What Titles should the WWE Have?


Pre-Show Stalwart
So I have recently been seeing a lot of discussion about WWE Titles. Questions like should they combine the IC and US Title? Should they get rid of the IC and US Title? Should they have one World Champion? Etc. Etc. so I decided we should say what titles we think the WWE should have and why. Here is what I think should happen.

WWE World Heavyweight Title - Cross Brand Title

I think they should combine the World Heavyweight and WWE Title to create the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This champion is the face of the company at any given time. They would be required to take on extra work of doing both Smackdown and Raw. This title simply means this wrestler is the top dog in the company. Nobody is better then him.

Intercontinental Title - Smackdown

So The IC Title should be on the Smackdown brand. Since the World Heavyweight and the WWE title has combined into one, this would now be the main title on the Smackdown brand. By winning this title it means you are the top dog on the Smackdown brand. Just like in the past this title means that you are a Upper Card wrestler who is on his way to becoming a Main Event Superstar

United States Title - RAW

Pretty much same thing as the IC Title on the Smackdown brand. This title means you are the best on Raw.

WWE Women's Title - Raw
WWE Diva's Title - Smackdown

I think they should make these titles technically equal value however they should make the Women's title a serious title for actual talented wrestlers and make the Diva's title more of a gimmicky lets have a bra and panties match (do they still do that with the PG?) Regardless the Women's title should be for the talent, the Diva's should be for the looks.

WWE World Tag Titles- Cross Brand Title

Just like the WWE World Heavyweight title this is for the top dogs of the tag division. They should be required to compete on both Raw and Smackdown just like they currently are. However get rid of having two titles per person and go back to simply having one title per person. I think it looks stupid when they walk out with four titles like they really have double champions.

WWE Cruiserweight - Cross Brand Title

Like the WWE World Heavyweight and Tag this title should mean you are the top dog of the Cruiserweight division (that would have to be brought back). Unlike the WWE World Heavyweight champion however they only appear on one show per week.

WWE TV Title - Cross Brand (Kind of)

The last title I think they should make is the WWE TV Title however it will have a gimmick attached to it. This title would mainly be used on WWE Superstars. The gimmick of this title is if a Raw Superstar has it a Smackdown Superstar has to compete for it to try to bring the title to the Smackdown brand and vice verse. This would pretty much be used as a title for the lower card to compete for to make Superstars interesting. Now a Raw Superstar can defend the title on WWE Raw and Smackdown Superstar can defend it on Smackdown, however a Smackdown Superstar will NOT go to Raw to defend the title.

So what do you guys think? What titles should the WWE have? And please feel free to criticize, comment, question my selections as well.
I haven't read one thread that directly asks this question so I don't see why they would take it down. Please if you don't want to add to the conversation doing write anything.

WWE never had a TV Title.

I was thinking Hardcore but the problem with Hardcore title is I don't think it would be PG enough for the WWE. Light Heavyweight was their Cruiserweight before they bought the WCW. European title would be a nice title to bring back if they didn't have so many titles. A 6 man tag title would be cool but they barely have a tag team division I don't think it would work. However they did have one in NWA/WCW.
Crusierweight Champion- Makes a lot of wrestlers have something to do. Also all the Matches are fun to watch. make this cross brand

WWE Xtreme (World) Champion- Cross Brand title that does not get a lot of defenses but every defense must be a stipulation. It could be world or not world, doesn't really matter.
I like that idea for the Xtreme Title. It would be a nice alternative to the Hardcore Title without having to make the Hardcore Title to keep the WWE's PG Look
I would rather see "style" titles such as cruiser weight and hardcore, but the problem is (as has been stated millions of times before) that it's not the 90's anymore. Now don't get me wrong, that's when I got in to wrestling, and as such it was a very good time, but apparently the powers that be don't find these styles to be profitable. And let's be honest, hardcore and cruiser weight divisions would be swept under the carpet and not taken seriously. Tragic, but true.

Also, I really like the designs of the US and IC titles, but that really has no bearing on anything. And can we PLEASE get a new design for the WWE title? The spinner doesn't even spin anymore, and who even has spinners on their cars anymore?
So I have recently been seeing a lot of discussion about WWE Titles. Questions like should they combine the IC and US Title? Should they get rid of the IC and US Title? Should they have one World Champion? Etc. Etc. so I decided we should say what titles we think the WWE should have and why. Here is what I think should happen.

WWE World Heavyweight Title - Cross Brand Title

I think they should combine the World Heavyweight and WWE Title to create the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This champion is the face of the company at any given time. They would be required to take on extra work of doing both Smackdown and Raw. This title simply means this wrestler is the top dog in the company. Nobody is better then him.

WWE TV Title - Cross Brand (Kind of)

The last title I think they should make is the WWE TV Title however it will have a gimmick attached to it. This title would mainly be used on WWE Superstars. The gimmick of this title is if a Raw Superstar has it a Smackdown Superstar has to compete for it to try to bring the title to the Smackdown brand and vice verse. This would pretty much be used as a title for the lower card to compete for to make Superstars interesting. Now a Raw Superstar can defend the title on WWE Raw and Smackdown Superstar can defend it on Smackdown, however a Smackdown Superstar will NOT go to Raw to defend the title.

So what do you guys think? What titles should the WWE have? And please feel free to criticize, comment, question my selections as well.

I am going to comment on just these two titles, the rest of those ideas seem perfectly fine to me.

First, your idea for the TV Title is actually very good. I like that a lot, and would love to see something like this implemented.

Now onto the world title. This would be extremely difficult if not impossible to pull off, and this is why: If it is a cross brand title, but only the champion crosses shows, how do you build a credible feud to lead up to the PPV while simultaneously making all of the champion's matches credible? If the challenger for a feud is on RAW, for example, than anything the champion does on SD is irrelevant as it has no bearing on the feud. And if he has a full-blown feud on both shows, which one gets the PPV match?

No, by having a World title on each show it enables us to have continuity from week to week in feuds and allows for a double main event for each PPV.
My favorite title the million dollar belt hasn't even been mentioned. Besides what would be the point of having all these belts. Most would prob never be defended. If they dont use the IC belt why would they use the cruiserweight or Tv?
I like the Xtreme title, not the name (too TNAish) but I like the idea of having a title with a stipulation in every match. I also REALLY like the ideas you had for the other titles. Have one, big title for both shows to show who's the top dog of the WWE (even though Cena would be named permanent champ) and have the IC and US titles for the top raw and smackdown star. All thought I'd say have the big title named the WWE title (drop the spinner look) and have the RAW and SMACKDOWN championship instead of US and IC. As for the tag titles, keep them unified. There isn't enough competition for two separate titles. Cruiserweight would be a nice comeback, but there are no where near enough cruiserweights in WWE for that to work. Maybe a title similar to the X division title, for people in all weight classes who have a certain style
I like the idea and I hope that if they ever do something like this that the WWE World Heavyweight Championship looks like what the current WHC looks like, a traditional title that anyone can be proud of.

I think that the thing I would change is have the Women's Championship on SD and the Diva's Title on RAW like it is currently because all the ladies we can actually somewhat consider wrestlers are currently on SD. The only possible way for the Women's Title to work on RAW is if they did a big Diva trade like last year.

I would also have the Cruiserweight Title, like the TV Title, defended more often on Superstars. It gives a great avenue to have cross brand matches with competitors form both shows. And I would kill for a great cruiserweight match on a PPV.

Oh and the concept for the TV Title was a great idea. Just make sure that unless another title like the IC Title gets defended on Superstars, the TV Title match HAS to be the main event match. And mediocare, the Million Dollar Championship is an unsanctioned championship belt. Many people argue about the titles being just props, if you ask me, the real "prop" out of all the belts is the MDC.
Honestly I think the belts they have now are fine the only belt Id like to see added would be a cruiserweight title but as wrestling is mediocare already said they barely do anything with the us and intercontinental titles so why would they do anything with the cruiserweights. The only thing they should with the current belts is just finally make the tag belts one belt and just have one womens title as having two is completely pointless
WWE World Heavyweight Title - Cross Brand Title

I think they should combine the World Heavyweight and WWE Title to create the WWE World Heavyweight Champion. This champion is the face of the company at any given time. They would be required to take on extra work of doing both Smackdown and Raw. This title simply means this wrestler is the top dog in the company. Nobody is better then him.

I've always been pro-unification for these two championships. Having two top tier titles within the company gets a lot of questions as to who is the better wrestler, the champion of the company or the champion of the world, yet only defends it against wrestlers in said company. However, I must disgress as the real meanings of the titles are pretty much rendered useless these days.

There are too many main event level superstars and talents looking to break through the glass ceiling these days to have only one championship at the moment. Once guys like Undertaker all hang the boots up in the WWE, then maybe the concentration of top tier talents could grow small enough to make the title. The main event of every show does need to be centred around the title, but creative can make start to create long lasting feuds between top tier talents and still put on good shows (ala CM Punk vs. Rey Mysterio). Shit, guys like Chris Jericho and Big Show can step away from the ME scene and drop to a different division when asked to and it would be a credible and acceptable move.

It's a sound idea for a later time in the WWE and can work, once the conditions are right. As of now, there isn't a need.

Intercontinental Title - Smackdown
United States Title - RAW

So The IC Title should be on the Smackdown brand. Since the World Heavyweight and the WWE title has combined into one, this would now be the main title on the Smackdown brand. By winning this title it means you are the top dog on the Smackdown brand. Just like in the past this title means that you are a Upper Card wrestler who is on his way to becoming a Main Event Superstar.

Same for the US Title on RAW.

Either way, these titles should remain active. If the unified World title is made, then make the title as how the IC title has been used as of late, for the (upper)midcarders and possibly main eventers. Whoever wears these belts are the guy to beat and holding/defeating the champion(ship) will instantly give you credibility. If the World titles aren't unified, then using these as midcard championships is perfectly acceptable. It would reach a much broader span in terms of what position of the card you are and allow wrestlers to catapult into relevancy (which is basically what the IC title is doing and the US title does depending on who holds the championship).

Second tier titles they will stay and shouldn't be unified at all. As long as the WWE has SD and RAW brand extensions, these will be the last titles to unify. They are too important.

WWE Women's Title - Raw
WWE Diva's Title - Smackdown

I think they should make these titles technically equal value however they should make the Women's title a serious title for actual talented wrestlers and make the Diva's title more of a gimmicky lets have a bra and panties match (do they still do that with the PG?) Regardless the Women's title should be for the talent, the Diva's should be for the looks.

The Diva's title is for the Diva's and the Women's title is for the wrestlers. Has been since the titles switched brands. However, I believe they should unify these titles as well and have the champion go cross-branded. The WWE only showcases one female championship at each PPV, except for Night of Champions for obvious reasons, so having one female champion won't hurt at all.

There are hardly any diva's that are perfect (or as perfect as you are going to get) in the WWE, so why not make the division better by having proper competition with one title? Only the best get to face the holder, except for the flavour of the month or someone random. They can send the diva's that aren't doing anything to different fields like valets/managers that are sorely needed. Adding some eye candy, even if it is the Bella Twins, can always give instant credible to the competitor. Hell, sometimes the valet/manager is bigger than the stars (like Vickie with Simply Flawless).

Women are needed in the industry, but only the best should compete for the championships. A unified title will ensure this.

WWE World Tag Titles- Cross Brand Title

Just like the WWE World Heavyweight title this is for the top dogs of the tag division. They should be required to compete on both Raw and Smackdown just like they currently are. However get rid of having two titles per person and go back to simply having one title per person. I think it looks stupid when they walk out with four titles like they really have double champions.

Completely agree here. A point you forgot to mention was that the WWE needs to make more tag teams out of guys who are floundering or not doing much. I've been saying many times before that Kung Fu Naki and Jimmy Wang Yang could have teamed up together to act as a jobbing team for the newer teams of the division and give real teams a boost. However, they are doing something right with the Colons and Kozlov/Regal teams.

WWE Cruiserweight - Cross Brand Title

Like the WWE World Heavyweight and Tag this title should mean you are the top dog of the Cruiserweight division (that would have to be brought back). Unlike the WWE World Heavyweight champion however they only appear on one show per week.

Now this is the one I'm having trouble with. Yeah sure, there are lightweight competitors in the ring, but why discriminate against them? It has been proven that lighter competitors can compete against the heavier guys and still be successful. I mean, Rey Mysterio became World Champion and his run worked. These guys can still put on great matches and all, so why restrict them with their own kind when you can have great clashes of style battles?

WWE TV Title - Cross Brand (Kind of)

The last title I think they should make is the WWE TV Title however it will have a gimmick attached to it. This title would mainly be used on WWE Superstars. The gimmick of this title is if a Raw Superstar has it a Smackdown Superstar has to compete for it to try to bring the title to the Smackdown brand and vice verse. This would pretty much be used as a title for the lower card to compete for to make Superstars interesting. Now a Raw Superstar can defend the title on WWE Raw and Smackdown Superstar can defend it on Smackdown, however a Smackdown Superstar will NOT go to Raw to defend the title.

Now, this would work if the World titles are unified. Instilling a European or TV title as such can be given to those that are lower on the scale something to do and fight over. But, there are other ways of dealing with talent like these:

1) Put them into a tag team with someone else.
2) Give them a gimmick/manager/push
3) Move away from the ring and into other fields (ala Matt Striker)

You have options instead of allowing so many people to linger at the bottom for a long time. Not many people would take notice of this title anyway and would be considered on par with TNA's Global Title. It's there to give someone a relevancy to be on TV, and it's not saying much that you are the best of the lowest guys on the card. Can work depending on what the business has in store.
I would just combine the titles and get rid of some, because I believe they should end the brand extension as it can't serve the purpose they originally set out to do.

Combine WWE Championship & World Heavyweight Championship = WWE World Heavyweight Championship, merge lineage of each title in this title as well

Get rid of US Championship, keep Intercontinental Championship = Intercontinental title is much more historic in WWE so just keep that as the midcard title

Unified Tag Team titles = Create one set of belts which is a mix between the 2 current sets of belt designs. Call them the WWE World Tag Team Championships - merge lineage of both

Get rid of Diva's title, keep Women's title - Obviously, Women's title is a much more significant title, doesn't look like a toy for a start and has much more lineage

Create WWE Women's Tag Team Championships = this is only if they decide to take the Women's division seriously again and push it

And if by some miracle they decide to change back from PG, bring back the Hardcore Title
no.. no.. no.. no.. for the love of god do not unify ANY of the damn titles, how many times do I have to say this?

The championships are JUST FINE where they are now, the unification of the two world championships would leave a clusterfuck of roster main eventers fighting for the same damn championship and not enough contenders would get enough time for them to properly develop a feud without the other main eventers being stuck in a world of doing nothing.

Unifying the world championships would serve as a way of giving way to many main eventers an attempt of holding the championship, and way too little time to properly push the upper mid-carders into the main event properly.

I don't see the reason to change anything at all, the championships are doing fine, and why should you fix something that isn't broken?


I would just combine the titles and get rid of some, because I believe they should end the brand extension as it can't serve the purpose they originally set out to do.

The brand extension still serves it's purpose, the rosters are damn big, and we would end up having either two shows of the exact same talent over and over again, or the seeing the same things we're already saying, or if WWE decides to kill off Smackdown as a whole brand, we would see one big clusterfuck of talents trying to surface RAW week in week out, the exact same thing people have been complaining about TNA doing because they're too many people on too little taping space.

Combine WWE Championship & World Heavyweight Championship = WWE World Heavyweight Championship, merge lineage of each title in this title as well

No, don't merge the lineage, and as I said, the world championships would be way too contended for if unified, and we'd see a clusterfuck of what seems to be around the numbers of 10 solid main eventers, and then we have to count for the young guys who's getting there eventually: Miz, Morrison, Kofi Kingston.. that makes around the 13 people to contend for 1 championship, would you really want to watch 12 people trying to become world champions which would mean way too little time to properly feud over the championships.

Get rid of US Championship, keep Intercontinental Championship = Intercontinental title is much more historic in WWE so just keep that as the midcard title

The United States Championship has way too much history for the world of professional wrestling to just defect it, the United States Championship shouldn't be going anywhere, as the world championships, there'd be too many people contending for the championship, and it's a gateway to getting to the main event scene.

Unified Tag Team titles = Create one set of belts which is a mix between the 2 current sets of belt designs. Call them the WWE World Tag Team Championships - merge lineage of both

Again, don't merge the lineage, but I agree, unifying the belts physically wouldn't be too much of a problem, seeing as they're already unified.

Get rid of Diva's title, keep Women's title - Obviously, Women's title is a much more significant title, doesn't look like a toy for a start and has much more lineage

Too many divas as well to contend for 1 championship at the time.

Create WWE Women's Tag Team Championships = this is only if they decide to take the Women's division seriously again and push it

That idea has been HEAVILY shut down in another thread already, creating women's tag team championships wouldn't make any sense because there's no proper tag teams or associations already to create enough contenders.

And if by some miracle they decide to change back from PG, bring back the Hardcore Title

The Hardcore championship was a joke, the champions barely held the championship for more than 1-2 days COMBINED and didn't serve any purpose of elevating talent.
This may seem a bit strange but...

I'd find it interesting if we had a Smackdown Champion and a Raw Champion.

The Undisputed Championship is tied to one of the brands champions, so first of all, the two champions square off at a major pay per view for the title and...well let's say that the wrestler representing Raw wins.

So the Raw Champion would also be the Undisputed Champion, but in a twist of sorts, the Undisputed Championship would not be tied to the champion but the brand instead. The Raw Champion represents his brand by carrying both titles.

This makes Raw look like the top brand and Smackdown looking second rate. It also makes the Smackdown Championship hotly contested as other Smackdown wrestlers contend for the brands title, as well as the opportunity to represent the brand in an attempt to capture the Undisputed at the next PPV.

The raw part of the idea may not please everyone, but I recommend keeping him out of singles matches until the next interbrand match. If people do not like that, then both the Raw Championship can be contested and if the champion is dethroned, then the new champion can take his place as both Raw and Undisputed Champion. Either way, both Raw and Smackdown representatives meet up at the PPV, with the Raw Champion defending the Undisputed Championship.

Of course, exactly the same occurs if the Smackdown Champion wins, only the two brands switch shoes.

The idea is to create a system that leads up to an intense rivalry between brands as the General Manager of the losing brand tries desperately to find a new, better champion to represent his brand. Wrestlers themselves will be more driven to not only be at the top of their brand, but of the entire federation.

Keep the Womens Championship and do the same thing for them, but make it serious and keep the T&A, gimmicky stuff away from the ring.

Also do the same thing for the Tag Team Championships, yet make the scene more vibrant.

It would be a shame but I'd retire the Intercontinental Championship because I'd have no use for it, same with any idea of a Cruiserweight title because there are no weight classes in the WWE.

Apologies if someone else has come up with a similar idea in this thread.

(Edit: Basically I should have read the opening post because the idea seems to be...well exactly the same as mine lol. Apologies for the unintentional rip off TS :banghead:)
I suggest a Talent's Title. There could be a stipulation the the belt can just be won by guys who're under 30 years old and have not been World Champions before. You could also add that the title is defended every week and whoever defends it five times in a row gets a title shot. I'd really like to see that.

Unifications of the Diva's and Women's Title or World Heavyweight and WWE Championship would also be nice. A Hardcore title would not be PG I guess.
firstly, the titles are fine as they are right now. having titles for each brand promotes the idea that the brands mean something in the wwe.
secondly i always fought that with the NXT so confusing as it is right now, you could have an NXT title. the idea being that have like a kotr to decide the winner and then have the champion defend it every week. if the champ lasts 30 days wtih it, then he gets what the NXT winner gets anyway.(a shot at any title at the next ppv) then the title is vacated and another person is brought up into NXT.
WWE should get rid of that stupid DIVA's championship, i didnt even know who it was until she did a promo last week. then, they should replace it with the cruiserweight title!!!!!!!! the cruiserweight matches carried WWE thru half of the PPV's they put on in 05-07.
also, the US belt should go bac to SD and IC bac to Raw, only cause SD just seems more like the US kind of show...i dont know y but it just does. besides that its fine.
Raw= WWE title, US title(should be IC), and the tag team belts (to be defended on all...both brands).
Smackdown= World title, IC title(should be US), and the womens title (to be defended on all brands).
There is nothing wrong with the titles as they are at the moment. They just need to be made to seem more relevant.
People want hardcore or cruiserweight titles, why? They would just be given to jobbers like Evan Bourne, Chavo, Santino, Kane etc for 11 months of the year then go to Taker, Big Show, Mysterio to boost the prestige of the titles when WE start bitching and moaning, asking why WWE have MORE worthless titles!!!
no.. no.. no.. no.. for the love of god do not unify ANY of the damn titles, how many times do I have to say this?

The championships are JUST FINE where they are now, the unification of the two world championships would leave a clusterfuck of roster main eventers fighting for the same damn championship and not enough contenders would get enough time for them to properly develop a feud without the other main eventers being stuck in a world of doing nothing.

Unifying the world championships would serve as a way of giving way to many main eventers an attempt of holding the championship, and way too little time to properly push the upper mid-carders into the main event properly.

I don't see the reason to change anything at all, the championships are doing fine, and why should you fix something that isn't broken?

I expected you to quote me seeing as you seem to do so in every thread we comment it, but it's fine, that's what these forums are for :)

But I completely disagree with you. You seem to think they wouldn't be able to deal with just one world title, but they did it for over 2 decades up until 2002. In the 90s especially, there were just as much main eventers as there are now and they produced fantastic television, and at the same time managed to create new stars. The big stars who weren't fighting for the world title would fight for the Intercontinental title sometimes, the tag team titles as well as having non title feuds, along with the up and coming stars, which in turn helped them get over too.

And unless you don't remember, up until the brand extension they had fantastic world title feuds at the same time as introducing new stars into the main event scene; Triple H, The Rock, Kurt Angle and Mick Foley are good examples. They got to the top just fine as far as I can remember, and there was one world title and one roster at the time.

And it's not that the championships are broken, they're not. As you said they're doing fine, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved. This would do precisely that.

The brand extension still serves it's purpose, the rosters are damn big, and we would end up having either two shows of the exact same talent over and over again, or the seeing the same things we're already saying, or if WWE decides to kill off Smackdown as a whole brand, we would see one big clusterfuck of talents trying to surface RAW week in week out, the exact same thing people have been complaining about TNA doing because they're too many people on too little taping space.

No it doesn't. When it was introduced in 2002, they really did have a clusterfuck of talent, they don't now. They had all of WWE's main eventers as well as WCW's. So each show could be treated as if they were seperate companies, which was the concept. But it's been 8 years, most of those guys aren't there anymore, they are not in the situation they were back in 2002. So they should go back to the way it was before 2002. And ever sungle wrestler wouldn't have to appear on Raw every week. Raw and Smackdown would be TV shows, the talent would be on both, just like they were before (and it was fine like that). They would have 2 shows unlike TNA so all talent could get a spotlight.

No, don't merge the lineage, and as I said, the world championships would be way too contended for if unified, and we'd see a clusterfuck of what seems to be around the numbers of 10 solid main eventers, and then we have to count for the young guys who's getting there eventually: Miz, Morrison, Kofi Kingston.. that makes around the 13 people to contend for 1 championship, would you really want to watch 12 people trying to become world champions which would mean way too little time to properly feud over the championships.

They don't ALL have to feud for the world title at the same time. There are non title feuds which in a lot of cases are better for pushing talent, they could feud over the Intercontinental title and make it relevant again, over the Tag team titles etc. If the main eventers feuded more for those titles, they would be more involved with the up and comers, which would obviously help to push them in turn. It's been done before so we know it works.

The United States Championship has way too much history for the world of professional wrestling to just defect it, the United States Championship shouldn't be going anywhere..

So? The Cruiserweight title had history too, but they got rid of it because they weren't doing anything with it. The US title is in the same situation today and it would be much more useful to go back to having the Intercontinental title only with one roster.

Again, don't merge the lineage, but I agree, unifying the belts physically wouldn't be too much of a problem, seeing as they're already unified.

Yes, merge the lineage. They would obviously acknowledge that they had been seperate from 2002 - 2009 but from then on obviously acknowledge that they were one title.

Too many divas as well to contend for 1 championship at the time.

Too many divas? There are like what, 12 divas? And how many that could get the title anytime soon? About 5. Again, they used to have one women's title with all women feuding for it before 2002, so it can be done again.

That idea has been HEAVILY shut down in another thread already, creating women's tag team championships wouldn't make any sense because there's no proper tag teams or associations already to create enough contenders.

If you look I said only do that if they decide to push the division and work on it.

The Hardcore championship was a joke, the champions barely held the championship for more than 1-2 days COMBINED and didn't serve any purpose of elevating talent.

The Hardcore championship was fantastic, it was so unique and exiting. Unlike any other title in WWE.
I expected you to quote me seeing as you seem to do so in every thread we comment it, but it's fine, that's what these forums are for :)

I obviously did, and indeed that is what forums are for, and I quote you cause I tend to disagree with you a lot.

But I completely disagree with you. You seem to think they wouldn't be able to deal with just one world title, but they did it for over 2 decades up until 2002. In the 90s especially, there were just as much main eventers as there are now and they produced fantastic television, and at the same time managed to create new stars. The big stars who weren't fighting for the world title would fight for the Intercontinental title sometimes, the tag team titles as well as having non title feuds, along with the up and coming stars, which in turn helped them get over too.

During the 90's and 80's they dealt with one yes that's true, but there weren't as many wrestlers on the show by a long shot, and Hulk Hogan for the majority of the time was dominating the main event scene, the title reigns were ridiculously long there weren't as many main eventers that could take the spot from Hulk Hogan around that time, or for that sake many contenders as far as I recall, until during the time where Hulk Hogan left for WCW, and more people started flowing to the main event scene, but that wouldn't change the fact that the world championship didn't have half the contenders that it has now, the roster is huge now compared to back then, especially in the main event scene, and I know you said otherwise, but let's look at it:

90's: Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H (late), Bret Hart (not late) Mick Foley and Undertaker.

Now: John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Sheamus (partially) Jack Swagger (partially) Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Big Show (partially) Triple H, Batista.

And that's not counting the potential people that could step into the world championship picture right now, because I'm pretty certain The Miz, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston could easily be launched into a program already, hell Christian could as well, as opposed to the 90's which didn't have that many people that were ready to get elevated into the world championship picture, because they would've been there around the 00's and as far as I know, Booker T and Kurt Angle were the only "rookies" in WWE to actually step into that world title picture.

And unless you don't remember, up until the brand extension they had fantastic world title feuds at the same time as introducing new stars into the main event scene; Triple H, The Rock, Kurt Angle and Mick Foley are good examples. They got to the top just fine as far as I can remember, and there was one world title and one roster at the time.

Certainly there were amazing world title feuds, but lets look back at the WWE championship title list: The Rock, Triple H, Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Vince McMahon (once) Big Show (once) in a matter of two years the championship changed hands 17 times and 12 of them were in 99 alone, imagine that, people are already complaining about short title reigns, imagine the explosion this forum would take if 1 world title was introduced.

And it's not that the championships are broken, they're not. As you said they're doing fine, but that doesn't mean it can't be improved. This would do precisely that.

As I stated above, introducing only one title, would give us waves of short title reigns in order to properly establish the talent, as you can see from my earlier list, the late 90's had 5 solid contenders for the championship, now we have oh.. funny enough... DOUBLE (10) and that's not counting the potential people that could raise to the main event picture this very year, which would make it almost triple the size - 14 (Morrison, Kofi, Christian and Miz.. hell let's make it 15 and say CM Punk)

No it doesn't. When it was introduced in 2002, they really did have a clusterfuck of talent, they don't now. They had all of WWE's main eventers as well as WCW's. So each show could be treated as if they were seperate companies, which was the concept. But it's been 8 years, most of those guys aren't there anymore, they are not in the situation they were back in 2002. So they should go back to the way it was before 2002. And ever sungle wrestler wouldn't have to appear on Raw every week. Raw and Smackdown would be TV shows, the talent would be on both, just like they were before (and it was fine like that). They would have 2 shows unlike TNA so all talent could get a spotlight.

I would like you to describe what 48 male wrestlers spread across two brands is then if it's not a clusterfuck of talents, and yes I know you could easily say that guy's like Hornswoggle, Kozlov, William Regal, Santino Marella doesn't count, but that only cuts 4 people, that leaves 44 potential contenders for different championships, cutting the amount of championships sure won't give us less contenders now would it?

And two shows, with one championship, would therefore cause the world champion and the contender to hug both shows airtime, which would slowly clear out the amount of time another talent has to showcase his abilities and elevate himself to.. oh.. yet another world title contender.

They don't ALL have to feud for the world title at the same time. There are non title feuds which in a lot of cases are better for pushing talent, they could feud over the Intercontinental title and make it relevant again, over the Tag team titles etc. If the main eventers feuded more for those titles, they would be more involved with the up and comers, which would obviously help to push them in turn. It's been done before so we know it works.

I know there's non title feuds, but in the end, you can't continue to use Randy Orton and Edge as non title feuds with other world title contenders for a year's time for the sake of letting John Cena and Batista hugging the world title match for 3-4 months in a row that they're allowed to be doing when there's 2 world titles to contend for.

So? The Cruiserweight title had history too, but they got rid of it because they weren't doing anything with it. The US title is in the same situation today and it would be much more useful to go back to having the Intercontinental title only with one roster.

The Crusierweight title was great I will give you that, and it had a decent WCW and WWE linage, but in the end, it didn't have nearly the significance of the Intercontinental or United States championship, if you look back at the people that have held the United States Championship and the Intercontinental Championship, you'd be surprised to see some of the names most likely, as opposed to the talent that held the Cruiserweight championship where only 3 people went on to actually hold a world title (Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho), the Cruiserweight championship served as a way to keep the smaller guys occupied, the United States championship and the Intercontinental championship both served as stepping stones to the main event picture. (Chris Benoit, Edge, Ric Flair, Steamboat, Booker T, John Cena, Bret Hart, Harley Race, Eddie Guerrero, DDP, Big Show, and likely more)

Yes, merge the lineage. They would obviously acknowledge that they had been seperate from 2002 - 2009 but from then on obviously acknowledge that they were one title.

Merging the lineage wouldn't acknowledge that the title were one because the titles weren't one except for now, and the lineage clearly states "UNIFIED" if you look on Wikipedia for example, but the other lineages remain separated because of the times when the championships were established, and the championships being with separate champions, it'd be hard to part who held what title if the lineages were merged.

Too many divas? There are like what, 12 divas? And how many that could get the title anytime soon? About 5. Again, they used to have one women's title with all women feuding for it before 2002, so it can be done again.

Correction, there's 16 divas, that's more than there's main eventers to fight for two world championships, imagine the divas (and I counted divas like Natalya and Serena, because let's admit it they'll get there eventually)

And clearly anybody can qualify to challenge for the titles, seeing as Alicia freaking Fox got a title shot.

If you look I said only do that if they decide to push the division and work on it.

I know you said that, but all in all, working on it would require a long time to put together proper tag teams and eventually make them seem legitimate enough to be considered worthy of even being in the "tournament" that would obviously be made to crown the champions, again as I believe I said in the actual thread I talked about, giving tag team championships to the divas would cause them to take up precious air time, doing stuff we don't care for either way.

The Hardcore championship was fantastic, it was so unique and exiting. Unlike any other title in WWE.

Certainly it was decent, but in the end, it served nothing to push talents, it was merely for the sake of entertaining, and in the end, it was very badly managed, seeing as for example the time the title changed hands, how many times during 1 Wrestlemania you would have people pinned pretty easily cause they got knocked into something hard, it slowly buries talents more than actually pushing them forth.
I think i like your title ideas, having one world title, ic and us titles will get more prestige, and cruiserweights back, now this would be great to have but stupid vince only likes huge muscley body builders -__-
I obviously did, and indeed that is what forums are for, and I quote you cause I tend to disagree with you a lot.

Well that's your problem, if your ideas did not sound like such utter nonsense to me I wouldn't bother quoting back, but unfortunately that's not the case

During the 90's and 80's they dealt with one yes that's true, but there weren't as many wrestlers on the show by a long shot, and Hulk Hogan for the majority of the time was dominating the main event scene, the title reigns were ridiculously long there weren't as many main eventers that could take the spot from Hulk Hogan around that time, or for that sake many contenders as far as I recall, until during the time where Hulk Hogan left for WCW, and more people started flowing to the main event scene, but that wouldn't change the fact that the world championship didn't have half the contenders that it has now, the roster is huge now compared to back then, especially in the main event scene, and I know you said otherwise, but let's look at it:

90's: Shawn Michaels, Stone Cold, The Rock, Triple H (late), Bret Hart (not late) Mick Foley and Undertaker.

Now: John Cena, Randy Orton, Edge, Sheamus (partially) Jack Swagger (partially) Undertaker, Chris Jericho, Big Show (partially) Triple H, Batista.

And that's not counting the potential people that could step into the world championship picture right now, because I'm pretty certain The Miz, John Morrison and Kofi Kingston could easily be launched into a program already, hell Christian could as well, as opposed to the 90's which didn't have that many people that were ready to get elevated into the world championship picture, because they would've been there around the 00's and as far as I know, Booker T and Kurt Angle were the only "rookies" in WWE to actually step into that world title picture.

Funny, you said the 80s and 90s in that first paragraph, yet what you said is only really about the 80s. And I mainly talked about the 90s since it was more recent and more people will know more about that.

You named 7 main event stars in the 90s, and then named 10 in the current day. That is only 3 more. And only 7 out of them are considered to be fully established main eventers (the three which aren't are the ones who you said partially on). Oh and look at that, the same amount of guys in the 90s. Since you will probably re-inforce the Bret Hart (not late) and the Triple H (late) thing, that would still mean they had 6 main eventers over the period as Triple H came to prominence after Bret was gone (and no I do not mean immediately).

And yes, there are up and coming guys who wil step into the main event scene in the next few years. But there are also guys who will step down in the next few years or so; Undertaker, Triple H, Batista & Chris Jericho are all 40 or over.

There were a lot of guys who got over with the fans in the 90s, Owen Hart, Edge & Christian and The Hardyz are some examples. They could have been pushed at the time, but they already had a main event scene at the time and kept those guys occupied with tag team titles and the intercontinental title, which guys like Triple H, Jericho and the Rock feuded over as well.

Certainly there were amazing world title feuds, but lets look back at the WWE championship title list: The Rock, Triple H, Stone Cold, Mick Foley, Vince McMahon (once) Big Show (once) in a matter of two years the championship changed hands 17 times and 12 of them were in 99 alone, imagine that, people are already complaining about short title reigns, imagine the explosion this forum would take if 1 world title was introduced.

You didn't mention Undertaker or Shawn Michael's reigns for one. And you say there were short reigns back then but then you say there are short reigns now. So in other words its similar today in that respect. The short reigns were by CHOICE, they don't have to have short reigns, they had long reigns in the 80s as you said, a balance could be made easily. That is because they wouldn't make it more difficult for themselves than it actually would be, which is what it seems you would do.

As I stated above, introducing only one title, would give us waves of short title reigns in order to properly establish the talent, as you can see from my earlier list, the late 90's had 5 solid contenders for the championship, now we have oh.. funny enough... DOUBLE (10) and that's not counting the potential people that could raise to the main event picture this very year, which would make it almost triple the size - 14 (Morrison, Kofi, Christian and Miz.. hell let's make it 15 and say CM Punk)

Actually the 90s had 6 solid contenders because Bret Hart and Triple H's time almost adds up to a constant amount of time. I find it funny how you like to leave them out as they were partially there, yet you seem tocount the stars of today who you said are only partially main eventers (Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Big Show). Now lets see how many there would be if you did it evenly; 7, WOW.....one more. And you count up and comers who could become main eventers, but they had plenty of them back in the 90s, they just took more time with them and had them feud over other titles like the Intercontinental and Tag titles, which were much more significant back then.

I would like you to describe what 48 male wrestlers spread across two brands is then if it's not a clusterfuck of talents, and yes I know you could easily say that guy's like Hornswoggle, Kozlov, William Regal, Santino Marella doesn't count, but that only cuts 4 people, that leaves 44 potential contenders for different championships, cutting the amount of championships sure won't give us less contenders now would it?

And two shows, with one championship, would therefore cause the world champion and the contender to hug both shows airtime, which would slowly clear out the amount of time another talent has to showcase his abilities and elevate himself to.. oh.. yet another world title contender.

Obviously they would not keep every single wrestler from both shows. WWE would obviously make roster cuts, they don't even use some of the rosters on the shows, and a lot of the ones they do use they use rarely. Hornswoggle, Kozlov, Regal, Mark Henry, Khali, Primo, Croft, Masters, Carlito, Barreta, Archer and Reks are some who will not get further than they are now and most of them people wouldn't mind see going. One roster is more profitable for business and the talent anyway.

The world champion and the contendor would not take up most of the air time, each segment/match usually lasts around 15 minutes. OH MY GOD I hope 30 minutes out of 4 hours a week wouldn't hurt the other guys too much...SERIOUSLY. They did it before (at a time when viewing figures were much higher i'll add), they can do it again. You seem to act as if they have never operated with one roster before, when they did, for much longer than they have operated with the brand extension.

In the 90s, the main eventers did not generally wrestle only in the last match or two of a show, you had main eventers wrestling mid carders all through the show, which provided great matches not squash matches like in WCW. And the shows also featured midcarders who WERE compteting for titles or who were in feuds. They could adopt that in todays WWE and have the midcarders who aren't currently competing for a title and who are not in a feud wrestle in matches anyway. They do that now as well sometimes.

I know there's non title feuds, but in the end, you can't continue to use Randy Orton and Edge as non title feuds with other world title contenders for a year's time for the sake of letting John Cena and Batista hugging the world title match for 3-4 months in a row that they're allowed to be doing when there's 2 world titles to contend for.

No you can't and I never said they should use a few guys per year to feud as non title feuds. You wouldn't have the same guys having the title constantly like you do with Cena and Batista. It is just stupid to assume I meant that. When Chris Jericho lost the title, he tried to get it back and failed, then moved on to non title feud with Edge and now the title feud changed to Orton and Swagger. That would be how it would go.

The Crusierweight title was great I will give you that, and it had a decent WCW and WWE linage, but in the end, it didn't have nearly the significance of the Intercontinental or United States championship, if you look back at the people that have held the United States Championship and the Intercontinental Championship, you'd be surprised to see some of the names most likely, as opposed to the talent that held the Cruiserweight championship where only 3 people went on to actually hold a world title (Eddie Guerrero, Rey Mysterio and Chris Jericho), the Cruiserweight championship served as a way to keep the smaller guys occupied, the United States championship and the Intercontinental championship both served as stepping stones to the main event picture. (Chris Benoit, Edge, Ric Flair, Steamboat, Booker T, John Cena, Bret Hart, Harley Race, Eddie Guerrero, DDP, Big Show, and likely more)

Obviously it wasn't as significant as the US title, but with one roster we would have the Intercontinental title, that would be enough. I will say this AGAIN, it was done before, so it would work fine.

Merging the lineage wouldn't acknowledge that the title were one because the titles weren't one except for now, and the lineage clearly states "UNIFIED" if you look on Wikipedia for example, but the other lineages remain separated because of the times when the championships were established, and the championships being with separate champions, it'd be hard to part who held what title if the lineages were merged.

I know very well what the Wikipedia page says, that is why I explained that my idea of merging the titles WOULD acknowledge the lineage. There is not only one way of doing that.

Correction, there's 16 divas, that's more than there's main eventers to fight for two world championships, imagine the divas (and I counted divas like Natalya and Serena, because let's admit it they'll get there eventually)

And clearly anybody can qualify to challenge for the titles, seeing as Alicia freaking Fox got a title shot.

WOW 4 more, I didn't say exactly 12, I said it as an estimate. And the Bella Twins aren't going to get a shot, they are just there for guest hosts. And yes Alicia Fox did get a title shot, but has she been significant since? No.

I know you said that, but all in all, working on it would require a long time to put together proper tag teams and eventually make them seem legitimate enough to be considered worthy of even being in the "tournament" that would obviously be made to crown the champions, again as I believe I said in the actual thread I talked about, giving tag team championships to the divas would cause them to take up precious air time, doing stuff we don't care for either way.

It would not take that long, and anyway, anything worthwhile takes a long time. Women's wrestling could be significant again if they tried. It used to be when we had Trish/Lita/Chyna/Ivory/Molly Holly etc.

Certainly it was decent, but in the end, it served nothing to push talents, it was merely for the sake of entertaining, and in the end, it was very badly managed, seeing as for example the time the title changed hands, how many times during 1 Wrestlemania you would have people pinned pretty easily cause they got knocked into something hard, it slowly buries talents more than actually pushing them forth.

Well they don't have to use the 24/7 role again. They didn't use it for most of the Hardcore title's time. And not EVERY SINGLE title has to push the talents, some can serve the purpose of entertainment you know. There are plenty of ways they push the talents, they can do without another title serving that purpose, even though it could help push them.
Now onto the world title. This would be extremely difficult if not impossible to pull off, and this is why: If it is a cross brand title, but only the champion crosses shows, how do you build a credible feud to lead up to the PPV while simultaneously making all of the champion's matches credible? If the challenger for a feud is on RAW, for example, than anything the champion does on SD is irrelevant as it has no bearing on the feud. And if he has a full-blown feud on both shows, which one gets the PPV match?

No, by having a World title on each show it enables us to have continuity from week to week in feuds and allows for a double main event for each PPV.

I think they could do two full blown feuds on each show. PPV's happen far more often then they use to. If they have to build up a Smackdown Superstar's title shot for two months I don't think that's a problem. Plus you can always make number one contender feuds really big and what not. I see your point that having two titles creates two main event matches. But the fact is there is only one main event match. Whatever match is last is the Main Event. By having two Main Event titles they keep the prestige of both titles way down and all the other titles the prestige of the other titles are non existence. The thing is I just started watching WWE again about a month ago after a good 8 year break. All of these titles on the WWE mean nothing. I don't get excited when I see a champion. All the titles in the WWE are now props. No value to them. But I do agree, it may be tricky to have two feuds going on at once. I think it can work though. Make one feud full fledged make the other feud still heating up.

mister_b1LL said:
I think that the thing
I would change is have the Women's Championship on SD and the Diva's Title on RAW like it is currently because all the ladies we can actually somewhat consider wrestlers are currently on SD. The only possible way for the Women's Title to work on RAW is if they did a big Diva trade like last year.

If you read above I mention I am new to WWE after a 8 year break. So yeah that is fine. I just want one show with real competition. I started watching TNA before i switched back to WWE. (Reason why I got back into wrestling was when i heard Hogan was on TNA) The TNA product was awful I personally think. They were just rehatcing old gimmicks. Turning one guy into Ric Flair and one guy into Hulk Hogan. If I want to watch Hogan Vs Flair I would pop in a VHS I wanted to watch Abyss Vs AJ but thats beside the point. What I loved about the TNA product was the Knockouts. There matches were GREAT! I actually enjoyed watching them and if TNA could do that, there is no reason why the WWE couldn't have good Women's matches.
Funny, you said the 80s and 90s in that first paragraph, yet what you said is only really about the 80s. And I mainly talked about the 90s since it was more recent and more people will know more about that.

True, but I went on to talk about the 90's briefly, but fact is that both periods had few contenders for the world title, the 00's definitely does not.

You named 7 main event stars in the 90s, and then named 10 in the current day. That is only 3 more. And only 7 out of them are considered to be fully established main eventers (the three which aren't are the ones who you said partially on). Oh and look at that, the same amount of guys in the 90s. Since you will probably re-inforce the Bret Hart (not late) and the Triple H (late) thing, that would still mean they had 6 main eventers over the period as Triple H came to prominence after Bret was gone (and no I do not mean immediately).

Yet you have to remember that during the late 90's there were only 5 of them, and it was hot potatoed between The Rock, Mick Foley and Stone Cold, Triple H only started in 99, and Undertaker didn't have many reigns during that period, and Shawn Michaels wasn't even present during the late 90's (98->) which would actually bump it down to being 4 if we count Undertaker as a consistent contender, while he barely was as far as I recall, so it's basically 3 people for a years time.

And yes, there are up and coming guys who wil step into the main event scene in the next few years. But there are also guys who will step down in the next few years or so; Undertaker, Triple H, Batista & Chris Jericho are all 40 or over.

Chris Jericho is 39 I would like to start off, he turns 40 in November.
Besides, Chris Jericho and Triple H still have some years remaining in their bodies, Chris is on a roll right now, and Triple H doesn't look to be tuning down anytime soon, so that's only 2 people that are potential to be cutting down.

There were a lot of guys who got over with the fans in the 90s, Owen Hart, Edge & Christian and The Hardyz are some examples. They could have been pushed at the time, but they already had a main event scene at the time and kept those guys occupied with tag team titles and the intercontinental title, which guys like Triple H, Jericho and the Rock feuded over as well.

Edge and Christian was over yes, but they didn't turn singles competitors until late 2001, where they then would become established to proper singles competition, Owen Hart wouldn't have graced the main event as a solid one, he would've gotten a championship for sticking around and being a consistent force for a long time, like Benoit and Guerrero, the Hardy's is the same as E&C, and Matt will most likely NEVER even grace the main event.

You didn't mention Undertaker or Shawn Michael's reigns for one. And you say there were short reigns back then but then you say there are short reigns now. So in other words its similar today in that respect. The short reigns were by CHOICE, they don't have to have short reigns, they had long reigns in the 80s as you said, a balance could be made easily. That is because they wouldn't make it more difficult for themselves than it actually would be, which is what it seems you would do.

Undertaker and Shawn Michaels didn't have long reigns in 98-99 which is the period I mentioned, hell neither of them actually held the championship in that period, both had their last WWE championship reign of the 90's in 97.

The reigns were short because they were eager to establish talent properly and form shock television I'm pretty certain, the 80's had Hulk Hogan holding the title for years purely due to his incredibly over character, and because he sold, people would probably be annoyed to hell if they had to watch John Cena hug the title for more than 10 months, and John Cena is the new Hulk Hogan in popularity and merchandises.

Yes they could be made long title reigns, but WWE doesn't seem to want that because they need to take care of a lot of main event contenders, wouldn't you be down right pissed if it was you who's in the main event picture, but you didn't get a title reign because the championship reigns had to be long, and there was only 1 championship?

Actually the 90s had 6 solid contenders because Bret Hart and Triple H's time almost adds up to a constant amount of time. I find it funny how you like to leave them out as they were partially there, yet you seem tocount the stars of today who you said are only partially main eventers (Sheamus, Jack Swagger, Big Show). Now lets see how many there would be if you did it evenly; 7, WOW.....one more. And you count up and comers who could become main eventers, but they had plenty of them back in the 90s, they just took more time with them and had them feud over other titles like the Intercontinental and Tag titles, which were much more significant back then.

Again, Triple H didn't gain the title until 99, Bret Hart left WWE in late 97, that leaves a gap where there's only 4 proper contenders, Undertaker, Mick Foley, The Rock, and Stone Cold, 3 of them which held the title in that period, not Undertaker, not Triple H, not Bret Hart.. I did take consideration of Bret Hart and Triple H, but as I've said so many times, there's a gap where their significance of replacing each other in the main event scene wasn't there, I said 5 to be "kind" due to the fact that Triple H gained force in the early 00's and late 99's

Obviously they would not keep every single wrestler from both shows. WWE would obviously make roster cuts, they don't even use some of the rosters on the shows, and a lot of the ones they do use they use rarely. Hornswoggle, Kozlov, Regal, Mark Henry, Khali, Primo, Croft, Masters, Carlito, Barreta, Archer and Reks are some who will not get further than they are now and most of them people wouldn't mind see going. One roster is more profitable for business and the talent anyway.

And why make roster cuts when the roster is doing just fine? they would need to cut some of the already established and already televised talent if they weren't to clusterfuck the title scene.

How can you say that one roster is more profitable? have you seen the crowds that pay to go to Smackdown and separately go to RAW? cutting off what is most likely a few thousand people sitting in an arena is gonna show on your money, sure you save money from the amount of people you have to cut, but in the end, the more people to show case of two shows is gonna come off profitable, if it didn't, WWE would've cut them before.

The world champion and the contendor would not take up most of the air time, each segment/match usually lasts around 15 minutes. 30 minutes out of 4 hours a week would not be harmful to the other stars. They did it before (at a time when viewing figures were much higher i'll add), they can do it again. You seem to act as if they have never operated with one roster before, when they did, for much longer than they have operated with the brand extension.

They take up enough time already, adding more main eventers around one title and the amount of feuds that would be needed on 1 specific show (in case we count that Smackdown is out the window as it seems you're implying.. yes.. seems so don't say I'm reading stuff you're not saying) that would require the whole show to be about the main eventers because they are the money drawers quite obviously.

Again, the show would function fine on one roster, if it wasn't due to the fact that the rosters are much bigger already, and as I said, cutting off one show is gonna show on the income, it's a dumb move when it's functioning well.

In the 90s, the main eventers did not generally wrestle only in the last match or two of a show, you had main eventers wrestling mid carders all through the show, which provided great matches not squash matches like in WCW. And the shows also featured midcarders who WERE compteting for titles or who were in feuds. They could adopt that in todays WWE and have the midcarders who aren't currently competing for a title and who are not in a feud wrestle in matches anyway. They do that now as well sometimes.

I know that they didn't only wrestle the main event, neither do they today, I've seen John Cena in opening matches, opening segments etc.
And having the main eventers wrestle the mid-card talent wouldn't serve as proper elevation unless you have the main eventer's putting them over all the time, and let's admit it, that would slowly start killing the credibility of the main event wrestler, championships are as I said, gateways to the main event.

No you can't and I never said they should use a few guys per year to feud as non title feuds. You wouldn't have the same guys having the title constantly like you do with Cena and Batista. It is just stupid to assume I meant that. When Chris Jericho lost the title, he tried to get it back and failed, then moved on to non title feud with Edge and now the title feud changed to Orton and Swagger. That would be how it would go.

Yes but with only one championship to contend for, you wouldn't be able to continue the longer feuds of champion vs same contender because there'd be a lot of those other main eventers who wouldn't be getting the proper acknowledgment of getting a title shot, unless you keep feuds short, and then we have people complaining because John Cena's program with Batista for example didn't last long enough.

Obviously it wasn't as significant as the US title, but with one roster we would have the Intercontinental title, that would be enough. I will say this AGAIN, it was done before, so it would work fine.

Yes it was done before, but.. omg... the amount of roster members are much larger now.. need I say more? the United States championship should stick around because it gives another championship for the mid-carders to elevate themselves through into the main event scene, ultimately filling more people into the title picture of the two world titles, which should therefore also remain.

I know very well what the Wikipedia page says, that is why I explained that my idea of merging the titles WOULD acknowledge the lineage. There is not only one way of doing that.

Please explain the other way then.

WOW 4 more, I didn't say exactly 12, I said it as an estimate. And the Bella Twins aren't going to get a shot, they are just there for guest hosts. And yes Alicia Fox did get a title shot, but has she been significant since? No.

What makes you think the Bella Twins won't be getting a shot? they might as well eventually, half of the divas doesn't have talent to get a title shot and run with it, but Alicia Fox has already had two, that would automatically mean that everybody should be able to get a title shot.

It would not take that long, and anyway, anything worthwhile takes a long time. Women's wrestling could be significant again if they tried. It used to be when we had Trish/Lita/Chyna/Ivory/Molly Holly etc.

And the people you list, actually had the ability to wrestle, and still none of them had proper association enough to form proper tag teams that would be considered legitimate, we'd be complaining about another thrown together tag team, in a division nobody cares about either way.

Well they don't have to use the 24/7 role again. They didn't use it for most of the Hardcore title's time. And not EVERY SINGLE title has to push the talents, some can serve the purpose of entertainment you know. There are plenty of ways they push the talents, they can do without another title serving that purpose, even though it could help push them.

Every single title is there to push talent, to make them seem legitimate and push them into being the superstars of the company who makes them money, without accolades of championships, or the ability to put on world class matches, nobody is gonna believe your ability to be legitimate, Shawn Michaels needed championships at first, but eventually his abilities in the ring made him a legitimate wrestler people could believe "he can win this".. people wouldn't believe John Cena to be a legitimate main eventer if it wasn't because he had a long list of championships to back it up.

And yes there's other ways to push a talent, destroying through the whole roster, but half of the stars doesn't have the build to make that legitimate neither, The Miz is an incredible talent, and will be a firm main event, but only through being elevated holding titles and seeming legitimate that way, he couldn't rip through a roster.
And yes there's other ways to push a talent, destroying through the whole roster, but half of the stars doesn't have the build to make that legitimate neither, The Miz is an incredible talent, and will be a firm main event, but only through being elevated holding titles and seeming legitimate that way, he couldn't rip through a roster.

Even more reason to merge to the world titles and go with my plan. You have people like Swagger and Sheamus who are getting main event pushes and they come out of no where. They have no legitimacy to them. Swagger won the ECW title and Sheamus has won...NOTHING. Granted these guys are great and I have enjoyed watching them but they should of had some runs with the IC and/or US Title before being put on the main event level. The problem is if we don't merge the main event title at least all the other titles don't mean as much. So people like Sheamus can come out of no where and superstars will come out of no where way more often. For example I bet you coming off of NXT whoever wins is going to be pushed hugely into the main event picture, where in the past if they did something like NXT they would come into the company and not be going for the Main Event right away but for the European Championship or something along those lines. (See Maven from Tough Enough) I think Rookies from the WWE should go for something like the TV Title I suggested, then work there way up to a World Title.

Also to go onto the whole they have two many people for one main event title. That maybe true but then there are too many main event superstars. Too many Chiefs and not enough Indians. What people have to realize is you can have 20 HUGE NAME SUPERSTARS (I am over exaggerating to make a point). That is fine. You can have 20 people who are more popular then The Rock of the 90's That is fine. But the TOP 5 or 6 of those 20 are main event superstars. Even if number 20 on that list is a bigger household name then The Rock, Stone Cold, Hulk Hogan or whoever (once again exaggerating) then they have to work even harder to be World Champion but that number 20 guy on that list still has an outlet to become a champion. He could become US or Intercontinental champion and there will be more prestige to that title because bigger names are now competing for it. (I hope that made any sense to you guys, it sounds great in my head haha)

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