Tyson Kidd wrestling career apparently is over!

Prince Vee

Better than I think I am
Tyson wrestled his first match at the age of 15 and also wrestled a house show for WWF(E) when he was just 16. No one can deny that He's talented. He might be tad shaggy on the mic but his inring skills are overwhelming. He's one such wrestler who can carry a match to a long distance.

He never was appreciated for his works in the WWE albeit Triple H, William Regal and Bill DeMott at least noted his talent and made use of him to push some of the development stars. For a guy of such a talent, it's a shame that he has only had limited success in the WWE.

Unfortunately he got injured severely just at the time when his career was going in a direction that he would've wanted. Its a shame and I really got shambled the recent report. Its a major injury that only 5% of people would survive. He was at least lucky to be alive. (Wrestling observers newsletters have confirmed that the statistics was true) And the doctors added that Tyson survived because he was an athlete and got strong neck muscles.

Supposedly I don't see Tyson wrestling ever again. Its really a sad news for us. He is a kind of guy who would transit a botched move into an innovative new one (If you've ever noticed) I really feel sorry for him.

What are your thoughts on this? Do you want to see him in the ring again? Does he really need to get into the ring again? Feel free to share Mateys.

Yea. It's a shame. I think he was just getting his footing on the roster with his team with Ceasaro. I found him to be very entertaining. I haven't heard much of him on the Mic so I can't really judge him there. It's just sucks all around because I really could see him going after the US or IC title
I was really happy with the Natty's husband angle, the ringside selfies and the bromance teaming with Cesaro. I thought he was a big part of the tag team resurgence we've seen in the last few months and this is indeed very sad news.

But if there is a chance he could seriously hurt or kill himself by coming back(obviously there is always a chance with the job, but moreso because of the injury is what I mean), then obviously I would hope he stays out of the ring.
It's a shame for him, but i never was entertained by him. He was one of the most boring guys on the roster, but it always sucks to see someone's career end like that. People claim he's so talented, he was a mediocre talent because all he had was in-ring skills, he didn't have presence or mic skills or anything else to make a true star in WWE. As people should know by now in-ring skills is the last thing WWE is concerned about to create a star.
All of us lacking medical degrees, any discussion as to whether his career is over is fairly moot. Until Tyson or an agent on his behalf informs us of the contrary, it's safe to assume he could make a recovery and return. I sincerely doubt he returns for at minimum 12 months. We once lost 18 months of Edge's career, an injury that inevitably cut his career short. Whatever the case for Kidd, speculation here is what speculation does.

Horribly underutilized talent. His use in NXT was good use of a born veteran, but he should have been doing that on the main roster. If his goose is cooked, his best work will be the brief time he spent with Cesaro, and the time be spent in NXT.

Hate to talk about the living like they're gone, so I'm going to remain hopeful that Kidd comes back. 5% survival rate for the same injury is pants poopingly horrifying, but Kidd is a brave man. If in one, two, three, or more years his physician clears him to compete, I have a feeling he'll come back. I'd like to know how many of that 5% return to physical activity once recovered.

Don't let dirt sheets dick you around with wording of the articles. It's not over until he announces his retirement.
I'm a big fan of Tyson and I'm now ready to count him out just yet. The guy has climbed mountains already in his career and I wouldn't bet against him doing it again.

The sad thing is that he had really found his groove this past year. I think his work in NXT opened a lot of eyes backstage and in the audience to just how talented the guy is. I feel that before that happened he had the dreaded 'good hand' label attached to him but that the Nattie's Husband angle really saw him shine as a character. Him and Cesaro were just as big a part of the tag resurgence as the Usos and, being a fan of tag teams, I'm sad to see the duo not out there performing.
Not a doctor here, but from what I've read the injury is serious. I don't expect that we'll see him back in the ring, not competing anyway. It's a shame, I liked Kidd and you never want to see anyone go out like that.

Maybe it's time for the WWE to rethink a lot of things here. Just how much abuse these guys can take. We've seen a bunch of neck and shoulder injuries in the last year, and it's not surprising. With the amount of shows, PPV's and travel time, half of these guys must be ready to give out. It's a testament to what kind of shape their in that they can keep going.

If we continue to see more injuries like this, which wasn't done with malicious intent, they might have to start giving these guys a bit of a break. Too bad it might have come too late for Kidd though.
If his career is over, which is a possibility anytime anything happens concerning your neck, it's a shame. At the same time, truth be told, I think Tyson Kidd's gone as far in WWE as he's going to; it's unfortunate that WWE's developmental program wasn't what it currently is 10 years ago because Kidd could've really benefitted. His time in NXT did wonders for him in terms of developing a persona, getting comfortable on the mic and his mic skills overall, it's just a shame that all this developed so late in his career as it could've helped propel him much further.

As it is, I don't see Kidd ever being in the main event, nor do I see him winning either the IC or US titles even if he comes back 100%. I may be wrong, but it's just a feeling that I've got.
If the reports are true, and Kidd is lucky to be alive, then I think it's pretty unlikely we'll see him wrestle again, the risk just isn't worth it. Neck injuries are very serious, as they can cause permanent damage, paralysis or even death in the worst cases. Why would anyone risk returning to such a dangerous profession after suffering an injury like that. It's a damn shame this has happened as Tyson was really making a name for himself in the team with Cesaro, it's a huge blow for him.

However, I don't think Samoa Joe is to blame for this injury, he's a notoriously safe worker and the Muscle Buster is no more dangerous than most other moves and he's performed it safely for years- I bet it still gets banned by WWE though! Hopefully Joe doesn't get punished by the office for this.
Trying to look at this in a positive light, we've read no prognosis yet. I hope it's something like a shooting or stabbing incident in which a doctor tells the victim: "If the bullet/knife had landed 1/4 inch in any other place, you would have died.".....but since it didn't, maybe he can recover and wrestle again.

I think of Lita's broken neck and remember reading that the subsequent surgery made her neck stronger than before the incident that hurt her. I've always wondered if that tumble outside the ring she took against Trish Stratus....in which she landed face first, her chin and chest striking the ground at a frightening angle.....would have been disastrous if she hadn't had the operation.

Tyson Kidd wasn't paralyzed and if the surgeons can do the same to his neck as Lita's, maybe he can return some day.

I hope so, since he seemed to finally be carving out a real rep for himself. It was frustrating to watch a talented performer like Kidd be set up strictly as a jobber.....and I really enjoyed what he was doing teamed with Cesaro & Natty.
As much as I never really liked him in the ring, I could always tell that he had a talent for it. I genuinely think that he was a gifted pure wrestler and it is always a shame to see someone so young left without much chance of carrying on a career that he has worked so very hard for. As wrestling fans, we should all feel sympathy for anyone who probably end their career doing something to entertain us. It wouldn't matter of it was John Cena or Heath Slater in truth, we all have to rally behind him and hope beyond hope that he will be able to do what he loves after his recovery.

With the reports of the extent of the injury, I don't think we will ever see him wrestle professionally in the WWE again, unfortunately for everyone. It's just too risky after an injury like this. I mean, it has been said that he really is lucky to be alive. With that in mind, I don't see him returning. Hopefully though, the WWE have something in line for him if he wants to take it. Maybe a coach job in Florida or somwhere performance related. There is no doubting his technical prowess, so something like that might allow him to work within an industry that he loves without killing himself.

Sad, sad news.
I may have missed something here,What happened to him injury-wise?

It was an upper neck injury, one - the DR apparently said - should have killed him. Samoa Joe hit him with a Muscle Buster in a dark match a couple of weeks ago. He will be out for a year, probably never to come back, as goes the neck injury ways..... Edge...Stone Cold....
If he were to risk severe injury by wrestling again, then no. There is life after wrestling. He's 34 and in a happy marriage with Natalya by all accounts. He was a great wrestler and was part of an exciting revival of the tag team division, but as mentioned earlier he has a life. Wrestling is great, but would I want him to get hurt and spend the rest of his life seriously injured? No, and I wouldn't that for anyone.
If Kidd's career is over, he totally should be in NXT training talent. He has great wrestling talent and actually did well as a heel in my opinion. I think he could use his knowledge being trained in Stu Hart's dungeon to show new talent moves he was taught that may have not been seen on television. Story telling is so important in wrestling and the top stars can tell a great story in the ring. You may start out with 3-5 minute matches, however, if you can't work a good story in the ring, you probably will never be given a true opportunity to work a long match.
Ugh its all thanks to that fat slob, Samoa Joe.. its baffling how a safe move like the curb stomp (which hasn't injured anyone with 3 years of use, also gives the opponent a lot of control) is banned, yet a dangerous finisher like Samoa Joe's musclebuster ends Kidd's career on Joe's 1st match in WWE... yet it isn't banned yet. This company really needs to re-evaluate themselves. Management really needs to step things up and fire reckless workers like Samoa Joe.. They should be wary of putting him in a match with any top star. I would keep Owens the hell away from Joe considering that Joe botched the muscle buster on a man MUCH smaller than Owens. Imagine what would happen if he did the muscle buster on Owens. We don't need any more overrated slobs; Joe doesn't bring much to the WWE and he's definitely not that high on the totem pole. He deserves some severe punishment for ending a veteran's career
Ugh its all thanks to that fat slob, Samoa Joe.. its baffling how a safe move like the curb stomp (which hasn't injured anyone with 3 years of use, also gives the opponent a lot of control) is banned, yet a dangerous finisher like Samoa Joe's musclebuster ends Kidd's career on Joe's 1st match in WWE... yet it isn't banned yet. This company really needs to re-evaluate themselves. Management really needs to step things up and fire reckless workers like Samoa Joe.. They should be wary of putting him in a match with any top star. I would keep Owens the hell away from Joe considering that Joe botched the muscle buster on a man MUCH smaller than Owens. Imagine what would happen if he did the muscle buster on Owens. We don't need any more overrated slobs; Joe doesn't bring much to the WWE and he's definitely not that high on the totem pole. He deserves some severe punishment for ending a veteran's career

It was one match. How many people did Joe injure in TNA with the Musclebuster?
It's not Joe, nor the muscle buster to blame. Joe has hit that move countless times. It is a fluke injury, ie edge breaking the Los Baricua guys neck on his first raw doing a flip over the ropes. shit happens especially in pro wrestling
It's not Joe, nor the muscle buster to blame. Joe has hit that move countless times. It is a fluke injury, ie edge breaking the Los Baricua guys neck on his first raw doing a flip over the ropes. shit happens especially in pro wrestling

Exactly. This is pro wrestling; injuries happen.
Big Show summed it up in his TMZ interview today... You're one move away from being crippled or dying everytime you go in the ring. Joe is not to blame any more than Rey was a few months back... both were very nearly the same outcome.

They haven't released details of the injury so they are REALLY trying to downplay it, from WWE's point of view Meltzer releasing details is a bad thing but equally from Tyson's as it either puts others in the mindset of "he's done" or "behind Bryan", two neck injuries, one guy immensely popular, the other not so much... the fans will want to see Kidd return, but not as much as Bryan... and that has to factor into his decision making AND WWE's.

From a risk perspective, there REALLY isn't any reason for Kidd to return to active competition. WWE allowed certain neck injuries/surgeries in the past but with the current heat on via lawsuits, they will be VERY wary of letting Kidd back in, ever. If it was Kurt Angle, Austin, Edge, Benoit, Cena, Bryan - there is a payoff for the risk, they were big names. Kidd isn't that big a name sadly, so it's financially not a good risk for WWE if something then goes wrong.

From TJ's perspective, he's gotta weigh up the risk against what he might lose - the Jericho podcast a week or so ago showed how close he and Nattie are, he might not want to risk it for her, when he could easily transition into an agent or trainer role for WWE. He's the kind of guy who could now do more good either in NXT or as an agent for graduates on the main roster, his experience would be invaluable. I can equally see Nattie in that role or they might want kids. By the same token he also knows how injury can cause bitterness and trouble from his experiences with Tommy Billington, remember he was around when that was all kicking off, he knows his kids and even said himself in that podcast, couldn't visit him. Hopefully that would steel him but the Hart's do tend to go a little bitter... I think he would want to be the exception.

Personally I hope one of the first people to call him was Edge... that guy knows better than anyone the risks and benefits of getting out when this happens.

Very sad but I hope he doesn't come back... it really ain't worth it for what WWE would do with him in the ring.
Wow, I hadn't heard the news. What a shame, his career was just starting to pick up. I had some hope that he was going to return but when I noticed he was out for so long and Cesaro was being pushed, I started to worry. Tyson's mix of high flying and technical ability is something I've grown to enjoy. It's probably true what some have said: that Tyson went as far in his career as he was ever going to, but it's still great to have someone who can work great tag matches. Tyson and Cesaro added some much needed intrigue to the tag division. Its a shame to see Tyson go. I wish him and Natalya nothing but the best.
Hopefully the surgery will help Tyson recover better than expected, but even if he does come back his career has likely been shortened by many years which is a shame. The guy was just starting to find his stride after 6 long years in the E... who knows where he may have gone after his tag team run? Either way, Kidd will be taken care of by the WWE. He's got a great wrestling background and family lineage, and his career was most likely ended in the ring. If he can't wrestle anymore, believe he'll get a nice cushy job and make more money than he was making as an active competitor.

Still, it's much to early to deem his career over at this point. Motivation and heart can do wonders for a guy.
I don't think he's done. I think he'll be back, maybe win the tag titles with Cesaro again. I'd love to see Cesaro vs. Kidd on a big stage though.

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