Tyson Kid is coming to the mid-card.... or higher

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
This is just an assumption, but with the way things have been going on in the WWE, I can definitely see a potential big time push for Tyson Kid. Who knows maybe Tyson Kid is a Paul Heyman guy, maybe Tyson Kid is befriending the right people, or maybe Tyson Kid is going to be pushed because of the ties he has with not only CM Punk but with The Rock as well.

Yeah I know... "What the hell is Hashtag Killer talking about now?"

For those of you who don't know your history or even a small portion of backstage politics... allow me to clear some airwaves. First of all, Tyson and CM Punk are really good friends in real life. Not shocking considering they travel together a lot. And if rumor serves correctly, they're road buddies as well. Again, I'm not too positive on that last bit, but it would make since.

As far as his ties with The Rock? Well, he's the closest thing they have to the Hart Family, and if you've ever watched any biography of The Rock's or the Harts' you'll learn that Dwayne's family is very close with the Hart Family... just like Tyson, who was considered a great friend to Owen as well. With that in mind, it wouldn't be too far off the wall for WWE to use that background. Hell, they all say that Jericho was trained in the dungeon and THAT'S not true at all.


Now, what will WWE use Tyson for? I'm not entirely sure... but he's going to be used. Maybe he'll have a great showing at the Rumble, maybe he'll become the next rival of Wade Barrett or Antonio Cesaro... Or maybe, and this is most likely, he'll be used in the Rock and CM Punk match somehow.

That withstanding, would you be interested in seeing Tyson finally get his break? Could Tyson revive the days of smaller competitors? How far do you think a push with him could, would, and should go?
Really bad timing. He's out for 10-12 months with a torn ACL.

So yeah, I highly doubt a push is in the cards for Tyson Kidd.
Well he isn't getting a push to the mid-card but he is getting pushed to the hospital to get his ACL patched up. Even if the ACL was a-okay I don't think Tyson Kidd was going to get a decent push. He has had great matches, but the man is a deep, dark, black hole for Charisma. There is nothing about him that stands out other than his outstanding ring work. Which is a shame, because I would have really love to have some good excuse to have him on Smackdown or even Raw every once in a while to watch his ring work at my comfort instead of having to watch his matches online.
I have no idea where these great Tyson Kidd matches are happening. I have no idea if he really works so hard or if he has an amazing wrestling mind. All I know is that I don't really care much for him when he has been on my TV screen and I can't even buy him as being successful in the mid-card. CM Punk using Kidd's name did nothing more than annoy me and make me scratch my head.

But sorry to hear he got hurt. I don't wish that on anyone.
Yeah, Kidd broke his knee cap and tore his ACL, oh, and BTW, he wrestled TWICE after the injury occured. That is one tough, slightly crazy, SOB!!!!!!
I could see a push coming after his injury, but that is probably a reach. I like Tyson Kidd as much as the next guy. I've always felt he could be a nice name in the midcard. I get that we need enhancement talent around and likely that is where Kidd will remain during his tenure with the WWE. If they do chose to push him post injury, what better way to do so by having Bret Hart reintroduce him. It would be an easy way for him to get into the midcard title feud. Sure Bret doesn't have the best of mic skills, but it is the easiest way to introduce him, plus it helped turning Kidd face the first time around and gave him a nice rub as a member of the Hart Dynasty.
Come on guys this is comical! The guy is tiny and ratings are already horrible. Why give another that wont draw fans the belt? It makes no sense! The only reason Punk is holding the belt and facing the Rock is so it will set him up for a rematch with Cena- the real draw.
Come on guys this is comical! The guy is tiny and ratings are already horrible. Why give another that wont draw fans the belt? It makes no sense! The only reason Punk is holding the belt and facing the Rock is so it will set him up for a rematch with Cena- the real draw.

Rey Mysterio was highly successful for himself and the company when he was considered one of the top dogs. I could name others but my point is that you don't need to be a huge, menacing person to become a success and a draw. It helps under the "VKM's Bodybuilding Body" rule that he seems to have stuck in his mind but there are other attributing factors that make someone a big star like booking, mic skills, in-ring skills, politics, etc. If it was about the body, Mason Ryan would have been World champ many times over by now.

However, I don't see Tyson Kidd being a huge sensation in the company in the next couple of years. He's young and certainly has a wrestling-orientated mind who can adapt to any style of match thrown his way but we've got a lot of other talents coming in that can and will surpass him before he has his chance to shine. I agree that the skills he possesses can be completely utilised in the mid-card division as a staple who can be used as a talent enhancement but should he be taken off television, give him a role as a trainer. The Hart Dungeon graduate is something that a lot of upcoming wrestlers would respect. The main event scene is something Tyson Kidd is going to have to bide his time for and grasp the opportunity at the right moment because he isn't going to be forced into the upper echelon any time soon.

As for the injury, it is indeed bad timing like Nate said. He gets a mention by CM Punk and now he's injured... although last time Punk mentioned someone by name in a good promo, nothing happened. Hey Colt Cabana, how you doing?
He really is a talented wrestler, but as others have said, he has very little charisma, and gives the audience no real reason to get behind him, kinda like Ted Debiase, good but wont ever really draw $, at least the way i see it.
Sorry OP, but you're a massive tool stating that little tie in with Rock and Tyson Kidd. Like a massive fucking tool.

I got Owen Hart's autograph at a 1996 house show in Chi Town. Does this mean I can expect The Rock through my front door any minute carrying a a tool kit to fix the plumbing in my toilet?
And Tyson Kid a great friend to Owen? You realise Tyson was a 18 year old boy when Owen died right? "Close friends" might not be the right word. I doubt Owen used to tell Tyson how Martha orgasm'd ot the two would go out fishing like father and son.

Friendly acquaintanceship based on tyson hanging around hart house wanting to wrassle may be better.
Unfortunatly I don't see them pushing Tyson. I think he would do well in the tag division and its to bad that David Hart Smith didnt do well as the Hart Foundation was a great concept for a team. Tyson is a perfect example of why the light heavy weight / cruiser weight belt should be brought back. It gives the smaller guys like Tyson a good medium to work in. Hopefully he heals up quick and makes a good return as he has great in ring talent.
Aside from the fact that he's out injured for at least the next 6 months, I don't think the future is all that bright for Tyson Kidd in WWE.

There are lots of talented wrestlers in NXT and some of them are already making their way to the roster and the WWE is going to have to make room for them. I expect cuts to the main roster are going to be made before too long. I doubt that Kidd will be among the first casualties due to his injury, but it's possible. WWE's released a few NXT wrestlers, including Trent Baretta.

Kidd is a lot of fun to watch inside the ring and if he isn't released by WWE sometime over the course of the year, I don't think he's going to be a major star. I can see him being kept around as a solid mid-card or tag team wrestler, but I don't see him going any higher.
While hes sitting on his rear at home recovering what he needs to do is focus on the departments of his persona he's not too strong in. For example, a Tyson Kidd promo isn't going to blow anybody away, there's never any conviction or emotion and usually it's the same, "I plan to win tonight and nobody can stop me," shtick that a generic babyface would spout out.

Tyson has everything it takes in the ring, he has a good look to him to boot, and someone obviously has a positive few of him, otherwise he wouldn't have qualified for Money in the Bank last year. But if he can became a more well-rounded performer there'd be more chance of him succeeding in the future. This could be a blessing in disguise as far as his career is concerned.

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