What's your diet like?

Blue Chipper

Shapeshifting Humanoid
I generally eat unhealthy food, but I'm semi-conscious so I try to eat nutritious stuff as well. I assume my metabolism's high because I can eat a lot without seemingly gaining weight.

I've just been wondering what some people's diets are like, and possibly if it reflects their weight. I'm not a health nut or anything like that, just curious.
wednsday - sunday

2ea protein shakes, wheybolic 60 protein, half water-half milk
3ea chicken, veggie, and egg white eggrolls
2ea skinless chicken breast
2ea cans of dino shapes spaghettios
2ea skinless chicken breast
1ea gallon of water
fat free slices of turkey breast, and fat free granola bars for snacking in between

days off

Sunday and teusday are pretty much the same thing, cept chicken breast sandwhiches from either Wendys or Subway

Monday, I have a ceremonial meal of Taco bell, and usually two sodas.

on PPV sundays, I get a big ass box of buffalo wings from BWs, chicken quesidillas and Mozzarella sticks from Applebees, and a few sodas
I eat whatever I want. Usually that includes semi-healthy stuff.

I drink Mt Dew sparingly, but water is consumed daily. Most important thing consumed.

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