Who should Ryback feed on next?!

Who should Ryback feed on next?

  • CM Punk

  • Tensai

  • Big Show

  • The Miz

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the wrestling god
Ryback has been feeding on a lot of wrestlers, half of those were jobbers. Lately tho he has been facing some reputable wrestlers. Well not so reputable but not jobbers anyway. The WWE universe want to see him face some REAL wrestlers. They are sick of seeing him feeding on jobbers. Some are saying that the WWE might give him a big push and maybe put him in the title picture too. I personally think he will have a feud with CM Punk soon since they both had some confrontations over the last two weeks but hey, this is my opinion. I would love a feud between CM Punk and Ryback. Maybe he will team up with CM Punk and since there are rumors about Nexus returning, they will be the first two fellow Nexus members rejoining? I don't know. Who do you think Ryback should feud with next?
Honestly, it's way too early for Ryback to be facing the wwe champion CM Punk. Sure, have them face each other in a segment or something but the fans are real into Ryback right now, why have him go and face CM Punk and lose the match by a DQ or a false finish? His undefeated streak has got many WWE fans attention. Hopefully Ryback will be moved away from the jobbers, as that was simply.....too easy for him. 2 weeks ago, Miz TV (which is down right terrible) had Booker T on, who introduced Ryback to Miz TV. Ryback tore that set apart. I was thinking/hoping we'd see more of that turning into a feud. I think that because to be dominant, you gotta start from the bottom, and move up the ladder. So he should be done with jobbers, lets see if the miz and ryback can get involved in a feud which the IC title would be at stake. Basically, i just believe that having Ryback face CM Punk now, is too early. It would be a better feud then the usual Cena-Punk rivalry at least for the moment.
I think Drew McIntyre. Ryback already squashed the other two guys, and this feud would help bring Drew back into the mix. They can build Drew up as being a legitimate threat to Ryback, and have the other 2 interfere with the matches. If done right, this feud could last a few months with constant interference and finally having a cage match at one of the PPVs. Both guys can end up looking strong by the feud's end.
A thread already exists on the potential CM Punk/Ryback feud and there are two other threads on him.

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