Top 100 Matches of the Decade

HHH vs HBK vs Benoit is way overrated here as well as Orton vs Foley from Backlash 2004. No way are these matches better than HHH vs Austin at No Way Out 2001 and Austin vs Angle at Summerslam 2001 or Rock/ Austin at Wrestlemania 17.
Guy comes off like most internet fans. Something tells me he hasn't seen the majority of those matches and is going off the names in them.
The fact that JBL vs. Guerrero from Judgement Day '04 is even on there gives it more legitimacy than most lists.
WrestleMania 16 ladder match is still as overrated as any match involving those three teams.
Jericho vs. Michaels ladder match shouldn't be higher than the WrestleMania encounter.
Mysterio vs. Jericho should be higher. At the very least, higher than Shane vs. Angle.
No Mercy 2002 tag match at #25 isn't bad. Depends what was ranked higher than it.

*Edit* No, Angle vs. Benoit wasn't better than the No Mercy match.
Cena vs. Umaga and Jericho vs. Benoit both have my approval as top 20 matches.
Do Fixer vs. Blood Generation from Supercard of Honor... Nice. I just came in my... Nope, not wearing pants.
TLC matches are still overrated. Foley vs. Orton was good, but not that good. In fact the top six WWE matches on the list have no business being that high.
Here are some matches I thought should have been added.

AJ Styles vs. Samoa Joe- Turning Point 2005
HHH vs. Batista- Vengeance 2005
AJ Styles vs. Abyss- Lockdown 2005
Cena vs. RVD- One Night Stand 2006
JBL vs. Eddie Guerrero- GAB 2004

I found this list a few days ago. I only started watching wrestling again a little over a year ago, so I havent seen most of these matches.

What do you think of this list? Is it good? What matches do you recommend I watch? So far, I watched The Briscoes vs. Steen and Generico ladder match, Joe vs. Kobashi, and I'm in the process of viewing Punk vs. Joe II.

Watch the number one match, Kobashi vs. Misawa from 2003. That match is all sorts of pwnage.

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