if Vegas would work though, and I don't think you or anyone else here knows either. We know Orlando did, and they had a rabid fanbase there. The issue was simply that the IZ was a much smaller venue you could often hear a pin drop in when something wasn't going right. It also just made the promotion look small because of it. Finding the right venue could fix that, but it won't fix the spoiler issue, unfortunately.

Are you saying that I said I wanted TNA to fail?

I said Dixie should turn it over before it does fail. Moron.
Are you saying that I said I wanted TNA to fail?

I said Dixie should turn it over before it does fail. Moron.

No, you ass, I'm saying that people want it to. Quite a few. A number of whom call this place home. Hell, just go read the SPAM version of this thread and you'll already see a small handful who've posted in that exact same vein.

And not that we haven't heard this song and dance before, but Carter has no one to "turn it over" to in the first place. At least not a clear candidate who would undoubtedly be better for the product. The way I see it, she just needs to surround herself with better minds for the product. JR would be a start, but who knows what the deal is there.
From a business perspective this is actually a good idea. I'm sorry to say it, but right now TNA doesn't have the funds to do anything. Spike isn't paying them much, and on top of that the ratings have been terrible.

One thing TNA should really do is look to work on a SWOT analysis to find out where they lie. All of this should of been seen by upper management, not just Dixie. While Dixie is to blame for a lot of things, this isn't totally up to her. She does have a board of directors to report to.

Going to Vegas actually would be the better option, as you would get crowds from people who go to Vegas all the time. If TNA doesn't "give away" their tickets like they did in Orlando, then staying in one place like Vegas is an actual good idea. Going to Orlando though can be a good idea again with the tourist type crowd, but last time that didn't work so well. They could if they charge for tickets again even if it doesn't fill up.

The issue with TNA is they are spending more then they are making. Costs to Hogan, and other A+ wrestlers are causing the company to go broke. Just look at Mickie James, as she wanted a raise from a broke company. When more wrestlers make these kind of demands then the company will go broke.

I'm not saying TNA is right about everything, they have made a lot of bad decisions lately, and it's starting to show it too. TNA has work to do, but right now with these demands it's not going to happen.
But I thought the whole point of going on the road was to make more money? That's why I always advocated them doing it. You have more fans paying for your product! They must surely be making more than what they did staying in the Impact zone because the people there didn't pay to get in right?

So how are they in a worse state now? Is it the fact they're filming live? If so couldn't they just stay on the road but tape everything? Educate a simpleton like me!
if it means TNA can continue running as a company and not go out of buissness, then this can only be a good thing in the long run. Sure they want get as much exposure as they did on the road, but TNA seemed to do just fine when they were based down in orlando. Plus it gives the wrestlers the added bonus off not being on the road all year long and would also free up some money that could be used to help improve the product.
I hope and pray that tna does take it off the road, it would help majorly.
i never liked the idea of tna touring around in the 1st place,
but the wwe fanboys cried over the same audience, well my gosh there's a guy from deal or no deal who comes to many wwe events. and there's a brock lesnar guy who is at many many events. but as always wwe rocks says the 11 year old d bryan fan. however if tna doesnt do something they will have to fire everyone. im disgusted at how tna treats their women now. and the tag teaming sucks.
tna has been horrible ever since they stopped the ppv's. next year hopefully they can fix their problems or else it will be gone. i love tna impact as some guy above me states we should support other wrestling promotions. but tna has made many mistakes. i hope that the las vegas can give them some time to build back the money. without losing that much. they should officially stop all touring. and just focus on week by week. contiunue the ppv thursday's shows. make the show interesting make deals on shoptna. and build on their money back. tna has to do something. i wish this wouldve happened sooner. they couldve kept 70% of women and x division...
IF, IF, IF this is true, then it's a pretty big blow for the company if they do stop going on the road. If it's true, then you'd have to believe that TNA is genuinely in financial trouble. I don't really see any other interpretation for it. All in all, taking the show on the road and airing it live every other week hasn't contributed to the show's ratings and while they're drawing crowds larger than what they drew in he Impact Zone, maybe they're just not drawing big enough crowds. While some television tapings in some areas are going to draw more fans to the arena than others, the biggest audience I can recall for TNA here in the states was for Lockdown earlier this year. It was reported to be around 10,000 and maybe this is he size of the crowd TNA really needs on a regular basis to be successful on the road. It's not a crowd that they draw on a regular basis.
Its funny when I stated when they first went on the road they should get a studio with paying customers not like the IZ in Vegas and lots of people thought it was a crazy or stupid idea
Vegas makes the most sense with being a TV-14 city
I have always thought if TNA got out of the IZ for them to get two studios
One of them Carter family buys the studio outright
The other studio have a major sponsor split most of the costs
If or when they go into another studio if its big enough they should have a small exclusive TNA Store
Doesn't have to be big but more a professional concession stand
While I have no doubt TNA is taking on some big costs, this is still just a dirtsheet story. Christ, Wrestlezone isn't even the source for the story either (big shocker). Until I see an official announcement from Spike, or Dixie saying we're closing up shop, you can't say they're dead yet. I know all The E marks can't wait till that day comes. Why, I have no idea.
While I have no doubt TNA is taking on some big costs, this is still just a dirtsheet story. Christ, Wrestlezone isn't even the source for the story either (big shocker). Until I see an official announcement from Spike, or Dixie saying we're closing up shop, you can't say they're dead yet. I know all The E marks can't wait till that day comes. Why, I have no idea.

To play the "I told you so" card they've been itching to drop on the table for years. It's why the "WWE will buy TNA" nonsense has perpetuated for probably eight of the last ten years it's existed. Every single year we hear that TNA is sinking and that they can't wait for it to happen, and the way I see it, it's for no other reason than to rub the nose of TNA supporters in the dirt with an I told you so.

Believe me, I don't get it either. In essence, they're hoping for 40+ performers and probably hundreds of personnel to lose their jobs, all so they can tell people who like something different that they were wrong for liking it.

Incredibly petty.
To play the "I told you so" card they've been itching to drop on the table for years. It's why the "WWE will buy TNA" nonsense has perpetuated for probably eight of the last ten years it's existed. Every single year we hear that TNA is sinking and that they can't wait for it to happen, and the way I see it, it's for no other reason than to rub the nose of TNA supporters in the dirt with an I told you so.

Believe me, I don't get it either. In essence, they're hoping for 40+ performers and probably hundreds of personnel to lose their jobs, all so they can tell people who like something different that they were wrong for liking it.

Incredibly petty.
I really want TNA to pull through whatever they're going through; but there are some posters here- and IDR, I think you know well I don't mean you- who make me almost want to enjoy TNA's recent bout of 'everything's fine'.

From the point of view of someone who enjoys a competitive marketplace, I don't like it at all. But the current owners and managers aren't the people who are going to provide a competitive alternative. For now, they seem to have settled with getting the same 1.3 million fans to tune in every week, and if you aren't growing, you're dying. There are more possibilities than "TNA with its current management and structure builds into a competitive television program." (It's not right now- it's fine if you like it, but I'm speaking in the business sense rather than the artistic.)

Then, from the point of view of someone who's spent two years saying "but wait, even given a margin of error these numbers don't make sense", only to get the ****** rickshaw running after me each time screaming "it's all fine, you can't knowooowww", there's a bit of schadenfreude going on.

What I want to see is the current idiots running the show over at TNA to sell out. The idea that it's either "what this management does, or WWE" is a drastic misconception. Dear God, and I still can't get over this, they have absolutely driven a main event angle into the ground that- with the exception of two weeks, spaced a couple of months apart- has gone on for a year with almost no response. It's like the people in charge of TNA just don't give a shit (hi, BFG series!) Get some new ideas- and new money- in there. Somewhere out in the world, there's someone willing to buy a promotion with television rights at a cost below asset value.

I want TNA to fail, so it can succeed, if that makes any sense.
First of all, the report says nothing of taking TNA off the road. They are still going to do tours. It says they are taking the live tapings off the road probably because they are too expensive to do. the viewership numbers doesn't justify the increase in cost it takes to put on a live show. its really not a big deal and in no way means that they are going bankrupt.
I really want TNA to pull through whatever they're going through; but there are some posters here- and IDR, I think you know well I don't mean you- who make me almost want to enjoy TNA's recent bout of 'everything's fine'.

We're not that far apart in this respect. Not at all.

But, like politics, both sides of the aisle have some really unsavory characters who make it incredibly difficult on anyone with a moderate (and reasonable) mind set, but you have to admit that around these parts, it's like trying to talk a liberal agenda in Texas or Arkansas. You're just not going to get through to them, and not only is it likely a massive waste of your time to try, but you'll probably be confronted over the fact you even tried. This forum is very pro-WWE (or very anti-TNA — I haven't yet determined if there's a discernible difference between the two here), and as such, the atmosphere becomes very black and white most days. Seeing as TNA is the major minority preference as well, I'd argue it's much more difficult to take a defensive position (in any sense) of TNA than it is to do so of WWE, or even to be neutral. This is what gives way to the types of poster(s) you are referring to (we both know who, exactly).

From the point of view of someone who enjoys a competitive marketplace, I don't like it at all. But the current owners and managers aren't the people who are going to provide a competitive alternative. For now, they seem to have settled with getting the same 1.3 million fans to tune in every week, and if you aren't growing, you're dying. There are more possibilities than "TNA with its current management and structure builds into a competitive television program." (It's not right now- it's fine if you like it, but I'm speaking in the business sense rather than the artistic.)

Then, from the point of view of someone who's spent two years saying "but wait, even given a margin of error these numbers don't make sense", only to get the ****** rickshaw running after me each time screaming "it's all fine, you can't knowooowww", there's a bit of schadenfreude going on.

What I want to see is the current idiots running the show over at TNA to sell out. The idea that it's either "what this management does, or WWE" is a drastic misconception. Dear God, and I still can't get over this, they have absolutely driven a main event angle into the ground that- with the exception of two weeks, spaced a couple of months apart- has gone on for a year with almost no response. It's like the people in charge of TNA just don't give a shit (hi, BFG series!) Get some new ideas- and new money- in there. Somewhere out in the world, there's someone willing to buy a promotion with television rights at a cost below asset value.

I have very little to disagree with you on here. In fact, that very little is probably immeasurable, which makes it nothing for the sake of argument.

I have very little issue with the idea of a true restructuring of the business model, and "upper management" by way of it. It's obvious that nothing they've done has "impacted" (no pun intended) the product in a way that can be measured across a mass audience, and though it obviously can't be proven with them being a private company, it's distressing (to say the least) to think that the financial burdens of the company are forcing it's hand (again) into retreating back into a safe state.

I want TNA to fail, so it can succeed, if that makes any sense.

Actually, it makes total sense. It's basically the New York Rangers model (you know I'm a hockey guy, so it's the only real correlation I have to use) from 1997-2004. They were so miserably bad, yet so unwilling to change the model of continuing to bring in aging star players on the wrong side of thirty that they never actually failed to the point they needed to actually rebuild the way teams in salary cap sports truly should. Fastest way to become a playoff team when you haven't made them in years? Tank for the highest draft picks possible and inject high-octane youngsters into your line-up.
Additional reports (via PWInsider) indicate that a return to the old Asylum in Nashville (photo below) could be in the works, and that this would all likely take place after the 2014 Maximum Impact tour:


More on the rumors that TNA has been looking into a permanent site to hold Impact Wrestling next. PWInsider is reporting that word going around is that the company is not likely to select Las Vegas as a possible site. The feeling is that the overall expenses the last set of Lav Vegas tapings drew poorly in the market.

The old Nashville Asylum is another site mentioned in discussions. The venue change will likely not occur until after the 2014 Maximum Impact Tour.
Although it was a nice idea to put Impact Wrestling on the road, it was the wrong idea at the wrong time financially. Impact does well enough to stay in one location and going back to the Asylum makes the most logical sense, considering they started there. Nostalgic fans will always welcome TNA to that area and it will save Impact Wrestling money that needs to be saved at this time. TNA's problem has always been taking major steps when it was the worst possible time to do so and this was yet another one. I am surprised OVW territory wasn't considered for the new home of Impact because when TNA went there a few months ago, fan reaction was more solid and just better. Still nothing makes more sense than the Asylum and once Hogan/Bischoff are gone, I think those will all be positive steps in the right direction for TNA that will help its growth.
Not sure if this is even true. Until I hear it from TNA itself, I'll leave it to being more hearsay.

However, with that bit said, in the end, I hate to say that "IF" TNA is in the financial situation that most people seem to think they are in, this could possibly be the right decision. However, with that being said, I still think it would more be a move to keep them from going bankrupt than actually they are there already. If that was the case, they wouldn't still be negotiating at all with Mickie James or AJ Styles. I too believe that Vegas could be the right spot as there would be new fans on a weekly basis for the shows, if that was what they were going to do.

On the spoilers comment made earlier, yup, I agree. Then again, I think it's sad that people read the spoilers and think they can capture the energy and storytelling of what went on on the show from spoilers generally written with the enthusiasm as one would read on a 15 sentence book report written on War and Peace.
The Asylum is an interesting option.

It could work perfectly... If:

If they plan to build around the long-time TNA talent and transition back to something that more closely resembles the earlier days of the product. Then in that case this move would make a lot of sense and be an ideal way to signify that.

Also, if they do it right they could definitely quickly reestablish a passionate fan base of regulars for the TV tapings. It could result in more alive and organic crowds than the Impact tourists provided.

This would also support the idea that may be Jarrett will be retaking a much more prominent role or possibly even fully step into a role like the one that Pritchard had. My only fear with that? The then predictable return of Russo to write the shows.
Taking TNA off the road means a few things for the company.

1) As Jack-Hammer said, the company's losing money and lots of it. When the whole point of going on the road with TV was to try to bring in more revenue and then that idea's scrapped, it's a red flag.

2) The arenas they emanated from were too big and didn't make the money they hoped for. The reason the WWE can go on the road consistently with Raw and Smackdown is because there's a demand for their product. They almost always sell out a RAW and even a Smackdown taping on most occasions. That, along with merchandise sales make their money back and generate income in other areas, such as advertising.

Notice how companies such as AT&T and other major companies advertise with WWE? It used to be Castrol Motor Oil, those 10-10-321 commercials, and auto parts stores. TNA needs to appeal to a mainstream audience if they want to generate the income they desire.

In regards to locations? It's a no brainer to put TNA in Nashville. It's home base for the company and the Asylum is a great venue to TV. And it's not like TNA can't run house shows in other parts of the US either. And what I'd do is keep TV to a regional format. Put a TV taping in Memphis or Louisville, maybe even Lexington, KY. Keep regional exposure and eventually, the rest of the nation will catch on and want TNA in their town. Make the product seem first rate and top dollar.

Ultimately, the venue won't matter if they can't generate some buzz by poaching a major WWE talent.
An Answer for Hugh G Reaction: As a weekly veteran of the Impact Zone let me give you an idea of what went on there. Yes, the shows were free, (Universal wouldn't let them charge admission) but if you didn't have an annual pass to Universal it cost $18 to park and you got lousy seats because in park guest got in first. They required you to line up two hours before the show and it was always a clusterfuck because it seems the never did it the same way twice. Probably half the audience were park guest recruited with a bull horn and a promise they would be on TV. A lot of them didn't make it through the wait to get in, especially when it was 95 degrees or freezing in the winter. The bullhorn crowd that did go in were good for about an hour or so and ended up leaving. When it was slow at the park it was tough to fill the place up to its 1,100 seat capacity. They often used creative camera work to make the place look full. As much of a hassle as it was to see the show, they had a hard core audience of about 300 people like me that went every week.

As far as saving money by being in the Impact Zone, its simple. They never had to move anything, just sweep the floor and they were ready for the next show. They had a good deal with Universal because the park considered it to be an attraction that didn't cost them anything to operate. They had deals with hotels near the park because they got a big block of rooms on a regular basis. Its been reported that it cost them $600,000 for each stop on the road. Think about moving the people, ring, lights, ramps, TV equipment and everything it takes to put on a TV show across the country. Not only do you have to move it, you have to set it up and take it down. In a lot of venues they require you use expensive union labor for set up and tear down. Keep in mind they have two shows on the road, one live and one taped, all on the same night. That means they only get to charge admission once, at $25 a head for 3,000 tickets (optimistic) that's only $75,000.
Many times they have to "paper" (free tickets) the place to fill the venue. They were a lot better off not charging admission at the Impact Zone and relying on the TV money from Spike & merch sales. They should have know better since their house shows usually draw poorly. You notice they have been cancelling house shows, no doubt because of low ticket sales. Its too late to go back to Universal, they are using the building for other stuff now.

I love TNA and want them to survive, I hope they find a permanent home in Orlando and a way to fill the venue. Chances are they will have to have free admission or real cheap ($10) tickets to fill the place up. Eliminating the expense of being on the road will hopefully allow them to ad a few new people to the roster and get profitable again.


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