What type of match would you rather see?

I was watching "Mike and Mike in the Morning" today on ESPN2 and they were talking about movies and they posed the question "What type of movie do you like better, one that isn't good throughout the film but has an awesome ending for one that is great throughout but the ending of it sucked?" so it inspired me to make a wrestling related thread about this. So what type of match would you rather see, one that is great throughout the match but the last couple minutes of it completely suck and make no sense or have one that isn't great throughout but the last few minutes are great and exciting?

Personally I think I might be the minority on this but I would rather see one that isn't that good throughout the match but the ending is awesome. The reason being is nothing irritates me more than watching a match where the ending makes no sense, has no excitement to it and is basically a "ho hum" finish. The first 15 minutes of that match can be great and a textbook match but if the ending sucks it can ruin the match for me. Where as if I'm watcing a match and the last couple minutes or so are filled with false finishes, reversals and an unexpected pinfall or a guy hitting his finisher out of nowhere it will make the match for me and I'll pretty much forget about how bad the match might have been before that. I wish I could think of some examples of matches like this but nothing is immediately coming to mind. Anyway what one would you choose?
The ending of the match is the part most people remember best about the match, it's the last thing you see, so it's going to be the the part of the match that is easiest to remember, so with that being said I think a great ending is essential in determining how good a match is, if a match has a slow build in the beginning but picks up at the end, I more likely to remember it and enjoy it than if a match has a quick build and a lack luster finish
I definitely agree with Justin. I've even heard Raven say the ending is the most important part of every match.

I think the two best examples to prove this to be a fact are two 'classic' Wrestlemania matches: The Ultimate Warrior vs. Hulk Hogan and Shawn Michaels vs. Bret Hart. Both matches are fairly boring for the most part, but the endings were so awesome, that both are considered to be two of the greatest matches to ever take place. I think those are the two matches that prove it best that it doesn't matter how "slow" or "boring" a match is, as long as the comeback and finish is exciting, it won't matter.
Id rather see a match that is great start to finish.Matches like Angle vs Benoit.Plenty of wrestling and moves and you know it will be great.The thing that always pissed me off that really doesn't happen as much now as it used to is when you have a very good 20 or 30 minute match with plenty of wrestling and brawling that ends when they have some guy run in and interfere.This used to happen all the time.Thankfully its not as common as it was but my preference it a straight up back and forth old school wrestling match where both guys give everything.A good finish is awesome but id rather a good overall match otherwise the finish is meaningless if the match had no excitement.

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