TV and Movie Battle Arena – Match 2 (Vader vs. Predator)


Staff member
My second thread in this particular series and I am already really glad to see that some of you guys are taking it into your own hands. I think this is a really fun idea and I am hoping that you guys are enjoying it as much as I am. Anyway, I tried to think of two entities that could take each other on and these were the two that I came up with.

Darth Vader​
The Empire Strikes Back (1980)​


Also known as Anakin Skywalker, Darth Vader is the Jedi knight gone bad. He is the epitome of bad as his poisoned mind turns him against those who cared for him and loved him. He has the highest midichlorian count in the entire Star Wars universe. That covers Yoda, Mace Windu and Luke Skywalker too. Every single one of them failed in comparison to Vader. In fact, his connection with the force even created his life.

He is the apprentice to Emperor Palpatine and the second most powerful Sith Lord in the Galaxy. His viciousness is matched by very few people and he is more than match for a ridiculous amount of people. With the force at his command, there is very little that Darth Vader cannot do. Accompanied by his trusty light-sabre, Vader has enough tools at his disposal to make a fight of anything.

In saying that, Vader was defeated twice in the Star Wars saga. He was defeated by Obi Wan Kenobi and then defeated by Luke Skywalker. However, both of those men had advantages over Vader that his opponent this time does not. He is not related to his opponent and his defeat to Obi Wan was avenged with the death of Luke's mentor.​


The Predator​
The Predator (1992)​


The Predator is a true warrior. Not only do Predator's hunt other species for sport, they are some of the most dangerous species in the universe. The Predator has many aspects of it's hunting game that will come into play in this match up. It makes use of cloaking device that will shield it from it's opponent. It also has a vast array of weaponry at it's disposal. Missiles and bombs are only part of the artillery that is at the disposal of the beast.

Predators have been beaten on a few occasions and outsmarted on the majority of them. Their vicious fights with Aliens and humans have made them war-hardened and unrelentingly vicious. They are plentiful and all fight with pride and honour. If the Predator is going to go down, then it is going to take a lot of people and things down with it.​


- Darth Vader is allowed use of the force and his light-sabre.
- The Predator is allowed his arsenal of weapons and his cloaking device.
- This match is a fight to the death.
My pick: Darth Vader

How the hell can "The Predator" fight against a guy that can't be harmed by bullets and that can throw him away only by waving is hand?
I think that could be a fierce fight, but too easy for Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader.
He has his light-saber that literally disintegrates everything it touches, and I can't see any way for Predator to even touch Vader.
Unless he was hidden is someplace and leaded Vader to a trap, but even that I can't see Vader dying in one attack.

Awesome thread, I just didn't posted in the first ones, because I didn't really knew who they were xD
My pick: Darth Vader

How the hell can "The Predator" fight against a guy that can't be harmed by bullets and that can throw him away only by waving is hand?
I think that could be a fierce fight, but too easy for Anakin Skywalker aka Darth Vader.
He has his light-saber that literally disintegrates everything it touches, and I can't see any way for Predator to even touch Vader.
Unless he was hidden is someplace and leaded Vader to a trap, but even that I can't see Vader dying in one attack.

Awesome thread, I just didn't posted in the first ones, because I didn't really knew who they were xD

I don't think it is as open and shut as you would like to think it is, to be honest.

The Predator is a hunting animal and if Dart Vader is his prey, then nothing is going to stop The Predator getting his trophy. Personally, I think that you are writing off The Predator far too easily. For one thing, it's invisibility cloak could leave Darth Vader completely helpless to the whim of the superior hunter. His arsenal of explosives would also cause some problems for Vader if he didn't know that they were coming.

In saying that, Vader is a very smart man and fights smartly too. Yes, he may be controlling the force but if he can't see The Predator, then it is going to be a harder fight for him that you are suggesting it would be.

Really, I think this one comes down to the superior battle technique. Predator is going to play it really carefully and is going to stalk his prey for the most part. Vader is known to jump into fights without thinking things through. This was illustrated during his fight with Obi Wan for the first time. Vader is impulsive and sometimes makes bad decisions, force or not.

I think this one goes to The Predator because of his patience and willingness for it's prey to come to it.
As well versed in combat & hunting technique that the Predator is- he cant beat Vader. Yes- the best shot he has at beating Vader would come from the advantage of being cloaked. Would that stop Vader?- No.

Vader is trained in the ways of the force. I would think that Vader would have no problem feeling out where Predator was hiding. He might get him with a trap (thats a big maybe) & that would just piss Lord Vader off. After that- dodge a few attacks, deflect an explosive or 2, choke the shit out of him (for good measure)- then right into the dissection. Lightsaber trumps Predator armor.

Vader leaves the arena with a Predator skull in his hand.
I don't think it is as open and shut as you would like to think it is, to be honest.

The Predator is a hunting animal and if Dart Vader is his prey, then nothing is going to stop The Predator getting his trophy. Personally, I think that you are writing off The Predator far too easily. For one thing, it's invisibility cloak could leave Darth Vader completely helpless to the whim of the superior hunter. His arsenal of explosives would also cause some problems for Vader if he didn't know that they were coming.

Well Dave there actually is a few things stopping the Predator from winning this battle. The Predator's invisibilty cloak has nothing on Vader. Why? Vader has shown that he can sense people with the force. He has powers to sense people a planet away. What makes you think that the Predator wouldn't walk right up behind Vader thinking he has an advantage being invisible and then Vader boom uses the force and then one light saber blow and this thing is over. Once again if you were to throw a gernade at Darth he stops the explosive with force. Vader just has too much skill to lose here.
I love the Predator more then Vader but honestly speaking this isn't even close. Vader is far more iconic in the film industry, and rightfully so. Vader is the personification of evil, something any film villain should strive for. His all black attire and deep voice is what many Hollywood villains have been based on, and I am sure that even reaches out to the Predator. Sure the Predator was vicious and brutal, but I don't think anything reaches the level of a creature so hell bent on being bad that it would threaten its own children. That's as evil as it gets. Vader is far more memorable and iconic then the Predator and that should take nothing away from what the Predator means to film. But, the fact of the matter is, Vader is greater then just about any film villain in history.
As much as I hate to say this I gotta go with Darth, the force is just to much of a force (pun intended) to be dealt with by the Pred. Now I can foresee some small ways the Pred could in theory win, but they are so tiny they can not even be considered to luck based. At best I give the Pred of ending it by taking Vader with him, even then that's an at best.
The predator's problem is going to be that Vader will simply use the force to track him. Vader will simply feel his presence and as such invisibility will mean squat. Make no mistake, the Predator has the ability to take Vader down, but he's going to have to be extremely cautious and not be caught out by Vader's force powers. In hand to hand combat (which Vader may well get dragged into), I value the Predator as better than Vader. So really it comes down to if the Predator can get close enough to Vader to force him into hand-to-hand combat, and I don't think he will, so I say a victory to Vader.

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