Which game will be game of the year 2010?


Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No it's Supermod!
I had one of these threads a few months back on my most anticipated game of 2010. Now I'm going to do it on what I think game of the year for 2010 will be.

I won't say Final Fantasy, that's Dagger Dias' job. I won't mention No More heroes 2, that's what Doc and Sam are for. I won't even mention Dragon Quest IX, but I probably will late....I go the Nintendo route of course. For one I'm assuming the new Zelda game is a 2011 release seeing as it hasn't been announced yet. So that leaves with two possibilities:

Metroid: Other M

This game I think will be a surprise hit, traditionally Metroid hasn't done too well and the GC versions were a bit poor. Thankfully this isn't a prime game and with Team Ninja at the helm you can expect a pretty good game.

Super Mario Galaxy 2

So far looks like Super Mario Galaxy 1 with Yoshi added in. So what, SMG is one of my favourote games ever. This will again be another fun filled game whoich has you staying up for 'one more level'
I agree. 2010 will most probably be Nintendo's year. Microsoft has already thrown all of their cards this year and aside from a new Halo and more shooters (I'm sorry, I just don't like them) there isn't much on the platter for '10. I'm not too up to date with the PS3, but as far as I know, not much has been announced. Nintendo is looking to lauch their power players all in one year. Whether it happens remains to be seen, but its hard to doubt, considering Link, Mario and Samus' track records. It it may come down to those 3 and Modern Warfare, But the year hasn't started. We'll see.
Who knows, a new year presents new suprises as well as games we forgot about. Ideally we would hope that all three consoles as well as PC have a fantastic year, as we are the ones that will win from such a great happening.

Some games I anticipate quite alot for 2010:

Starcraft 2 - The much hyped and delayed sequel to my favourite Real time strategy game of all time, With one of the most intriguing stories in any game as well as a near flawless multiplayer, I am really eager to see the continuation of Starcrafts story after the very grim ending to Brood War 10 years ago.

Diablo III - Not as hyped as I am about Starcraft 2, all the same, I had alot of fun with Diablo II, as did many others and many still do. This game should be as fantastic and addictive as II, I am very curious and eager to see what comes of this game.
Starcraft 2 isn't releasing 2010.

The game I'm looking forward to is APB. All Points Bulletin. If you haven't heard about it, well it is basically an online version of Grand Theft Auto. Check out some videos on youtube. It looks like it will be a classic. It is made by the people who made crackdown. One of the developers developed the first grand theft auto or something like that. Oh and I guess the next Call of Duty.
Not sure what you have read but Starcraft 2 at least Wings of Liberty is set to be released the first half of 2010

Havent heard of APB... sounds very interesting though, ive gained from this thread XD
I was paying close attention to Blizzcon ( wow player) and I remember them saying Starcraft 2 won't come out at 2010. Actually, it could have been Diablo III. Sorry if I am wrong.

Oh and I'm pumped up for the next Hitman game. I heard it is coming out in 2010. I still occasionally play blood money. One of my favorite games of all times.
For the Xbox, I would say games like Splinter Cell Conviction, Halo: Reach, Bioshock 2, Fable III, and Mass Effect 2 would be candidates for Game of 2010.

For PS3, you can go with games like God Of War III, Final Fantasy XIV, Gran Turismo 5, and Heavy Rain.

For the Wii, there's Super Mario Galaxy 2, Epic Mickey, Green Day: Rockband, Lego Harry Potter, and Metroid: Other M.

But to narrow it down, it has to go with either Super Mario Galaxy 2, Halo: Reach, or God Of War III. That's my guess..
I would say Mario Galaxy 2 because the first was brilliant and this one appears to be similar to it along with Yoshi being brought back. However, it's release date is still "TBA 2010" so we don't know when it will be coming out. Final Fantasy XIII is sure to make some noise in the RPG scene, and we also have Super Street Fighter 4 coming out. My guess would be any of these three because they are additions to the most famous series of their respective genres.
I've heard a terrible rumor that FF13 sucks, but I hope to God it's not true yo. I've been waiting on that since... well forever lol So, hope to God FF13. If not 13, then God of War 3. That shit looks beautiful.
I'm not sure of its release date but I'm going to have to go with either Batman: Arkham Asylum 2 if it is set to be released this year or Call of Duty 7 based on the Vietnam War. I just don't think the cod won't get that far unless Treyarch, the same ones that did World at War, fix the issues they had.
I have a pretty good feeling about "Heavy Rain"

That being said, I think that we are all very likely to see fucking Call Of Duty come in and crush the competition once again. I have fallen out of love with that game since it was stolen from me and I can't even be bothered getting a new one. I know that I would probably love it had I gotten through all of the features it has to offer but I cannot be arsed, to be honest. The new Call Of Duty, made by Treyarch could be good but I have gone off the series for now and I don;t think that that is likely to change and you can add that to the fact that I am not a big fan of Call Of Duty: World At War.

Personally, like I have stated before, I have a pretty good feeling about Heavy Rain. I created a thread about it a month ago or so and since then, my anticipation of the game has grown massively. Although I do not have a PS3 and am vehemently against it for the most part, I can see when a game is going to break the mould and it looks as though Heavy Rain could do that. I have watched multiple trailers for it now and it blows me away very time. This game could be a movie and wouldn't look out of place.

The other game I am looking forward to more and more is on the other side of the console exclusive fence and that is Mass Effect 2. This game looks incredible whichever way you try to slice it and both of these games definitely have a great chance of becoming massive games in 2010. Anything less and I will be shocked.

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