TNA One Night Only - Old School with KB


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
Old School
Date: February 7, 2014
Location: Mid-Hudson Civic Center, Poughkeepsie, New York
Attendance: 1,500
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Tazz

At least they advertised this one. This is the newest One Night Only show with a slightly more obvious theme. Looking at the card though, there isn’t much to see here that’s old school. Speaking of old school, as in something we’ve seen before, this show contains the fifth time that James Storm and Bobby Roode have been in direct competition against each other and their third singles match in just ten shows in this series. Come up with something new already. Let’s get to it.

Click on the link below for the full review.

As Old As Eleven Years Can Be
Pretty much the same scores I'd give it, but maybe a half letter grade up for each. I am, in general, a tad more lenient than you, but we generally come to the same conclusions about 80% of the time.

I enjoyed the Monster's Ball match. Probably the best of the night. The main event was also good, for the most part.

Until the Dreamer-Bully video package I had no idea what they were talking about, AND I did the news story about the House of Hardcore thing two months ago. Still would have been nice if they did the video package, then the backstage interviews, then the match. I had zero clue what Dreamer was talking about. "Something something something Terry Funk. Something something something lightsaber."

Commentary team might as well have not been there for all they added to the matches. Seemed pretty much like a house show. Tenay and Taz were just rambling for 3 hours. I did pop for the Mike Adamle reference, and some of Taz's really stupid quotes. I still enjoy him, for some insane reason.

Glad I watched it. COuld have been better.

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