Web Series.. your thoughts on them

Trill Co$by

Believes in The Shield!
Recently, I've been stuck in a trance of watching a lot of web series on either youtube or just the series' websites themselves. I'm not talking about weirdos doing random shit on youtube and putting "Episode #" in their titles. I mean actual series. You know, shows developed by companies to actually entertain us like a normal show would.

Hulu has a morning show called "The Morning After" which pretty much discusses everything that the late night shows do, only in the mornings.

Machinima, a website that thrives on bringing entertainment to the gaming world, thrives on a few of their own web series such as Bite Me as well as Arby n the Chief to name a few... not to mention their exclusive rights to the Mortal Kombat reboot series.

My question is, does anybody here actually watch web series on the internet (which now you can even stream to your television) and if so, what are some series you'd recommend.

Currently, I'm watching Bite Me and am in the middle of season 2. The series is a zombie apocalypse series that's based around the one group of people who would actually survive such a thing... gamers. Not only that, but the casting done was by Machinima where they casted full head on gamers to play in their series. It's got its comedy moments as well as dramatic ones. I really recommend it for anyone who can bother to sit through a show in front of a computer screen.

Another one I like to watch is Dragon Ball Abridged by Team Four Star. Very entertaining, this show is a complete parody of Dragon Ball Z. They've made it pretty much an effort to entertain the fans by making slight comments that can fit into today's world. I must warn everyone though, it's not entirely kid friendly.

Edit: I put this in the video game & technology section because these shows don't appear on TV. If a mod wants to move it to the tv section, then okie dokie.

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