Was The Rock VS Cena II at WM29 always the plan?


Dark Match Winner
When was that decided that we would get a rematch of those two for WM29? Was that known before WrestleMania 28 or did it just work out that way?
Always the plan.

It was painfully obvious when Rock beat Cena at WM 28. Because it does not make a lick of business sense to have a Former Star- even someone as big as The ROCK- take the Flag Barrier of the WWE and go over him and just walk away.

It was one of the most ambitious plans WWE ever constructed, and the fact everything else had to be painfully constricted within the framework of that feud tells you a lot for their intentions.
It was in fact a carefully laid out three year plan. The Rock returns as the host for Wrestlemania 27, starts a feud with Cena there, leading to the "once in a lifetime" match at Wrestlemania 28 and then, with the Rock "just happening" to be the Champion at Wrestlemania 29 and Cena winning the Rumble, it becomes twice in a lifetime after all and the company carrier comes out in the end as the man and champion. It was a great plan and the sort of long range planning the WWE lacks all too often. Too bad it also meant killing CM Punk's run as champion in the process, but that's another story.
The thing that makes me doubt it was always the plan is the tag line to WM28 "Once in a lifetime". Not to say that WWE wouldn't purposely mislead their fans, because well, duh.

I really believe though, that was meant to a be a one time thing, but with the hugely positive reaction to the Rock's return, and especially with it being in Miami, and the fact that his star power would reflect well on WWE, plus everyone naturally assumed Cena would go over, I think may have changed the original plans for him to do the honors. However after the tremendous financial success of 28, Vince probably smelled money if he could put the title on Rock, and get a rematch out of it, to give the rub back to Cena.
If Rock hadn't have wanted to come back, Cena would have won at 28, and the WM Main Event for 29 would have been Punk v Cena (like it should have been anyway.)

The moment Rock decided to re-up was the moment everything changed.
The thing that makes me doubt it was always the plan is the tag line to WM28 "Once in a lifetime". Not to say that WWE wouldn't purposely mislead their fans, because well, duh.

I really believe though, that was meant to a be a one time thing, but with the hugely positive reaction to the Rock's return, and especially with it being in Miami, and the fact that his star power would reflect well on WWE, plus everyone naturally assumed Cena would go over, I think may have changed the original plans for him to do the honors. However after the tremendous financial success of 28, Vince probably smelled money if he could put the title on Rock, and get a rematch out of it, to give the rub back to Cena.

Rock probably decided on the way to WM28 that he wanted to have a run. So they had 2 plans laid out. However, I doubt that either plan saw Rock losing. John Cena redemption story would have gone as planned, he would have just ended up with Punk or Taker instead of Rock at WM29. But when Rock came back in 2011, the plan from the start was for sure to get to WM28.
Well we all knew that RR 2013 was Punk vs Rock. So I have no doubts that was allready made out in eyes of WWE in advance prior to RAW 1000. After that I think it was just mather of booking. All about that match at Wrestlemania 29 was redemption so had no doubt that it was in their plans all along. Was just the question wheather to have Punk there or not. But at the end he was not needed in the story(think they were thinking in same way all along which Punk confirmed at that interview with Colt Cabana) and he was given "consolation prize" with Undertaker so it was all open for "Once in the lifetime 2". :p I mean, I get WWE logic in that. It sold out last year and they were thinking it would be good to have another next year. And they were right, think it did sold out very good even for Wrestlemania standards. Didnt like it too much but it was fine bussiness decision. :)

Heck, if Rock didnt injured during that , I think we would get part 3 somewhere along the way, probably at SummerSlam. :lmao:
When was that decided that we would get a rematch of those two for WM29? Was that known before WrestleMania 28 or did it just work out that way?

I would think so. Seems like WWE had long term plans for Rock/Cena feud. Probably the WWE's biggest feud mainstream wise since Rock/Hogan. Might as well make the most of it.
It was a carefully laid out plan; one in which everyone benefited. Before the first match, I figured Rock would lose; what possible consequence could he suffer from being beaten? When Cena lost, I was truly impressed with him for going along with it, and the thought that occurred was: "Can you imagine Hogan in his prime doing something like this?" Never would have happened.

At the same time, one had to figure a rematch was coming. Given Cena's regal status at that time, he had to get his revenge. The thing is, I figured it would come earlier than a full year later; possibly at SummerSlam.

Instead, they kept the thought of a rematch in our minds for a year even while Rock was scarcely around (kind of wonder if that's when they got the notion of making Brock Lesnar a world champion who rarely has to show his face in WWE).

At any rate, it worked.....better than I ever believed it would. Even so, during the second match, I was concerned that Cena was going to lose again, figuring that wouldn't be the best path for the company to follow. Cena was the company's #1 for a reason; let's not bend over backward too far for the Rock. Then, Rock lost but saved face, and the world was safe for democracy once more.

But yes, when the contract was originally signed for Rock-Cena, it included two matches, not just one. It's much easier to plan for the future when it's down on paper.
If I remember correctly, The Rock said that he wanted to face John Cena for the WWE Championship at Wrestlemania. I think they decided to have two matches when they figured they should keep CM Punk's long title reign running in the first year, i.e. Wrestlemania 28, rather than give the WWE title to Cena just so that the stipulation Rock asked for was fulfilled. Next year, they would go on to fight for the WWE championship as originally planned.
Yeah, as has been pointed out, Cena vs. Rock II was something that'd probably been planned out for quite a while in advance, possibly even since the ending of WrestleMania 28 itself. Hell, for all anyone knows, maybe it was already agreed upon before the first match even took place. I think it's safe to say that the latest when the idea was conceived would be after Vince saw the buyrates WrestleMania 28 brought in.

As Sally pointed out, WrestleMania 28 was the highest profile match of his career and he lost. There was no way they were going to leave it like that unless there was simply no other way around it, such as either guy being severely injured. The problem though was something we could already see FAR in advance, something I believe Vince himself had to know: a title match between he two would have none of the uncertainty and intrigue of their first match because it was 100% obvious how it was going to end. That, plus the fact that many fans were pretty well burned out on John Cena as WWE Champion.

Had it not been for the title, I think people would've been more interested rather than it just being a match that they, for all intents and purposes, had to see whether they were really into it or not. Sure, then the outcome still would've been pretty obvious, maybe not as obvious, but they'd have had the consolation of not having another John Cena title run.
Call me crazy but I think Cena was originally supposed to win at WM28 and Rock ended up refusing to lose shortly before the show. That might sound crazy but I must have read thousands of posts over the years where people claim Hogan, HBK, HHH, and Cena refuse to lose and put people over. Why doesn't anyone ever accuse The Rock? He's somehow above those backstage politics? I don't think so. I remember Cena implying Rock using his stroke to change the outcome. He didn't flat out say it but he said that's a story for another day. I took that to mean eventually when it's no longer Cena's responsibility to be the WWE poster boy he'll give us the behind the scenes dirt on the situation.

I think Cena vs. Rock was originally supposed to be once in a lifetime and when Rock decided he couldn't lose he agreed to do WM29 to make it up to Cena and WWE. It's really a shame too because WM28 could have been one of the best ever had Cena won the main event. The WM28 match was awesome and WM29 was a poor follow up and is actually pretty forgettable. If my thoughts are true Rock should be ashamed of himself. Imagine Hogan (you know the guy everyone accuses of refusing to lose) decided he wanted to beat Rock at WM18 but would make it up to him at WM19. Everyone would be outraged. But ten years later when Rock, the same guy that benefited from beating Hogan, refuses to return the favor nobody says a word.
jesus people, the rock has said in many interviews he and vince sat down and put the whole story line together around wm27. it was always a two year plan.
Call me crazy but I think Cena was originally supposed to win at WM28 and Rock ended up refusing to lose shortly before the show. That might sound crazy but I must have read thousands of posts over the years where people claim Hogan, HBK, HHH, and Cena refuse to lose and put people over. Why doesn't anyone ever accuse The Rock? He's somehow above those backstage politics? I don't think so. I remember Cena implying Rock using his stroke to change the outcome. He didn't flat out say it but he said that's a story for another day. I took that to mean eventually when it's no longer Cena's responsibility to be the WWE poster boy he'll give us the behind the scenes dirt on the situation.

I think Cena vs. Rock was originally supposed to be once in a lifetime and when Rock decided he couldn't lose he agreed to do WM29 to make it up to Cena and WWE. It's really a shame too because WM28 could have been one of the best ever had Cena won the main event. The WM28 match was awesome and WM29 was a poor follow up and is actually pretty forgettable. If my thoughts are true Rock should be ashamed of himself. Imagine Hogan (you know the guy everyone accuses of refusing to lose) decided he wanted to beat Rock at WM18 but would make it up to him at WM19. Everyone would be outraged. But ten years later when Rock, the same guy that benefited from beating Hogan, refuses to return the favor nobody says a word.
There is a reason why nobody accuses The Rock of refusing to get someone over. Its because unlike Hogan or Austin you never heard that he acctually refused to put someone over. Heck, he even put Eugene over.

Plus you are forgetting one thing, Wrestlemania 28 was in Miami and Rock was and is billed there. As I remember correctly, dont think they wanted to have Wrestlemania closed by chorus of booes because Rock lost(one of the prime reasons people assumed prior to the match that The Rock would go over is because of that). Vince and WWE always had watched to leave Mania at face reaction at the end. So as much as you could have valid arfument that Rock influenced there(ofcourse he probably influenced at some degree in decision), there were waste number of factors included in that decision and dont think Rock would have too much saying if, for example, Vince thought it really was "once in a lifetime". But as said before it was preplanned that they have rematch and that setup was perfect for "Cena redemption" story. :)
I doubt that "Once In A Lifetime" was meant to devolve into the "Twice In A Lifetime....?" that we got. I'm in the minority in that I did want to see the second match, but only because The Rock should NOT have won the first. Brain is spot on when he states that Wrestlemania 28 would have been one of the best of all time had Cena won. That finish tarnished an otherwise good show. I agree with the theory that originally it was going to legitimately be "Once In A Lifetime", Cena was going to get the win as he deserved and Rock would leave to return to doing movies. Had Cena won the first match the second would have been entirely unnecessary. Then we could have gotten Cena VS Punk at Wrestlemania 29, or at least in some capacity Punk would have gotten his main event spot. Regardless.... Cena VS Rock 1 was always the plan but the ONLY reasons we got Cena VS Rock 2 were firstly to right the wrong of Rock winning the first one and secondly because WWE knew they would make a lot of money on the rematch.
I absolutely agree with Rock being the one to win that first match in Miami. He was the only reason anyone cared about that match. He was the draw and it was in Miami. It sent everyone home happy.

I didn't care to see the rematch but understood why they did it. It was just extremely obvious that Cena was winning the title for three months.

But I'm happy. We got another title run by The Rock and a new belt out of it.
Yes it was. Vince never wants Cena to look weak. Cena took a clean loss from the Rock which made him look weak in Vince's eyes. He thought it would hurt Cena's character. Also, Cena vs Rock was a big draw. It got the biggest crowd at Wrestlemania. So, he served us Cena vs Rock II.
I don't think so because I heard rumors of The Rock facing Randy Orton or Brock Lesnar at WrestleMania 29 and Cena vs. Rock II happening at WrestleMania 30 or WrestleMania 31. But it could have been
Call me crazy but I think Cena was originally supposed to win at WM28 and Rock ended up refusing to lose shortly before the show. That might sound crazy but I must have read thousands of posts over the years where people claim Hogan, HBK, HHH, and Cena refuse to lose and put people over. Why doesn't anyone ever accuse The Rock? He's somehow above those backstage politics? I don't think so. I remember Cena implying Rock using his stroke to change the outcome. He didn't flat out say it but he said that's a story for another day. I took that to mean eventually when it's no longer Cena's responsibility to be the WWE poster boy he'll give us the behind the scenes dirt on the situation.

I think Cena vs. Rock was originally supposed to be once in a lifetime and when Rock decided he couldn't lose he agreed to do WM29 to make it up to Cena and WWE. It's really a shame too because WM28 could have been one of the best ever had Cena won the main event. The WM28 match was awesome and WM29 was a poor follow up and is actually pretty forgettable. If my thoughts are true Rock should be ashamed of himself. Imagine Hogan (you know the guy everyone accuses of refusing to lose) decided he wanted to beat Rock at WM18 but would make it up to him at WM19. Everyone would be outraged. But ten years later when Rock, the same guy that benefited from beating Hogan, refuses to return the favor nobody says a word.
Nobody wanted that bum Cena to go over he’s not in the rocks league and never will be.. and do you really think rock was going to lose in Miami in front of his hometown?

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