Week of 11/29/10 - 12/5/10 (Monday - Thursday)


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House

Monday Night Raw
Date: November 29, 2010
Location: Wells Fargo Center, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Commentators: Michael Cole, Jerry Lawler, CM Punk
Guest Star: Rima Fakih

Tonight is a special three hour show and it’s the King of the Ring. It’s also the beginning of the Miz Era. I’ve got my money on Del Rio or Morrison winning this so let’s see if I’m right. The show is starting now so let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of the end of Raw last week which saw Barrett and Nexus jump Orton to injure his knee. Cena ran in and cost Barrett the title as Orton hit the RKO to retain. Miz ran in and won the title. Again notice that Orton had him beaten and Miz simply countered and won the title. That says a lot about him.

Cue theme song.

Miz is here tonight.

We see the King of the Ring stuff and get a quick history of it with them even mentioning the 1985 tournament.

Here’s Alex Riley saying the Miz is WWE Champion. I’m not used to seeing him in a suit. Cole applauds which cracks me up. Riley runs down Punk’s commentary and references not being afraid of a party which I think is a reference to his DUI. There’s going to be a party for Miz. Punk directly says it was a DUI. Most interesting.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: Alberto Del Rio vs. Daniel Bryan

Rodriguez has a big old black eye due to Show drilling him on Friday. Punk is in an I heart Colt shirt which is an ROH shout out I guess. Here are the brackets.

Del Rio

Cody Rhodes



Not bad at all. This should be solid. Cole and Punk get into it almost already with Del Rio starting strong. The smart crowd in Philly is of course all behind Bryan. Cole asks Lawler again why he’s a King. Apparently he was born one. Del Rio is from a kingly family so are they some kind of brothers? LeBell Lock is avoided as we take a break with Punk saying there are two kings and a queen on commentary. Well ok then.

Back with Del Rio holding Bryan down in a chinlock. King of the Ring winners have won a combined 62 world titles according to Cole which was told to him by the WWE’s Chief Statistician: the Fink. Bryan fights out for a bit which gets him nowhere. An elbow misses and Bryan gets a crucifix for two.

They reverse standing switches and Bryan gets a German on the Mexican for two in the former capital of America. Bryan is all fired up and hits a running dropkick in the corner for two. Del Rip gets a German of his own for two. Suicide Dive to the floor by Bryan takes out Del Rip but he might have hurt his own shoulder. That tends to happen to him every time he does that move. Here’s a hint: DON’T DO THAT ANYMORE!

He goes up but misses the dropkick and hurts the arm again. Del Rio gets his evil smile into the Cross Armbreaker and Bryan taps out to send Del Rio to the semi-finals. I’m right so far at about 6:00 shown of 9:30 (I assume 3:30 for a commercial to clear up any confusion there).

We look at some former winners of the tournament including Edge, Austin, HHH, Bret and Brock (WOW. I didn’t think I’d see him on WWE TV anymore).

Here’s R-Truth for not a match apparently. More What’s Up here but no Eve. Well at least we don’t have to see bad dancing. White ropes tonight which I kind of like for some reason. He’s here to talk about Cena and how he went out like a champ last week. The war hasn’t started yet apparently. I have no idea what he’s talking about. Ah it’s a challenge to Nexus. He’ll fight any member right now.

We throw it to Josh in the back at the Nexus locker room door. What a great coincidence that he was standing there. McGillicutty (just call him Joe Hennig already) accepts with a new Nexus shirt. On the way though he’s jumped by someone in jean shorts but the camera goes down. They pick him up and give him what looks like an FU and with the Cena wristband does the You Can’t See Me motion to the down camera. Cool.

Back with Cole FREAKING over Miz being champion here. They talk about what just happened a bit with Punk saying it’s clearly Cena.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: Cody Rhodes vs. John Morrison

So there’s more or less no way Rhodes wins here is there? It’s a shame as I really like him. He plays his character as well as anyone else in the company right now. I need more grooming tips though. Punk says he was King of the Ring and won the 92 tournament in Rio De Janeiro. I think that was the same tournament where Buddy Rogers won the first WWWF Title. I think that’s true.

Morrison gets a shot to the face and Cody hits the floor in anger. More stuff to the face as that’s like a weakness in an SNES game. Cody in control now with a Russian leg sweep with a floatover for two. Punk talks about Bragging Rights for the brand that wins and I roll my eyes. There are so many good lines from him that I can’t keep up with them all.

Morrison comes back with clotheslines and Cody is in a bit of trouble. The running knee misses though and we’re back to about even. Both guys go for their springboard kicks at the same time but Morrison’s hits, followed by the running knee to send him to face Alberto. I guess that’s his new finisher. Match ran about 3:45.

The new Miss USA is the guest star. That’s news to me. Thanks for telling us that in the first 40 minutes.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: Drew McIntyre vs. Ezekiel Jackson

What in the world happened to Drew? He was supposed to be awesome and now he’s going to get destroyed by the second coming of Ahmed Johnson. Hearing Punk do ads is just odd indeed. Both guys have good songs at least. Jackson destroys him with clotheslines and power to start. Drew might have gotten a turnbuckle pad off but only Punk sees it.

And apparently he’s right as a single shot to it puts Jackson down for two. Punk says he’s a wrestler but Cole corrects him by saying he’s a Superstar. Well at least they admitted it. Drew in control now but both guys go to the floor. They fight up the aisle and I have a bad feeling about this. Drew jumps off the railing and takes down Jackson. Some ground and pound occurs both ways and it’s a double countout at about 2:50.

We’re 52 minutes into the show and have three KOTR matches left.

The Bellas hit on Bryan again and Riley, wearing a Bluetooth, interrupts. They were supposed to get the 50 dancing girls and not talking to Bryan. Miz calls and gets on Riley for wasting time I guess. Riley fires the Bellas. I’m liking this so far.

Back and we see the same thing we saw earlier with the Nexus attack and Miz stealing the title. I guess this is the opening for the regular show in case you missed the first hour.

Here’s The Miz. I love that song and have it on my Ipod. WOW that belt looks insane on him. Cole literally is jumping up and down in happiness. Miz is wearing what looks almost like a plaid suit. He says he’s found something that sums up the feeling and it’s the DEMON CHILD! Miz thanks her for reminding him of his struggle to get here.

He lists off all the people that have said he’d never do it. I still say he’s the modern day Roddy Piper because he keeps proving people wrong. He calls out JBL, HHH and Cena. He says to them that he’s WWE Champion! And now we get to the elephant in the room and it’s Randy Orton. He’s not here tonight due to his knee but Miz says it’s Orton’s pride that is hurt.

Finally he says if anyone ever tells you that you can’t do something, believe them. All of you are nothing special but he’s not like you. He’s something special and is one in a billion. Miz calls out Piper, saying that Piper said in his day people made things happen. What did Piper ever make happen? He has Riley hold up the WWE Championship History book and calls out people that never won the world title like Steamboat, Perfect and Piper.

Of all people, Jerry Lawler interrupts him. He says his name is on the list of peopleMiz runs him down so Cole talks down Lawler and praises Miz. Lawler says you should give someone fresh a title shot. Somehow Lawler winds up getting a title match. Yeah this is going to make Miz look great. Lawler conned him into it more or less.

We get this interrupted by an E-Mail. This of course makes Lawler the official first challenger. Seriously, Jerry Lawler? That’s the best they can do/ And it’s not even in Memphis. There’s more though and apparently it’s a TLC match. Apparently it’s Lawler’s birthday. That makes it no better at all.

King of the Ring Quarter-Finals: Kofi Kingston vs. Sheamus

This is more or less a semi-final match. Sheamus destroys him to start with power moves and the Irish Curse for two. Punk points out that he carried Kofi to his first title in WWE. A graphic on the bottom says Kofi has his own PPV Special all December. He’s that big of a deal already? Really? Kofi wakes up a bit I guess to advertise the PPV, hitting the Boom Drop for two.

High Cross is reversed and Kofi gets Trouble in Paradise. The Irishman lands under the ropes to buy time though like a true former champion. Pendulum Kick has Sheamus in trouble. Kofi jumps off the top right into the Brogue Kick and is more or less dead to end it in about 4:30.

Yoshi Tatsu/Mark Henry vs. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel

This is non-title. Yoshi vs. Gabriel to start but Slater is in maybe 30 seconds in. And now back off to Gabriel. JOHN CENA shows up, ticket in hand. Cena has like five tickets in his hand. Justin Gabriel has a beard now. Henry comes in and does what he can. Slater goes up and yells at Cena but gets caught in the World’s Strongest Slam at 2:30. Post match Cena jumps the barrier and hits an FU on Slater through the table. Punk: THIS ISN’T THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE! No rating as the vast majority was just Cena stuff.

How is this show only half over?

After a quick recap of what Cena has done tonight we see Harris, Gabriel (looking WEIRD with the beard) and Otunga saying they’re sitting ducks. Barrett says there’s nothing to worry about and this ends tonight. He’s going to call out Cena tonight.

Lawler is getting ready and Arn Anderson comes in to talk to him. Lucky that Lawler has his gear with him tonight. Arn says TLC matches are dangerous. Nice to see us tapping into Anderson’s experience in TLC matches.

King of the Ring Semi-Finals: John Morrison vs. Alberto Del Rio

Winner gets Sheamus in the finals. We take a break before Morrison’s entrance. Back with Morrison’s entrance and the screaming girls’ pop. Punk talks about why Regal isn’t in this and apparently he’s taking a sabbatical. We actually get a Mabel reference. Del Rio works on the arm as Punk and Cole argue. The Mexican Aristocrat controls with a running enziguri in the corner.

The car horn starts going off and it’s Rey in the driver’s seat. Morrison takes the distraction for the Flash Kick to end it and go to the finals at approximately 3:00 (I forgot to check the clock when it started).

Two Raw guys in the finals. Nice to see Smackdown getting a chance.

Raw Rebound is the ending of the WWE Title match (the first one) from last week.

Barrett comes out to call out Cena. So he’s calling out fans now? He says he’s the only person on the planet with the power to get him his job back. So he has a higher clearance than Vince? Barrett says there’s no way he’s going to get Barrett to reinstate him to get his job back. Cena pops up on the screen and says this in’t business as usual. He appears to be outside.

He says he’s going to take out each member of the Nexus which gets a huge pop. Barrett sends security to the parking lot to get him. Cena says that WWE security, the same security that Nexus beat the hell out of on their first night on Raw isn’t going to be in a rush to help them.

Guys that look like Otunga, Harris and Gabriel come up to Cena and he gets scared. Ah it is them as they had their backs turned. He says he’s not their only enemy, and the Raw roster of jobbers jump Nexus. Cena FUs Gabriel on a car hood. Cena says this does not stop until he gets his hands on everyone so he’ll see you next week.

We come back with a recap of what just happened.

Maryse/Tamina/Alicia Fox vs. Gail Kim/Melina/Natalya

We see a clip of Tamina playing the ukulele and kissing Santino last week which is still very odd. Big sign a few rows back: I HATE MELINA. Melina gets beaten down for the most part as the announcers make fun of Tamina’s odd choice in clothes. And here comes Santino with a microphone and a guitar to sing something that might be English. Yeah I think it is. Ah it’s a Tiffany song.

The match just completely stops for this as Tamina kisses Santino again. Ok no she doesn’t as she puts her arm around his head and walks him away. Melina finally makes a tag and Natlya destroys Alicia to end it WITH THE Sharpshooter in about three and a half minutes. No rating since the vast majority was the Santino bit. Gail was never in.

We get a video package on the career of Lawler. This is the perk of them owning EVERYTHING as they can throw together clips like these at the drop of a hat. We even get the Kaufmann feud.

Back from a break we see Ted DiBiase playing with a toy WWE Title when Maryse comes in. She yells at him and asks him what kind of a man he is. He FINALLY snaps on her and hits something before leaving.

Otunga and Harris are all scared about going anywhere. They don’t find anything.

We go to Matthews in the back who has Morrison and Sheamus. The difference in their skin tone is striking. Sheamus talks about Morrison being slim pickings due to being all banged up. Morrison says nothing of note.

The finals are next.

King of the Ring: Sheamus vs. John Morrison

The Miss USA chick does the intros. Thanks for coming hon. Flash Kick is blocked early on. We take a break with Morrison on the floor holding his bad arm. Back with Sheamus working away on the arm and Morrison is in big trouble. Punk’s chair breaks so he makes fun of the company for not fixing anything.

After a decent little beating Morrison makes his comeback to hammer away but Sheamus just shrugs it off. That’s a good monster heel. Brogue kick misses but a running double axe handle (Irish Hammer?) spins Morrison inside out for two. High Cross is blocked into a backslide attempt but Sheamus is too tall. Morrison gets a nice spinout DDT for two as Sheamus grabs the rope.

Running knee is blocked and Morrison may have a bad knee now. Morrison counters some more and goes up, only to get pulled down HARD by the bad arm for two. The kickout gets a nice pop. Fujiwara Armbar by Sheamus as Punk is in big trouble. No tap though as they get up again. Back to the armbar again with a nice counter but STILL no tap. Morrison flips forward and kicks Sheamus in the head to escape.

Another kick sends Sheamus down and Sheamus lands in position for Starship Pain. It eats knees and allegedly the arm which didn’t exactly look like it hit to me. Brogue Kick hits and the High Cross kills Morrison dead to make Sheamus your 2010 King of the Ring at approximately 8:30 shown of 12:00.

Miss USA presents Sheamus with his King schwag. Sheamus says Long Live The King and throws off the robe for some reason.

Back and there are six ladders around the ring.

Raw World Title: The Miz vs. Jerry Lawler

Read that title. At the beginning of the year would you EVER expect this to be a TLC match and the main event of Raw? Riley still has the briefcase. They do a feeling out process to start with Lawler doing his basic stuff. First weapon brought in is a C which is cracked over Lawler’s back. Miz sets up some chairs in the and is almost suplexed onto them. Miz drops Lawler onto his knee and then hits a neckbreaker to put the King down.

Riley gets a ladder but Lawler manages to get a chair and wear Miz out for it. He goes to get his own ladder but has to drill Riley first. Lawler slams the top of the ladder into Miz’s chin and is in control. And scratch that as he misses with a ladder shot and Miz takes over again. Riley takes Lawler down but gets put down and through a table. Miz was dropped on a ladder so he’s still hurt a bit.

Lawler does the slow climb but here’s Miz with the save. Big boot (from Miz? Really?) takes the King down though. Punk: “CLIMB UP THE LADDER! Are you stupid?” Miz destroys him for a bit but gets caught on top while he’s holding a chair. Lawler sets for a superplex but the ladder is in the way. Instead he drills Miz and puts him through a table but Lawler is down.

Cole jumps out of his chair and tries to help Miz up. Lawler is all alone but climbs like a 62 year old man. He’s only 61 if you’re wondering. He starts the climb and COLE MAKES THE SAVE! Lawler finally drills Cole and hammers away at him but Miz climbs up as he hammers his partner. Lawler goes up and Miz is in trouble! Come on Jerry you’ve had enough titles you should know how to unlatch one. Miz is reeling! But he manages to hit Lawler with the belt and climb down to retain at approximately 13:00. A brief celebration ends the show.

Alberto Del Rio b. Daniel Bryan – Cross Armbreaker
John Morrison b. Cody Rhodes – Running Knee to the Head
Ezekiel Jackson vs. Drew McIntyre went to a double countout
Sheamus b. Kofi Kingston – Brogue Kick
Mark Henry/Yoshi Tatsu b. Heath Slater/Justin Gabriel – World’s Strongest Slam to Slater
John Morrison b. Alberto Del Rio – Flash Kick
Gail Kim/Melina/Natalya b. Maryse/Tamina/Alicia Fox – Sharpshooter to Alicia
Sheamus b. John Morrison – High Cross
The Miz b. Jerry Lawler – Miz pulled down the belt


Smackdown got a 1.5, which is down.

Impact got a .85. It should be noted for both of these ratings that they were on a major holiday weekend so I wouldn’t look into them much at all.

Date: November 30, 2010
Location: The Scope Arena, Norfolk, Virginia
Commentators: Josh Matthews, Michael Cole

It’s the third season finale tonight and for some reason that no one but I’d assume Vince alone gets, AJ isn’t one of the finalists. It’s Kaitlyn vs. Naomi tonight for the next Diva spot. Also tonight allegedly we hear about the fourth season cast, meaning I don’t get that night off I was promised. You put in this many hours and you can’t even get a single night off a week. Good grief. Let’s get to it.

We open on Cole and Matthews with Cole talking about what he did on Raw. He says he isn’t sure why he did what he did last night but he’s going to talk to Lawler about it next week on Raw.

Striker brings out Vickie who says Kaitlyn is there because of her. “Here she is, she’s horrible, Kaitlyn!” Kaitlyn looks great and after I think 12 weeks, I still do not care about Naomi whatsoever. Kelly isn’t here tonight but she sends a message saying how proud she is. Naomi thinks Kelly is swell too.

Kaitlyn tries to talk but Vickie says she’ll speak for Kaitlyn. They yell at each other a lot and Vickie says she’s leaving so Kaitlyn trips her. Vickie of course screams while shaking on the ground. Striker mentions the obvious showdown between the finalists. If it’s 10% as good as the AJ/Naomi match last week I’ll be shocked.

We begin the Season 4 rookies/pros with R-Truth and his rookie Johnny Curtis. A quick shot of the cast shows only six rookies which is probably a good thing.

AJ/Bellas vs. Aksana/Maxine/Alicia later.

AJ/Bella Twins vs. Aksana/Maxine/Alicia Fox

Apparently Goldust and Aksana are divorced already? Wow that didn’t take long at all. A Bella and Aksana start us off. The other Bella won’t tag in. AJ says thank you when she’s tagged in. That’s awesome. AJ gets beaten down for a good while. Well a good while by six Diva tag match standards. Cole gives us a timeline of what he did this season.

Hot tag to a Bella isn’t hot at all and Maxine is still more or less worthless. X-Factor gets one as Aksana makes the save. Everyone comes in and I kind of get distracted by the Bellas in leopard print. AJ gets a cross body off the top to Maxine to get the pin at about 4:15. Cole: IT MEANS NOTHING BECAUSE YOU’RE ALREADY OFF THE SHOW SO GO HOME AND PLAY VIDEO GAMES! Cole saves this show again.

Primo comes in and kisses AJ post match. And she continues to be too adorable for words.

Chris Masters is a pro.




Ok I’m conscious again. I thought for a minute there they said Chris Masters was going to mentor someone. And apparently he is.




These momentary blackouts are really a nice break from the day you know? His rookie is Byron Saxton, who I think was a commentator in the dying days of ECW.

Ted DiBiase and Maryse introduce another pro. I think just Ted is a pro though. His rookie is Brodus Clay who is a big old boy at 6’8 and over 300lbs. He’s the biggest suplex machine in the world apparently. The first thing I think of when I saw him was a white Viscera. Cole says he knows someone that won’t be happy about the name, implying Taz I think.

The two remaining Divas get to trash talk each other. Kaitlyn reads one of the most scripted promos ever and says she has limited experience but she’ll get better. You can’t teach personality. Her words, not mine. Naomi says the time is now. Cole sings the opening to Cena’s theme song after she says that. I can’t say this enough: Naomi cannot talk. Like at all. She goes on past the time limit and no one cares.

Naomi vs. Kaitlyn

Let’s get this over with. I’m having some connection issues so the times might be off a bit. Kaitlyn busts out a giant swing as Matthews says DOZENS are tuning into WWE.Com for this. Gah my stream keeps freezing. Kaitlyn is in control because that’s the most illogical thing we could have. Cole apologizes to Harley Race for forgetting him last night in former kings.

The pros don’t seem interested. Kaitlyn throws her over the top and we get like a 7. My screen is frozen so I’m doing what I can to keep up with this. Cole isn’t really helping but he’s making me laugh at least. Cole gets in a great line on a cover by shouting: “if you shout faster it’ll be over!” So true good sir, so true. Kaitlyn blocks a suplex into a rollup and gets the pin. Well of course she did. No clue on the time due to the freezing.

Vickie comes out and introduces Dolph as another pro for next season. His rookie is Jacob Novak who is a good businessman apparently.

Edge vs. Kane on Friday to determine the stips for the PPV.

Raw Rebound shows that last night’s show was somewhat underwhelming while still good.

Bryan is a pro and his rookie is Derek Bateman. He’s manly apparently.

The former Divas are back. Jamie picks Naomi. AJ says Kaitlyn. Maxine says Naomi. Aksana hits on Striker and Goldust tells her to shut up. Aksana picks herself as the winner. This was a waste of time. Matthews says we have a winner next and Cole shouts NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT NEXT!!!!!

Alberto is the final pro and has Conor O’Brian. WOW what a name. He looks semi-bad ass though.

Katilyn wins. Yeah I don’t care either. Naomi says nothing of note. Kaitlyn says nothing of note either. She thanks Vickie and AJ hugs her which is the highlight of the season.

Bella Twins/AJ b. Maxine/Aksana/Alicia Fox – Cross body to Alicia
Kaitlyn b. Naomi – Rollup
Kaitlyn won Season 3 of NXT


Raw got a 3.3 for the regular two hour slot and a 3.1 for the overall show which is about in line. The first hour crippled it which is expected. Next week there’s a huge Monday Night Football game so the rating is going to be bad.


MVP was released. That came out of nowhere.

Date: December 2, 2010
Location: Impact Zone, Orlando, Florida
Commentators: Mike Tenay, Taz
Episode Title: Who’s Wearing The Stripes?

It’s the go home show for Final Resolution which feels like one of the most thrown together shows I can remember in a long time. We find out tonight who the guest referee is and other than that the rest of the show looks like a standard go home show for a pay per view. Hopefully it’s better than the fairly awful show we got last week. Let’s get to it.

We open with a recap of last week’s ReAction segment with Dixie serving an injunction to Immortal and Hogan in particular, taking away Hogan’s power. You might remember this segment. It was the one that was set up the entire time on Impact and then was shown on ReAction and lasted maybe two minutes.

Ink Inc. vs. Motor City Machineguns vs. Beer Money vs. Generation Me

The camera went to the ring with this already going and it’s non-title. We get a Tower of Doom spot. Flair is on commentary for no apparent reason. The Guns beat up Jeremy (I think that’s him at least. I can never remember which is which) and bring out a ladder. Flair is talking about Hogan the entire time so we have no commentary on the match at all.

We’re finally told that the Guns face Gen Me in about their 5th PPV title match with the current score being 4-0 MCMG. This upcoming is a Full Metal Mayhem match which is their version of TLC. Nice to see them being original with their December PPV concepts. Roode gets a spinout flapjack on Moore as we finally get a shot of the ring.

The ladder is gone now. Five of the eight guys are more or less gone and it’s Beer Money vs. Moore. The match has been going on about four minutes so far and we might have heard the announcers talking about it for thirty five seconds. Moore tries to fight back but takes a catapult into a DDT for two.

The referee is Jackson James again who is Eric Bischoff’s real life son. Flair complains about his counting just before he counts a three for Shannon as he rolls up Storm for the pin. This was more or less a handicap match for fifty percent of it. Match wasn’t bad for the approximately 5:00 we saw of it.

Fourtune yells at the referee and beats on him before Morgan comes up behind Flair and chokes him. He threatens to kill Flair unless they let the referee go. Flair’s face is beet red and he looks like he’s about to explode. In other words he must be just fine. Morgan lets him go and gets the referee out of there.

Mickie says she’s going to perform her theme music tonight as Eric Young and Orlando Jordan come up. Jordan has a special suit for Young tonight. Young is going to play cowbell tonight apparently. Even Mickie says “really?”

Flair gets to hand pick the opponent for Morgan tonight.

Morgan picks the referee tonight.

Knockout threeway later and Jarrett/Abyss vs. Joe/Pope.

It’s time for Mickie to perform her own theme song. There’s a band that is here with her and she looks VERY good in a short black dress. And of course Eric is there in assless chaps maybe 10 seconds into it. Tara of course interrupts her and they brawl again. WE GET IT! THEY HATE EACH OTHER! NOW DO SOMETHING ELSE WITH THEM! Apparently Mickie had a wardrobe malfunction. That’s definitely the highlight of this show.

Jackson James runs up to Morgan in the back and offers to be the referee at the PPV. Why do I smell a swerve coming from him on Sunday? Morgan says he got his first world title match this year. Didn’t he have a few in late 09?

Back from a break and Flair is ranting about Morgan and the referee thing. He does the joke again about not knowing the referee’s name. If Morgan doesn’t name the referee tonight he’s going to do it himself. If he can do that then why didn’t he do that a long time ago?

We recap the Williams face turn and alliance with Morgan against Fourtune. He says he’s going to beat Kazarian tonight because he’s wrestling royalty. He says he’s the king. I think that would be Sheamus but whatever.

Douglas Williams vs. Kazarian

Williams starts off fast and uses very basic moves to control. Rolling Chaos is avoided though and Kaz gets a slingshot legdrop for two. I like that move. He follows that up with a Cravate to make this truly European. Tenay shills Facebook instead of the PPV. Well why should they tell people to order that? That’s not important. Getting more Facebook friends? THAT’S what matters.

Kaz in full control here as he gets a dropkick for two. Oddly enough his portion in control is slower paced than Williams’. Kaz goes for another slingshot ledgrop but is countered into Rolling Chaos which is countered into a rollup which is countered into another rollup by Williams for two. Kaz gets a Downward Spiral for two and then goes for his reverse Piledriver. Williams gets out of THAT and hits Rolling Chaos for the pin at approximately 5:00.

Mickie is still looking for Tara. Such highly innovative storylines.

Back from a break with Morgan coming up to talk to Williams about something but AJ and Beer Money jump them before the agents break things up.

Tenay says he’d hope to see AJ vs. Williams soon. Maybe on Sunday? He and Taz run down the card for Sunday. They don’t get through it as here’s D-Von to reply to Ray. Oh joy.

He calls our Ray who won’t come out. And never mind here he comes after D-Von calls him a coward. Ray is in a BRIGHT yellow jacket which is apparently advertising a steak house. D-Von says it was Taz that put the Dudley Boys together and Bubba says he’s washed up.

Taz grabs a mic and says it sucks to see them deal with things this way but Bubba doesn’t need to bring Taz into this. Now get your ass in the ring. Bubba of course won’t do it and the Dudleys argue some more. This goes on WAY too long. Bubba calls D-Von Marty Jannetty. Yes, Bubba Ray Dudley/Brother Ray just implied he’s like Shawn Michaels. D-Von charges at him eventually but Ray shoves So Cal Val in between them and runs.

Back from a break and Pope and Joe are arguing. Pope says Joe is stupid and Joe says he doesn’t like Pope. Great insults there guys.

Sarita vs. Angelina Love vs. Madison Rayne

DAMN Sarita looks good. She’s wearing those tiny shorts again and has a nice little four pack going on. Non-Title here of course. Mickie of course jumps Tara as they come into the arena. This is what, their tenth wild brawl in three or four weeks? Madison drills Sarita with the belt to start so it’s more or less one on one. Love gets a seated dropkick for two.

We hit the chinlock almost immediately after that with Madison in control. This is your typical match between these two which isn’t anything special for the most part. As Sarita tries to get in, Madison pops Angelina with the belt to ZERO reaction. Sarita hits Madison and steals the pin at approximately 4:00. What a shock

Flair is talking to someone behind a door that we can’t see.

Back from a break and Angelina is freaking out about losing again. Winter comes up and says they’ll never lose again now that they’re together. Angelina wants to know what Winter means by “we”. Winter says they need to talk.

Matt Morgan vs. Rhyno

Flair handpicked Rhyno. Tenay mentions that Williams vs. AJ will happen at the PPV. Thanks for pointing that out in a match that it has nothing to do with. They hit the floor early and Morgan eats post. Morgan is busted open and Rhyno yells at RVD about it. The more he bleeds the more he Blueprints Up. Here’s the comeback with the splash in the corner and side slam for two.

Rhyno blocks a chokeslam but a discus lariat gets two. There are the elbows in the corner from Morgan. That cut is pretty solid on his head. Belly to belly by Rhyno gets him out of trouble though as Morgan is down. Here comes the Gore but Morgan moves and the Carbon Footprint….doesn’t end as Fourtune runs in just as you would expect them to for the DQ at approximately 5:00.

RVD comes out and fights off with Rhyno but Fourtune keeps beating on Morgan until Hardy comes out to beat on him even more. Here’s the champion, chair in hand. He wants to do the same chair shot that he injured Anderson with, so here’s Anderson with a pipe for the save before the chair shot hits. The mic drops as we go to a commercial.

Back with the heroes in the ring and Anderson says he’s going to do something that he’s only done a handful of times: he thanks Morgan. He talks about there being a code of things you don’t do, such as drill guys in the back of the head with a chair. Anderson says his memory is gone and he can’t remember what he did on Friday. AND THAT’S A SHOOT, meaning it’s completely untrue more than likely.

He volunteers to be the referee and of course is accepted by Morgan. This sets up either a screwjob where Anderson turns heel which would make no sense or Hardy winning which would make Morgan look incredibly weak. Granted it’ll probably be a screwjob with the referee that’s been on camera a lot lately so that might help them a bit. It won’t make sense, but it’ll likely happen.

In the back, Mickie and Tara, ARE STILL FIGHTING. This is getting so ridiculous I can’t put it into words. This takes up about another two minutes. It’s not like these brawls could be used for like, an actual match or anything right?

We’re back….with a Jersey Fist Pump Showdown. Oh my aching head. Remember people, it was the X-Division that got TNA on the mat. It’s Lethal vs. Robbie E in this if you didn’t get that. JB makes a bunch of stupid jokes about them being from different exits and how this is under official Fist Pump Showdown rules.

They get to make opening statements. Robbie says that Lethal is a disgrace to Jersey and that Lethal doesn’t know how to fist pump. Robbie dances and calls this the Greetings From Asbury Pump. My head hurts badly all of a sudden. More or less he dances with his arms in the air.

Lethal says he’s ashamed to be from New Jersey because of Robbie. He more or less plugs the match on Sunday and makes fun of Cookie. He turns his hat sideways and says let’s do it. Thankfully he pumps his fist a few times and drills Robbie instead. And hey look it’s a brawl that isn’t actually a match on Impact. We haven’t seen one of these in….damn in almost five minutes!

They fight to the back and run into Christy who was interviewing someone. Christy beats up cookie and throws her into a conveniently placed cage. Robbie rams the cage door into Lethal and pins him down with it. Cookie IS NOT going in the cage I guess.

Jarrett talks to Abyss and they mention the MMA thing again and Abyss says something about Janice.

We get a quick rundown of the PPV card and it’s main event time.

Abyss/Jeff Jarrett vs. Samoa Joe/D’Angelo Dinero

Jarrett is of course in his MMA stuff and there’s a casket at ringside. We take a break before the faces’ intro. As Pope comes in we get a quick recap of the brawl he and Joe had last week. Jarrett vs. Pope to start. Dinero destroys him with grappling, mat work and striking. Off to Joe now and Jarrett runs away. Joe is in a shirt here which helps him a good bit I think.

Pope wants in again to fight Abyss but Joe won’t let him in. He steals a blind tag and the fight is almost on. Abyss takes them down before they can go at it though as Jarrett shouts “atta boy monster!” That made me laugh for some reason. Jarrett back in and he goes for a cross armbreaker (I know next to nothing about MMA so if I say the wrong name I apologize) for a second or two.

The Immortal guys tag in and out rather quickly as we’re about to head into ReAction which I’ll spare you my traditional rant about why it’s so stupid. ReAction starts with both guys down after a belly to back suplex from Pope. Joe tags himself in and hammers on Abyss. The Samoan one gets a back splash and a powerslam for two each. He runs into a chokeslam though but Pope is back up.

Pope knocks Abyss to the floor as Jarrett grabs his legs for the ankle lock. I have a bad feeling about where that casket is going to come into play. Naturally the referee goes down because where would we be without that in a main event? Pope takes out Abyss with a plancha. Jeff grabs the guitar but Joe gets a boot up to block the blow. The referee gets back up and sees the guitar pieces on the mat so he disqualifies Joe because of it. Eh I’ve seen worse.

Post match Jarrett hooks a choke on Joke and Abyss sends Pope into the lid of the casket to slam it shut. The heels try to put Joe in the casket and just as I thought he would, Kurt Angle pops out of it. Does TNA have magic caskets or something? Angle Slam to Abyss as Jarrett runs as we end the Impact portion of ReAction.

Ink Inc. b. Motor City Machineguns, Beer Money and Generation Me – Rollup to Storm
Douglas Williams b. Kazarian – Rolling Chaos Theory
Sarita b. Madison Rayne and Angelina Love – Pinned Love after a belt shot from Rayne
Matt Morgan b. Rhyno via DQ when Fourtune interfered
Jeff Jarrett/Abyss b. D’Angelo Dinero/Samoa Joe via DQ when Joe was disqualified for using a guitar

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