When The Game is Gone....


How will it impact the WWE? How will it affect other wrestlers and wrestling in general? Will he be the last Attitude Era Wrestler, who was big in that time? In his last match what will happen?

Hunter a pretty good wrestler and a very good speaker will be some what missed by the fans and some wrestlers, but not by a lot. It isn't like the Undertaker or HBK who are beloved, but will be missed. I won't miss him because he just makes me mad with some of the things as far as backstage things. I hope he losses his last match because it would be ironic, since he rarely if ever losses.

Your thoughts.
How it's going to impact the WWE? Well, they'll lose an extremly solid worker in the ring. He's underrated in that aspect, and he's more than established. HHH is loved, just as much as HBK. In fact, he's more loved in my opinion. I know I'd rather have HHH on my roster compared to Shawn Michaels. The WWE will be fine however. He'll continue to help out backstage, but as far as on-screen talent, another wrestler will come in & take his place.
Define gone? As an active wrestler, his workrate will be missed. Take away Steph and he can still be considered a "go-to guy". You will never see his name in a 'roid report, drug bust, hotel 'incident'. He can be counted on.

People hate on him because of his extended family but even at the time the marriage was just storyline, he was still one of the best workers in the buisness. Once he stops wrestling, he will still run the show backstage so the 'politics' will still be there.

The comparison to HBK is unfair. Granted swince he returned Michaels has be the quintesential employee. But remember how he was before then? Look at him as a whole not just the past 9 years.
Are you for real, before last night Triple H hadn't won in 5 years at the biggest PPV of the year, overall he is a meager 6-7 in wrestlemania

Yes I am for real. Ok he actually decides to give someone a push at Mania, which I have said in other post, but besides that he wins every night. Are you serious, he had one of the highest win percentage in the WWE last year. The man rarely losses and when he does he still looks great. He never wants to look weak (i.e. the SvR09 Controversy, he looked weak in a position so they made the mag pull the pic). He is the definitions of a narcissistic, he usually only cares about what is best about the game, not the business.

Also, he always wins.
HHH will only leave wwe when he dies he is as much apart of everything as vince. The other one who will go nowhere for a while is hbk, i can also see cena been around for a long time.
HHH will only leave wwe when he dies he is as much apart of everything as vince. The other one who will go nowhere for a while is hbk, i can also see cena been around for a long time.

I get what you are saying, but it is about when he leaves the ring. To a on screen role, but no longer fighting for World Titles. Of course, we all know he will be in the WWE forever, but not as a wrestler. Good point though.
Can anybody see him taking over from vince and been the face of the company and have total control over what happens. I think that would make wwe fresh again.
Can anybody see him taking over from vince and been the face of the company and have total control over what happens. I think that would make wwe fresh again.

It probably would. I won't lie to you, he does have a great sense of the business, but doesn't always do the right things. He definitely be a great owner, but the only problem is I hope he doesn't hold any grudges and bury someone, which I know he will. But I hope it happens soon, so he can get out the title picture.
The answer here is the same as whenever anyone starts a "What will happen when X leaves?" and asks about HHH, HBK, Undertaker, Vince etc... The answer is that it simply will continue with new stars. HHH will probably be around in some capacity for at least 20 more years, wrestling or not. He's certainly going to be built to be one of the greatest superstars in wrestling history so that they can exploit that when he no longer wrestles. He will become commish, part owner, special guest ref or something. He will always be there and WWE will always create new stars to continue.

After HHH, Michaels, Undertaker. After even Cena, CM Punk whoever you think will be the next stars, there will be someone else.

Some other stuff pseudo-related to this thread:

How could WWF survive without Hogan, Macho Man etc...
How could WWE survive without The Rock and Stone Cold?

Cena is going to be a top guy for probably something like 10 years to come. HHH will be around for a while, so will Edge. Maybe the next big superstar is in the WWE now, maybe not. You can't honestly saw that you saw 1/2 of the Rockers becomes what Shawn Michaels is today or The Ringmaster/Stunning Steve becoming Stone Cold, Rocky Maivia becoming The Rock or even a debuting John Cena against Kurt Angle becoming what he is today. Some things are just too early to legitimately predict.
I can't believe I'm reading that people think Triple Jagoff is better than HBK. Yeah that was sure proved at Mania last night when Shawn/Taker put on one of the best matches ever! Hell, if it wasn't for them, you could give the performance of the night to The Dragon. A man in his mid 50's went out on the grandest stage and out performed most of the new stars we're watching today. I loved reading the forums after Mania last night with everybody now hating on Cripple H 'cause he buried Orton again. Now, I hate HHH. The only time I liked him was DX. However, I despise Orton more. Hunter atleast seems to appreciate everything about the business, and Orton came in like a little bitch with his crap he pulled in hotels, or backstage. Now he has certainly cleaned up and I hate to say, he SHOULD have won last night. I've been saying the same crap for a few years about Hunter and it was proven last night. I was in shock when he put Batista over at Mania 21, and I was in attendance and almost pissed all over my souvenir chair when he tapped to Cena. But after those two, not much else after that. I think HHH is good, but I look at him like Flair. Good wrestler, entertaining almost always, but not as great as everyone thinks they are. I've watched wrestling for 25 years, and in my opinion HBK is probably the best all around PERFORMER i've seen. When it comes to actual wrestling though, and I know lots if not everyone will disagree and say Kurt Angle (Piss on that asshole too)! I think Chris Benoit was the be all end all of wrestling. Just my opinion. I know I ranted on a few topics here, but i didn't want to post on several forums. Thanks for your time everyone!
There are times I like Triple H and times I don't. I couldn't stand him from 2002-2005 even though I loved the Evolution faction because we all thought he swung his power and went over Kevin Nash, Scott Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg and buried Randy Orton the 1st time around. After seeing John Cena run forever with the belt, they couldn't wait for him to get back.

I think that HHH with the belt is good if they have no people to run with him but its bad when they've pushed these guys so far and then they bury them. I think til the end of his career, himself and wrestling fans will always think, "Where would HHH be if not married or related to the McMahon's? He still is one of the best workers though and can make clumsy idiots like Koslov look average.
I don't understand how HHH "swung" his power to get over Nash, Steiner, Booker T, Goldberg. I really don't

Nash wasn't drawing then, and hasn't drawn since. Same with Steiner. Booker T, fellow Houstonian isn't a big draw either. Goldberg is questioned, but that was Vince. No way does he let a WCWer beat one of his home grown WWFer. Smart or not, its how Vince thinks.

Remember, HHH was burried himself, for years for his actions in the Kliq. He never complained, never quit, just kept on jobbing and kept on getting better. Its jealousy is all. Everybody HATES that he has what none of us ever will. Loads of money, a gorgeous wife, a career that is remarkable, and can say he has been the very best at what he does.

I'm sorry HHH haters are made cause they flip burgers, or work on computers, or delivers mail, or sells furniture. Not his fault
I think Triple H would be like a sincere version of Hulk Hogan, once his every night career is over i can see him coming back every once in a while for a big time PPV or something like Hogan does but not for the same reason... Now Hogan only comes back for a easy pay check since he is basically broke because of his money spending ex wife but, Hunter loves the business he has fought back from injuries to be the best only behind Ric Flair. I think we will have Triple H for a good while maybe wrestling full time for about 5 years being that he is 39 now and then maybe as a commissioner or the the on screen owner or president but HHH will be around for a long time to come. hell he is basically "married" to the business in more than one way. lol
These forum threads get weirder and weirder. Go on one thread and everybody hates HHH, go on another and everybody likes him. I said it after Mania, and I'll say it again, I want nothing to do with HHH. In my eyes he's never put on a great match, but is constantly in the main event. He's good on the mic, but that should only get you so far. Maybe it wasn't ALL HHH, but in the early 2000's the WWE used him to bury just about the entire roster, including all the WCW/ECW guys, and it made me crazy, they wasted Jericho's first world title run to a loss at HHH at Mania, Booker T was on fire before HHH beat him like four times in a row, he buried RVD like 30 times in 2002, Goldberg...well, Goldberg can go f*ck himself, point is, now, of all the guys he buried, Jericho is the only one of them left as a possible main eventer in WWE and I don't like most of the new guys (Cena, Batista) Triple H pretty much ruined what should've been my hayday as a wrestling fan, now I don't have a lot to look forward to in WWE: Marky Mark has a belt, Ultimate Warrior II is back, and Triple H is still the champion.
HHH will go and someone will replace him!
They have Cena, Edge, Orton, Cody Rhodes, Ted Dibiase, Jeff Hardy etc!

HHH is a big name! He has been around for a long time and he has done a lot!
He was never the most popular as a face, but he was certainly the most hated as a heel!

Times have changed...In Hogans era...he was the lone warrior carrying the load!

Then it was Bret for a few years then HBK then Austin, then the load became shared between Austin, DX, Foley and Rock!

It remains shared to this day! More guys to carry the ball!

Thats why larger than life characters wont ever exist in wrestling again...because they can never be built up like they used to be...too many guys sharing the spotlight!
To start this out, NO ONE left in Wrestling right now is better than HBK...no one. Argue all you want about titles and all the bullshit, no one is better than Shawn. He makes every match, no matter how big or small, a main event. He makes anyone and everyone look good without being too corny. He is our Nature Boy. Now that i've put the out there I'll go to the HHH question. I just needed to throw out the HBK point first, cause HHH is no HBK.

Who's next after we see HHH's departure? Well HHH will be next cause I don't know if he is ever really gonna leave, family business baby! Orton will not leave the top of the sport until he retires or gets really hurt, unless WWE is ******ed (oh yea, sometimes they are...I forgot, sorry). Jericho will be around forever. Jericho is great on the mic, he just has to shape up those man boobs and we've got a main event guy again. I don't even think Batista deserves too many words, he gets hurt every five minutes and he is too big to survive in this industry. Edge seems like he is falling apart, so who knows...but edge is a great pro wrestler. Who knows what kinds of pushes we will see these next few years. STOP FORCING CM PUNK DOWN MY F*CKING THROAT....HE IS NOT ENTERTAINING. Sorry, not sure where that came from but yes, it was necessary. If Shelton could talk then he would already be up there. MVP isn't quite there yet, he needs to be on Raw to have a chance. Kane will be gone soon. Reinvent Morrison and put him with an old dude for a teacher (Flair/HBK/Steamboat/whoever) and he will be a main event for a long time. Jack Swagger...well he can't speak without sounding like he is messing with us. Christian needs a small title now, draft him to Raw or Smackdown to win the IC or Euro title. Big Show is being wasted as usual. We will see what happens.

Completely out of nowhere but How awesome would it be to see Cena vs Angle right now. WWE, do your job and find me Kurt Angle...I'm sure he's wasting his career somewhere around here. Yeah, I said it....suck it

Just remember that there is never "just one". HHH is not the one right now, did you see his WM match? If anything we should ask what the hell we are gonna do when Undertaker and HBK are gone?
Yes I am for real. Ok he actually decides to give someone a push at Mania, which I have said in other post, but besides that he wins every night. Are you serious, he had one of the highest win percentage in the WWE last year. The man rarely losses and when he does he still looks great. He never wants to look weak (i.e. the SvR09 Controversy, he looked weak in a position so they made the mag pull the pic). He is the definitions of a narcissistic, he usually only cares about what is best about the game, not the business.

Also, he always wins.

lmao, kk bro, lets get this straight, as far as the start when u said he will be some what missed, but not as much as hbk or taker, man hunter built to shawns career as the same if not more for shawn building hunters career, and hunter will be missed the same, as he does put a great deal, and has, into the business. I know hunter probably does get a little say, but if u read any wrestling book, it is up to Vince, not hunter, not steph, not shane, heck not even Linda as to who wins the matches, it is purely up to Vince who will take ideas and build them into what he wants done with certain superstars. Ok, and now as far as above, do u say the same about everyones favorite muscle bound chump, i meant champ, john cena. Ok, this guy has won how many times? and how many losses since Wrestlemania 21(Cena vs JBL, his first major title victory, excluding the US title, in the WWE) and also if u think about it, it kind of made since for hunter to win at mania, so now orton can say that he didnt win fair, and cry and plead and beg to have matches for the title, leading into backlash, when Batista will turn on Hunter, putting title on Randy, and making the Evolution 2.0 ->Legacy. Ok have i proved the point. bottom line though

Hunter Will Be Missed Greatly
lmao, kk bro, lets get this straight, as far as the start when u said he will be some what missed, but not as much as hbk or taker, man hunter built to shawns career as the same if not more for shawn building hunters career, and hunter will be missed the same, as he does put a great deal, and has, into the business. I know hunter probably does get a little say, but if u read any wrestling book, it is up to Vince, not hunter, not steph, not shane, heck not even Linda as to who wins the matches, it is purely up to Vince who will take ideas and build them into what he wants done with certain superstars. Ok, and now as far as above, do u say the same about everyones favorite muscle bound chump, i meant champ, john cena. Ok, this guy has won how many times? and how many losses since Wrestlemania 21(Cena vs JBL, his first major title victory, excluding the US title, in the WWE) and also if u think about it, it kind of made since for hunter to win at mania, so now orton can say that he didnt win fair, and cry and plead and beg to have matches for the title, leading into backlash, when Batista will turn on Hunter, putting title on Randy, and making the Evolution 2.0 ->Legacy. Ok have i proved the point. bottom line though

Hunter Will Be Missed Greatly

Hunter gets great say in every thing. Hello, that is why he never looks weak. Even as a heel, he rarely looked weak. You can't compare Cena and HHH because Cena actually will lose a match when it isn't on WrestleMania(I know he also has some losses at other ppv's) and losses on RAW or Smackdown. Hunter losses every other month on Smackdown or Raw. He cares about his image only. As far a the Evolution, Legacy thing, Legacy is a somewhat of a rip off of Evolution, but you now what Evolution is a rip off of what group. Exactly, I would say Legacy is ripping off that group over Evolution and I am not sure it will be Batista that will screw Orton, I believe it will be Shane to keep with the generation things, hell even Vince is a 3rd generation superstar. Orton should have won, but HHH just doesn't lose to Orton for whatever reason except that one night were HHH fought 3 times.

Also, HHH isn't cared by the wrestlers and most fans as HBK because HBK isn't that big of an ass. Yeah he had the screwjob, but really all he did was his job. HBK made HHH, HHH didn't make HBK. HHH helped him a little bit, but really HBK made HHH. HHH sucks. He only does the right thing every so often, not all the time. He isn't even that great in the ring and he is very good on the mic, the main reason he is a star, other than the fact he is married to Step.
uh when HHH was out with injuries I really did not miss him much if at all, I would even go as far as saying that it was a little more entertaining with out him because it allowed the WWE to push OTHER guys like Orton, Batista, Cena, Edge and even CM Punk

the WWE will do JUST fine without HHH, not a Cena fan but he is a bigger star then HHH right now to be honest with you and I know for a fact that Cena moves more merchandise then HHH and Orton is still very young he will be around for a long time and once HHH is gone they will have no choice but to push guys like Orton more but I am sure HHH will be that old guy still around either as GM or playing that Ric Flair role as the Manager/Mentor for a young star in the future
i can see HHH becoming general manager of one of the brands and will stay in that position for a long time. and come into the ring a fair bit. like Vince McMahon.
When the Game is gone, the WWE will become better.I like HHH,but he's harmed the product many times over the years.

If he'd dropped the WHC to RVD in 2002, the slump the WWE got into could have been mitigated.Rob was the most over star during that time.The decision to have Edge drop the WWE title to Cena @ RR2006 when he was pulling Attitude era ratings was due to the fact that HHH wanted to face Cena at WM22.Its problematic when Creative has to work around HHH.Its never a question as to whether HHH will be booked in a WM Mainevent, but rather,who will HHH face at WM.I'm sure he's already been booked for the mainevent in Phoenix next year.

Look how exciting RAW got in 2008 when he got drafted to SD! Jeff Hardy & Edge saved SD! from the lull Hunter had created with his lame matches with Khali & Koslov and that botched G.A.B match with Edge.

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