Welcome to the 6th Annual Wrestlezone Tournament!


Welcome to My (And Not Sly's) House
The time has come again for the Wrestlezone Tournament! This is our biggest event of the year and things are starting up soon. For those of you unfamiliar, here are the basics.

There are 128 wrestlers in the tournament which have been selected and ranked by a panel of experts from forums. They will engage in a single elimination tournament based on popular vote. There are seven rounds to the tournament which will be staged as follows:

Rounds 1 and 2 - One off matches. Think of these as stand alone matches that are held one week apart from each other.

Round 3 - This will be a set of gimmick matches, such as last man standing, ladder match, cage match etc.

Round 4 - Big gimmicks matches, such as Iron Man, Hell in a Cell, TLC etc.

Rounds 5-7 - One night tournament, King of the Ring style.

As for voting times, rounds 1 and 2 will last four days each, rounds 3-6 will last five days each, and the final round will last one week.

Keep in mind this is NON-SPAM. The only areas of the tournament that will be spam friendly are the Ask A Question thread and the Campaigning forums.

The brackets will be revealed live beginning at 5pm EST on Wednesday April 11.

Tiebreaking procedure is as follows: in the event of a tie in the votes, the number of posts in favor will be counted as the tiebreaker. By that I mean different people posting in support of someone, not total posts. In other words if one person makes five positive posts about a wrestler, that will count as one tiebreaker point. In the event of a tiebreaker ending in a tie other than in the semifinals and finals, both are eliminated and there will be a bye in the next round.

Finally for those of you that always ask, here are the previous winners.

2007 - Shawn Michaels
2008 - Undertaker
2009 - Bret Hart
2010 - Steve Austin
2011 - Steve Austin

Let's get to it.

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