What makes The Rock the 'Best' on the Mic?

I agree, The Rocks mic skills are probably one of, if not THE, best in WWE History. He has so many original lines and catchphrases that make him unique from every other WWE Superstar. There will never be a voice like The Rock's.

If he didn't have the voice that he has, I don't think he would be AS big as he is today. His promo's and segments are the best there is. Everytime The Rock is on the mic, you will NOT be dissappointed.
remember that The Rock's voice has changed a lot since his 1996 debut. From '96-mid 98 he had a little twang to his voice. In 1999 it was really "theatrical". In 2001 he started using his normal voice
wrestling is all about entertaining..if you can't do it with your mic skills, if you don't have charisma, if no one could give two shits about you, then the only way you can win admiration is by wrestling like all the guys do today. Wrestling is not all about just wrestling. The Rock could do everything, sure he wasn't as great a wrestling technician as a lot of the guys today but that's because he was beyond wrestling. Wrestling is for guys who can't cut it in any other area.
The Rock had what other greats did, CHARISMA. Bottom line (sorry Stone Cold) is the he know how to tell a story in the ring and he knows how to keep the audience locked on his match and not thinking about the snack bar.

What else is there, really? You can have a great technical wrestler be the champ (Bret Hart), but in my opinion his mic skills very very good... just not at the level of a Rock or HBK or Jericho, or Stone Cold, and yes, even Cena.

The biggest bitch session I constantly read about is that the [fill in the name of the current Champ] is slow and only has three or four moves. Who the [bleep] cares? You want the champ to be entertaining and know how to sell the story. THAT is why Cena is constantly on top, that is why the great ones become multiple champions. Because like it or not, WWE sees how the audience reacts.

So back to the mic skills. Rock has IT. He gave a "Mic Skills 101" on his return and basically showed the guys in the back how it is done. Hopefully that will help guys like Morrison, Miz, Dibiase and Orton.

It's True, it all DAMN True!
I would say confidence, He knows what hes going to say and everything after that. How people would react. With John Cena its like hes still shy, he gets so whiny and doesnt even look or move well. The Rock moves every inch of that ring he doesnt remain stationary.
it is truly a natural talent that the rock has on the mic, he is like no one other on the mic. He knows how to captivate an audience and keep them in the palm of his hand. I would also say that his catchphrases helped him when he was talking however even with these he always knows when to say them at the perfect times.
Interesting question.

The Rock definitely has natural charisma, combined with great catch phrases and a very effective way of speaking. Whenever he opens his mouth it just seems like he has something important to say. The Rock also has a big mouth, so there's an element of surprise present when he talks, because he is bound to say anything. Completely burying Cena the other night is a good example, or saying he would win the 2000 Royal Rumble if he could make it past Headbanger Mosh.
The Rock is the total package on the mic and that is what makes him the best, HANDS DOWN!

He can express every emotion he is feeling and also knows how to express what we are feeling at most times. He can work magic on the mic, no matter what the situation is. Whether he is being funny or he is telling someone he is gonna whoop their Candy Ass, it always seems believable.

I think that is a part of it. The feeling in his voice, the expressions on his face and many other things, makes his promos not feel like a promo. He was entertainment personified and no one will ever match him. I think there are others that can be considered great and ARE great at this moment. But I don't ever see anyone being the best verbally, besides The Rock.
The Rock is a born entertainer, he just has that natural...*something*... that most other people do not have. He can command the attention of the arena and make them unable to take their eyes off him without even uttering a word. He oozes charisma.

His mannerisms, the eyebrow, the way he holds a mic...all these things contribute to the character before he opens his mouth and the way he delivers his promos is unmatched. He can be funny (and usually is), he can be serious and can deliver both styles of promo to the same high level.

I have yet to see someone who can make so many catchphrases and put-downs so popular with a crowd. The Rock really is something special and the entire Rock character fitted the Attitude Era so well. The thing about The Rock is, that the guy is so likeable and naturally entertaining, that he is talented enough to fit in with any era, any situation and oppose any other wrestler, and still be as good as ever.

The Rock is the man.
The Rocks voice plays a MASSIVE part in the way he gets his promo across. Not what he is saying, not how he says it but the sound of his voice.

I also love how The Rocks voice has changed with his image and his personality over the last 15 years.

When The Rock was first born, he had quite a bit of hair, them huge sideburns, wore the $800 shirts and his voice had that twang that suited his cocky attitude.

Rock then turned tweener a year or 2 later and so did his voice. It became much deeper and the twang dissappeared.

As time progressed, his hair got shorter, he got rid of the sideburns, he started wearing "sports wear" and again his voice became more exciteable...electrifying if you will!!!!

This then got a little stale, so he becamse Hollywood Rock. His voice became a little "goofier" but antagonistic yet comical. Again, the image changed. The leather pants and leather vest!

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