Who do you agree with Disco Inferno or Cody Rhodes?

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  • Cody Rhodes

  • Disco Inferno

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I wondered who everyone agreed with in the twitter war between Disco Inferno and Cody Rhodes, It was on main news site but incase anyone missed it
Disco Inferno had tweeted...
"Nobody knows how to "work" anymore. They would rather kill each other to get @davemeltzerWON to put their match over. That is a problem that needs to be put front and center. Guys are going to keep getting hurt."
Cody Rhodes replied with...
"Stop. You know nothing. You have drawn 0 dollars. No fan has ever left a show thinking about you. You were lucky to be a juiced up double-lifer "over with the boys" type in an era where you hid in plain sight coasting on others' success. Couldn't hang then, can't get booked now."

Whether you agree with Disco or not I feel Cody was way out of order on this and was completely disrespectful in his reply.
Cody Rhodes isn't exactly selling out Madison Square Garden every night, Maybe at best selling out the local high school gym with a 200 seat capacity and feel if it wasn't for his second name he would be a nobody, I liked Dusty and Goldust back in the day but out of the three of them the least memorable for me by far was Cody.

Personally I kind of agree with Disco I feel they are doing more dangerous moves now and it looks less real, Theres also no skill just hitting each other as hard as you can, The skill was in hitting each other as safely as you can to make it look hard.
Also how many triple backward sommersault elbowdrops do you see in a real fight? I know kayfabe is pretty much gone now but they can at least try to make the fights look a little believable.
Cody was completely right in his response. Pro wrestling is an art. Everyone has their own style. Big Show has his style, Ricochet has his, Joey Ryan has his and even Disco Inferno had his. It doesn't matter. Da Vinci once critiqued Michelangelo's David statue by stating his penis needed to be covered up. If a wrestler wants to break his neck every night, it's on him. There's obviously a market out there for the more dangerous style of wrestling and these guys have honed their craft doing so. There's a reason guys like Cody Rhodes and the Young Bucks are making over a cool mil on the indies within a calender year without being tied down to a iron clad contract.
Cody Rhodes isn't exactly selling out Madison Square Garden every night, Maybe at best selling out the local high school gym with a 200 seat capacity.
Who cares if they're selling out Madison Square Garden? He's making a killing from his merch without the big bad WWE machine backing him. According to Cody, he's making approximately three times what he made in WWE. Disco doesn't have a memorable moment in pro wrestling's history and I wouldn't be surprised if he's simply using Cody to try and get his name out there; he probably needs some money.

Theres also no skill just hitting each other as hard as you can
but they can at least try to make the fights look a little believable.
This made my head explode.
Cody Rhodes has elevated ROH to heights they've never been at before, I'm sure the 6000 people at Supercard of Honor will remember his match and story with Omega than any fan remembers what Disco ever did.
This is an example of why I don't like Twitter, people lose their fucking minds over seemingly hypocritical or over-stepping statements.

I voted both, because each man made valid points.

Disco was assuming a great deal in his statement, implying that Cody and Kenny fought stiff only so that they could get noticed by Dave Meltzer. Do people do that here and there? Of course they do, WON is a significant place to go for match ratings. He has no proof that Cody and Kenny were motivated by that, and an assumption of that motivation was the crux of Disco's criticism. I agree that wrestlers should try to find a happy medium where they can put on a breathtaking show and still protect each other's physical health. I don't think that Cody's cut was the result of reckless abandon for safety, but that's a different argument.

For Cody's statement, I find very little to argue Disco's point. I get that the basis for the reply was that Disco should know better than to make such a point, but that kind of argument probably didn't help us or Disco understand the reasoning behind the spot in question. A magician never reveals his tricks, sure. I don't think that assassinating Disco's credibility was the best argument, but I agree in that I also don't see Disco as being someone I'd want input from in terms of proper behavior in the ring.

Twitter is a way for people to share their thoughts, and typically they do so in an effort to talk shit. Disco and Cody basically just talked shit, but made valid points.
I voted both.

Disco Inferno is right and everyone above the age of 40 would agree. There is no more storytelling. It’s all special effects. It’s not about how you feel anymore. It’s about what you see.

Cody Rhodes is right and everyone below the age of 30 would agree. There is no more storytelling. It’s all special effects. It’s not about how you feel anymore. It’s about what you see.

I’m 39.
I voted for both because both of them brought up valid points.

On the indie scene, it generally is more about flips and high spots than it is about wrestlers having personality, using psychology or telling a story. To be fair, however, those aspects of wrestling aren't as important if you're like the hefty majority of independent promotions in that you might be able to put on a single show every 4 to 6 weeks. Those companies don't have the weekly, episodic format that many of us are used to seeing so it really has to be all about the matches rather than storylines or angles. As a result, these guys often have to do whatever they can think of in order to get noticed and to generate buzz so that they can keep getting booked and hopefully, one day, make it into the bigger companies.

When it comes to ROH, it's a bit of a different story as ROH is basically the king of the indie scene but it has a much broader audience than the rest of the indie scene. Generally speaking, I'm not a fan of the "ROH style" in that a lot of the matches you'll see are very much like what you'll see on the indie scene: flip, high spot, no selling as you're busy setting up the next high spot or flip and repeat as needed. There's little story, virtually no psychology and it's mostly about getting the fans to pop for every move you do in order to get some sort of chant started. A lot of fans are so desensitized that the spots have to be bigger and/or riskier in order to keep popping them. If that's what you're into, then more power to you but it's just not for me and I won't pretend that it is. Of course, to be fair, Disco is someone that's stated lots of times in the past that he's much more along the lines of Vince Russo in that he feels that skits and the "sports entertainment" aspect of pro wrestling is more important than the quality of the matches being put on.

Cody felt that a lot of modern wrestlers were being disrespected by someone who was primarily a comedy jobber in WCW during the Attitude Era. Aside from his goofy gimmick, I can't immediately recall anything that he did or said that left any sort of impression. So yeah, I can completely understand Cody for lashing out at him and it's not as if what he said about Disco wasn't true. Whatever success he may have achieved was essentially little more than the crumbs left over from the actual stars of WCW. As fans, we could say that but it wouldn't really have as much impact since we're not wrestlers. Cody, on the other hand, is someone that's had a lot of success, made a lot of money, is currently making a lot of money, and is currently among the biggest non-WWE stars in all of wrestling today so it has a lot more credibility when he says it. For a guy that's currently an indie wrestler, Cody does draw a lot of money.
They both come off like bitter dicks. Disco just seems to be whining about something like most of us behind a computer. It is kind of true but really comes off as sour grapes. Cody's WWE career mirrored Disco's in some respects and while I don't know how "over with the boys" Cody was or if it helped him keep his job, Cody sure had a lot of help by being the son of the son of a plumber.
Cody felt that a lot of modern wrestlers were being disrespected by someone who was primarily a comedy jobber in WCW during the Attitude Era. Aside from his goofy gimmick, I can't immediately recall anything that he did or said that left any sort of impression.

I remember when Disco took on Raven's Flock. That was somewhat interesting in that he was being portrayed as an underdog, and they gave him the Stone Cold Stunner as his finisher calling it The Chart Buster.

I think that Disco got an upset win over Saturn for the Television Championship, so the Flock was after Disco on a weekly basis. Then in a rematch Disco more decisively beat Saturn and in the process gave Chart Busters to other members of The Flock.

After that I recall that he was in a tag team with Alex Wright where their gimmick was that they liked to dance, but their themes would clash. Then Tokyo Magnum would occasionally act like he was desperate to be a part of the posse.

We all likely remember him jobbing to Jacqueline. That happened.
There's actually some weight to what Disco was saying though. Doesn't matter if he was a "comedy jobber" with a "goofy gimmick" in WCW, doesn't mean he can't speak his mind. A lot of these guys on the independent scene do try way to hard to impress Dave Meltzer. Hell, The Bucks even named a finishing move after him. While what Cody said was true, doesn't make him not come off like a dick. Disco spoke his opinion and Cody snapped. As far as we know, he wasn't even a direct target. Why? Because Disco didn't mention any names. There's an old saying, "If the shoe fits.."
I voted for both as well. I've read Disco's comment and pretty much agreed with everything he said about the current era of wrestling. For the younger generation of wrestlers, it's not about storytelling or character development anymore, it's more about how can a get over with today's crowd who pretty much don't care about the well being of those performers.

At the same time cody react on emotion but the thing is, he's not really wrong either, the fans more then ever dictates what going to happen in the ring especially in the indy's. If the fans wants to see spot monkeys no sell everything to make the match interesting then so be it, that's what's cool with wrestling. I might not agree with this mentality but that's what current fans wants and they are just giving the fans what they want.
Anybody who says there is no storytelling on the indie scene are fucking stupid! Being the Elite and the story between Cody and Kenny is better than anything on the garbage main roster WWE product.
Anybody who says there is no storytelling on the indie scene are fucking stupid! Being the Elite and the story between Cody and Kenny is better than anything on the garbage main roster WWE product.

Nobody said that there isn't "any" storytelling on the indie scene. I don't really consider New Japan to be an indie company and Ring of Honor isn't like the other 99% of indie companies in that they have a national television deal. There has to be some storytelling, some angles going on if you have an episodic TV show that airs each week as ROH does. As for New Japan though, their TV show amounts to little more than a clip show in which they cherry pick matches from ppvs or tournaments they've taped at house shows and a lot of the matches were filmed months ago by the time they get around to airing them on AXS TV.

Most indie shows I've ever attended haven't been about storytelling or angles whatsoever and that's how it is with most indie companies out there. As I said, most of the companies might be able to put on shows once every 4 to 6 weeks, longer in some cases. Some of them may not hold shows for several months at a time before more than one, sometimes several, in a single month and that even includes some of the bigger indie companies like Major League Wrestling, Evolve, House of Hardcore and Pro Wrestling Guerilla.
wow, Cody went hard on him lol, but I get it. Just let everyone wrestle the way they want and mind your own business I guess.

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