Who should get fired?


The Young God, walking abroad
Let's say you're Vince, and sitting on the sofa you decide to have a real purge of some of the useless "talent" clogging up your rosters. If you were Vince, which ten pieces of useless, talentless, charismaless goat-shagging turd lumps would you sack?

FYI, in random order, my first 10 picks would be...

1.The Great Khali
Temporarily forgetting the fact he puts tons of rupees in Vince's pocket, he can't wrestle, his matches are almost invariably crap, he can't cut a promo, and he takes up far more air time than he's worth. He's not even a credible monster anymore after months of jobbing to the top guns (5 minutes total dominance against Batista, Tista hits one spear and the match is over).
I don't even need to explain this one, do I?
Quite apart from his undisciplined mouthing off about HHH, Carlito clearly thinks he's too cool for school and never looks like he's actually bothered in his matches. Which are nearly all crap.
Yes, Santino. I don't find him funny and he can't wrestle. So why keep him around, apart from part of crappy marketing at kids? And while we're on that theme...
Exactly the same as Santino, except even more annoying. What does he do apart from kill entire belts/divisions and make his "opponents" look pathetically weak?
I'm kicking out the son, why not the fake father? This stiff old guy takes up waytoo much time whacking people with weirdly shaped sticks: his matches aren't fun anymore - if they ever were - and could be more profitably spent making way for someone younger's push.
7Shelton Benjamin
I know he has lots of fans around here, but unfortunately he has all the charisma of a castrated gnat. Sure, he runs up high things and jumps off them, but there's others with charisma and promo ability who can do that. Anyway, when was the last time you saw a Shelton Benjamin classic, or even a halfway decent match?
8Big Daddy V
Why the fat guy? Why oh why? Anybody?
9Mark Henry
Just get the ECW belt off him and sack him, please. He has negative wrestling skills. I think Colin Delaney has more. No, seriously. It's not that as though Henry has mic skills or charisma of any sort to compensate. And there's only a limited number times he can job to Taker, his proper role if he has one.
10Triple H
If he refuses to drop down a level to the midcard and start putting some people over, he's just stinking up the main event scene with repetitive feuds, crap matches, and ego-boosting nonsense. So...get rid of him.
1.The Great Khali
Temporarily forgetting the fact he puts tons of rupees in Vince's pocket, he can't wrestle, his matches are almost invariably crap, he can't cut a promo, and he takes up far more air time than he's worth. He's not even a credible monster anymore after months of jobbing to the top guns (5 minutes total dominance against Batista, Tista hits one spear and the match is over).

He's one of the best big men in the business for his size. He doesn't need any type of build to make him look dominating or powerful, and he doesn't need wrestling skill to prove the point of being a monster. Why would you release someone who could be a quick and easy filler, to help boost your next big Superstar?

I don't even need to explain this one, do I?

Yes, you do. Snitsky has wrestling talent, and while he doesn't have any type of unique look, he's still dominating in his own right. He's very capable of being able to put over other talent, and still play a dominating role. He came in as a jobber and a no-name. Look how far he's come, explain that one.

Quite apart from his undisciplined mouthing off about HHH, Carlito clearly thinks he's too cool for school and never looks like he's actually bothered in his matches. Which are nearly all crap.

He has every reason to feel like he's too good to be there. They haven't used him for anything meaningful in years. The only true push he had, was when he ended up injured and that wasn't his fault. Carlito has a ton of talent, but because he has a bad attitude, that's what's holding him down.

Yes, Santino. I don't find him funny and he can't wrestle. So why keep him around, apart from part of crappy marketing at kids? And while we're on that theme...

So you'd cut arguably one of the best mic workers in the W.W.E., all because you think he doesn't have wrestling talent? So what, he isn't in the company to be a wrestler, he's in the company to be a mouth piece and he does that very well.

Exactly the same as Santino, except even more annoying. What does he do apart from kill entire belts/divisions and make his "opponents" look pathetically weak?

Hornswoggle is more over than half of the Main Eventers in the W.W.E. right now. He gets a bigger pop than C.M. Punk, and has a longer achivement list too.

I'm kicking out the son, why not the fake father? This stiff old guy takes up waytoo much time whacking people with weirdly shaped sticks: his matches aren't fun anymore - if they ever were - and could be more profitably spent making way for someone younger's push.

Now you're just being idiotic. Finlay is a great worker, and aging or not, he can still do what he needs to. Finlay is a top player in the business. Sure he's never going to get any Main Event Championship pushes, but why would he? He's there to help build the younger guys up.. and that's what he's been doing, and well I might add. He MADE Bobby Lashley I'll have you know.

7Shelton Benjamin
I know he has lots of fans around here, but unfortunately he has all the charisma of a castrated gnat. Sure, he runs up high things and jumps off them, but there's others with charisma and promo ability who can do that. Anyway, when was the last time you saw a Shelton Benjamin classic, or even a halfway decent match?

Anytime he wrestles. Period. Shelton Benjamin single handedly made Kofi Kingston. And any one of those matches are thanks in part to Benjamin being just as crafty, talented and entertaining as Kofi.

Benjamin is a great worker. Sure the guy is shit on the mic and doesn't have a charismatic bone in his body.. but why does he have to, to make your jaw fall open each time he steps into the ring?

8Big Daddy V
Why the fat guy? Why oh why? Anybody?

The. Best. Big. Man. In. The. Business. Today. Period.

9Mark Henry
Just get the ECW belt off him and sack him, please. He has negative wrestling skills. I think Colin Delaney has more. No, seriously. It's not that as though Henry has mic skills or charisma of any sort to compensate. And there's only a limited number times he can job to Taker, his proper role if he has one.

"The World's Strongest Man." It's a self-made gimmick that'll last him a lifetime and never get old, because it's likely true. Plus, he was in the Olympics I believe.. so he's W.W.E.'s Kurt Angle, without the skill, talent, or medals.

10Triple H
If he refuses to drop down a level to the midcard and start putting some people over, he's just stinking up the main event scene with repetitive feuds, crap matches, and ego-boosting nonsense. So...get rid of him.

Why would you want one of your top Superstars to drop to midcard level? Why not just fire John Cena for thinking he's black. Or shit all over the Undertaker because he isn't really immortal or dead.
Let's say you're Vince, and sitting on the sofa you decide to have a real purge of some of the useless "talent" clogging up your rosters. If you were Vince, which ten pieces of useless, talentless, charismaless goat-shagging turd lumps would you sack?

FYI, in random order, my first 10 picks would be...

1.The Great Khali
Temporarily forgetting the fact he puts tons of rupees in Vince's pocket, he can't wrestle, his matches are almost invariably crap, he can't cut a promo, and he takes up far more air time than he's worth. He's not even a credible monster anymore after months of jobbing to the top guns (5 minutes total dominance against Batista, Tista hits one spear and the match is over).

I would agree. I hate Khali with a passion, and at first I just could not understand why he was there. He can do nothing in the ring. However I have to disagree at firing him, as apparently he brings in a whole new audience which brings Vince money.

I don't even need to explain this one, do I?

I agree.

Quite apart from his undisciplined mouthing off about HHH, Carlito clearly thinks he's too cool for school and never looks like he's actually bothered in his matches. Which are nearly all crap.

Carlito is good. He's entertaining, he's not the same as everyone else, and he has some good matches.

Yes, Santino. I don't find him funny and he can't wrestle. So why keep him around, apart from part of crappy marketing at kids? And while we're on that theme...

Santino is funny. He's great on the mic. His matches aren't the best in the world, but he's good. A breath of fresh air on the WWE when they needed it most.

Exactly the same as Santino, except even more annoying. What does he do apart from kill entire belts/divisions and make his "opponents" look pathetically weak?

He made Finlay entertaining.

I'm kicking out the son, why not the fake father? This stiff old guy takes up waytoo much time whacking people with weirdly shaped sticks: his matches aren't fun anymore - if they ever were - and could be more profitably spent making way for someone younger's push.

I've recently come to the conclusion I hate him. There is nothing good about him.

7Shelton Benjamin
I know he has lots of fans around here, but unfortunately he has all the charisma of a castrated gnat. Sure, he runs up high things and jumps off them, but there's others with charisma and promo ability who can do that. Anyway, when was the last time you saw a Shelton Benjamin classic, or even a halfway decent match?

Benjamin isn't as bad as you like to say. He has good matches all the time. He's not great but he's a good worker, and is needed. He's like a jobber.

8Big Daddy V
Why the fat guy? Why oh why? Anybody?
9Mark Henry
Just get the ECW belt off him and sack him, please. He has negative wrestling skills. I think Colin Delaney has more. No, seriously. It's not that as though Henry has mic skills or charisma of any sort to compensate. And there's only a limited number times he can job to Taker, his proper role if he has one.

I agree. I don't like either of them. Especially Big Daddy V. If they want to get a good SH division getting rid of these is the way to start.

10Triple H
If he refuses to drop down a level to the midcard and start putting some people over, he's just stinking up the main event scene with repetitive feuds, crap matches, and ego-boosting nonsense. So...get rid of him.

No way oon this Earth would McMahon ever get rid of HHH. He's practically a legend. Okay so he needs a gimmick change right about now, because he's beginning to bore me, but all in all he's a good wrestler.
He's one of the best big men in the business for his size. He doesn't need any type of build to make him look dominating or powerful, and he doesn't need wrestling skill to prove the point of being a monster. Why would you release someone who could be a quick and easy filler, to help boost your next big Superstar?

You're joking me, right? Khali is one of the worst workers I have ever seen. The only reason he's still at the WWE is for the fan base he brings in. Shawn Michaels and John Cena are supposed to be 2 of the best in the business, and even the matches they got out of him were nothing better than average. And his match with Cena was the best I have ever seen him wrestle.

No charisma, no mic skills, no story telling in the ring, no technical ability.
I would agree. I hate Khali with a passion, and at first I just could not understand why he was there. He can do nothing in the ring. However I have to disagree at firing him, as apparently he brings in a whole new audience which brings Vince money.

You just explained why he'll likely never be released anytime soon. India is a HUGE demographic to pull in. And The Great Khali is as close to "a" God, as they'll ever get to them.

Why do you all hate Khali so much though? The guy isn't suppose to be the Shelton Benjamin or Shawn Michaels of Professional Wrestling. He isn't suppose to "wow" you with his chain wrestling skills, or spot work. He's big. He's dominating. He's monsterous. That's what he's suppose to do for you.. and whether you admit it or not, he does.

The Great Khali helped the Undertaker to be important again. He did the same with the Big Show and even Batista and Kane. Khali has helped remake more people than plastic surgery!

I've recently come to the conclusion I hate him. There is nothing good about him.

One person's opinion, and you didn't explain why. Finlay is tough, he's rough. He's a perfect fit for E.C.W. as long as he drops the midget. Finlay when he redebuted in like 05-06 (whenever it was) was amazing. He was stiff and smash mouth. He needs to return to that.

I agree. I don't like either of them. Especially Big Daddy V. If they want to get a good SH division getting rid of these is the way to start.

Big Daddy V is amazing. How could you think any other way?! How many 400+ pound guys do you see doing spin-wheel kicks?? How many other Super Heavyweights do you see, that are as impressive in the ring as he is? He has in-ring talent, AND a dominating look.

Sure, seeing a face full of man-tits isn't my type of thing, but it's one over-lookable aspect when comparing all the great things about him.
Let's say you're Vince, and sitting on the sofa you decide to have a real purge of some of the useless "talent" clogging up your rosters. If you were Vince, which ten pieces of useless, talentless, charismaless goat-shagging turd lumps would you sack?

FYI, in random order, my first 10 picks would be...

1.The Great Khali
Temporarily forgetting the fact he puts tons of rupees in Vince's pocket, he can't wrestle, his matches are almost invariably crap, he can't cut a promo, and he takes up far more air time than he's worth. He's not even a credible monster anymore after months of jobbing to the top guns (5 minutes total dominance against Batista, Tista hits one spear and the match is over).
The great Khali has a purpose though not good at wrestling it is making the EEW big in india, and like i already said The great Khali can walk straight into number one contender status so i would leave him hired.
I don't even need to explain this one, do I?
I agree with this one Snitzky is just another minster jobber with the only difference is he is not belivable and he cant wrestle for nuts i would rather watch somebody wrestle a wet paper bag then Snitzky
Quite apart from his undisciplined mouthing off about HHH, Carlito clearly thinks he's too cool for school and never looks like he's actually bothered in his matches. Which are nearly all crap.
I think Carlito should be realised but not becouse of what he did to trips, good on him for showing some guts. the reason he should be "fired" is becouse they have nothing for him.
Yes, Santino. I don't find him funny and he can't wrestle. So why keep him around, apart from part of crappy marketing at kids? And while we're on that theme...
Your friekin kidding me??? Santino should Not be fired what so ever. He would have to be one of the top 3 promo cutters on Raw and he can wrestle its just his gimmick.

7Shelton Benjamin
I know he has lots of fans around here, but unfortunately he has all the charisma of a castrated gnat. Sure, he runs up high things and jumps off them, but there's others with charisma and promo ability who can do that. Anyway, when was the last time you saw a Shelton Benjamin classic, or even a halfway decent match?
shelton is over rated but instead of firing the poor guy i would team him up with a veteran that could teach him the things he lacks. and that it a personality.
8Big Daddy V
Why the fat guy? Why oh why? Anybody?
There is nothing wrong with the way Big Daddy V wrestles the only thing wrong with him is the lack of clothing. For a big guy he can really move and is interesting to watch if booked right.
9Mark Henry
Just get the ECW belt off him and sack him, please. He has negative wrestling skills. I think Colin Delaney has more. No, seriously. It's not that as though Henry has mic skills or charisma of any sort to compensate. And there's only a limited number times he can job to Taker, his proper role if he has one.
Why fire a guy thats already on his way out. He is on ECW anyway so it dont really matter if he is still employed if he is going to reitre soon dont fire him now when you havent in the last 12 years.
10Triple H
If he refuses to drop down a level to the midcard and start putting some people over, he's just stinking up the main event scene with repetitive feuds, crap matches, and ego-boosting nonsense. So...get rid of him.
:lmao: i had to check this three times over. You would fire Triple H? your joking. Triple H would never get fired and he shouldnt Triple H DOes put people over. and with a win over Trips your gaurenteed to be slingshotted into ME status. Triple H hate him or love him has done alot for the WWE and for that should not be fired
You just explained why he'll likely never be released anytime soon. India is a HUGE demographic to pull in. And The Great Khali is as close to "a" God, as they'll ever get to them.

Yeah, I know he does which is why I said I disagreed with him being fired.

Why do you all hate Khali so much though? The guy isn't suppose to be the Shelton Benjamin or Shawn Michaels of Professional Wrestling. He isn't suppose to "wow" you with his chain wrestling skills, or spot work. He's big. He's dominating. He's monsterous. That's what he's suppose to do for you.. and whether you admit it or not, he does.

He is awful. I can't remember anyone with this little talent to be as big as he is for a long while. If he wasn't from India, he'd be gone. If he was a normal American wrestler he would have no fan base, he wouldn't have been hired, and no one would know who he was. He only has the fan base in India due to actually coming from there.

The Great Khali helped the Undertaker to be important again. He did the same with the Big Show and even Batista and Kane. Khali has helped remake more people than plastic surgery!

That's an outrageous claim to make.The Great Khali has done nothing for Undertaker in his career, at all.

One person's opinion, and you didn't explain why. Finlay is tough, he's rough. He's a perfect fit for E.C.W. as long as he drops the midget. Finlay when he redebuted in like 05-06 (whenever it was) was amazing. He was stiff and smash mouth. He needs to return to that.

I agree. When he debuted he was interesting, there was something intriguing about him, something which would have a definite place for him.
Hornswoggles point was to make Finlay interesting when he lost all that. Yet all it did was oush Hornswoggle up and Finlay down.
You're joking me, right? Khali is one of the worst workers I have ever seen.

Then you aren't looking hard enough, because no way, shape or form is he the worst.

The only reason he's still at the WWE is for the fan base he brings in.

Maybe so, but that could also be true for why Shawn Michaels is still around too. Tit-for-tat. Khali can tell a story just as much as Shawn Michaels, just not the same story.

H.B.K. is a light-hearted novel, in which it's about good over evil and has many great chapters. Khali is more like a newspaper article about a crime. It's short, violent and ends badly. But both are equally entertaining in their own ways.

Shawn Michaels and John Cena are supposed to be 2 of the best in the business, and even the matches they got out of him were nothing better than average.

Are you kidding me? Shawn Michaels was destroyed by Khali, which was the point of the match. John Cena overcame the odds and "slayed the beast". Which once again was the point of the match.

If you're watching Great Khali matches for his in-ring skill then it's no wonder you hate the guy. He has a very limited moveset, but that's not because he isn't capable of learning more. It's because he doesn't fucking need one. A chop to the head and he wins the match, why? Because he's that damn powerful.

If you were in a fight, would you wanna go 10-20 minutes trying to wear down your opponent, or just take them out instantly? Khali is great for what he's used for. You just have to stop being naive and notice what he's there to do, instead of assuming he's there to put on a wrestling-clinic of moves for your viewing pleasure.

And his match with Cena was the best I have ever seen him wrestle.

So first you say say his matches with H.B.K. and Cena were nothing better than average.. then you say his match with Cena was the best you've seen him wrestle? Isn't that contridicting?

Khali isn't a wrestler. He's a brawler. He'll beat the shit out of you, and make it entertaining. I loved the squash match he had against the Undertaker at Judgment Day a couple years ago. He sold that match very well, and he was incredibly dominating.

When was the last time Cena or Shawn Michaels convinced you that the match was one sided?

No charisma, no mic skills, no story telling in the ring, no technical ability.

Doesn't need in-ring technical ability. Doesn't need mic skills. He has a ton of charisma, you just have to look properly. And you're flat-out blind if you can't see the story he tells in his matches and storylines. He's a dominating monster. How hard is that to see?
He is awful. I can't remember anyone with this little talent to be as big as he is for a long while. If he wasn't from India, he'd be gone. If he was a normal American wrestler he would have no fan base, he wouldn't have been hired, and no one would know who he was. He only has the fan base in India due to actually coming from there.

I disagree entirely. The Great Khali would be hired regardless if he was from India or otherwise. The guy stands 7'4, and is around the 400-500 pound mark. That's fucking impressive and regardless of a ton of talent or not.

You only believe he wouldn't be there, because they already have the Big Show. But the fact is, that's untrue. The Big Show is just as talentless as Khali, the only difference is the Great Khali still has some intimidating and dominating presence. So of course he'd have a job, regardless of where he's from. To think otherwise is just you believing in your own self-lothing of the guy.

Again, I'm sorry he isn't nipping up, posing in playgirl and randomly getting injured (fake or otherwise) every time you turn around. But just because that's what entertains you, doesn't mean that does it all for me. Khali is shit, plain and simple.. but he's impressive shit, and has a place in the business.

Shawn Michaels on the other hand, could easily be replaced by the likes of a Chris Jericho. Would I want that to happen? Hell no.. but they're very similar in what they do. Khali has no equal, because he's so outrageous. Good or bad, you know it's true.

That's an outrageous claim to make.The Great Khali has done nothing for Undertaker in his career, at all.

How is it outrageous? Name one thing the Undertaker did in 2006 that stands out, other than getting squashed by the Great Khali, only to come back later and defeat the monster?
Then you aren't looking hard enough, because no way, shape or form is he the worst.

Maybe so, but that could also be true for why Shawn Michaels is still around too. Tit-for-tat. Khali can tell a story just as much as Shawn Michaels, just not the same story.

H.B.K. is a light-hearted novel, in which it's about good over evil and has many great chapters. Khali is more like a newspaper article about a crime. It's short, violent and ends badly. But both are equally entertaining in their own ways.

Shawn Michaels is head and shoulders above the Great Khali in every single way. Khali cannot tella story better than HBK. Khali can donothing better. He's not even interesting. He's just tall.

Are you kidding me? Shawn Michaels was destroyed by Khali, which was the point of the match. John Cena overcame the odds and "slayed the beast". Which once again was the point of the match.

If you're watching Great Khali matches for his in-ring skill then it's no wonder you hate the guy. He has a very limited moveset, but that's not because he isn't capable of learning more. It's because he doesn't fucking need one. A chop to the head and he wins the match, why? Because he's that damn powerful.

I'm watching his matches and reporting what I see. Which is nothing good at all.

If you were in a fight, would you wanna go 10-20 minutes trying to wear down your opponent, or just take them out instantly? Khali is great for what he's used for. You just have to stop being naive and notice what he's there to do, instead of assuming he's there to put on a wrestling-clinic of moves for your viewing pleasure.

The guy is completely stiff in the ring. He cannot move with his opponents, he's just there.

So first you say say his matches with H.B.K. and Cena were nothing better than average.. then you say his match with Cena was the best you've seen him wrestle? Isn't that contridicting?

No. His match with Cena was the best I've seen. And that was nothing but average.

Khali isn't a wrestler. He's a brawler. He'll beat the shit out of you, and make it entertaining. I loved the squash match he had against the Undertaker at Judgment Day a couple years ago. He sold that match very well, and he was incredibly dominating.

That's the thing. Khali doesn't make it entertaining.

When was the last time Cena or Shawn Michaels convinced you that the match was one sided?

The point of HBK is not to make a match one sided. He helps elevate younger talent to the main event scene. How would making the match one sided do that?
He's one of the best big men in the business for his size. He doesn't need any type of build to make him look dominating or powerful, and he doesn't need wrestling skill to prove the point of being a monster. Why would you release someone who could be a quick and easy filler, to help boost your next big Superstar?

One of the best big men in the business today?!, really?, IDK, I figured always figured that honor would go to guys like Big Show and Kane, Khali is terriable and not entertaining in the least, that being said I will agree with you on the fact that he is a good way to build up superstars, anytime someone takes out the giant heel, no matter how terriable the giant is, it'll make the other guy look more legit, not to mention Khali is huge in India (no pun intended), and brings in loads of money from them, so yeah fireing Khali, at least at this point is not a good idea

Yes, you do. Snitsky has wrestling talent, and while he doesn't have any type of unique look, he's still dominating in his own right. He's very capable of being able to put over other talent, and still play a dominating role. He came in as a jobber and a no-name. Look how far he's come, explain that one.

Ok this one I'ng to flat out have to disagree with you on, Snitsky came in a jobber and hasn't gone anywhere, he's still just a jobber, in fact he's taken a step backwards, at least when he debuted he was involved in a storyline with Kane & Lita, ad was having matches on PPV, no he's lucking if he even gets a match on Raw (though he has in the past two weeks), this is a guy Vince supposedly likes, and wants to push, and he's still gone nowhere, personally I say it's time to release him

He has every reason to feel like he's too good to be there. They haven't used him for anything meaningful in years. The only true push he had, was when he ended up injured and that wasn't his fault. Carlito has a ton of talent, but because he has a bad attitude, that's what's holding him down.

They havn't used him for anything meaningful cause he doesn't deserve it, the guy thinks he's a fucking ME level guy when he's nothing more than a mid carder who just runs his mouth anything something doesn't go his way, Carlito should look at the past and realize that the only way to ever get out of the doghouse is to take your punishment and keep your fucking mouth shut, I mean Christ Punk was constantly in the dog house for stupid shit and now he's WHC, Triple H was in the dog house for years and then they eventually gave him a run as WHC, Carlito is just hurting himself here by being a little bitch, I could honestly give a shit less what they do him

So you'd cut arguably one of the best mic workers in the W.W.E., all because you think he doesn't have wrestling talent? So what, he isn't in the company to be a wrestler, he's in the company to be a mouth piece and he does that very well.


Santino sucks the guy is a glorified jobber, and his mic work is incredibly overrated, the only good segment's he's ever had where when others came out to carry his ass through them, Ex: Stone Cold, & Jericho, they should ship his ass to ECW and pair him up with Nunzio, seeing as how both careers will end with the same amount of WWE success:lmao:

Hornswoggle is more over than half of the Main Eventers in the W.W.E. right now. He gets a bigger pop than C.M. Punk, and has a longer achivement list too.

Horny doesn't get a bigger pop than Punk, it's equal and that's only cause women and children have higher pitch voices or some shit (<---I fully expect that to be ripped apart in your response Will;)), Yeah Hornswoggle will eventually get released, but only cause they'll run out of shit for him to do

Now you're just being idiotic. Finlay is a great worker, and aging or not, he can still do what he needs to. Finlay is a top player in the business. Sure he's never going to get any Main Event Championship pushes, but why would he? He's there to help build the younger guys up.. and that's what he's been doing, and well I might add. He MADE Bobby Lashley I'll have you know.

You'll get no argument from me on this one, in fact I'd like to see more Finley, as in give the fucking the ECW title

Anytime he wrestles. Period. Shelton Benjamin single handedly made Kofi Kingston. And any one of those matches are thanks in part to Benjamin being just as crafty, talented and entertaining as Kofi.

Benjamin is a great worker. Sure the guy is shit on the mic and doesn't have a charismatic bone in his body.. but why does he have to, to make your jaw fall open each time he steps into the ring?

Shelton's matches are pretty hit or miss, more often hit than miss, but still as Shango said in another thread, when this guy has an off night he can make Sabu look like Dean fucking Malenko, LOL, however Shelto is now on SD!, where they can edit all his botches out, so that leaves me asking one question, Why the fuck would you want to release they guy who's gooing to give you great matches week in and week out?!?, give the man the US title

The. Best. Big. Man. In. The. Business. Today. Period.

Umm...no, that honor would have to go to either Big Show or Kane, and I'd say probably more Show right now

"The World's Strongest Man." It's a self-made gimmick that'll last him a lifetime and never get old, because it's likely true. Plus, he was in the Olympics I believe.. so he's W.W.E.'s Kurt Angle, without the skill, talent, or medals.

I say if he flops on his current ECW title run, then let his contract run out and don't re-sign him, he's nothing special, but he's not terriable enough to where he should be released either

Why would you want one of your top Superstars to drop to midcard level? Why not just fire John Cena for thinking he's black. Or shit all over the Undertaker because he isn't really immortal or dead.

I pretty much had the same thoughts:lmao:
Shawn Michaels is head and shoulders above the Great Khali in every single way. Khali cannot tella story better than HBK. Khali can donothing better. He's not even interesting. He's just tall.

Quit being naive. This is about as biased as me toward Punk's victory over Edge. At least then I had points to what I was saying, you're just running off the head because you're an H.B.K. fan.

Khali can tell a story, you just have to look at the description of that story. Shawn Michaels can entertain and amaze in the ring, but you're just being naive and ignorant if you think Khali can't tell the same story inside a wrestling ring.

Sure, like I've already said.. he can't do the flips, or chain wrestling, but why the fuck should he have to? He could club someone in the head and you'll be shocked and amazed he didn't kill the guy. H.B.K. can't do that.

I'm watching his matches and reporting what I see. Which is nothing good at all.

Then you have shit for reporting skills. Sad but true. You're only wanting to see nothing, because that's what you feel is there. You aren't trying to find anything though, which is what you should be doing.

The guy is completely stiff in the ring. He cannot move with his opponents, he's just there.

Why does he have to have speed? He's 7 fucking 4, over 400 lbs. Do you expect him to go for the cruiserweight title? Why isn't it a great thing that he's stiff? That just adds impact to his brawling ability.

Watching Khali hit you, is more believable then seeing Shawn Michaels do chain wrestling on you. Again.. I watch H.B.K. to be thrilled and awe'd. I watch Khali to see a downright fight. H.B.K. can't give me the fighting ability Khali can, and vise versa for Khali to giving me the shock and awe that H.B.K. can give.

No. His match with Cena was the best I've seen. And that was nothing but average.

He helped Cena become even more widely known as a great Main Eventer, who could overcome the odds. In the same exact way Andre the Giant helped Hulk Hogan become a legend for bodyslamming him.

That's the thing. Khali doesn't make it entertaining.

How so? Because he doesn't do all the things Shawn does? That's entertaining to you, not everyone. Sure a ton of people dislike Khali, but that's because he's A.) a heel and B.) instantly hated because people just don't want to give him the chance.

He doesn't have impressive ring gear, it's just a black pair of pants. He doesn't have any mic skills, it's just yelling into a mic. He doesn't need to entertain you on the mic. He makes you dislike him, because at any time if he so decided, he could take your beloved Heartbreak Kid out like that.

Refer back to the H.B.K./Khali match.. Shawn did all he could, but couldn't defeat Khali. In the end, didn't H.B.K. end up through the announcer's table?

The point of HBK is not to make a match one sided. He helps elevate younger talent to the main event scene. How would making the match one sided do that?

Khali squashed the Undertaker. How did he make the Undertaker because of that? Taker came back and fought the monster, defeating him in a Last Man Standing match. Khali helped reinvent the Undertaker from being seen as weakening.. he squashed him, which helped instantly make Khali.. then in turn, helped the Undertaker reform into a more dominating individual, when he came back and defeated Khali.

Khali's job isn't to work back and forth in a match to build everyone. His job is to sell being dominating and intimidating. And he does a damn great job of it.
I generally agree with your list except:

Santino - This guy is the best mic worker in WWE, after Chris Jericho. His matches right now may be dull because he's playing a comedic heel. Despite what you think, he CAN wrestle. He has a MMA background since he was an MMA fighter in Japan before coming to the WWE.

Finlay & Hornswoggle - Finlay may be old but he's still one of the best workers in WWE today. Hornswoggle makes their matches much more entertaining.

Shelton Benjamin - Firing him would be the biggest waste of talent ever. All he needs is the right push and he's going to be huge some day.

Triple H - I agree that he needs to step down, but firing him? No. Heel Triple H is the best way to put over future main eventers. Batista wouldn't be what he is today if Triple H hadn't put him over 4 times in a row. Neither would Jeff Hardy. Chris Benoit wouldn't have been a credible champion if Triple H didn't tap out. The way Triple H is built up as the King of Kings makes him the perfect star to create newer talent. His WM record contains more losses than wins. That shows that he is willing to put people over at the grandest stage of them all. (Don't get me wrong though, I think he really needs to step down and stop hogging the spotlight at this point in his career)
Quit being naive. This is about as biased as me toward Punk's victory over Edge. At least then I had points to what I was saying, you're just running off the head because you're an H.B.K. fan.

Khali can tell a story, you just have to look at the description of that story. Shawn Michaels can entertain and amaze in the ring, but you're just being naive and ignorant if you think Khali can't tell the same story inside a wrestling ring.

Sure, like I've already said.. he can't do the flips, or chain wrestling, but why the fuck should he have to? He could club someone in the head and you'll be shocked and amazed he didn't kill the guy. H.B.K. can't do that.

You brought HBK into it, not me. And if you really think it's about HBK, change everything involving HBK to John Cena. You know I dislike him, yet still it stands.

The Great Khali just isn't that good. There's the simple reason many of this board hate him. Because as much as you like to think his storytelling is second to none, I can assure you that isn't the case.

Then you have shit for reporting skills. Sad but true. You're only wanting to see nothing, because that's what you feel is there. You aren't trying to find anything though, which is what you should be doing.

Stop trying to act as if people just want to dislike wrestlers. I watch wrestling for the fun of it. I don't care about who makes the most money, or anything regarding the business side. It's about the Entertainment, of which Khali provides none.

Why does he have to have speed? He's 7 fucking 4, over 400 lbs. Do you expect him to go for the cruiserweight title? Why isn't it a great thing that he's stiff? That just adds impact to his brawling ability.

Watching Khali hit you, is more believable then seeing Shawn Michaels do chain wrestling on you. Again.. I watch H.B.K. to be thrilled and awe'd. I watch Khali to see a downright fight. H.B.K. can't give me the fighting ability Khali can, and vise versa for Khali to giving me the shock and awe that H.B.K. can give.

If you watch wrestling to see a big fight between 2 people, then WWE isn't for you. I can go out on a Friday night outside all the localclubs and see something more entertaining than the fights Khali provides.

He helped Cena become even more widely known as a great Main Eventer, who could overcome the odds. In the same exact way Andre the Giant helped Hulk Hogan become a legend for bodyslamming him.

Cena didn't need Khali to be known as a main eventer. Cena 'beat the odds' practically every time he wrestled. If Khali wasn't involved in that Cena would still be exactly the same as he is.

How so? Because he doesn't do all the things Shawn does? That's entertaining to you, not everyone. Sure a ton of people dislike Khali, but that's because he's A.) a heel and B.) instantly hated because people just don't want to give him the chance.

I don't care about the whole face/heel concept when I decide which wrestlers I like. Edge for example, is a heel so when it comes to storylines I hate him as we should. But as a wrestler I think he's great. You can't use Khali being a heel as the reason people hate him.

He doesn't have impressive ring gear, it's just a black pair of pants. He doesn't have any mic skills, it's just yelling into a mic. He doesn't need to entertain you on the mic. He makes you dislike him, because at any time if he so decided, he could take your beloved Heartbreak Kid out like that.

Refer back to the H.B.K./Khali match.. Shawn did all he could, but couldn't defeat Khali. In the end, didn't H.B.K. end up through the announcer's table?

Are you now suggesting I dislike Khali because he beat Shawn Michaels? That's true for many many wrestlers. My favourite match is one Shawn is beaten in. You're really grasping onto straws here.

Khali squashed the Undertaker. How did he make the Undertaker because of that? Taker came back and fought the monster, defeating him in a Last Man Standing match. Khali helped reinvent the Undertaker from being seen as weakening.. he squashed him, which helped instantly make Khali.. then in turn, helped the Undertaker reform into a more dominating individual, when he came back and defeated Khali.

Khali's job isn't to work back and forth in a match to build everyone. His job is to sell being dominating and intimidating. And he does a damn great job of it.

Khalis 'job' is to entertain the fans. From the amount of people that hate him I can assure you he's failed in that respect.
One of the best big men in the business today?!, really?, IDK, I figured always figured that honor would go to guys like Big Show and Kane, Khali is terriable and not entertaining in the least, that being said I will agree with you on the fact that he is a good way to build up superstars, anytime someone takes out the giant heel, no matter how terriable the giant is, it'll make the other guy look more legit, not to mention Khali is huge in India (no pun intended), and brings in loads of money from them, so yeah fireing Khali, at least at this point is not a good idea

I would greatly agree that The Great Khali is ONLY in the W.W.E. because of his connections with India. But that isn't to say he doesn't have what it takes to still be an impressive figure, regardless of where he's from.

As I've been arguing with Becca about. He isn't going to wow you. The guy isn't going to go out and put on a 20 minute mat classic that'll leave you wanting more, or thinking it's the match of the night. But if you want my honest opinion.. he has everything it takes to be in the Main Event from now for the rest of his career.

His size alone instantly makes him a threat to a World Champion, and anyone who thinks his Prison match with Batista wasn't hands down one of the best matches he's ever had, is kidding themselves. That WAS a classic!

Ok this one I'ng to flat out have to disagree with you on, Snitsky came in a jobber and hasn't gone anywhere, he's still just a jobber, in fact he's taken a step backwards, at least when he debuted he was involved in a storyline with Kane & Lita, ad was having matches on PPV, no he's lucking if he even gets a match on Raw (though he has in the past two weeks), this is a guy Vince supposedly likes, and wants to push, and he's still gone nowhere, personally I say it's time to release him

I wouldn't push Snitsky anywhere other than out the damn door. I wouldn't be upset it he got released either. My only thing with whoever started this thread was them not giving any reason. Snitsky can be a great jobber, in the same repect (slightly) that Khali would be.

Snitsky losing to someone like Jamie Noble, or your midcard guys, like Kofi Kingston.. he'll help boost them because of it. Sure, he's a jobber for life, but his size is good enough to help boost the smaller guys over him. And come on, Punk's first match on Raw after the week he won was against him.. so clearly he's suppose to have some type of selling ability.

They havn't used him for anything meaningful cause he doesn't deserve it, the guy thinks he's a fucking ME level guy when he's nothing more than a mid carder who just runs his mouth anything something doesn't go his way, Carlito should look at the past and realize that the only way to ever get out of the doghouse is to take your punishment and keep your fucking mouth shut, I mean Christ Punk was constantly in the dog house for stupid shit and now he's WHC, Triple H was in the dog house for years and then they eventually gave him a run as WHC, Carlito is just hurting himself here by being a little bitch, I could honestly give a shit less what they do him

Carlito (to me) would've never been Main Event, even if he didn't constantly run his mouth. His gimmick just isn't built for it. But I think he'd be a really great Rowdy Piper type character.. again, if he didn't run his mouth all the time.

Carlito has above average in-ring talent which is why I'd keep him. He's put on several great matches against Benjamin, Morrison, and others. Whether that was them carrying Carlito, or a mixed effort, he's still had some great matches. But none the level of Main Eventing.


Santino sucks the guy is a glorified jobber, and his mic work is incredibly overrated, the only good segment's he's ever had where when others came out to carry his ass through them, Ex: Stone Cold, & Jericho, they should ship his ass to ECW and pair him up with Nunzio, seeing as how both careers will end with the same amount of WWE success:lmao:

:lmao: I wouldn't be upset if Santino got cut. But I do enjoy his mic work. He was getting stale for a while, and he still kinda is. But as you said, I think he just needs someone to work with.

He isn't going to be anything great if he doesn't have anything to focus on.

Horny doesn't get a bigger pop than Punk, it's equal and that's only cause women and children have higher pitch voices or some shit (<---I fully expect that to be ripped apart in your response Will), Yeah Hornswoggle will eventually get released, but only cause they'll run out of shit for him to do

LOL I'd rip it apart if I understood it better. Honry is over with the fans because they love seeing midgets with squirt guns apparently.

If Punk came out with a squirt gun, he'd pop louder than Steve Austin in 2000. :lmao:

You'll get no argument from me on this one, in fact I'd like to see more Finley, as in give the fucking the ECW title

I wish they would've just went with that, but for as long as Finlay is (with) Honry, he'll see no Main Event action. LOL How ironic.

Shelton's matches are pretty hit or miss, more often hit than miss, but still as Shango said in another thread, when this guy has an off night he can make Sabu look like Dean fucking Malenko, LOL, however Shelto is now on SD!, where they can edit all his botches out, so that leaves me asking one question, Why the fuck would you want to release they guy who's gooing to give you great matches week in and week out?!?, give the man the US title

Agreed. The guy was put on a show in which you can block out all his botches. I fully expect Benjamin v. Jeff Hardy classics by the end of the year.

Umm...no, that honor would have to go to either Big Show or Kane, and I'd say probably more Show right now

Neither one of Kane or Show are really fat though. Big Show is impressive because of his overall size. (more height though) And Kane isn't really anything other than just moderately big.

Big Daddy V is a huge fat ass though. And anyone that big, who has the ability to move like he does in that ring, should be given a chance.

I say if he flops on his current ECW title run, then let his contract run out and don't re-sign him, he's nothing special, but he's not terriable enough to where he should be released either

Didn't he sign a 7-10 year contract though? lol He's gonna be on the bench for quite some time it looks like, because I can't see his E.C.W. Championship reign being anything good.

He doesn't have any opponents outside of Finlay who can help him. Big Daddy V returning as a face, maybe. Outside of that, I have no clue.
The Great Khali just isn't that good. There's the simple reason many of this board hate him. Because as much as you like to think his storytelling is second to none, I can assure you that isn't the case.

Prove it then. Why isn't he good at telling the story he does? Because I've already proved why he is. Your only basis in which you feel he isn't good at telling a good story, is because he doesn't chain wrestling, have mic skills, or work at the same pace as his opponents.

That doesn't make him awful or bad at telling a story, that makes him unique, impressive and different from all the rest.

Stop trying to act as if people just want to dislike wrestlers. I watch wrestling for the fun of it. I don't care about who makes the most money, or anything regarding the business side. It's about the Entertainment, of which Khali provides none.

Punjabi Prison: Batista v. Great Khali, how on earth was that match not amazing? Khali delivered in a way noone else could've.

Again, you don't wish to see any type of entertainment value out of Khali not because he actually sucks, but instead because he just isn't what you like to watch.

If you watch wrestling to see a big fight between 2 people, then WWE isn't for you. I can go out on a Friday night outside all the localclubs and see something more entertaining than the fights Khali provides.

Now you're just acting idiotic. Again, TELL ME HOW Khali isn't great to you. What doesn't he do, that you feel he should, in order to make him great to you??

Cena didn't need Khali to be known as a main eventer. Cena 'beat the odds' practically every time he wrestled. If Khali wasn't involved in that Cena would still be exactly the same as he is.

Agreed. Cena was already a Main Eventer well on his way to being "everything great" long before Khali was ever thrown in his way. However, Khali did his fucking job.. in being the dominating monster, that Cena had to overcome. Which is what you claim he can't do.. Khali did his job.

I don't care about the whole face/heel concept when I decide which wrestlers I like. Edge for example, is a heel so when it comes to storylines I hate him as we should. But as a wrestler I think he's great. You can't use Khali being a heel as the reason people hate him.

You can't place Khali in the position of being disliked because he can't fucking chain wrestle either. He isn't made, or built, to do that shit. He's who he is and does what he does, because that's what fits him.

He isn't going to come out and work a 20 minute match, leaving you breathless. He's going to come out, get hit a few times, club you in the fucking head, win and leave. It might not be entertaining, but it's impressive and dominating, which is what he is!

Are you now suggesting I dislike Khali because he beat Shawn Michaels? That's true for many many wrestlers. My favourite match is one Shawn is beaten in. You're really grasping onto straws here.

No, Sly, I'm not grasping straws. But you seem to wanna put words in my mouth all because you can't answer the simple question of..

What makes Khali so awful? You've yet to answer that, other than to say because he can't chain wrestling, he isn't entertaining to you.

Khalis 'job' is to entertain the fans. From the amount of people that hate him I can assure you he's failed in that respect.

Khali's "job" is to be a dominating monster. People hate him because of the same jackass reasons you've given. He isn't like everyone else. He's different, so therefore boring and unentertaining.

If Khali added a powerbomb to his moves, or possibly a top rope move of some kind, people would change their opinions really fucking fast. Khali looks boring, and wrestling boring. That doesn't make him shit though. That makes him who he is. He isn't suppose to fucking entertain you with mat wrestling, or chain wrestling. Quick trying to categorize him as such.
Prove it then. Why isn't he good at telling the story he does? Because I've already proved why he is. Your only basis in which you feel he isn't good at telling a good story, is because he doesn't chain wrestling, have mic skills, or work at the same pace as his opponents.

That doesn't make him awful or bad at telling a story, that makes him unique, impressive and different from all the rest.

Unique and impressive? You call him that simply because he's bigger than every single one of this oponents. There's nothing unique about Khali's skill apart from how bad it is.

Punjabi Prison: Batista v. Great Khali, how on earth was that match not amazing? Khali delivered in a way noone else could've.

Again, you don't wish to see any type of entertainment value out of Khali not because he actually sucks, but instead because he just isn't what you like to watch.

I have no problem with SHW's, Umaga is a favourite of mine right now. Andre the Giant is one of the best. But Khali is completely bland. There's nothing interesting about him, in any way.

Now you're just acting idiotic. Again, TELL ME HOW Khali isn't great to you. What doesn't he do, that you feel he should, in order to make him great to you??

He doesn't entertain. And you can't say that's only my opinion, as you've admitted yourself many people hate him.

You can't place Khali in the position of being disliked because he can't fucking chain wrestle either. He isn't made, or built, to do that shit. He's who he is and does what he does, because that's what fits him.

But he doesn't fit the WWE. He shouldn't be there, and wouldn't be if he wasn't from India therefore bringing that fan base.

He isn't going to come out and work a 20 minute match, leaving you breathless. He's going to come out, get hit a few times, club you in the fucking head, win and leave. It might not be entertaining, but it's impressive and dominating, which is what he is!

This is World Wrestling Entertainment. If he's not being entertaining, why's he here?

No, Sly, I'm not grasping straws. But you seem to wanna put words in my mouth all because you can't answer the simple question of..

What makes Khali so awful? You've yet to answer that, other than to say because he can't chain wrestling, he isn't entertaining to you.

Sly? Lawls.

Are you not reading my posts? I didn't even mention chain wrestling. Yet time and again I've told you why he is awful.

Khali's "job" is to be a dominating monster. People hate him because of the same jackass reasons you've given. He isn't like everyone else. He's different, so therefore boring and unentertaining.

Idiotic, Sly, jackass reasons? Stop resorting to this to get your point across. Or are you hoping I'll forget what I'm saying and you'll win this debate that way?Whatever reason you have for it, there's no need.

If Khali added a powerbomb to his moves, or possibly a top rope move of some kind, people would change their opinions really fucking fast. Khali looks boring, and wrestling boring. That doesn't make him shit though. That makes him who he is. He isn't suppose to fucking entertain you with mat wrestling, or chain wrestling. Quick trying to categorize him as such.

He's supposed to entertain people! How are you not understanding this? Have you not yet made the connection between the WWE and entertainment?
Unique and impressive? You call him that simply because he's bigger than every single one of this oponents. There's nothing unique about Khali's skill apart from how bad it is.

I call him that, because noone else is like him. You call Shawn Michaels and John Cena impressive, when several individuals are exactly like them.

Khali is unique. Unique is to be different, whether that's good or bad is another story. Impressive isn't to be entertaining, it's to impress. You can't say he hasn't impressed people, his size alone does that. So who cares if that's all that's there. That's part of why he's there.

He doesn't need in-ring skill to be impressive. You just think that way for some reason. You don't need in-ring skill to be entertaining. Cena is awful with in-ring skills. He has very limited moves, but yet he's one of the highest watched Superstars there are. Andre was very much the same way, years ago.

I have no problem with SHW's, Umaga is a favourite of mine right now. Andre the Giant is one of the best. But Khali is completely bland. There's nothing interesting about him, in any way.

He's bland because he doesn't wear flashy tights. He's uninteresting to you, because he doesn't talk or lose his smile. ;)

You're trying to overlook what he's all about, which is power and size. That's what makes him entertaining. That's what makes him dominating and worth watching. You want to say he's horrible because he can't do all the things others like H.B.K. and Cena can do.. well no crap, he isn't anywhere near them or their skill. But he doesn't have to be, either.

He doesn't entertain. And you can't say that's only my opinion, as you've admitted yourself many people hate him.

People dislike him for the same blind reasons you do though. If you don't give him the opportunity to be something, or rather if you go into watching him with it solidly in your mind already that he looks scary but also sucks.. you'll never like watching him.

Because the guy doesn't do anything other than club people, that's why he isn't "entertaining" to most of you. But that doesn't mean he isn't entertaining in general. Someone said it a while back, look at what Khali did with the Million Dollar Mania thing. That was hilarious and classic. Stupid, sure, but it was funny and it surrounded him.

On the flip side, of course he sucks in the ring. How many times do I have to repeat myself that he isn't built or made to be an in-ring general? He's built to hurt you. He's there to shock you with his power, not his skill level.

But he doesn't fit the WWE. He shouldn't be there, and wouldn't be if he wasn't from India therefore bringing that fan base.

I love how you tell me I can't use something, when you continue to go back with the same "If he wasn't from India he wouldn't be there." Tough crap, he is from India, so we'll never know if that's the only truth or not.

But I'm almost guaranteeing it's not. Khali's size is why he's there. He has no talent, no in-ring skill. I'd of fired him a long, long time ago because of that.. if that were the only reason he'd be useful.

But as it's been pointed out many times. Khali has many uses in this sport, a lot more so than some of the guy's you overlook firing in general. Khali is instantly a Number one contender, even if he's lost every match this year. Why? Because of his size.

Khali can lose to everyone in general, including guys like Tommy Dreamer or Rey Mysterio and yet he can still make superstars by boosting them with a win over him.

Those who entertain on higher levels get the Main Event spots. That's why Jericho & H.B.K. have such a highly viewed program. Why Cena, H.H.H. & Edge are constantly in the Main Event. Khali isn't always in the Main Event, he's rarely in it.. but he's brought in, to help boost people, all so they can defeat him and become even greater.
I call him that, because noone else is like him. You call Shawn Michaels and John Cena impressive, when several individuals are exactly like them.

No one is the same as either of these 2 guys. No one performs like HBK and no one makes money like John Cena. However there are people who coould follow in their footsteps. Why is that such a bad thing? Why is having someone like Jericho classed as making the 2 any less impressive?

He doesn't need in-ring skill to be impressive. You just think that way for some reason. You don't need in-ring skill to be entertaining. Cena is awful with in-ring skills. He has very limited moves, but yet he's one of the highest watched Superstars there are. Andre was very much the same way, years ago.

Why are you hanging on to this one thing? Can you not answer everything else? You don't need tehnical ability to be entertaining I never said that. You can make yourself entertaining by any means necessary. However Khali does not do that. The majority of WWE fans do not find him entertaining.

He's bland because he doesn't wear flashy tights. He's uninteresting to you, because he doesn't talk or lose his smile. ;)

Have you finished with this now? It's coming across as immature, and simply hiding the fact you don't know what else to say.

You're trying to overlook what he's all about, which is power and size. That's what makes him entertaining. That's what makes him dominating and worth watching. You want to say he's horrible because he can't do all the things others like H.B.K. and Cena can do.. well no crap, he isn't anywhere near them or their skill. But he doesn't have to be, either.

And Khali is entertaining, when? He isn't. He is all about power and size. And that can work for some SHW's. However Khali doesn't do this in an entertaining way.

People dislike him for the same blind reasons you do though. If you don't give him the opportunity to be something, or rather if you go into watching him with it solidly in your mind already that he looks scary but also sucks.. you'll never like watching him.

Why would I go into amatch hating someone without seeing them? I've said it before, I have SHW's who I enjoy watching. When I first saw Khali he intrigued me. I was disappointed. So you can't use this argument. Because most people don't begin blindly hating someone without ever seeing them perform.

Because the guy doesn't do anything other than club people, that's why he isn't "entertaining" to most of you. But that doesn't mean he isn't entertaining in general. Someone said it a while back, look at what Khali did with the Million Dollar Mania thing. That was hilarious and classic. Stupid, sure, but it was funny and it surrounded him.

Who cares why he isn't entertaining to us? The point is he isn't. And as an entertainer, that's the whole point of him.

On the flip side, of course he sucks in the ring. How many times do I have to repeat myself that he isn't built or made to be an in-ring general? He's built to hurt you. He's there to shock you with his power, not his skill level.

And how many times do I have to say that's not what I'm looking for? Not all wrestlers can wrestle a technical style. What I look at is if they can entertain using their own style. Khali fails.

I love how you tell me I can't use something, when you continue to go back with the same "If he wasn't from India he wouldn't be there." Tough crap, he is from India, so we'll never know if that's the only truth or not.

But I'm almost guaranteeing it's not. Khali's size is why he's there. He has no talent, no in-ring skill. I'd of fired him a long, long time ago because of that.. if that were the only reason he'd be useful.

And I'm willing to bet it is the reason. Khali brings in a big fan base from India, making McMahon money. Which is why I wouldn't get rid of him. However the reason he has that big fan base isn't due to his abilities, it's due to that being his home.
Khali fits into a role. You have to have guys like him in a fed simply for the fact that real main eventers need to be put over. If Khali squashes everyone on the way to fighting Batista, and Batsista wins, Batista looks impressive.

What is so hard to understand about that? Khali, Snitsky, BDV all serve a purpose in the WWE.

Ichiro doesn't hit home runs, which are exciting, but he gets on base so the homers the guys behind him hit look better.
No one is the same as either of these 2 guys. No one performs like HBK and no one makes money like John Cena. However there are people who coould follow in their footsteps. Why is that such a bad thing? Why is having someone like Jericho classed as making the 2 any less impressive?

Actually, several wrestlers are exactly like Shawn Michaels, especially Chris Jericho. They perform roughly the same, they're both highly entertaining to watch and they both attempt to put on the best matches they can. Meanwhile, Hulk Hogan made the same amount of money for the W.W.F., that John Cena is now making for the W.W.E.. what is your point with these statements though?

I believe you're trying to ask me why it's wrong that they are who they are, when that's the same exact question I've been asking you, regarding Khali. You argue that Khali is only there because of the money he makes via India, yet you turn around and say Cena makes a ton of money himself. Why argue money w/ one guy, then defend it with another?

You say H.B.K. is unique in what he does, when he's actually not. Khali isn't unique in being big. Andre, Big Show and even Kane and the Undertaker are all big. But it's what he does, that sets him apart. He plays his role nicely, and that's what I'm wanting you to look deeper at, which you refuse to, all because you don't see him as entertaining.

But what exactly would you call entertaining?

Why are you hanging on to this one thing? Can you not answer everything else? You don't need tehnical ability to be entertaining I never said that. You can make yourself entertaining by any means necessary. However Khali does not do that. The majority of WWE fans do not find him entertaining.

Why do you claim he isn't entertaining? WHY?! What do you expect him to do, to entertain you?

Have you finished with this now? It's coming across as immature, and simply hiding the fact you don't know what else to say.

I was making a point, actually. One you still didn't get and choose to look at it how you wanted.

And Khali is entertaining, when? He isn't. He is all about power and size. And that can work for some SHW's. However Khali doesn't do this in an entertaining way.

Yes, he actually does. I love how you said it can work with some S.HW's, but the fact is.. it only works for those that are pushed as such. Big Show & Khali are those two guys right now.

Kane, Undertaker, even Umaga. They aren't Super Heavyweights in the understanding of Big Show and Khali. All of those other guys can do several moves and work well with in-ring moves. Big Show can even do a lot of wrestling moves. Khali doesn't have to do them, to get over though. He's over right now, whether you want to believe so or not.

And because of that, clearly he must be entertaining, also whether you want to believe so or not. They wouldn't keep using him in Main Event feuds, and big spots if he wasn't entertaining on some levels.

Why would I go into amatch hating someone without seeing them? I've said it before, I have SHW's who I enjoy watching. When I first saw Khali he intrigued me. I was disappointed. So you can't use this argument. Because most people don't begin blindly hating someone without ever seeing them perform.

Why were you disappointed? What intrigued you about him?

Who cares why he isn't entertaining to us? The point is he isn't. And as an entertainer, that's the whole point of him.

So in other words, your argument has no ground to stand on.. because you have no idea why he doesn't entertain you, other than to go with the flow and merely say he doesn't. That's exactly what I thought, quit trying to debate and argue this with me, until you actually have something to say that's worth my time. :p

As an entertainer, that's the whole point of him?

What exactly do you mean by this?

And how many times do I have to say that's not what I'm looking for? Not all wrestlers can wrestle a technical style. What I look at is if they can entertain using their own style. Khali fails.

No, he actually doesn't. Khali is perfect for his style, and unlike you I'll actually explain why I feel this way.

A.) The Great Khali's size unfortunately doesn't allow him to be very moblie, however where his inabilities come into play.. his positives increase. For example, his size doesn't allow him to be very quick. However he doesn't need to be quick if he gets his hands on you. You'll be dead.

B.) Look. Tell me you wouldn't shit yourself if you were facing him. Whether it's wanting to give in to believing he's actually intimidating, or whether you want to think of real life in the fact that he's actually killed someone in the ring. (albeit by accident) The fact is, his look is very intimidating and that alone makes him great for being who he is, and doing what he does.

C.) Moves. Shawn Michaels for example has to use a ton of moves to get through his matches. His style forces him to have to wrestle 15-25 minute matches, to entertain. Khali doesn't have to waste more than 5 minutes per match to make your jaw drop.

But you have to be willing to accept what he does as different from what someone like Shawn does. Khali picks up someone like Mysterio, and double arm chokeslams him. That's gonna make me go "Holy shit, he just killed him!" Because when I see something like that, it impresses me. Whereas Shawn Michaels does a moonsault off the middle rope, and lands stomach first across the announce table and that makes me go "Holy shit, he just killed himself!"

The point is.. both men have their own way of entertaining. H.B.K. puts his body on the line.. Khali puts his opponent's body on the line. Khali uses power and strength to shock and amaze. H.B.K. uses speed and technical ability.

And I'm willing to bet it is the reason. Khali brings in a big fan base from India, making McMahon money. Which is why I wouldn't get rid of him. However the reason he has that big fan base isn't due to his abilities, it's due to that being his home.

The fuck you say. If you believe that, you really are naive.

Randy Orton is from St. Louis, Missouri. Does that mean the entire state of Missouri would boycott the W.W.E. if they released him? No.

Shawn Michaels is from San Antonio, TX. Same, if he were to leave or quit, would everyone in San Antonio quit watching? No.

Want something bigger, fine.. Bret Hart was Canada's hero. When the W.W.E. fucked him over, did Canada quit watching W.W.E. and jump to W.C.W.? NO. So quit giving me that bottom barrel argument that Khali only has a job because the people in India like that he's from there.

People from all over the globe will watch regardless of who's there or not. If Khali left, it wouldn't hurt that much.. and the only people who'd quit watching, are the same people who likely only watch the show he's on anyways. So again, you're trying to claim Khali's stay in the company is because without him, W.W.E. would lose all of India. That's bogus and completely your own made up theory and opinion.

Khali HELPS bring in money from India, yes.. just like Orton does for St. Louis, and H.B.K. does for Texas.. but without them, those states don't quit watching the W.W.E.
Actually, several wrestlers are exactly like Shawn Michaels, especially Chris Jericho. They perform roughly the same, they're both highly entertaining to watch and they both attempt to put on the best matches they can. Meanwhile, Hulk Hogan made the same amount of money for the W.W.F., that John Cena is now making for the W.W.E.. what is your point with these statements though?

I believe you're trying to ask me why it's wrong that they are who they are, when that's the same exact question I've been asking you, regarding Khali. You argue that Khali is only there because of the money he makes via India, yet you turn around and say Cena makes a ton of money himself. Why argue money w/ one guy, then defend it with another?

You should know fully well defending Cena isn't exactly something I do LOL.
And I'm not disputing Khali being in the WWE. McMahon would be stupid to get rid of him if he truely makes that much money. That doesn't make him any more entertaining.

The difference between how Cena makes money, and how Khali makes money is simple. Cena works to entertain the crowd. Khali is from India.

You say H.B.K. is unique in what he does, when he's actually not. Khali isn't unique in being big. Andre, Big Show and even Kane and the Undertaker are all big. But it's what he does, that sets him apart. He plays his role nicely, and that's what I'm wanting you to look deeper at, which you refuse to, all because you don't see him as entertaining.

All the wrestlers are unique in their own way. The point is how they work with that.

Why do you claim he isn't entertaining? WHY?! What do you expect him to do, to entertain you?

Explain to me how there's something entertaining about a huge man beating on someone, yet with no story being told. Because to me, and many others, there isn't. As I said before, I could go out and watch that in the street. It's not something worth paying my money for.

Why were you disappointed? What intrigued you about him?

He looks intriguing. Like he could have a really interesting character behind him. He doesn't.

A.) The Great Khali's size unfortunately doesn't allow him to be very moblie, however where his inabilities come into play.. his positives increase. For example, his size doesn't allow him to be very quick. However he doesn't need to be quick if he gets his hands on you. You'll be dead.

And why do you find that entertaining?

B.) Look. Tell me you wouldn't shit yourself if you were facing him. Whether it's wanting to give in to believing he's actually intimidating, or whether you want to think of real life in the fact that he's actually killed someone in the ring. (albeit by accident) The fact is, his look is very intimidating and that alone makes him great for being who he is, and doing what he does.

LOL I wouldn't be stupid enough to get in a ring with him. But in all seriousness, yes he does look scary and intimidating. But that's all he has. He's as bad as the divas, only being there because of what he looks like. :p.

C.) Moves. Shawn Michaels for example has to use a ton of moves to get through his matches. His style forces him to have to wrestle 15-25 minute matches, to entertain. Khali doesn't have to waste more than 5 minutes per match to make your jaw drop.

Khali doesn't make my jaw drop. Shawn on the other hand, makes my jaw drop every time he does something in the ring because it's just that damn good.

But you have to be willing to accept what he does as different from what someone like Shawn does. Khali picks up someone like Mysterio, and double arm chokeslams him. That's gonna make me go "Holy shit, he just killed him!" Because when I see something like that, it impresses me. Whereas Shawn Michaels does a moonsault off the middle rope, and lands stomach first across the announce table and that makes me go "Holy shit, he just killed himself!"

Lmao. I see your point about him being different, and different is fine. I like original, and different. But Khali isn't different to the point he's entertaining. He's just different, and he's just there.

The point is.. both men have their own way of entertaining. H.B.K. puts his body on the line.. Khali puts his opponent's body on the line. Khali uses power and strength to shock and amaze. H.B.K. uses speed and technical ability.

And why aren't you understaning Khali isn't entertaining in this way?

Randy Orton is from St. Louis, Missouri. Does that mean the entire state of Missouri would boycott the W.W.E. if they released him? No.

Shawn Michaels is from San Antonio, TX. Same, if he were to leave or quit, would everyone in San Antonio quit watching? No.

Want something bigger, fine.. Bret Hart was Canada's hero. When the W.W.E. fucked him over, did Canada quit watching W.W.E. and jump to W.C.W.? NO. So quit giving me that bottom barrel argument that Khali only has a job because the people in India like that he's from there.

But how many wrestlers are there from India? Khali is a huge thing for them. Most didn't watch before he was there, and probably wouldn't after he left. I don't agree with it, I think it's stupid. But it's the way it'd most likely pan out.
You should know fully well defending Cena isn't exactly something I do LOL.
And I'm not disputing Khali being in the WWE. McMahon would be stupid to get rid of him if he truely makes that much money. That doesn't make him any more entertaining.

The difference between how Cena makes money, and how Khali makes money is simple. Cena works to entertain the crowd. Khali is from India.

Khali is there to be a monster. He needs no intro, can slot straight into anything he damn well likes and needs no build up. Harris, Killings and all the other new guys need time to be build as a threat, Khali is one genetically. Size like that builds you a fear you don't need to build on, it's already there.

Explain to me how there's something entertaining about a huge man beating on someone, yet with no story being told. Because to me, and many others, there isn't. As I said before, I could go out and watch that in the street. It's not something worth paying my money for.

Have you not seen Khali talking on the phone at the Million Dollar Mania...absolutely hilarious.

LOL I wouldn't be stupid enough to get in a ring with him. But in all seriousness, yes he does look scary and intimidating. But that's all he has. He's as bad as the divas, only being there because of what he looks like. :p.

The Divas are there because young men *********e over pictures and hope a boob falls out mid match. Khali is there because he's big, strong and can make Undertaker look vulnerable. The only way Michelle McCool could do that would be if he got an erection and had to walk funny to hide it.

Khali doesn't make my jaw drop. Shawn on the other hand, makes my jaw drop every time he does something in the ring because it's just that damn good.

So the sheer size of the man isn't awe-inspiring? You must be blind. Big Show looks small, how is that not jaw dropping? HBK is jaw-dropping, because you wonder how his wig stays on :shifty:

But how many wrestlers are there from India? Khali is a huge thing for them. Most didn't watch before he was there, and probably wouldn't after he left. I don't agree with it, I think it's stupid. But it's the way it'd most likely pan out.

So he sells in India. Rey's there to sell in Mexico and San Diego, Flair was there to sell to the old-timers, Cena is there to sell to kids. In a pure wrestling sense, none of these men deserve to stay...yet they do. Because they sell. Hate him or not, Khali is damn good at being intimidating and adds a level of fear to previously invincible opponents.
Khali is there to be a monster. He needs no intro, can slot straight into anything he damn well likes and needs no build up. Harris, Killings and all the other new guys need time to be build as a threat, Khali is one genetically. Size like that builds you a fear you don't need to build on, it's already there.

I've already said Khali looks scary. How that makes him entertaining I don't know.

The Divas are there because young men *********e over pictures and hope a boob falls out mid match. Khali is there because he's big, strong and can make Undertaker look vulnerable. The only way Michelle McCool could do that would be if he got an erection and had to walk funny to hide it.

Divas = Chosen for what they look like.
Khali = Chosen for what he looks like.

So the sheer size of the man isn't awe-inspiring? You must be blind. Big Show looks small, how is that not jaw dropping? HBK is jaw-dropping, because you wonder how his wig stays on :shifty:

Lawls. I love how both you and Will have to resort to sly comments abut HBK.

And yes, once again I've admitted to Khali looking interesting to say the least. I just stared the first time I saw him. However, why is that interesting every single time he steps into the ring?

Once you've seen Khali once, the effects wear off.

So he sells in India. Rey's there to sell in Mexico and San Diego, Flair was there to sell to the old-timers, Cena is there to sell to kids. In a pure wrestling sense, none of these men deserve to stay...yet they do. Because they sell. Hate him or not, Khali is damn good at being intimidating and adds a level of fear to previously invincible opponents.

Yes. I've said ot to get rid of Khali, due to him making that money which ultimately is his job. However what's different is how they make money. Flair, Mysterio and Cena have all had to work had to get to where they are inmoney making terms. Khali gets it simply due to the facthe was born in India.
Um...to take a break from Jerry Springer:

I'd like to see Randy Orton get fired, JBL get fired, William Regal get fired, and sorry, but I could care less if Khali got fired.

IMHO, (and obviously, HBK-aholic's) Khali's lack of mic skills, wrestling ability and charisma makes him boring and unentertaining.

I'm sorry, but WWE contradicts themselves when they try to push guys like Batista as superhuman or something, and then he gets knocked out by a slap to the head, or by his head getting squeezed.

At the risk of repeating myself, Khali has no mic skills, no believeable wrestling ability, nor does he have charisma. There is no complicated reason behind us not liking him. That's about it.

I'm speaking only for myself, and listing a bunch of Khali's strong points or accomplishments is not going to change my opinion of him. Maybe if he changed his gimmick up, had a match that lasted more than five minutes, and learned a few more moves, I'd see some potential.

But, he's obviously not going to change to grant my personal wishes, so I'm not going to change my opinion for him.

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