What Makes Them Larger Than Life?


Pre-Show Stalwart
Its a simple question that i think some people ask them self but not in this way. What makes a wrestler larger than life?

To be honest there is only two things that make someone larger than life. Gimmicks and the backing of the gimmicks. Gimmicks that make them not like us. Being over the top in my eyes helps way more than being like everyone else. Because we cant relate to them kinda of helps liking them. Can you really relate to Stone Cold? Yes some of us want to hit are boss but how many of us really do it.

What do you think makes a wrestler larger than life?
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Their size and physical abilities.

I got to high five Randy Orton at a Smackdown last year and I had to look up at him. I'm about 6'0 and Orton was at least 4 inches taller than I was. His arms were bulging out all over the place and it looked like you could bounce a coin off his chest. These guys are physical marvels who do things we could never do. My dad only watches wrestling when I have it on and he's here. One night he saw Cena FU Big Show and his eyes bugged out. He was amazed not only at the size of Big Show but that a guy the size of Cena could throw him around. These guys are physical marvels and most people like to watch physical marvels. Look at the NBA. We all can go pick up a basketball and shoot, but we're fascinated by people being able to do things that we can't.
I've never met any top flight guys but I know some guys who do reginal indie stuff. They are never going to make it (too old to get noticed or generally too beaten up) but they are of a similar build to me only y'know muscular, these guys have got a physique I would never be able to attain, even though I'm in some cases a good ten years younger than they are.
What makes a Wrestler larger than life?

A guy who can make you suspend disbelief. The majority of us couldn't take on twelve guys at once, but when you heard the glass shatter and Steve Austin come out, you knew he was going to beat the piss out of everyone in sight.

It really comes from a guy knowing himself and his character, and it's the biggest thing lacking in any hire not named CM Punk in the last ten years.
The sheer spectacle is what makes a wrestler larger than life. The flashy attire, the grand entances, the spectacular moves, the large personalities, or in some cases the oddity. Like The Great Khali for example, sure jaded smarks will ride him about his limited moveset and his slow lumbering pace but to the casual fan just how often do you see a human being who is over seven feet tall? Kane looks like something straight out of a slasher movie. Fans are mesmorized watching Sin Cara's acrobatic wrestling style.

Things like that are what makes a wrestler stand out. Fans don't want to see some guy who looks like he mows lawns or some chick dressed like she just did her laundry. They don't want to see some bald, middle age, beer belly spamming restholds. Fans want spectacle.
As you watch these gladiators on TV, their size and their ability alone make them larger than conventional life. Too often we may underestimate the talent, the balance required to perform a 450 splash from the turnbuckle. The strength for someone to lift and throw someone off their shoulders. To dive over the ropes without paralyzing one self. These athletes defy real life physics on live television while creating larger than life scenarios to entertain fans around the world.

What makes them larger than life? In my humble opinion it's not what, but who? Us fans celebrate each success and failure with them and it was only when one brilliant analyst described them as "larger than life" that due credit was finally given. Indeed, wrestlers around the world experience first hand what many fans will have to live vicariously through them to experience.

Us internet fans take a lot of slack, and rightly so at times. We may be nosey, we may be opinionated, we may even be fickle, but to our credit we can appreciate these performers 10x more than the average fan. We read how topsy turvy "backstage politics" can be, we understand the physical and mental stresses of the wrestlers, we share in the indignation of some of our favorites... we know that despite these stresses, they come out and perform as though wrestling is their only life.

Wrestlers can tweet about our obsessiveness. They can cuss out wrestling journalists for their "know-it-all-ness". They can ignore our fanaticism. However, the 10%ers, as we've been labeled, can idolize these men & women (from indies to global phenomenons) as what they truly are: Even larger than larger than life.

My friends I beckon you: tip your waiters & waitresses, be polite to you to your cashiers & service people, do the homework your teacher assigns and in the same accord applaud the wrestlers who perform for you night in, night out. We can only imagine the effort that's put into each show. Best regards, fellow wrestling fans.
what makes them larger than life??

The stuff that these WWE stars do there like fuckin superheroes! People like Cena for example to be able to FU the big show on multiple occassions i mark out when i see that! Big show at that time was 500 pounds i mean holy shit to be able to lift that kind of weight that he does its amazing!!

Randy orton that guy looks like he is carved out of granite and sculpted to perfection!! Not an ounce of fat on him just chizzled muscle!! Moves like a cat just athletic as all hell.

Kofi that guy literally can fly am i right!! His spider man routine at EC his handstand walk at the royal rumble was just amazing to see!! The coordination that takes to do something like that is beyond anything you me or anyone else can hope to do.

My point being is these guys are like superheroes we all wish we can do a quarter of the stuff they can do. Make it look real as possible without hurting each other is something we can all hope to dream to do
I agree with everything in this post thus far. I only have to add one thing.

When I met Bill Goldberg, I was reeeeeeally disappointed he wasn't as tall as announced. He was eye to eye with my barely 6' 0" self.
The amount of pain they take on their body makes them larger than life. Wrestling is one of the most dangerous sports in the world. The guys and girls put their bodies on the line nearly every night. You may hate the characters, but you respect them for this. And that makes them larger than life.
The Backstreet Boys make them larger than life.

On the real, though, the characters they portray make them "larger than life". It's got to be a strong character, though. If a wrestler's character is lamesauce, they will not seem larger than life. They'll just be some dude or chick that wrestles and stuff.
Well, what makes a superstar larger than life, i think there's only one answer to that one, their uniqueness, they have to stand out from the rest........
I have to DISAGREE on most of what people are saying are criteria for larger than life.

It isn't based on size. There some big guys out here on the indy wrestling scene that are just as chiseled as orton and bigger that still aren't going to make it.

It isn't based on high flying. You only have to go to an indy show like CZW best of the best to know that there are some amazing high flyers working for peanuts that aren't larger than life.

I think its CHARISMA.

A character that you can connect with. Someone who embodies the characteristics that you either desire to have or does things that you want to do. Someone who embodies your values, hopes , desires for the world.

In a sense, A Ronald Raegan. He was larger than Life. Not because of his size but in his ability to make people dream and believe that they the US could be great again. MLK was larger than life.

A wrestler that are becoming Larger than Life [ In the process ]

Kevin Steen from Ring of Honor. He had the crowd eating out of the palm of his hand when he cuts a promo. He can make you hate him and love him at the same time. He is the only real draw left on the indy circuit. And he is unique. There is no one like him. And when he talks, you can identify with him in ways I have not seen in a very long time. This guy is becoming that.
The fact that they can do stuff that most of us can't even imagine doing. I highly doubt that any of us could lift a 500-pound guy or perform a shooting star press or have thousands of people chanting what we want them to chant or perform the kind of moves that the likes of Michaels, Mysterio and everyone that has ever done anything can do.

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