Watching Raw from last night has got me thinking....

Just wondering something, what match did you watch to get to that conclusion? I rewatch the ending of that match yesterday and both of lesnar feet were still on the cage panel when reigns roll off the cage and touch the floor. So if you follow the keyfabe rules of a cage match, it says that the winner is the first person who escape the cage and BOTH feets touch the floor, lesnar might have escape the cage first but his feet never touch the floor since he stayed lay out on the cage side while reigns rolled off and his feet touch the floor first.

So if you follow the storyline, reigns got screwed at the greatest royal rumble and deserve another title match.
Except that when he rolls off the cage, his right foot goes straight to the apron skirt. Which isn't the floor. He remains there while Brock Lesnar rolls over from the cage to the floor. So, Brock's feet and I should add, BOTH feet touched the floor first. Which makes him the winner. Roman Reigns's right foot didn't touch the floor directly before Brock. Apron skirt isn't the floor.
Except that when he rolls off the cage, his right foot goes straight to the apron skirt. Which isn't the floor. He remains there while Brock Lesnar rolls over from the cage to the floor. So, Brock's feet and I should add, BOTH feet touched the floor first. Which makes him the winner. Roman Reigns's right foot didn't touch the floor directly before Brock. Apron skirt isn't the floor.

let's just say we didn't see the same thing out of the multiple replays they did but what i saw was reigns rolling of the side of the cage and both feet touching the floor before lesnar. Maybe reigns feet touch the apron skirt after i don'T know but he clearly touch the floor with both feet from the replay i saw.

Maybe you didn't see this and it's o.k just go rewatch the replay of the ending again, they're a angle where you can clearly see that both of reigns feet touch the floor first.
let's just say we didn't see the same thing out of the multiple replays they did but what i saw was reigns rolling of the side of the cage and both feet touching the floor before lesnar. Maybe reigns feet touch the apron skirt after i don'T know but he clearly touch the floor with both feet from the replay i saw.

Maybe you didn't see this and it's o.k just go rewatch the replay of the ending again, they're a angle where you can clearly see that both of reigns feet touch the floor first.
Well we can agree to disagree then. Because I have seen it multiple times. And when Roman Reigns rolls off cage, his right foot goes straight to apron skirt. Never mind. It's okay.
People boo Roman because of the way he is booked. He's not a bad in-ring wrestler, he's decent. Not good like a Rollins, Bryan, Ziggler, Styles, etc but not anywhere near a Mojo. Honestly he fits a heel because he has a "dick" like persona. However, they push him as if he was the next Cena. In my opinion, he isn't a main event guy but has been featured in so the past several years by getting so many big spots to make him look strong. Rollins has always been the standout coming out of the Shield. He's better in the ring and on the mic. I think if they tweaked Roman's character and made him a heel and let him be more genuine instead of a face then he would not only come off much better but fans could get more behind that. Roman is a mid to upper talent but as a heel. Book him as such and it will be much better. If it were me booking, I'd have Seth win the Universal Championship against Brock and have Roman turn on him due to jealousy and then come out and shit on the fans for booing him saying he tried to do it the right way but now it's his way. I'd have him bring in AOP for backup and have them run roughshod over the Raw roster all the way into Survivor Series until Rollins, the champ, has to elect the help of guys like Strowman, Lashley, and a returning Ambrose. However, then I'd have Ambrose turn heel also and align with a heel Reigns to join him and AOP. It would shake things up a bit which is desperately needed
Roman Reigns is a fantastic performer. He's booed because they don't want him main-eventing every PPV, every WrestleMania and pushed like he's the greatest thing to happen since Stone Cold.. That's not a way to get someone over anymore.. They could push AJ Styles that hard and the fans would be sick of him by now.
They need to go old school with Reigns here. Most forget the Rock was a heel for awhile in the Nation and the Corporation before becoming the face of the company. Make him the despised heel and let it simmer before the big face turn down the road. Put Ziggler, McIntyre, Corbin, & Roode with him. This would also help Bobby Roode get some momentum to as he is much more solid as a heel.
The problem with turning Reigns heels is that they will lose a ton of money from nerchandise sales since a lot of the younger fans actually loves reigns. When the The Rock turns heel back in the day, the product was pretty much focus toward a older audience so it was easier to turn somebody heel if the babyface run didn'T work. Now it's a complete different situation and you really can'T turn somebody Heel as easily as you could during the attitude era because of the money involve and how different to product is. So In Reigns case, i feel the best you can do is to stay the course with him. If they saty on the path they are right now, even the more hardcore of hardcore fans will accept the guy eventually. If you would have told me one year ago that Reigns would be mostly cheered by a boston crowd, i would have laugh in your face, but last week it did happen, so continue to book him a bad ass devil may care character like they are doing right now and fans will turn around on him.

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