WCW Region,Greensboro Subregion,First Round:(5)Andre the Giant vs.(28)Tully Blanchard

Who wins this match?

  • Andre the Giant

  • Tully Blanchard

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Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
This is a first round match in the WCW Region, Greensboro Subregion. It is a standard one on one match. It will be held at the Greensboro Coliseum in Greensboro, North Carolina.



#5. Andre the Giant



#28. Tully Blanchard

Polls will be open for three days following a one day period for discussion. Voting will be based on who you feel is the greater of the two competitors. Post your reasons for why your pick should win below. Remember that this is non-spam and the most votes in the poll win. Any ties will be broken by the amount of posts of support for each candidate, with one vote per poster.

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I thought Vader vs. Greg The Hammer was the biggest shitshow of the first round. I was wrong.

I love Tully Blanchard, but wow, he hasn't a chance here. Andre might not finish him off as quickly as Vader would Hammer, but that's because Andre's too slow to make that happen. However, Tully wouldn't inflict even an ounce of damage.

Andre wins, possibly murdering Tully by accident.
Tully was one of my favorites when I was a kid but...I mean damn...it's just not gonna happen against Andre.

Personally, I think Tully was FAR more entertaining than Andre whether it be on the mic or inside the ring. If Andre was alive and both men in their primes today, then this match could have a very different ending. After all, we've seen men the size of Tully topple giants in this day and age.

But as things stand, Tully just has no chance against Andre.
Andre was (kayfabe) undefeated for something like 25 years before losing to Hogan at mania 3. He steamrolls tully here.
Tully Blanchard is someone that is monumentally more respected by people who actually saw him perform than everyone else. A sort of reverse Mr. Perfect, I suppose. However, lets be reasonable. He was a solid midcarder for his entire career, whereas Andre the Giant is one of the most recognisable wrestlers of all time, and has to win here.
Blanchard was one helluva performer inside that ring, and could give lessons on how to work the mic to a score of wrestlers who are absolutely clueless on the stick. He was the epitome of the cocky arrogant heel. Unfortunately for him, he is up against a wrestler who was booked to be the great equalizer to a monster heel, no matter what territory he was in. Andre handles Tully with little effort here, and moves on to the 2nd round after hitting a big splash. As outstanding a performer that Tully was, he never rose above midcard, while Andre was...well, ANDRE. Bad draw for Tully here.
The third most memorable horseman against the 8th Wonder of the world. If Andre and he ever met in real life, he'd be a roadblock through which Andre went to get to the money match, which would be Flair. That's all he is to Andre here to, a roadblock, but not one that'll cause the giant any deal of trouble.
Does someone on the forums have a hard-on to see Tully Blanchard crushed? He's one of my top 3 favorite wrestlers of all time and since I've joined the forums, I can't recall a favorable matchup for him.

Andre was unstoppable in his prime and even on his last legs, he was formidable against Hulk Hogan at his peak. This will be a squash in about 5 minutes for Andre, and to boot, he'll bust open JJ Dillion at ringside.
At first I thought that Austin and Nigel McGuinness was going to be the biggest squash match of this tourney, but damn. I like Tully Blanchard. I know that there are a lot of mixed opinions on him but I've always respected him, he's a horseman for Christ's sake. But he is way out of his league with Andre here. Andre will just crush Tully in a less than 5 minute showing.
Poor Tully. He won't get much of a chance to show his stuff. A great performer but Tully is simply overmatched. What's he going to do to beat the Giant? Nothing. He will bump like crazy for Andre before ultimately being pinned.
I'm voting for Andre but maybe not for the rest of the tournament as he would probably be getting arrested for manslaughter. Sorry Tully RIP
Yh I loved Tully but he is gone. I'm pretty fuming he got Andre first round, I'd love to try to get him over any other uppermidcarder.

Andre is near unbeatable. I'm voting in kayfabe and have to consider Andre the tournament favourite. Here is a list of people at their peak that I could imagine beating Andre.

Hulk Hogan - The Undertaker - The Ultimate Warrior.

I think that's it for now (havn't considered people like Lesnar/Goldberg/Cena/Sammartino/Austin/Thesz enough to fairly evaluate them yet). Obviously I'll consider each round after reading arguments, but Tully Blanchard is 100% not one of them and this is over for one of my favourites ever.
Yeah Tully Blanchard is in my all time top 5 but he would get demolished by Andre here.

I dont think he would make a dent on Andre in this squash match
In this kind of tournament celebrating the greatest of all time, there is very few people who would be able to go over Andre The Giant. Tully Blanchard isn't one of these.

He was obviously very good, you don't become a member of the Horsemen if you aren't (unless your name is Mongo or Paul Roma), but Tully isn't going to take out the Giant in the first round of the tournament.

I would imagine that the Horsemen would try and interfere behind the referee's back, which would keep Tully in the match longer than he normally would be, but Andre would no doubt come out on top here.

Winner = Andre The Giant
Andre could SNEEZE and it would send Tully flying out of the ring. This would cause a countout and a win for Andre.

Or, Andre could fart and Tully would be blown into oblivion.

The moral of the story is that Tully CAN'T win here... he just can't. He is overwhelmed in every possible way and not by a small margin. He dominates in every category of this matchup.
Tully is definitely over matched here. Andre would have little problem in this match. He was unstoppable in his early days, and as much as I liked Tully he couldn't compete here.

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