Who in the hell actually votes for these people?


Excellence of Execution
Source: http://www.cnn.com/2010/POLITICS/12/15/gays.in.military/index.html
The House of Representatives voted Wednesday to overturn the ban on openly gay and lesbian soldiers serving in the U.S. military, passing legislation repealing the controversial "don't ask, don't tell" policy.

Which leads to this...

"Discrimination is wrong," declared Rep. John Lewis, D-Georgia. "On the battlefield it does not matter who you love. Only the flag that you serve."
Seems noble enough, if a bit dorky, right?

Here is the Republican rebuttal:

Conservative Republicans argued that, among other things, a repeal would place an unreasonable burden on the military at a time when it is already facing severe strains in Afghanistan and elsewhere.
Ahh, I see. So at a time in which this "severe strain" is occurring, in part because of lack of able-bodied soldiers, this country should be turning away any person claiming to be gay. Good thinking.

Let's continue:

This is "an imposition of somebody's social agenda," said Rep. Todd Akin, R-Missouri. It's an "eclipse of reason, an eclipse of common sense."
Ahh, I didn't realize granting equality was an "eclipse of reason" and "common sense". Thank God Mr. Akin was there to help me.

"The United States military is not the YMCA. It's something special," said Rep. Duncan Hunter, R-California. This is "a liberal crusade to create a utopia."
How dare them liberals! Wanting to stamp out discrimination? Not on my watch buddy! I have no less than 235 different studies to prove gays cannot perform as ably in the military as straights.

Seriously, who the fuck votes for these people?
This thread proves why Sly and SSC are gods.

I absolutely love how Hunter put it "This is "a liberal crusade to create a utopia." As opposed to what exactly? Does he want America to be a dystopia? Was trying to keep DADT a conservative movement to create this dystopia? Well, clearly. You're supposed to be making things better for everyone Duncan, it's kind of why your there. This was possibly the worst way he could try to object to repealing the act.

Westboro Baptist must be dying on the inside.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't want some gayboy taking showers with me and sleeping in the same bed. Ughhh.

Funny because I'm sure ANY gay man in the service right now could stomp your ass something fierce. Just because you can't help but force yourself onto women doesn't mean that a gay man wants anything to do with you. Please, though, keep on revealing just how much of a waste of oxygen you are.
I don't know about you but I wouldn't want some gayboy taking showers with me and sleeping in the same bed. Ughhh.
Maybe the government should fork over 100 bucks to make closed door personal showers instead of 10000 dollars on anti-gay BS. I don't fancy same sex marriage, but come on. People dying and we are bitching about military showers. As if it didn't happen in prison.
DirtyJosé;2678155 said:
Funny because I'm sure ANY gay man in the service right now could stomp your ass something fierce. Just because you can't help but force yourself onto women doesn't mean that a gay man wants anything to do with you. Please, though, keep on revealing just how much of a waste of oxygen you are.
You gotta remember the "facts", man. Homosexuals are depraved sex hounds. Just listen to the news about all the men that are raped daily by other men.

No wait, that's me and my bills.
There's no point in bashing me and then not giving me any red reps.

But think about it this way. What would happen if you were a soldier and took showers with the female soldiers. You'd get a boner, so naturally a gay man would get a boner of other men would they not. I support gay marriage and I don't give a shit if someone's gay but cammon separate showers.
There's no point in bashing me and then not giving me any red reps.

But think about it this way. What would happen if you were a soldier and took showers with the female soldiers. You'd get a boner, so naturally a gay man would get a boner of other men would they not. I support gay marriage and I don't give a shit if someone's gay but cammon separate showers.





I'm just allowing your homophobia to resonate throughout the thread.
Have you never been in a public shower before? Is that really how you imagine it? Boners and sexual tension everywhere?
Oh where to begin. Let's see:

Repealing this is a liberal social agenda!

Thank goodness that conservative god Bill Clinton put it in place.

The US Military would be strained by having gays in it.

I didn't know that being homosexual hurt you ability to pull a trigger. And i'm sure the two wars that are being fought to spread our political and social philosophies have ZERO effect in causing that strain.

They want to create a utopia! Yeah screw wanting peace!


Supposedly ''dumbfuckistan'' does. I didn't.
There's no point in bashing me and then not giving me any red reps.

But think about it this way. What would happen if you were a soldier and took showers with the female soldiers. You'd get a boner, so naturally a gay man would get a boner of other men would they not. I support gay marriage and I don't give a shit if someone's gay but cammon separate showers.

God forbid a random bloodpump.

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