what happened to the ratings?

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Forever Hardcore
TNA News: Impact fans abandon ship to watch Raw instead, as ratings down 40 percent
By Wade Keller, Torch editor
Feb 16, 2007, 15:23

TNA Impact took a big hit in the ratings this week, drawing a 0.59 rating last night. The replay of This is TNA! that preceding it drew a 0.48 rating. Once Raw ended on USA, Spike viewership went up, as Pros vs. joes drew a 0.77. Inside the UFC, which usually draws a fraction of Impact's audience, drew a 0.46 rating.

wow...how many people that normally would have watched impact on thursday that also watch raw on monday watched Raw last night instead of Impact?
i only watch TNA impact for comedy, hehe but if i did i would've watched RAW
i watched raw last night instead of impact...i usually watch impact every thursday since there is no other wrestling on but since raw was on i chose it over impact..it just seemed more entertaining to me than impact was....trump was on raw so i wanted to see how that would have developed...and the main event looked good with pretty much every main event star in it....the ric flair and carlito progression was also another reason y i chose raw over impact
it is because head to head TNA havent got the name values that WWE have but as it is said TNA are only just begining. ( i hope they sign Big Show)
Well, what I predicted months ago happened. Impact took a huge hit in ratings because lets face it, there is no way TNA can compete with WWE at this point. And RAW took a hit because it was aired on thursday instead of Monday. Monday has always been a better night to run the show as there are more viewers watching.

Now, don't get me wrong. As shitty as I think TNA is right now I like it because it offers competition to a degree. Wrestlers have another place to go to, people get to watch an extra hour of wrestling every week, etc. For them to take the next step they will need to start being different than WWE which they are not now.
Not shocking. I knew TNA was not ready to go head to head with the WWE. I hope this shows the powers that be in TNA and their fans that going up against the WWE right now is a very bad idea.
I guess that this means that pretty much less than half of their audience was gone..Most likely watching RAW or not watching wrestling at all. That's not a good sign for them but could you honestly believe they were going to get over a 0.6? Come on.
I think many thought they were. I think people was not expecting half their audience to leave. maybe a fraction but not half. I mean if you have 2 million watching weekly, and one million leave, then your product is apealing to wrestling fans and not actually your product. It is a wake up call for TNA.
I dont think it would be that much of a wake up call for TNA, as Yes Tna's rating took a hit but so did raws, and as much people are bashing the fact that people abandoned there product, i think there is alot of "WRESTLING FANS" out there, not TNA fans or WWE fans. and been that the Impact replay is at a more conveniant time than the RAW replay, and i think TNA's rating will be up for tonights replay.
Maybe its a good wake up call for tna i hope tna stays around i also hope y2j comes to tna y2j wrestling like he use to in wcw and ecw vs samoa joe you cant tell me thats not going to be great match
I dont think it would be that much of a wake up call for TNA, as Yes Tna's rating took a hit but so did raws, and as much people are bashing the fact that people abandoned there product, i think there is alot of "WRESTLING FANS" out there, not TNA fans or WWE fans. and been that the Impact replay is at a more conveniant time than the RAW replay, and i think TNA's rating will be up for tonights replay.

Yeah, but I think WWE hit is from moving to a different night. WHile the loyal viewers of TNA tuned into Raw. But that is a good point that they probably watched Raw knowing that they could see Impact later on.
well i had read the raw spoliers, but couldnt make sense of the TNA ones so i watched the first hour of Raw, Then watched TNA, then watched the last hour of Raw(i recored every wrestling show every week)
I flipped back and forth between the two, but focused more on Raw, since I knew there would be a replay of Impact on last night, I didn't know that USA netywork was going to replay Raw in it's entierty then immidetlly following it aired Raw AM, which I thought was kind of ******ed
Almost as many people here in the uk watch tna as do in the usa tho, tna i would say is more popular over here than wwe, every1 i speak to sees wwe as a joke. Me and my friend today were laughing about that wrestler called mideon or sumort that used to streask in the ring lol.
i flipped back and forth, and watched the tna replay............and duke2189, u can suck it, united kingdom is full of ******s, wwe is not a jjoke
i flipped back and forth, and watched the tna replay............and duke2189, u can suck it, united kingdom is full of ******s, wwe is not a jjoke

Warned for acting like a dick.

TNA might be more popular with wrestling purist's in Englan & America. But the fact remain's that WWE is still the biggest company, by a long way.
I only watch TNA because of their Kurt Angle and Samoa Joe rivalry and i love Sting and i loved him in WCW when Sting came to TNA i watched TNA!
but in my mind RAW is the best and will be the best i still watch raw and if i have a choice between RAW and Impact! id probably go for RAW!
Raw has more entertainment and more popular superstars that what makes Raw more Superior. I watched Raw because they have great promos and I mean big stars go there like K-Fed and Donald Trump and for me it's exciting seeing what the WWE will do with them.
TNA needs to market itslef better as like leaving Orlando for Impact tapings and be about a 2 hour show and they need another show here in the states...yet TNA dont have the money to travel like WWE does to broadcast its slef...so of course yoru average wrestling fan is gonna watch RAW as bigger names and more known to them...I mean many TNA wrestlers are either guys WWE let go or guys they didnt pick up from the WCW buyout or Indies guys who do miss a few spots and not well know by the mass fan audience....so till TNA gets a better TV deal and a couple weekly shows about 2 hours each in the states then maybe
But the WWE has their Movies, Lots of Clothes, Tons of Action Figures, they go around the world, they have huge celebs on their shows, they have the 1 and only WrestleMania, and Raw is live. WWE is the bigger better company compared to TNA although I do like some of TNA's talent.
Why is Raw more popular? I've pondered and pondered, and came to a realization: why is Jessica Simpson more popular than Michael Buble? Is she a better singer? HELL NO! HUGE money was put behind marketing her (and Britney, and Christina, and every other shitty female singer the last 10 years) to the gullible public. Everything was geared toward making Jessica a household name. Sure, she sings for shit, but EVERYBODY KNOWS WHO SHE IS!

Now, you have to admit, the Raw product, much like all the WWE products, today is one of the worst ever (although it is improving, slowly...). So HOW is it so much more popular than TNA? MARKETING! Everybody knows who Hulk Hogan is. Everybody knows who Donald Trump is. Both of them are pushing the WWE product. Wrestlemania is a bigger do than Lollapalooza. It's a media-frickin-circus!
Had TNA the marketing (and monetary) resources WWE has, it would compete. But it still has that small-market, pure fan feel to it.
So of course Raw is going to beat it head-to-head; it's marketed better!
I'd be interested to see how it fared against ECW (another WWE product, but I think more seen as a purist's product much like TNA...) in a head-to-head.
Yeah they took a huge blow.That shows they shouldnt go head to head with WWE for a while.
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