Which match would you PREFER to see at WM26- HBK vs The Undertaker or HBK vs HHH?

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People's Champ

Bleeding Teal
I was looking and didn't see anything on this so I figure I ask it. With the Elimination Chamber this Sunday, many believe HBK will interfere in the title match. But exactly which one? HBK has been obsessed with facing the Undertaker at WM again as he believes he can end the streak. But there is/was a serious breakdown between himself and HHH. So who does he cost the belt?

The answer to that question isn't really what I'm looking for. What I really want to know is WHICH MATCH WOULD YOU PREFER?

We've seen HBK vs The Undertaker last year and it is considered on of the greatest WM matches ever. Now would you be able to see another one? If this match happened it would have a pretty high standard to reach. What if it doesn't reach that level? Would that tarnish their first match in your eyes? But then again we could see another fantastic match from the two guys who live for this moment and we could see another WM classic.

Have you had this happen to you- let's say you haven't played a video game in a while because you played it out or was just tired of seeing it? Then after its been a while you see the game and you think "hmm haven't played this in a while" and then pop it into your system. Your a little excited because you liked it at first, but then as your playing it again that same feeling comes back like wow don't want play this again?

Well that feeling is what I think I might get if I see another HBK vs HHH match. Yes its been a while since we've seen it but will we lose interest once we see it before our eyes again? However this time it looks like HBK would be playing the role of the heel. Would that be enough to make you interested? Or maybe your already looking forward to it because you haven't seen it for a while and would be different from say Orton vs HHH.

HBK vs John Morrison- credit Papa Shango on this one as I didn't think of it. With the angle of him (JoMo) being injured, could HBK try to take his place and lead to a match that everyone believes could pass the torch to the future HBK and really put him over the top? But is John Morrison ready to take that next step and could he hold his own with HBK?

So again I pose the question to you- Which would you prefer to see HBK vs HHH or HBK vs The Undertaker? Answer the question between the first two then add the last match to your answer in a seperate paragrah as I'm sure that one will be the favorite.

EDIT: if you can come up with a match for HBK at WM that would be LOGICAL WITH THE EVENTS THAT HAVE TAKEN PLACE then by all means do so, if not please choose between the two given. Papa gave a good example on the post under this one. But don't give me HBK vs "Insert Superstar's Name" unless your can justify why that would take place at this WM.
It's been a long time since HBK and Triple H have wrestled each other. With the exception of the triple threat at Survivor Series, they've essentially either been allies, or been kept away from each others storylines since they're main feud wrapped up way back in 04. True, that was a two year long feud, so some of us may have had our fill, but I personally would like to see what kind of a match these two could put on together at WM. I look at it this way; they're triple threat with Chris Benoit was one of the best WM main events ever, and had every bit to do with the fact that all three men gave their best efforts. Factor out Benoit, and assume that HHH and HBK put 100% into this match (as they do at every WM), and it's safe to assume that their match could be 2/3 as good as the triple threat.

I'm joking around of course, but I do believe they could put on a great match. HBK vs. Undertaker was amazing, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again, but not at Mania. I've never been a big fan of repeating the same match at multiple Manias, the exception of course being Rock vs. Austin.

I actually believe that the real plan was to have HHH vs. HBK all along. They planted the seeds around SSeries. I think the challenge to Taker, and the subsequent obsession, was all a way to seperate them and give them a reason to fight at Mania.

But there's one other possible match that should be considered: HBK vs. John Morrison. With the injury angle they've been doing with Morrision, I could see HBK trying to replace Morrison in the SD! EC. A good feud I think could be worked around that. And I think the two of them could steal the show together at WM. We've been debating in another thread as to whether Morrison or The Miz has the upper hand right now. I think stealing the show with HBK at Wrestlemania would catapult Morrison right over Miz and into the upper echelon of WWE superstars. And a win over HBK at Mania? Well that would have to put Morrison right into the #1 Contender's position.

So what do you think? Should we include a HBK-Morrison match in this discussion as well?
It's been a long time since HBK and Triple H have wrestled each other. With the exception of the triple threat at Survivor Series, they've essentially either been allies, or been kept away from each others storylines since they're main feud wrapped up way back in 04. True, that was a two year long feud, so some of us may have had our fill, but I personally would like to see what kind of a match these two could put on together at WM. I look at it this way; they're triple threat with Chris Benoit was one of the best WM main events ever, and had every bit to do with the fact that all three men gave their best efforts. Factor out Benoit, and assume that HHH and HBK put 100% into this match (as they do at every WM), and it's safe to assume that their match could be 2/3 as good as the triple threat.

I'm joking around of course, but I do believe they could put on a great match. HBK vs. Undertaker was amazing, and I wouldn't mind seeing it again, but not at Mania. I've never been a big fan of repeating the same match at multiple Manias, the exception of course being Rock vs. Austin.

I actually believe that the real plan was to have HHH vs. HBK all along. They planted the seeds around SSeries. I think the challenge to Taker, and the subsequent obsession, was all a way to seperate them and give them a reason to fight at Mania.

But there's one other possible match that should be considered: HBK vs. John Morrison. With the injury angle they've been doing with Morrision, I could see HBK trying to replace Morrison in the SD! EC. A good feud I think could be worked around that. And I think the two of them could steal the show together at WM. We've been debating in another thread as to whether Morrison or The Miz has the upper hand right now. I think stealing the show with HBK at Wrestlemania would catapult Morrison right over Miz and into the upper echelon of WWE superstars. And a win over HBK at Mania? Well that would have to put Morrison right into the #1 Contender's position.

So what do you think? Should we include a HBK-Morrison match in this discussion as well?

I agree with adding them in. I said the two matches because I felt as if those were really the only directions there were going to go with this. But you brought up this match and gave an explaination as to why you think this could happen and how it could benefit us and John Morrison. So I'm all for it. If you can come up with a match that would be logical with what's going on right now then go for it.
There is simply no denying that Undertaker vs. Shawn Michaels at WrestleMania 25 is one of the greatest WrestleMania matches of all time, hell I'd say its one of the greatest matches of all time ever!

But can they top it? The two can still put on a great match, but I don't think they could top the classic they had last year.

So my choice goes to seeing Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels. Two best friends who have wrestled each other at SummerSlam, Bad Blood, Royal Rumble, Tribute To The Troops, Taboo Tuesday, yet never at WrestleMania. Yes they had that epic Triple Threat match at WrestleMania XX involving Chris Benoit but it was a triple threat. With what happened at Survivor Series and Royal Rumble and how they've acted recently, they could easily go down the route of HHH vs. HBK at WrestleMania. Granted we've seen it before, but when its at WrestleMania where Championships and Stipulations wont be involved, involving two great friends, it'll be an epic encounter.
I'm not quite sure which direction wwe is going but i would prefer hbk vs triple h cause we haven't seen it in a while. I also think we might get jericho vs edge vs taker for the title. But I would like to see if hbk vs taker if theirs an added stipulation maybe hell in a cell.
Okay for the record I do wanna say that there is NO way that having HBK/Taker II will tarnish the first if it wasnt as good, but it will be great either way. You have had Kane/Taker twice, not back to back but thats another reason I want the match is because it'd be making history as the only match to happen back to back at WrestleMania.
Now The Rock vs Stone Cold is the greatest main event in WrestleMania history, so nice they did it thrice! And that's always a great bout to watch.

I cant remember the poster's name, I believe it was here someone made the point that with every major star already involved with something, if HBK/Taker happens then the main event must be HHH/Sheamus. I would vomit if Sheamus was anywhere near the main event at WrestleMania, he already undeservingly wears the WWE title. So I'll say HHH/HBK just so we dont have to see Shameus headline WrestleMania. Because then as the post I saw said with Y2J/Edge, Batista/Cena, Vince/Bret, Sheamus is the only guy who would make sense to face The Undertaker. Because Orton/Cody/Ted will likely be a Triple Threat at Mania imo (though I hear The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase Jr w/Ted DiBiase Sr rumors) and The Miz-Show will likely defend against The Hart Dynasty or them & Cryme Tyme

CM Punk/Rey in a mask vs hair match is still seeming likely to me and that leaves Morrison in MITB or an IC bout with Drew though really if HBK/Taker II happened I'd prefer WWE somehow get HHH/John Morrison for the WWE title

but thats my hopes

my pick is HHH/HBK just to ensure Sheamus isnt in the main event since they wouldnt have him fight Orton or Cena one on one after just doing that recently and Cena is facing Batista anyway and I doubt they'd book Kofi vs Sheamus although you never know with these ppl anymore. That's no main event imo but I can see them going back to Sheamus eliminating Kofi in that battle royal

Sorry for the mix of Sheamus but that has a lot to do with my pick. I mean I'd really love to see HBK/Taker II but because the idea of Sheamus main eventing WrestleMania scares me to death I'm gonna say HHH/HBK (in HIAC though that wont happen)
Personally Id rather see HHH v. HBK at Wrestlemania....but not for the same reasons as most of you would think.
Let me start by saying that I am one of the minority about HBK/Taker last year. I thought it was a good match, but no where near the quality that everyone else thinks it was. Hell, I dont think it was even the match of the year in WWE (Morrison/Mysterio on Smackdown gets that award). To me the most memorable thing about Taker/HBK was Taker nearly killing himself on the jump over the top rope.
Add that to the fact that im not a fan of WM rematches, and there are others out there who are quality that Taker hasnt faced (Jericho for one) and Im sour on a Taker/HBK 2.

Another reason Id be up for HHH/HBK is a very simple one. NO MORE DX! It was great 10 years ago, but now seeing a the bosses daughter and a born again christian running around trying to act like "rebels" has finally wore on me. I dont find it amusing that 40 year old men can draw attention to thier crotches in front of a teen crowd, yet everyone else is subject to rediculous things like lying about where they came from (Kingston). There are more enduring wrestlers in the WWE but they cant even sneeze without someone sayin its ok (MVP......just kidding).

My prefrence would actually be a combonation of the options in the question. Taker/HHH/HBK.......think about it. Taker has never been in a triple threat at a WM. And he is hurt......having HHH and HBK in the match would allow him to get some rest.

HHH/Taker/HBK has the potential to be the greatest match in WM history.......just my thoughts tho. They tend to go against what WWE does mostly. But think about it....thatd be awesome.
I would like to see the rematch just on the fact the fact that we should see Shawn Michaels vs Triple H when Shawn is ready to retire. That should be his last match and if I had to guess will be the main event at next years wrestlemania.
Shawn Michaels v. Undertaker last year- OVERRATED, it's not the best match of all time, it isn't even in the discussion, it's not the match of the year, it's not even the WWE match of the year, I'm not really sure I'd say it was the match of the night (I prefer the Matt v. Jeff match). I mean the match would have been good at Backlash, if you actually believed any outcome other than Taker winning was possible, but this is Wrestlemania and that possibility just never existed to me. The entire match was one false finish after the other, but the circumstances of the match made this type of match extremely BORING. The best thing I have to say about it is at least it didn't put me sleep like Undertaker and Kane did at WM 20 causing me to miss the main event.
First off, anybody saying HBK/Taker last year wasn't that great or even worthy of "Match of the Year" is proving why the IWC is laughed at by wrestlers.

Second, I don't think it's professional to hint at a rematch and then not deliver. If they go with HBK/HHH, the match might lose a bit of it's luster as we all know that plenty of fans will be thinking about the match that could have or should have been taking place instead with HBK/Taker.

I want Michaels to have a rematch with Taker and I want HBK to WIN. Wrestling in it's purest form isn't about "trying to build up some boring young guy" or "keeping a streak alive just because". It's about DRAMA. That's what entertainment is. I truly think that if HBK isn't the man to beat Taker's streak then nobody is. Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak. Complain all you want about the old timers, but it will never get any bigger than that.

Of course HBK and HHH can put on a great match and probably even a match of the year (I think HBK could get a match of the year out of a broomstick to be honest). But - save that for next year and make it a retirement stip. This year, give HBK that one thing he so rarely gets at Wrestlemania - a big win.
Jericho is winning the title @ EC leading to Edge vs. Jericho. That leaves Undertaker w/o an opponent if its HBK vs. Triple H. Its going to be HBK vs. 'Taker. HBK will lose again going completely nuts saying he's retired as this will explain his absence after Mania. This will setup some sort of Triple H hunting HBK down again to convince him to come back only for something to happen at Rumble where Triple H will turn on HBK leading to a match between the 2 for HBK's final match at next years mania.

I just can't see who else Taker would fight at Mania that would make sense and they have a credible chance of beating him to end the streak, which would put more importance on the match. HBK costs Taker the match at EC and Taker wants revenge. HBK dominates everything in terms of Taker all the way to Mania to the point where we actually believe Taker isn't going to win. Taker actually wins, narrowly, HBK goes Bret Hart @ SS '97 in Montreal, loses his smile, and goes home.

Here will be the Mania Lineup

1.Cena/Bret vs. Batista/Vince (This could be split up, but too much involvement to not)
2.Edge vs. Jericho for World Title
3.Sheamus vs. Triple H for WWE Title (trust me I hate how they've handled Sheamus too)
4.HBK vs. Taker (could be some sort of stipulation/gimmick match too....laddder???)
5.Orton vs. Rhodes vs. Dibiase
6.Maybe 2 out of the 5 of these 1. IC match 2. US match 3. Tag title match 4. Divas match 5. Battle Royal (this gets more people on the card)

I dont see a MITB match with the announcement of a PPV being named after this match as it would be redundant to do so. It being a PPV may make the titles picture more interesting. We'll see!!!
I expect HBK to interfere in both elimination chamber matches and cost both the undertaker and HHH the titles. As a result i am looking forward to a HHH/HBK/Undertaker triple threat match in a Hell in a Cell match. This would be one amazing match.
Personally i would prefer to see HHH vs Shawn Michaels for a few reasons. One being how the 'Taker/Michaels fued was so awesome that having a rematch between the two might ruin their match last year. Triple H and Shawn have great chemistry and we might just get a really good 20-something minute match between the two & if shawn is the heel for this that will make it much more interesting as the last time these two had a fued(In 2002/2003 which lasted a freakin' year nearly!) HHH was the heel and came off very well as the heel at that and it was well put together with HHH and evolution coming and beating the daylights out of Shawn bloodying him while anytime HHH was in a no DQ match Shawn would come down Sweet Chin Music him then run from Evulotion while H's opponent would crawl over to the pin. So in short my answer is HHH vs Michaels would be the better option.
Personally I rather see HBK VS Taker again, can they top their match from last year? Well they can if the want to. A year ago none though they would be able to deliver like they did and that the Hype would be the best part and what did they do? Give us a great match that was like by almost everyone with few not liking it, some with valid points and some with not so valid points.

The thing is that in their career they have faced each other very few times ( 4 times one on one and all in PPV, it took a decade from match 3 to 4) while HHH and Shawn has faced each other multiple times during this decade alone and unless HBK goes heel on HHH, the balance pretty much will turn on HHH, not because he is not a good wrestler, the man is a master of the game, true, but just like at Survivor Series, people tends to favor Shawn more than Trips.
Jericho is winning the title @ EC leading to Edge vs. Jericho. That leaves Undertaker w/o an opponent if its HBK vs. Triple H. Its going to be HBK vs. 'Taker. HBK will lose again going completely nuts saying he's retired as this will explain his absence after Mania. This will setup some sort of Triple H hunting HBK down again to convince him to come back only for something to happen at Rumble where Triple H will turn on HBK leading to a match between the 2 for HBK's final match at next years mania.

I just can't see who else Taker would fight at Mania that would make sense and they have a credible chance of beating him to end the streak, which would put more importance on the match. HBK costs Taker the match at EC and Taker wants revenge. HBK dominates everything in terms of Taker all the way to Mania to the point where we actually believe Taker isn't going to win. Taker actually wins, narrowly, HBK goes Bret Hart @ SS '97 in Montreal, loses his smile, and goes home.

I agree with everything, right up until the HBK loses part. I really think he wins it. I won't be surprised if he doesn't, but I expect him to end the streak. Losing, for either HBK or Undertaker, has never hurt them. Taker's streak is so unimportant it isn't even funny. I would like to see them go about HBK's absence in another way. Maybe Shawn beats Taker, and taker goes apeshit. Beats the living hell out of Shawn, proving that just b/c you beat Taker doesn't mean you won anything.

My Vote goes to Shawn and Taker. HBK should get the win here. The streak can die and Undertaker will be just fine. Having the same storyline for 6 years at WM has hurt him more than helped him. It's almost as if it's an excuse for creative to not have to think of anything for him other than which guy to plug into last years storyline.
i disagree taker deserve to keep his streak hes gone too far already and i would rather see hhh vs shawn for the wwe title with michaels winning it will be great taker and shawn already had there perfect match last year
Okay for the record I do wanna say that there is NO way that having HBK/Taker II will tarnish the first if it wasnt as good, but it will be great either way. You have had Kane/Taker twice, not back to back but thats another reason I want the match is because it'd be making history as the only match to happen back to back at WrestleMania.
Now The Rock vs Stone Cold is the greatest main event in WrestleMania history, so nice they did it thrice! And that's always a great bout to watch.

Actually, it is not the first time they have had the same match, two Wrestlemanias in a row. Bret Hart lost his title to Yokozuna at WMIX,(only to have Hulk Hogan overshadow match) and then Bret beat Yokozuna in the main-event of WM X the next year. So, it has happened before.
This is what I would like to see:

HHH vs HBK, non-title match

Edge vs Jericho for the WHC, Jericho wins at EC


Cena/Bret vs. Batista/Vince in a tag match

which would leave for Mania

Undertaker vs. Sheamus for the WWE title

Sheamus can claim that he has been WWE champion and beaten the top stars of Raw [Orton/Cena/HHH] and that he will cement his rise to the top by doing what no one has done before, defeating the Undertaker at WrestleMania. He challenges Taker to a Title/Streak match at Mania. Taker accepts.
I think michaels facing triple H would be a lot better for wrestle mania then michaels vs taker.. Hbk vs undertake was an amazing match last year and I loved every minute of it.. But undertaker is alittle slower now and what exactly can they make better of a match they did just last year.. I feel like wreslemania has always seen triple H (not counting his match with randy orton cause that sucked) and hbk work the hardest then ever and put on great matches.. They have put on some good one on ones in that past but just picture it happening at wm.. I think it would be another classic thanks to hbk... Btw no matter his win-loss record, anyone realise that hbk is mr wrestlemania and the show stopper because almost all of his wm matches have been classics and the best to watch.. He's always been one of my favorites ever since the rockers..
I would want actually want to see HBK vs undertaker at wrestlemania.I would want to see this because we've all seen HBK vs HHH so many times, and its getting kinda boring to me now.

The HBK vs Undertaker match was one of my personal favorite matches of last year, and even of all time. Also I think Undertaker's streak at wrestlemania has gone on for way too long. It needs to be broken and I think HBK should be the one to do so. This would finally give HBK an opportunity to become champion once again. After HBK gets the title, he could then feud with HHH, by HHH becoming angry that shawn became champion, thus breaking up DX, and then since so many people want to see it, HHH and HBK could have one last match against one another.
Im down with a rematch.Last years Mania was of the hook i was really into the HBK and Taker match.It got me of the sit,So i will really like to see the rematch.And if WWE does the rematch between HBK and Taker i will be more then happy,Cause im damn sure they will put on another good show and maybe way better then last year.

Im not saying that i wont like to see a HHH vs HBK match.But and sure the HHH will face the WWE champ.But If the E make a HHH vs HBK im sure that they will also but on a good match.Not as good as HBK wrestling Taker,But im sure they will still put on a hell of a show.
Im all for people voicing thier opinions...........which is why I am responding to anothers post......because we think very much diffrently on the matter.

First off, anybody saying HBK/Taker last year wasn't that great or even worthy of "Match of the Year" is proving why the IWC is laughed at by wrestlers.

I couldnt disagreee more! There should be differing opinions on what qualifies as the best match. I respect both HBK and Taker, but im not going to jump up and down, and hand over a "Best Match" designation just because of thier reputations. I can think of 3-4 other matches I enjoyed watching more than Taker/HBK. Sorry if you disagree, but not sorry that I do.

Second, I don't think it's professional to hint at a rematch and then not deliver. If they go with HBK/HHH, the match might lose a bit of it's luster as we all know that plenty of fans will be thinking about the match that could have or should have been taking place instead with HBK/Taker.

I watch wrestling cuz i enjoy it. But i hate the same shit, diffrent day feel to most matches/ppv's. If anything, I dont think they are hyping an actual match between HBK/Taker.....I think they are hi-lighting a change of attitude from "Lacky HBK" to a HBK who is focused. IE making him a very dangerous man in the WWE. And for him to drive himself crazy by falling short would add an intensity that is missing in WWE right now.

And as far as losing luster by having an HHH/HBK match.........i really dont know how you could say that. Id be D-X exploding! HHH/HBK on the big stage not only could be the headliner w/o a title...but, dare I say, be more intresting than any Undertaker match (including a HBK/Taker 2). Best Friends Better Enemies on a level not seen since the Mega Powers exploded.

I want Michaels to have a rematch with Taker and I want HBK to WIN. Wrestling in it's purest form isn't about "trying to build up some boring young guy" or "keeping a streak alive just because". It's about DRAMA. That's what entertainment is. I truly think that if HBK isn't the man to beat Taker's streak then nobody is. Mr. Wrestlemania vs. The Streak. Complain all you want about the old timers, but it will never get any bigger than that.

See my last comment......10x more drama with HHH/HBK because of the history between HHH/HBK....especially since they have been "so close for a few years now. YOuve already had a Mr. WM vs. the streak.....that happened LAST YEAR!!

Once again I am all for diffring opinions...just this arguement for HHH/Taker makes the least sense to me.
Okay. So here is what should/could definitely happen.

HBK WILL cost Taker the title @ EC. This will be the way they can give Edge his title shot, that he rightfully won, and could go into a match with Jericho @ WM. Taker will want his obvious revenge, and give us some crap about how he "cannot ignore this any longer."

How could Taker take care of HBK, so that HBK could lose, and give a reason to not see HBK on TV for quite some time?

Why, a Buried Alive Match of course.
This would bring a new excitement or edge to this years "Round 2", and would be equally as entertaining, with all new drama filled spots being able to happen.

People have brought up Sheamus/Trips and how Sheamus shouldn't/couldn't possibly headline a WM.

He wouldn't.

A match with Sheamus, would definitly be the 3rd to last match, and possibly even 4th to last. Taker/HBK would without question be after a match with Sheamus in it, and the match with Bret Hart would be as well. It could even get pushed up in the card, if they decided to put Edges match later on as well. This would be ideal.

My Vote: HBK vs Taker in a Buried Alive Match.
Honestly, I would much prefer to see Shawn Michaels head to Wrestlemania in a match against Triple H. Every one-on-one match that I've seen between HHH and HBK has been nothing short of amazing. All that includes "Non-sanctioned matches", "3 Stages of Hell" matches, "Last Man Standing" matches, "Street Fights", "Hell in a Cell" matches, everything. And that's only one-on-one... don't forget triple threat matches, Elimination Chambers, and more. Whether they are going against each other or partners, when these men are in the ring together... YOU ARE SURE TO BE IN FOR A SHOW OF YOUR LIFE!

I have no issues with seeing Shawn Michaels vs. The Undertaker again at this year's Wrestlemania, but I'd just prefer HBK vs. HHH. They obviously also have great chemistry in the ring, but we just saw it. The same main event at two straight Wrestlemanias, even though it is two legends and icons like HBK and Undertaker... it could still be better for a change. We haven't seen Triple vs. Shawn Michaels in, what... 6 years? I would love to see it, just one more time.
Okay for the record I do wanna say that there is NO way that having HBK/Taker II will tarnish the first if it wasnt as good, but it will be great either way. You have had Kane/Taker twice, not back to back but thats another reason I want the match is because it'd be making history as the only match to happen back to back at WrestleMania.
Now The Rock vs Stone Cold is the greatest main event in WrestleMania history, so nice they did it thrice! And that's always a great bout to watch.

I cant remember the poster's name, I believe it was here someone made the point that with every major star already involved with something, if HBK/Taker happens then the main event must be HHH/Sheamus. I would vomit if Sheamus was anywhere near the main event at WrestleMania, he already undeservingly wears the WWE title. So I'll say HHH/HBK just so we dont have to see Shameus headline WrestleMania. Because then as the post I saw said with Y2J/Edge, Batista/Cena, Vince/Bret, Sheamus is the only guy who would make sense to face The Undertaker. Because Orton/Cody/Ted will likely be a Triple Threat at Mania imo (though I hear The Undertaker vs Ted DiBiase Jr w/Ted DiBiase Sr rumors) and The Miz-Show will likely defend against The Hart Dynasty or them & Cryme Tyme

CM Punk/Rey in a mask vs hair match is still seeming likely to me and that leaves Morrison in MITB or an IC bout with Drew though really if HBK/Taker II happened I'd prefer WWE somehow get HHH/John Morrison for the WWE title

but thats my hopes

my pick is HHH/HBK just to ensure Sheamus isnt in the main event since they wouldnt have him fight Orton or Cena one on one after just doing that recently and Cena is facing Batista anyway and I doubt they'd book Kofi vs Sheamus although you never know with these ppl anymore. That's no main event imo but I can see them going back to Sheamus eliminating Kofi in that battle royal

Sorry for the mix of Sheamus but that has a lot to do with my pick. I mean I'd really love to see HBK/Taker II but because the idea of Sheamus main eventing WrestleMania scares me to death I'm gonna say HHH/HBK (in HIAC though that wont happen)

To answer the original question posed by this thread first, out of hbk vs. taker or hbk vs. hhh, i would rather see hbk vs. hhh. Hbk vs. taker was done last year and was phenominal. It was one of the greatest, if not, the greatest Wrestlamania matches of all time. No disrespect to hbk or taker, as i do not doubt that they could recreate the magic if not top the match they had last year, i just do not want to see it again. I know hbk and hhh have had countless matches against each other but never at Wrestlemania. I think they could build a better storyline with hhh and hbk than whith hbk and taker as that was done last year and it would seem like the same storyline; Mr. Wrestlemania vs. the streak. And as for the Morrison vs. hbk match, although i think it would be a really good match, i do not see that happening. Morrison will most likely be in mitb or a ic title match. because i do think they will have mitb this year despite the ppv because there were already reports of the qualifying matches taking place next week on raw.

As for SickJames comments about not wanting to see Sheamus in the main event at Mania, I do agree as i do not think he deserves it yet. He is too young and has not been around long enough to be in the position. However, Since he is young and is the chamion and has not been champ for long, I expect him to win the ec match sunday and go on to Mania as the champ (i know it is sickening) but if they take the belt off him now it is too soon and they would be taking all of their confidence right off of him after putting all of the cards on him. It only hurt him a lot worse if they take the belt off of him now and would likely be put in the mitb match at mania as a result. I dont like it either but that is the situation. As for his opponent at Mania, i do not think it will be hhh like it has been speculated but i think they have been building on a sheamus vs. orton match these past few weeks on raw. I think they are trying to make orton a face similar to stone cold by having him be a badass that everyone likes so the crowd will be behind him since everyone hates sheamus anyways whichl would make a face heel match. i know that leaves cody and ted out which means no triple threat but i do think orton will face sheamus at mania for the title, leaving a singles match between cody and ted (although not that interesting)
That also leaves hhh out of the main event. There is a small chance hhh wins which would answer a lot of questions as that would set the hhh sheamus match, the leagacy triple threat, and the hbk tkaer match as those would all be locks at that point but i do not see that happening.
I 100% expect jericho to win the smackdown ec to become the champ and face edge at mania. (match im looking foward to most) Most likely involving hbk in some way screwing the undertaker to further their feud. Hbk could also possibly get involved in the raw ec and cost hhh the match. Either way i look for hhh and taker to both be out of the main events at mania which would set up for what i believe the best posability, a triple threat between hhh,hbk, and taker. Think about it, 3 hall of famers in one match, with hhh and hbk both trying to end the streak. Taker has never been in a triple threat at mania. It would make for a very interesting match. Taker does not even have to be pinned to technically lose the match or end the streak. hhh could pin hbk or vice versa. (although neither would ever happen i hope) Both trying to end the streak and one up the other with the dead man prevailing in the end would make for one hell of an exciting match that i hope the wwe goes with that direction. The storyline leading up to it would be cool to with hbk and hhh enemies both saying they will pin the undertaker to end the streak. I think that is the direction the wwe should and will go with but we will all have to wait and see as the wwe changes their minds all the time. If it does not go this way and they have hhh vs. hbk then that leaves undertaker without and opopnent and changes a lot of things. They could have sheamus lose to Orton in the ec and have sheamus vs. undertaker (i could possibly see that but highly unlikely) but then who faces orton for the title. Also possibly a morrison taker match but agian i think it is highly unlikely. I think the triple threat match is the best possabiliy and would be the best match as it would also make the other matches fit together smoothly.

My Wrestlemania matches Prediction:
Edge vs. Jericho for Heavyweight title
Sheamus vs. Orton for wwe title
hhh vs hbk vs. taker
cena vs. batista (a lock) with bret and vince in corner or possibly singles match between the two of them
Punk vs. Mysterio
Divas Championship match
Either miz/show in a tag title match against heart dynasty or cryme time or miz could have a us title match or be put in mitb not sure
Same for morrison, either ic match or mitb
mitb match featuring any of these possibilities:

Drew Mcintyre
Evan Bourne
Jack Swagger
Dolph Siggler
Mark Henry
Zach Ryder
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