TNA Knockouts Tag Titles

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I can do whatever I want
Wow. Can't believe TNA is actually going through with this. I'm actually pretty pumped, and it makes me wonder if the knockouts will finally get their own show?

I like the idea, as long as TNA can properly pull it off. I mean TNA already usually has 2 womens feud going at the same time, so you might as well have the 2nd feud center around the new belts. Also like Tara said this is something the WWE wouldn't do, so it's fresh. And with the numerous weekly reports saying the knockouts draw, I think it could be a success.

I would assume that TBP would win them, since their TNA's original knockout Tag Team, but who know's. And they said their will be 8 teams? We know Christy/Tara, Wilde/Sarita, Mafia, Kong/Saaid, and TBP will be in it, but who else? Maybe adding some more knockouts to the division?

This is a bold move for TNA, and I guess they are really counting on a 2nd show, because the amount of belts they have know, are filling up valuable TV time.

So what do you think of the TNA knockout championship? Is it just a waste of time? Will it make the knockout division stronger or weaker?
I really like that they did this.
I think they'd throw some teams together, like Sojo, Rhaka, Alissa (even though she is Raisha), Daffney, Madison and ODB.
Also isn't Hamada coming to TNA soon?
I hope they do sign some more talent, they have used Daizee Haze a few times in the past, Aja Kong could be good to bring in for Awesome if Alissa ever gets out of this Raisha role.
I disagree with this being a good idea. it's a bad idea. Right now TNA has 2 hours of programming a week not including reruns. And in that one 2 hour show a week, they have the world title, x-title, legends title, tag title, japan title, knockout title, and now a knockout tag title. That's 7 titles right there. You figure most ppvs involve 7 matches. It completely eliminates any ability to elevate anyone else. You have the champion and some random challenger.

Now I know most of you will say "but they're getting extra programming"... and that's fine... BRING IN THE TITLES WHEN THE PROGRAMMING IS ON THE AIR. One of the biggest complaints I hear on this forum, and rightfully so, is that neither WWE nor TNA is making new stars and that TNA is only using the established ones. That's because right now there are too many titles in TNA to be able to elevate anyone so they have to use the old stars who are already over with the crowds.
I disagree with this being a good idea. it's a bad idea. Right now TNA has 2 hours of programming a week not including reruns. And in that one 2 hour show a week, they have the world title, x-title, legends title, tag title, japan title, knockout title, and now a knockout tag title. That's 7 titles right there. You figure most ppvs involve 7 matches. It completely eliminates any ability to elevate anyone else. You have the champion and some random challenger.

Now I know most of you will say "but they're getting extra programming"... and that's fine... BRING IN THE TITLES WHEN THE PROGRAMMING IS ON THE AIR. One of the biggest complaints I hear on this forum, and rightfully so, is that neither WWE nor TNA is making new stars and that TNA is only using the established ones. That's because right now there are too many titles in TNA to be able to elevate anyone so they have to use the old stars who are already over with the crowds.

I think it's good and bad. It's good in that they are showing that they want to do more with their Knockout division than WWE, have a bit more respect IMO and doing something new. Bad for the reasons you stated, a bit too many titles, and they will need to form more stables and/or sign some more knockout's because currently they only have Awesome Kong/Raisha and TBP.
When I think about it now, they probably gave ODB the Knockout's Title because they wanted Angelina Love and TBP to win the Knockout Tag Team Title, it all makes sense now because realistically to me the final is gonna be Awesome Kong and Raisha vs. TBP.
The good is that you can feature those knockouts who don't get much TV time as the division is loaded with good talent. The bad is that there are already two sets of tag team titles. I don't think TNA wants to upset the NJPW and do away with the IWGP titles so it would seem to be overkill to have three sets of tag team titles.
TNA Knockout Tag Titles is a great idea. Straight to your question it makes the Knockout division stronger. I agree with Vince Russo that belts are nothing more than props to further a storyline, and this creates a great storyline for all the divas they have as they are starting a tournament. This will create feuds with meaning and give more depth to the Knockout division.

I'm seeing posts of a 2nd show for TNA, how true is this? Is it really in discussion? Is there a possibility for a new Monday Night War? TNA takes a lot of stabs at the WWE on their show, and a notable one was on tonight's Impact when Tara said, "WWE would never think of something like this", in reference to the Knockout Tag Titles. Are they preparing their self for a Monday Night War?
When you are trying to become a top tier wrestling promotion, the #1 thing you can't do is create too many titles. It lowers the value of the ones you have. And TNA still doesn't get it, that women don't sell, period. One woman sold, and her name was Trish Stratus. There might not ever be a female wrestler with the total package as her, so why more knockout belts?

To make things interesting? Bullshit. Write good stories, and you don't even need any belts. Belts are the lazy way out. Austin-HHH both had a fantastic feud without a belt at stake. Edge and Angle had a fantastic feud without a belt. All this does is take way from wrestlers that might become stars some day. Just like WWE's Divas title was IMO worthless, and now both of them are beyond worthless. Can't win the womens title? Move to Raw get the Divas. Same crap here.

Look, women are hot. Love is amazing, ODB is very sexy. But I'm a wrestling fan. I don't pay money to see tits and ass. I'm not 17 no more. If I want to see that, I can go to a club and actually get to touch them. A little hotness mixed in? Sure. But 3 titles dedicated to women? Reminds me of the end of WCW when you had so many titles, seemed like everyone was a former champion.

The tag titles will be hot for a while, and then nobody will care, and they will cease to exist.
And a TNA on Monday Night? LOL. Spike would NEVER be that dumb. WWE would crush them. And I hate WWE right now, but that's the truth. You can't expect to go head to head with the #1 company in the world when you can't even beat their B show. Hell they have trouble beating their C show. And this isn't WCW. Hogan not walking through the door with Hall, Nash. I would say the titles being added is so they can go against Smackdown. Much more realistic.
Sadly, I think this is a bad idea. Not sure if this is Russo's idea or not, but I also agree that this likely has to do with the extra 2 hours of programming that TNA is getting ... probably some of which will be allocated for a Divas show. I'm also not predicting that show to be very successful, either.

Women's wrestling simply is not as popular as regular wrestling. I don't know why it isn't, but it just isn't. Women simply can not pull of the same intensity for matches that guys can, is my best explanation.

When your demographic is predominantly male, men do not take as much interest in women actually wrestling a traditional match. Rather, they view women simply as sex objects. They are more opt to go for the Pillow Fights, Swimsuit Contests, and things of that sort. I'm not defending the attitude, but it is simply what it is.

I think TNA would be much better suited to create another 2 hour program to either take over as a new Flagship show to build some more excitement for the Brand ... perhaps even make it a live broadcast .... or keeping Impact as their main show, and simply adding a B show like Thunder or Smackdown to the lineup. Personally, I think it would be better to go with the first option, which would result in a lot of buzz over the Brand, which is what the company desperately needs right now. But I would do that, as opposed to having a new show featuring just the Knockouts.
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I think this is a good idea, its different. TNA Knockouts Tag Team Champions....that's something you dont see in the WWE. And with the talent TNA has in the knockouts division it makes sense to me. I was pretty impressed when I heard this/
I like the idea of giving them a set of tag titles. I think they could most certainly pull it off because they have a great talent pool when it comes to their knockouts and they won’t take time away from anyone else. TNA usually features 2 matches with knockouts so all they simply have to do is have one of those segments revolve around the tag titles and the other over the knockout champion. Also this could create more interest than what the knockouts already have. Their segments usually get some of the higher quarter hour ratings and increase the amount of people watching, so having tag belts could make more people want to see. So it’s basically a win-win situation for everyone.

Sadly, I think this is a bad idea. Not sure if this is Russo's idea or not, but I also agree that this likely has to do with the extra 2 hours of programming that TNA is getting ... probably some of which will be allocated for a Divas show. I'm also not predicting that show to be very successful, either.
Where did you hear they are getting another 2 hours of programming? Last I heard was that they would be given 10 extra hours for the 3 years that they signed for. They are allowed to use those 10 hours for whatever they wanted, which wouldn’t surprise me if one of those hours was used as an all knockouts show once. But I never heard anything about getting an extra 2 hours of programming.
Well well well... I can not believe I am going to be able to possibly see the day that an all womens tag team championship will be implemented on a mainstream mixed wrestling company... its brainracking for me. This is & always has been a touchy subject for this area due to fan interest & lack of women on the roster. However, with the current TNA KnockOut roster & the best strategy for any womens division by signing women with diverse wrestling backgrounds, I can see this going into full effect. They already have the Beautiful People, one of the most well-known TNA factions & the greatest all-womens mainstream faction ever. They have also acquired some of the best female wrestlers that I have seen who have great wrestling backgrounds & can easily pull off the tag team role such as Daffney. The new contract signing with Spike TV & the alleged proposal for more TV time now allows for new divisions to be created. It is a real shame that Gail Kim jumped ships to the WWE as she could of been the face of the KnockOut's singles with the uprise of the tag titles.

I am very excited & will be tuning into the KnockOuts moreso than the Diva's division if this idea goes ahead.
I don't think that it's a good idea. Sure it sounds good, but this is going to be the 7th title in TNA at the moment. If they really wanted to do this, they should've waited until they got another show. The are just going to have too much going on and too little time.

Another reason that I don't love it is because there aren't really any Knockout's tag teams besides the BP and maybe Kong and Saeed, maybe the Mafia, but I don't know how Sharmell can be considered a "wrestler." The other teams are just a case of, "we are both faces, let's be BFFs!" For some reason I just won't be able to get into it.

The tournament is also a little to big, I don't even know if they have enough Knockout's to fill the whole tourney. If they do, they might just be some jobbers they bring in for throwaway matches. As for the winner of this whole thing, I guess it'll have to be Traci and Sharmell. Just another set of titles to add to the Mafia's growing collection. Still, I'm not too sure about the whole idea.
I actually like this idea better than the TNA Legends Belt. They can get rid of that one for all I care, either you are world champ or you are not, they shouldn't have a seperate belt for the old timers.
And I will only like this idea if the women they use are actually wrestlers, so they need to get rid of Sharmel(she is a valet, nothing more). I want to see good wrestling and a lot of the girls they have are good wrestlers.
Plus now they can have at least 4 knockouts wrestling in a segment rather than Angelina wrestling and Velvet just looking hot on the outside of the ring.
I would especially like this if it adds to the wrestling time on Impact. Last week, (8/13), I believe they had just under 30 minutes of actual wrestling, the rest was talking. I want wrestling, not guys talking shit.
The other TNA deal is ten one hour episodes a year, a 3 year deal. No hard plans for what the episodes will entail.
The other teams are just a case of, "we are both faces, let's be BFFs!" For some reason I just won't be able to get into it.

As much as I support your other points, these being the overcorwding of titles, I have to comment on this. I mean, most tag teams in wrestling are based on the bff idea. Lethal Consequences? Booker T and Scott Steiner? Cryme Tyme? Jericho and Show are only together because big Show is big.

In terms of the idea of a women tag team division, I can't see it really being functional. Unless they tie in storylines with the Knockouts title, there is no way they can accomodate it without another show. I'm suprised, being a biased sexist male, that the Knockouts division is successful as it is, and it may be a testament to the faith they have in the Knockouts. But to put another title in the division is stretching that faith a bit thin. As Sidious said, womens wrestling is always facing an uphill battle, especially with the audience that TNA has.

It would be very nice should it work, but I feel it would be failed experiment, especially with the talent TNA has at the moment. Womens wrestling only takes up a small fraction of the focus of the show, and the formula works well. Fingers crossed for their sake.
Adding Knockout Tag Titles is a very meritable step to take. I honestly feel that The Beautiful People should be the first women to hold the titles, they're the only established alliance in the tournament. And it would suit them alot better to wrestle as a tag team, rather than singles wrestlers, mainly because neither of them are up to par to wrestle as single wrestlers. I know, Angelina has shown alot of promise over the past few months, but she's still not on the level of Alissa, Sarita, Tara, ect.

Will it make the division stonger? I think so. My biggest hope is that the travesty that is "the Deaner" doesn't end up holding all of the women's gold within the company. But anyway, I think Hemme and Tara should make it to the finals, because from a booking point, it's simple and they have more marquee value than any other team in the competition. I also think it would be better for Hemme to work with a girl like Tara, because Christy has shown interest in being more than just eye candy. Hemme would also benefit skill and credibility wise if she were to go over Wilde and Sarita. I really wish they weren't my out's, because they may prove to be the more cohesive and talented tag teams in the division, but I think they're both above tag wrestling, and therefore above this tourney. Then ODB, The Deaner, and Sharmell and Traci, I hope all get eliminated, and soon.

TBP should make it to the finals. These girls have been to the Knockout's division what Edge was to Smackdown about a year ago. They were the only entity really keeping it in the spotlight until Tara popped up. I think they should be rewarded for keeping the division relevant after the losses of Roxxi and Kim, possibly the two most over female faces in TNA I've ever seen.

So my hopes are that Beautiful People, Kong and Saed, and Hemme and Tara will advance to the finals. I like this split because it allows a lot of things; Tara/Kong showdown teasers, Hemme playing rag doll to Kong, which is what she's really good at, Saed and Tara mixing it up, and the Beautiful People going over two powerhouses like Kong and Tara to gain some credibility. I've also got my finger's crossed that the birka will fly and Saed will reveal herself to be Alissa Flash, perhaps leading to a feud between her and Kong down the road. I have a storyline in my mind that makes it work, but I wont go into it here. But either way, i'm extremely happy about this.
Surprised no one mentioned this, but WWE/F had Women's Tag Team Titles back in the 80s. Among the top champions were the Glamour Girls (Lelani Kai and Judy Martin) and the team they regularly feuded with, The Jumping Bomb Angels (Noriyo Tateno and Itsuki Yamazaki). This was after the NWA had their own version of the Women's Tag Team Titles.

Just an interesting fact considering in the Knockouts promo last night Tara/Victoria said the WWE would have never thought of it. WWE has been there, done that and sold the t-shirts.
Ultimately, I'm not so sure about all this. I know that Dixie Carter stated in her statement that she hoped to have additional TNA programming on Spike in the coming years, but that doesn't automatically mean that the additional programming is going to be anytime soon right? Or has she released another statement in which a timetable for said programming has been set?

If she hasn't, and I haven't missed something somewhere, then this could potentially be a real clusterfuck for TNA. As has been pointed out, this would give them currently 7 titles on their roster, and their 3rd set of tag team titles, with currently only 2 hours of weekly programming.

Whenever the show starts, it'd probably be a bad idea to put it on on the same night and timeslot as a WWE show. I know that TNA Impact has soundly beaten ECW the few times they've been on the same night and time in the past but it's a risky venture even if TNA did make the second show a live broadcast. I'd say TNA's best shot might be to put the show on either on Tuesdays or Wednesdays. Wednesdays are WWE free and the new show could always go on earlier than ECW.
Surprised no one mentioned this, but WWE/F had Women's Tag Team Titles back in the 80s. Among the top champions were the Glamour Girls (Lelani Kai and Judy Martin) and the team they regularly feuded with, The Jumping Bomb Angels (Noriyo Tateno and Itsuki Yamazaki). This was after the NWA had their own version of the Women's Tag Team Titles.

Just an interesting fact considering in the Knockouts promo last night Tara/Victoria said the WWE would have never thought of it. WWE has been there, done that and sold the t-shirts.

As if the WWE isn't fond of writing it's own twist on history as well :D

I think what was meant by the statement was that the WWE isn't in the sort of mindset where they view women's wrestling as an asset, or even a serious endeavor.
I've heard the extra programming may be like TNA Epics in the UK. Where they just show highlights of previous matches in TNA. I think the Knockouts tag division will spark interests. There is a lot of tag team championships in TNA and not nearly enough Knockouts though. Any reason to show more Knockouts is fine with me, but I don't know how they will have enough time or talent to go through with it. Will the fans gain interests or simply tune out?
TBH the tag team titles in TNA is getting ridiculous, they really need to cut down the amount of championships that TNA currently holds and not increase it, I agree with Falkon however that this will help TNA's strongest performers and highest rated segments the Knockouts, and it only strengthens their division making it more legit quiet like the WWF womens tag team championships back in the old days, it will bring some prestige to the division.

I just hope they can throw down the legends title and make the X division championship a legitimate midcard title bringing and get rid of TNA's use of the IWGP tag team titles, yes its nice to have those belts on american tv but again its not helping either company establish themselves, that way they can concentrate on the world, x, tag team, womens tag and knockouts title giving those belts more prestige, after all impact is one show and tna cannot fill a ppv with all these belts it will end up being a worse cluster then when WWE had the WWE and WCW belts on TV, it was utter pointless.
Did I miss something? Was this announced on iMPACT? I haven't heard anything about this. But as a wrestling fan I couldn't care less. I do not want to watch womens wrestling. TNA women are better to watch than WWE women in my opinion (I don't even see how you could possibly argue that), but it's still not what I care to watch. How many tag teams can they really have? Whoever they put together is likely to just be a random pairing. We don't need more titles. If anything I'd lose the legends title and make it a TV title or something. What is a womens tag title going to do? Nothing, it's going to take up more time on the show, that's all.

Useless in my opinion.
Wow, that's pretty cool. Of course TNAs knocksout are all in all better wrestlers than the Divas and are utilized a hell of a lot better, so I can see them making tag titles for their female divison, they have enough Knockouts to do it. So good for TNA, that's history there I think, tag title just for female wrestlers.

The only problem I see, which sounds like it might be taken care of though is time. Right now it's almost to crowded to add more titles to focus on. It's hard enough for TNA to get great exposure for the titles they have now, while focusing on all the other major feuds and programs going on. However if they do another show, especially a all knockout show(I heard they might), then all the more reason to make the titles. So if they do for sure get more time and make either a all knockout program or even just another wrestling show all together, then more power to TNA as I think it'll work.
This has bad news written all over it. There's not enough time to put it all on TV, and TNA has more than enough titles as it is. We're going to see bad teams (Traci/Sharmell), bad pairings (Hemme/Tara), and potentially only two good teams out of the bunch (Wilde/Sarita & TBP). This will all be more of the same of what we saw when TNA introduced the Knockouts Title. We'll see one solid feud, and then someone like Cody Deaner will come along and bury it with a smack of the ass. The only way this works, is if TNA gives the women their own show, and we can only imagine how bad that would be...
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