Who Is More 'Stone Cold'?

Who is more similar to 1997 Steve Austin?

  • 2010 Randy Orton

  • 2011 CM Punk

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S.J. Maximus

Championship Contender
I'm always the first guy to invade comparison threads and tell the OP that guys aren't 'the second coming of other guys' or 'this guy in 2011' but no matter how hard I try dissuade them, there are 2 comparisons that have always persevered and remained to exist. Coincidentally (or maybe not, I don't know), Both comparisons have to do with the legendary Texas Rattlesnake Stone Cold Steve Austin.

Once upon a time in a year called 2010, there was actually an IWC darling who was not CM Punk. This darling, like Punk in 2011, had come into the year as a top heel but would soon turn into a top face. His carelessness, selfishness, and aggression just got the crowd crazy and every time his music hit the crowd popped big. As a matter of fact, they popped so loud that people questioned if Cena was still the top face. At this point, WWE took advantage of this by putting the IWC darling in multiple segments a night, doing his finishing move whenever he wanted to whoever he wanted and he continued to get the loudest pops of the night. This man, Randy Orton, then went on to win the WWE Championship, which is when they completely altered his character. They made him gave some random "extra gear" that he could kick into, they made him spasm on the mat for a reaction, they made him pose to the crowd for a reaction, and worst of all they made him smile and pander to the crowd. Today, Orton is far from an IWC darling but the story I said is very reminiscent of Stone Cold until the part where he changes.

CM Punk on the other hand, used reality and his wit to win over fans. He brought up backstage issues, called people by their real names, referred to himself as the voice of the voiceless (IWC) and continues to evolve his character. He only really outpopped Cena at Money in the Bank in his hometown, yet he continues to be the true focal point of RAW as well as the entire WWE product. He has been in the main event of the last 3 pay-per-views and has managed to win the WWE Title twice, for 2 very controversially short reigns. My question to you is, which man, CM Punk or 2010 Randy Orton, resembles the great Stone Cold more? Which one was/is more capable of having the impact he had? Which one was/is more likely to have the impact he had?

If you ask me, 2010 Orton was almost a complete replica of 1997/8 Stone Cold Steve Austin. They were both a top heel who was used to help put over a face (for Austin it was an increasing irrelevant Bret Hart, for Orton is Rhodes or Dibiase) and increase his own heat, but won over the crowd inadvertently and became extremely over with the fans. IMO, they both won the crowd over by being carless, selfish, and ruthless while also talking mad shit (cutting great promos in the process). They both had those finishers that came out of nowhere and could be struck at anytime on anyone (many celebrities have been hit with Stunners and RKO's). If they didn't make Orton smile, pose and win the title in 2 months I guarantee you that he would've continued on Austin's path of chasing the title for a year and then finally winning at WrestleMania in a classic WM moment.

I've rambled enough. Thoughts? Who is more 'Stone Cold' (pun intended)?
You gotta go with 2010 Randy Orton because of everything that you said.. And because of how WWE billboard him too. " THE VIPER" what they billboard Austin as?... "THE RATTLESNAKE"

The way it went with Orton was an exact replica of Austin.. Just how ruthless and "Raise Hell" Aurora he was under was just so De Ja Vu. Orton was just something else in 2010 just like how Austin was in 97/98. Even still, Orton reminds me of Stone Cold... no one else does, which brings me to this..

I been noticing that people are saying that Punk is the next Stone Cold Steve Austin.. How? Just because he's a loudmouth? no.. There is no such thing as the next anybody but.. If anything, Punk reminds me way more of Chris Jericho than anyone else. Like Jericho, he goes around saying he's "THE BEST IN THE WORLD" which is way more similar to Jericho when Chris would be like "IM THE BEST IN THE WORLD AT WHAT I DO" Austin never did that.

Austin was about pandering the fact that he was a ruthless son of a gun, and all about coming in and whooping some ass, Orton is the same.. even if he doesnt say it all the time on the Mic, you know its his agenda.. You especially knew that in 2010 with the Ring evidence. Punk has been whiny at times during this current plot he's in, it just comes off as complaining. Austin never has been whiny at all. And if Stone Cold did want change, he simply just went about it by raising hail in that ring with actions rather than words more so.

Punk and Stone Cold have no similarities in anything, Ring Work, Persona, or even demeanor. I just dont see a resemblance of Stone Cold in Punk, personally i see a Chris Jericho resemblance in CM Punk

So once again to answer your question its Randy Orton 2010, its Randy Orton more period 2010, now, and beyond
Did you just call Bret Hart increasingly irrelevant in 97? Austin put Bret over? What? Really?

Anyway it's Randy Orton. I don't ever remember Stone Cold opening Raw in the middle of the ring sitting indian style to talk about changes in the product. CM Punk does in fact fight the power like Austin did, but with his voice. Orton on the other hand was RKOing and punting McMahons left and right. If my memory serves me correct this was 2009 though. In my opinion that's the year Orton most resembled SCSA. CM Punk is more of a cross between Chris Jericho and Brian Pillman.

When it comes to impact it's hard to say, but i'll give this one to CM Punk. I've seen more changes in the WWE since his WWE Championship win than Orton's. The question I wonder is how does he keep it up? How long before the crowd flips on him? I'll always be of a fan of both men, but the WWE Universe flip flops so much. Especially the IWC once they realize their beloved underdog becomes one of the top dogs. CM Punk still has a lot to prove, but in the span of just the last few months I'd say CM Punk has created the bigger impact on the WWE.
The "Blueprint";3428490 said:
Did you just call Bret Hart increasingly irrelevant in 97? Austin put Bret over? What? Really?
IMO he was increasingly irrelevant because he went from being the undisputed top face from late 93-early 96 to being a top guy in 97 but he was getting overshadowed by Sid, Undertaker (who were in the main event of WM), Shawn Michaels, etc. so I felt like Austin was used to get both men over so that Bret could be the top face again and Austin would be his foil.

The "Blueprint";3428490 said:
Orton on the other hand was RKOing and punting McMahons left and right. If my memory serves me correct this was 2009 though.
Yes, 2009 was the year that he RKO'ed/punted McMahons left and right but 2010 was his face turn so I used 2010 for this thread because I wanted to compare the face turns of Punk/Orton/SCSA
I think Punk gets the edge. Randy doesn't have the charisma of Stone Cold. When he wasn't whipping ass he could hang with the best of them on the mic. Stone Cold would rather work with Punk if he has a final match too.
CM Punk on the other hand, used reality and his wit to win over fans.

That's true. The only significant similarity I see between Stone Cold and Punk is that both are anti-heroes. Punk gets over more with his words than his deeds in the ring, something that flies in the face of Austin's "taking care of business" approach. In that regard, Orton is more like Austin than Punk is, although I wouldn't think to compare Austin and Orton if this post hadn't been created.

But "tough guy" is the mantra of both these Stone Cold and Randy; they don't fight for justice or for the fans......they fight strictly for themselves. Punk is continually claiming he's doing it for all of us and the duplicity of his statements make me wonder how so many fans can be cheering him. Still, he's come up with a refreshing, original character.

I voted for Orton as being most like Austin.....simply because the only other choice is Punk.
IMO he was increasingly irrelevant because he went from being the undisputed top face from late 93-early 96 to being a top guy in 97 but he was getting overshadowed by Sid, Undertaker (who were in the main event of WM), Shawn Michaels, etc. so I felt like Austin was used to get both men over so that Bret could be the top face again and Austin would be his foil.

Yes, 2009 was the year that he RKO'ed/punted McMahons left and right but 2010 was his face turn so I used 2010 for this thread because I wanted to compare the face turns of Punk/Orton/SCSA

I agree there were more guys up and coming which did take away from popularity, but irrelevant is too far. Bret just turned heel and that killed his popularity in America, but around the world people still loved Bret, especially in Canada. Bret Hart is the who solidified Austin as a top guy when they did the double turn at WM13. Austin had been getting pops from the fans, but none compared to the ones he got after Bret turned him face. Bret contributed a lot to Austin's career. Not to mention giving him the best matches of his career.
Definitely Randy Orton. Is thier really a thread over this CM Punk rebels against authority is his only trait that is shared with Austin. Orton did the same thing against the MacMahon and did it much better. Randy Orton has the let's take care of buisness aproach while CM Punk consistantly whines about not getting oppertunities (bullshit). If one thing I remember from Austin he didn't complain often if at all.

Everything Punk did Orton did first including the rabid T-Shirt sales so Stone Cold did it first, Orton did it second, and Punk did it third. For some reason it's seem to be a downgrading process so I overall like Orton more.
rattle snake...viper....lou thez press....stunner rko... cm punk is his own character which i love and i dont think randy is a direct remake of stone cold i think he channels a lot of him i get why people compare cm punk to stone cold with the whole anti establishment think but they are polar opposites...direct contradictions if u will..beer swilling foul mouthed s o b and the straight edge voice of the voiceless..... u kno?
who is more like stone cold?
stone cold is, thats who.


But it is an interesting question,

Orton has the thing where he'll RKO anybody,Like Austin would with the stunner.
Punk has the thumbing his nose at the establishment going on for him.
Like the way Stone Cold would fly the finger at a whim at Vince!
I'd have to go with CM Punk, because CM Punk was upper mid-card, while Orton was the #2 guy.

Austin was a mid-card guy jobbing to Goldust before Hitman put him over and made him a legit contender in the ring. Likewise, CM Punk might have been intensely popular with a small group of fans, but until he started doing his worked shoots very few really gave a crap about him.

The difference is Austin didn't get over on his own, it took The Best There Is, The Best There Was, and The Best There Ever Will Be to put him over before people really got on the Stone Cold bandwagon. I'll admit that the coincidence of Pillman's Got A Gun & his feud with The Hitman really makes it hard to say which had more significance to him building momentum, but with CM Punk it was all his own doing. He took the stick and proceeded to shoot all over Cena, Vince, & HHH and then him being censored before it really got bad helped a lot. (... is it just me or does that sound really bad?)

But in the case of Randy Orton; Orton was already top dog save for Cena in 2010.

In the end they are all 3 their own man. CM Punk is VERY different from Stone Cold Steve Austin, in a good way.
While neither is exactly the next "Stone Cold," I'd have to say Randy Orton was closer in terms of character than CM Punk. CM Punk may be considered an anti-hero, but he's not a "stomp mudhole first, ask questions later" kind of guy like Austin or even Orton. They took it directly to whoever they were mad at.
Punk doesn't do that. He berates them on the microphone until he gets a match. He doesn't really lash out the way Austin or Orton did.
Austin feuded with McMahon, Punk feuded with Triple H. Austin used to really interact with the crowd, Punk really interacts with the crowd. Austin used to have a badass sense of humor, Punk has a badass sense of humor.

Now on to Orton. Austin feuded with McMahon, Orton feuded with McMahon. Austin really interacted with the crowd, Orton doesn't. Austin had a badass sense of humor, Orton doesn't have a sense of humor.. AT ALL.

So I'm gonna go with CM Punk on this one. I just don't see the "Stone Cold" in Randy Orton that everyone sees. The only thing Orton has that's even close to Austin is the resemblance between the RKO and the Stone Cold Stunner and the fact that he feuded with the McMahon family. So I'm just gonna go with CM Punk. Hell even Austin likes Punk and says if he wants to have his last match it's gonna be against him.
There will never be another Stone Cold, but Punk is way more similar to him than Orton was. Orton might have been a badass with a snake gimmick, but Punk's current character is far more anti-authority than Orton's was this year or last year, and the way he always makes cracks about Triple H and Stephanie and everyone else is similar to how Stone Cold used to always mess with Vince. If anything, this comparison should be between Punk and 2009 Orton, since even though he was a heel, he was beating up the boss and everyone the boss surrounded himself with. So character wise, he was actually more similar to Stone Cold in 2009 than in 2010.
Randy Orton or Cm Punk or nothing a like to Steve austin and I don't care what year they got their big push that eventually dies down with every big superstar in the WWE at some point. Randy Orton to begin with has never been like stone cold, he has some of the worst promo skills in the WWE as a top guy, he should really have this, as this is one of the most important skills to have and I can see why it's Cena as the top man on raw and Orton as the top guy over on SD, Cena great promo skills, Orton is an actual athlete. Orton is so effin overrated it actually pisses me off BIG TIME! Cm Punk is just cm punk he has said that several times already he isn't looking to recreate Stone Cold he is trying to make his name the next big name in WWE and be known as himself not Steve Austin, plus the fact that they have barely any similarities, both cut different promo's and both have their own way of talking on the mic and their in-ring style's are so different that i wonder why people think Cm Punk is anything alike to Steve Austin. Steve Austin is a texan, punk is a chicago man. Seriously stop comparing 2 guys who are overrated anyways to the top guy of the attitude era who is actually known in the real world as well as wrestling, Punk and Orton are only famous because of wrestling and are not really known in the real world.
Randy Orton or Cm Punk or nothing a like to Steve austin and I don't care what year they got their big push that eventually dies down with every big superstar in the WWE at some point. Randy Orton to begin with has never been like stone cold, he has some of the worst promo skills in the WWE as a top guy, he should really have this, as this is one of the most important skills to have and I can see why it's Cena as the top man on raw and Orton as the top guy over on SD, Cena great promo skills, Orton is an actual athlete. Orton is so effin overrated it actually pisses me off BIG TIME! Cm Punk is just cm punk he has said that several times already he isn't looking to recreate Stone Cold he is trying to make his name the next big name in WWE and be known as himself not Steve Austin, plus the fact that they have barely any similarities, both cut different promo's and both have their own way of talking on the mic and their in-ring style's are so different that i wonder why people think Cm Punk is anything alike to Steve Austin. Steve Austin is a texan, punk is a chicago man. Seriously stop comparing 2 guys who are overrated anyways to the top guy of the attitude era who is actually known in the real world as well as wrestling, Punk and Orton are only famous because of wrestling and are not really known in the real world.

Everything you said is either a hoopla conjunction or a dumb contradict

Your saying its a bad thing that Orton is an actual athlete.. Ok? :confused:

Orton is overrated because he's an athlete and that pisses you off? :suspic:

Punk and Orton barely have similarities to Austin? sure i guess....:suspic:

Punk is overrated to? ummmm no :lmao:

Punk and Orton are not known in the real world because they are only famous because of wrestling? So wouldn't make them known in the real world because of that SMARKY MC SMARK SMARK? YEA IT DOES

Fun Fact: I ignored your claim of Randy Orton's promo skills being non existent. If he had the worst mic skills period which is basically what your claiming, then he wouldnt be where he is at right now would he? NO. His voice is monotone because it fits his damn character, do predators crack jokes or entertain or even be engaging? NO

Austin and Orton are both that, "take care of business, kick ass, bad ass" type characters. Austin had and has to be more engaging on the mic because his character was Redneck like, which is talk shit, crack some jokes, then crack some skulls.. Orton is a badass like Austin, but he's the silent predator which brings me to PUNK

Where Orton resembles Stone Cold more so in actions and demeanor, Punk resembles Stone Cold in verbal "screw the establishment take it down" way. And they are both anti-heroes to what is the typical standard of the WWE.

All in all, there is no such thing as "the next Stone Cold Steve Austin" or the "next anybody" Punk and Orton are themselves and own character, but there is nothing wrong with saying they have similarities to Austin or anybody else for the matter.
I think that while both Punk and Orton have incorporated Stone Cold like characteristics into their gimmicks, none of their actual gimmicks comes close to that of Stone Cold.

Punk is a more intellectual type of antihero. I have used this comparison before but I'll use it again here. Punk is a student leader type of character who organizes rallies and campaigns to talk about the injustice in the society. Austin is like the worker who beats up his foreman for being unjust to his workers. Austin was a bit more crasser and simpler and by extension more relateable and entertaining than Punk. Also Punk does pander to the crowd, or that section of the crowd that likes him, a bit. Austin never did that. Punk's words speak louder than his actions while it was the other way round for Austin though he could talk as well. Punk isn't the kind of guy that you would imagine would beat up security guards and his boss to get arrested. He is the guy who would plan an attack and wait for an opportunity to get his hands on his boss when he is alone.

Now let's get to Orton. Orton was more intense, selfish and heel-like than Austin. Austin was intense because he lived and breathed for the WWF title, Orton was intense because he was just bat shit crazy. Orton is not the kind of guy that you would care about humiliating his boss by making him pee in the ring. He is the guy who would just beat up his boss and go on with it. Austin could be intense but there was a funny side to him as well. Orton has no funny side. Austin was a bit more versatile than Orton in the way he performed and threby more entertaining. The biggest point, and the one that I have kept for the end is that Orton was not exactly anti authority, not at least in 2010. He was one earlier in 2009 but not exactly in the same mould as Austin. Austin was a reactive guy, you would shit on him and he would throw the shit back at you. That was what made him the good guy. Orton was a guy who hit authority figures when they were not exactly on his back. He also took help from others to attack defenseless people. Again, not exactly a nice thing to do.

If I really have to choose one guy among the two, I would go with Punk. Because mostly the core of their characters are the same. Both guys are anti-establishment figures but have a different way of going about things. Orton was just like a selfish bully in 2010 with a cool finisher. He had little reason to behave in the manner that he did, which both Punk and Austin do have. Craziness is not exactly a reason, or should I put it as not really an understandable reason for your actions. To an extent I believe Orton was only cheered by the audience because the crowd was hungry for an antihero figure, more than anything else.
Definitely Punk,

Orton is just too quiet and silent.. Punk is "out there" if you know what I mean.

But Orton does do RKO's out of nowhere like Austin Stunners people out of nowhere.

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